Must-See Western Movie | Like an Avenging Angel - He terrorized the West in search of the killers

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there it is $40,000 just sitting there waiting for us all we have to do is ride in and get it now this is the main teller's cage he's got a saw off shotgun under the counter barley you'll see never gets his hands on it REM you keep one eye on the sheriff's office across the street and the other on the bank guard here once we're inside I'll move straight to the Vault barley you cover me shouldn't take more than 5 minutes if everything goes right what if it doesn't then it's every man for himself we get back here to the cabin the best way way we can let's get moving Rim are you sure you want to go through with it too late to back out now what if something goes wrong nothing's going to go wrong again we get our hands in that money everything's going to be all right come on re you'll be ready to leave as soon as I get back be careful man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] l [Music] for get those saddle bags and canteens under the horses right what happened what does it look like he's lost a lot of blood we'll have to there isn't time we've got to take time I killed a man at the bank I couldn't help it the fool went for his gun the whole town came alive there's a lot of shooting he can't be moved that we know then we'll have to stay don't be crazy there'll be a posy riding down on this cabin in a few minutes you're not going to leave him we can't take him with us if we do he'll slow us down we'll all be caught what that food he wouldn't leave you maybe not but we got our hands on a lot of money and I'm not going to spend it at the end of a rope I won't leave him and stay stay and watch him drag him out to the nearest tree and hang him no man I won't leave him you're going with us I've always admired this horse besides Remy aor and need it I'm not going to leave him yeah that little Affair is over now it's my turn oh you hold it Farley two of us might get together to spend this money but now's no time to decide it let's go [Music] w [Music] still warm let's go in I heard someone in the bank say those three got away with over $40,000 poor old Billy shot him right through the middle well you wouldn't catch me going for my gun the way he did they could to have the Money Slim says he thinks he hit one of them as they rode out of town one of them's got a hold of him that'll slow him down come on he'll be traveling slow one of wanted come on yeah others where are they it's no good Sheriff you and Charlie get him into the do ter rest of you come with me for any luck Sheriff they headed south of the payro we lost him in the dark he's one of them all right well what do you have to say for yourself mister there not much I can say you plainf face admitt you rode with them that held up the bank didn't do me any good tonight what about the others what about them they rode off and left you didn't they did they man did me that way I'd get even if I could I planned to what names they go by who now you look here at me mister only thing keeping you from a hang rope is that bank shall I be in too honory to die but that don't mean we can't turn that key and keep you jailed up here till the Healer freezes look young man those others they got off with $40,000 so having you means very little to us the important thing is the money meaning meaning that folks about here had almost all they owned in that bank just natural they'd take kindly to you if you was to tell us who the others were where to find them I can't do that you mean you won't I mean I can't can't I don't even know where they are you asking me to believe that you outlawed with those gents I'm not asking you to believe anything but you could give the sheriff here their names their description I did that he might catch up to them before I did well Mr you ain't leaving us much Choice facing a robbery charge alone going to go hard on you that as hard as it's going to go on [Music] there [Music] [Music] I see him [Music] hello Rim hello Billy ain't seen you around much lately I ain't been around that could be a reason coffee yeah not a lonely country out here peaceful though makes a man quiet inside you still killing Billy I'm alive are you much as you I dug a grave for a man back in Palace City a year or so ago folks there were saying words about a hold up how the others rode away Rich let you in jail that a fact something like that you found him yet who Matt Ranken you make good coffee Billy you know that's the trouble with this territory it's too big man goes looking to find somebody can take him near forever yeah thanks for the coffee Ram you tried Gunther Wells [Music] Sun Ain't half high already we got it to scorcher yep it's just too blamed hot in this country getting hotter all the time sure seems that way don't it one of these days so help me Lee I'm going to ride North up toward Montana and that way they say a man can freeze out there that sure would be nice yeah well least ways the heat keeps the peace to blame hot for people to go break in L see at the awkwardly Sheriff look no never saw him [Applause] before morning morning Town seems deserted everybody's in the shade that son Pours Down on a man yeah I hadn't noticed I'm Sheriff Martin this is my Deputy Lee howy howy you got a name Anderson Remington Anderson heard of you where's your hotel down the street on the right just past the salon well be seeing you that's more than likely [Music] yeah it's getting hotter all the [Music] time [Music] for [Music] thought I told you to knock remen Town what I said remen Town you're crazy I tell you I saw him what are we going to do that's up to Rim but we can't just sit here you got any better ideas maybe maybe if you went to him sure sure I'll go to him walk up slap him on the back and say remember me I'm the one who left you behind the one you went to jail for what about the girl what about the girl well leaving REM behind that was bad enough when he finds out that Jan and you have been Farley look he has a fair quarrel with me but I'm not about to get myself dead for somebody else's woman I'm pulling out you ought to do the same I wonder how far you'll get what was that all about rem's in town you haven't forgotten him have you I tried you're a witness to that yeah I guess I am not now man Jan if you've got any ideas about going back to him forget him there's probably only one person in the world he hates more than me you hello Farley okay right look Ram shut up where's Ranken where's Rankin in the saloon Jan Jan's with him all right you get back there and you tell them they're not going to have a chance to run out on me this time sure sure I'll tell him what was that all about he was riding my horse just a minute young fell this town may not look like much to you but we got laws and I enforce them you're going to arrest me Sheriff I figured on it what for I seen that Folly fell riding this horse for near a year Well I got a Bild of sale on this animal description markings brand has even got my initials on his saddle you saying fall stole your horse I'm saying he was riding him meaning you don't intend to charge him with horse sck that's right you need me I'll beat at the hotel what do you make of him cheriff I ain't it all sure well I guess we better go up the saloon and find out if that Farley's got a bill of sale for that animal No need no need nope maybe that Anderson fellow was lying maybe still wouldn't do no harm to check like gu figure if FY had a bill he would have come storing into my office demanding i' do something about it Anderson beat him clear up say that's right never thought of that that's you're a mighty funny way to let a f I know he's riding your horse tell you what Lee you keep an eye on the saloon and that young fell in the hotel I'll be in the office let me know if you see anything out of the ordinary sure thing Sheriff sure going to be a scorcher are you sure that's all he said wa a't that enough you ask me come dark we got to pull out of here A D put us in no but why can't shut up yeah he still hasn't come out of the hotel he will look Rankin I don't know about you but I want to yes sir can you find Billy deal guess so why don't you just shoot him in the back and get it over with what am I supposed to do run you did once well Mr Ranken find [Music] him [Music] Sheriff that woman that uh Miss Janice from the saloon she just went in the hotel she did eh well you told me to let you know if anything out of the ordinary happened that's right I did thanks Lee say you don't suppose she knows that Anderson fell do you he probably does well maybe I better get back and keep my eyes open that's a good idea I'll be out in front of the hotel if you need me Sheriff right that's I had to see you Rim get out Rim I can explain explain you mean there's a reason to run off and leave a half dead man to a posy there's a reason for that I didn't want to leave you but you did didn't you why I I've asked myself that a thousand times couldn't have been the money could it you can't believe that can I I should have left you where I found you in a saloon is that that what you mean now look no no you look I'm every dirty thing you think I am only worse all right so I ran out on you you think you're the first man I've played for a sucker I've rolled drunks in every cheap Saloon in this territory I've cheated and lied my way ever since I can remember and there's not one sin I haven't done at least once but I loved you you're the only clean thing that ever happened to me you wanted to settle down live respectable you wanted to own your own ranch then you had to ruin it by throwing in with Ranken and his kind you wanted to own your own ranch all right but you wanted to steal the money to buy it you're no better than the rest of us I'm sorry I came up here why did you come then why because Ranken sent for Billy deal he's going to blow your head off ram you don't have to believe that [Music] either [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sheriff slow down Lee Billy deals in town Billy just rode in big as life bigger wonder what brings him to town he tied up and went into the saloon you suppose that Farley sent for him cuz he sort about that Anderson fella doing him like he did I it's a thought Farley's a kind of man wouldn't fight his own fight yeah Farley's also the kind of man who wouldn't have enough money to Har Billy to gun a man how old is that boy of yours Lee huh oh he's six say you don't think Billy might be six huh nice to be six six yeah I guess so six nice day today why don't you take him fishing fishing yeah it's a great big bass that just sort of lasers around under that bridge at Higgins Crossing they about the biggest bass I ever seen in these parts oh now Sheriff look that you'll be back before it's dark every dark gone time there's trouble I always have to take the kid fishing son this town's going to be here a long time after I'm gone you can take care of it then you understand yeah I guess so you'll be back before it's dark good luck you know I hate fish hello Billy Ryan you want to see a you heard of REM Anderson yeah he's in town so he's here to kill me so there's $5,000 well it's a lot of money I like living where is he he's staying at the hotel one thing Rankin R you better see he's buried real good he's a friend of mine [Music] [Music] man [Music] [Music] hi Billy R Anderson in the hotel is he he was he ain't now went out where too didn't say just went are you sure yeah yes Billy much obliged thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e hello Billy been looking to find you Rim you found me yeah unbuckle your gun belt Billy throw it down no I can't do that REM I've been paid to kill you I heard 5,000 it's a lot of dollars drop your belt you don't stand a chance against me REM you know that unless of course you already got a gun on me what makes you think I do well I know about gents like you always give a man a full chance even a man like me don't do [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] that your money should it be well I guess I'll have to check the bank see if there've been any big withdrawals lately Billy made a mistake he drew but he wasn't fast enough well since you say this isn't yours and Billy had no relatives but try to use it to make sure we don't raise any more Billy deals in this town I don't like you Ranken I never have I don't like what you in the saloon stand for you going somewhere yeah somewhere you went to see REM didn't you didn't you did you think for one minute that I wouldn't no I guess not did you tell him about us no he still wouldn't have you do you blame him yes I blame him he knew all along what you were what am I mat just what am I a woman a full woman that's had to make her way the best she could right from the ground up and doing it got a little dirt on her you're not all Sunday School in lace but that's not your fault isn't it look Jan it's no good Matt I can lie inside about a lot of things even leaving R like we did but us I can't even explain it to myself how can I explain it to him so you're going to run as far as I can then you go right ahead I never forced you to stay here with me I never will but let me tell you this Jan if you walk through this door you'll have to walk right back through another just like it if it isn't this Saloon it'll be another one if it isn't me it'll be another just like me you may get away living with a high-m minded for a while but you'll be back think about that Jan think about it real good Mr Anderson coffee yeah don't mind thanks I um sure I'm sorry about this us having to lock you up and all here you go doing Billy deal like you did US treating you like a common outlaw truth is we've been trying to get rid of Billy de every since I can remember same goes for ranking in his crowd I ain't at all narrow thinking Mr Anderson but some of the things that goes on up in that Saloon make a man blush all over you wouldn't believe this but there was a time when Gunther Wells was peaceful and quiet to Sunday every day in the week then this ranking comes along next thing you know folks start drinking playing cards fighting cow hooting all over the dog gone place Saturday nights used to send a whole wagon load of them gals from Indian Springs it was worth a man's life to walk by them Swinging Doors I've been after the sheriff to close the place up he claims that no law that says a man can't can't run a drinking Hall maybe he's right where's the sheriff now seeing to it that Billy's put under proper Reverend black will probably read words over him few holies ain't going to help Billy too awful much though more coffee no thanks Lee huh oh leave it open Lee I thought that preacher would never get through talking Anderson yeah you drew in self-defense I can't hold you thanks there are things that you'll keep bothering me though that's all you ride into town you find a missing horse then all of a sudden Billy deal comes along and draws on you you why I wouldn't know wouldn't you can I go now door's open young fell yeah keeping the law in this town is my business I intend to do it no matter what meaning meaning that gunning a man like Billy deal in self-defense is one thing plain killing is allog together something else I remember that you'd better head I'd hate to have to hang [Music] you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I brought the horses they're out back good where's Jan I don't know you don't know what I said you mean she's not going with us that's what I mean I thought you two were straightened out yeah so did I I'm going with you you don't have to run he won't hurt you I don't think anyone could ever hurt me again [Music] la coffee you thinking about REM leave me alone we get a sonor I'll make you forget all about him again may take time and money but I said leave me alone there's no use getting upset you could have stayed behind and REM you might have even taken you back would he what difference would it make you weren't cut out to be a ranch woman it ain't a fit life this is I suppose it's all in how you look at it take Farley there he hadn't met me probably gone through life Hest upstair standing and poor by this time he'd more than likely worked himself to death for somebody else and they'd have to take up a collection to bury him same goes for REM too but you and me we like nice times like back there we had everything money clothes each other there was a while back there I thought you'd forgotten all those crazy ideas about settling down respectable yeah so did I that's what I like about us Jen we want something we take it [Music] lesson [Music] [Music] [Music] R look out [Music] father [Music] is [Music] [Music] I got him [Music] Farley [Music] oh [Music] r r oh [Music] me rank can do this to [Music] you R whatever you think of me you were the one only one we would have been respectable wouldn't We R sure sure you bet me [Music] would [Music] sheriff sheriff sherff what are you doing up this early they've gone ranking and the others pulled out during the night what about Anderson he's gone too Jake the bartender says he thinks they headed for Sonora town oh they'll never get there they got a good head start on us when that sun goes High they'll sure slow them down come on [Music] C [Music] [Applause] [Music] get [Music] [Music] this [Music] a [Music] you sure yeah I know they swung South here now I know where they're headed [Music] oh [Music] they cut off here it looks like well guess we better find us some shade [Music] shade [Music] and un sense my animal if I was you give him a breather Sheriff a we going after him and no [Music] hurry [Music] beats me f tries to do a good job got your trpes at all over the dog gone Countryside I'm up there in that Canyon you can't get them out next thing you want to do is want me to go fishing with it I don't know what I'm going [Music] sit down Lee get out of the [Music] sun Sheriff Lee that bat at Higgins Crossing didn't catch him did you my boy doesn't like fish either come tomorrow what's say we both take a crack at him look Sheriff let's just sitting here ain't they getting away nope you know I hunted all through this country know the ground look that there's a box canyon they rode into it's about a mile deep and wide it's got walls so steep a bird has all he can do to get out of it meaning they'll have to come out the same way they went in one of them [Music] will [Music] [Music] la [Music] pap [Music] get out wait a minute Ram get out [Music] Sheriff yeah [Music] Lee you didn't mean it when you said you were going to do that Anderson fell that way did you didn't I don't seem at all right to me nice fell like that probably had a reason for all this yeah probably but there ain't no reason for killing me well don't guess there is I'd sure hate to have to hang that [Music] boy [Music] is he dead partly what am I supposed to do with him that's up to you Sheriff he killed my woman and you brought him in why I kind of figured you meant what you said about plain killing you did right r finally take good care of him I will he's going to be all right he'll make a good City wish he was in our town yeah yeah so do I
Channel: VLG Cinema
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Keywords: best western movies, classic western movies, cowboy movies, free western movies, full movie, movies, western, western feature films, western movie, western movies, western movies full length, western movies full length free
Id: Z6bWs6POHUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 7sec (4567 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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