Must have unRAID Plugins Part1 The Community Applications Family of Plugins.

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This is the first part of a series of videos where we will take a detailed look at the best 'must have' plugins. The video looks at Squid's community applications family of plugins. This video goes through the main Community applications, CA Auto update, CA Clean AppData, Ca Backup and restore and CA fix common problems.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spaceinvaderone πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just wanted to say thanks for all your videos. I built an unraid server about 1-2 months ago and your videos were really helpful in guiding me through the basics. At first I thought it would just be a JBOD system due to the complexity, but your videos really helped me to take full advantage of a server.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spyrosj πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love your videos mate. Keep up the great work.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AZ_Mountain πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you, cheeseboard, red wine and your video will see me through into 2018 just fine. :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/4Qman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you for posting this video and all of your other videos. I just got my server setup was was looking at how to backup my flash drive and AppData files.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ITziMeow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awesome video. This is one of the things I was struggling with and it helps a ton to have it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kazulveronath πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Your videos are excellent and I look forward to watching them anytime you release them! Thanks and Happy New Year!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bobbyh1ll πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have used you videos extensively to navigate my first unRAID server. Now I can't stop creating VMs for fun. Thank you for everything and happy new year!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ramius87 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

What's your opinion on unbalance?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/forgetfulcoder πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 29 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi guys and welcome to another video this is the first part of a series of videos where we'll look at the best must-have plugins available from raid we'll look at not only installing and configuring them but also using and getting the most out of each plug-in and in this first part of the series we'll be looking at the excellent community Applications family of plugins so let's get started [Music] right so in this video we'll be looking at some of the amazing community applications family of plugins by Andrew Zavadsky aka squid so community applications or CA for short is most commonly known is the plugin that we use to install all the other plugins and docker containers on the unread server well there's actually more to ca than just the apps tab CA is actually a suite of plugins yes so CA installs applications but it can also automatically update the plugins and docker containers after they've been installed as well and also to keep us safe CA can also back things up for us it can back up our app data folder and even clean and remove updater folders from containers that we've long since deleted and with VMs it can automatically backup our XML and libvirt image as well in fact CA can even make full backups of your flash drive should you need it too and there's a lot more too so let's install each plug-in and look at all of its features and how to use them in detail so first we'll look at the main plug-in of CA the daddy which installs all of the rest okay so here we are on a fresh install of unraised and you can see here we've got no plugins installed and we've got no docker containers installed so the first plugin we need to install is obviously community applications so for that we need to click on to install plug-in and you'll see here there's a box to put the URL in and then we click install so to find that URL all we need to do is to go to the unread forums and then scroll down until we come to plugins support and then you click on to that and then we just need to look for the post community applications this will always be a pinned post near the top so let's click onto that and then if you want to scroll down a little bit and here you can see the URL so we're going to copy this URL here and then go back to the server paste it into the box and click install now this will pull down the plug-in and the first thing we'll notice now is we've got an Apps tab at the top which will allow us to install other programs and docker containers so let's click onto it and you'll see here a disclaimer so just click onto that to dismiss the warning and here we are in community applications okay so let's start with what we can see here the most obvious thing is the random app of the day so every time you start up community applications each day will see a couple of new random apps that are displayed from all of the apps that community applications has access to this is a nice feature because we may see something that we wouldn't otherwise look at and think hey let's give it a try this application sounds pretty cool so other than the random apps of the day there's two main ways we can search for applications we can use the search box at the top here so if we wanted to search for a Plex docker container we're just typing the name Plex and then we can scroll through all of the difference Plex containers that we can see and to install an application what we need to do is hover over the hard drive icon here and then click to install now if it's a docker container it will bring up the template which we can fill out to install and then click apply but if it's a plugin it will just automatically install the plug-in as is and once its installed we just click on the done at the bottom here and then that takes us back to community applications and if we look on our docket tab here we can see here that Plex is now installed now another way to search for applications is to click on the folder icon over here if we hover over that for a moment then we can see all the different sections that we've got to install various things so if I wanted to install another media server I could click onto media servers here and then here we can see all the pages of the different media server applications and we can scroll through and choose which ones we might want to install and we can also filter this by subsections as well by clicking onto this icon here you can see we've got video music comic books photos and other as well as that we can change the view by clicking on the binoculars and we can put things as in tables we can have icons with details which is the default or just icons on its own and also we can sort things by repository downloads and author now one really useful feature is the pinning button you see the little pin button here the red pin button if we click on pin this application you notice that will turn green now doing this is a bit like adding them to a shopping cart or a wishlist whereby we can look at them later and install them if we want to now this is a great feature when browsing and very useful so let's pin a few apps now so let's pin MB iPlayer and libera sonic so to get to our pinned applications we need to click on this briefcase icon here and you can see here we've got a few sections we've got available apps which is what we're on now we've got installed apps which is all the apps that we've got installed at the moment and we've got previous apps for previously installed apps and here we've got pinned apps so let's click onto pinned apps and here are the things that I've pinned I want to either look at or install and to install them as before we click onto the hard drive icon now there's one thing here is that after we've installed it when we click done it brings us back to the main page of community applications so to get back to our pinned app we have to again click on briefcase and then pinned applications and you can see now we're back here that this container is still listed as a pinned app so it isn't actually removed once you've installed it and we can see it's installed because now as well as the install icon we've also got an icon to edit the application values and we've got an icon to go to the apps UI so now because we've installed this we can just unpin the app and then when we come back to our pinned apps it's no longer there so in the pinned app section we can just go through and install all of the containers that we want to okay next we'll look at installed apps and here we can see all the apps that are installed on the system and from here we can either reinstall the app should we need to we can edit the template and we can actually understand some here as well so to uninstall an app we just click on to the Red Cross here and then click YES on install so what I'm going to do I'm going to install a few apps from here obviously not community applications and so now let's click on the briefcase icon and now because I've uninstalled some apps I'm gonna have some previous apps available here are all the previous apps that we've had on the system and if I want to install them again I can just click here to reinstall and when we use community applications to install an app that we've previously had on the server it will even fill the template in just as it was before and we don't have to fill it in again which really saves time doing reinstalls and this is particularly useful if for any reason you ever have to recreate your docker image you can just go to community applications and then go to the list of all the previous apps you've had and just reinstall each one quickly without having to fill in templates or anything else like that now let's have a look at some advanced searching features that we can do with CA I'm going to look for a container called porteΓ±o and we can see nothing's found but what we can do is we can enable docker hub searching as well and so to do that we click on the Settings button at the top here and then we have to enable additional search results on docker hub so let's click that to yes and click apply and now let's do the same search again and again it says there's no matching content but this time we've got an icon to actually search from docker hub so let's click onto that and now we've got a list of containers displayed from docker hub and if we click on the icon here it will take us to the corresponding page on docker hub and we can read about the container here if we want to install it we just click on to add then community applications will convert this docker file into a template that's compatible with unread now please remember that this is an advanced feature and often you have to add your own parameters into the template yourself which is beyond the scope of this video so this isn't for the beginner that just as before it will pull down the container and install it onto your server and if we go to our docker tab we can see that the containers installed here ok so that's how you do docker hub searching so now let's install some more plugins from community application suite I'm going to search for CA and now I'm going to click on the author's name here on the first CA application so it lists all of his plugins and the ones I'm going to install for this tutorial is the backup and restore the updater cleanup the auto-update and finally the CA fix common problems now if you notice here that every time we've installed a plug-in and we click done it goes back to the page where the plugins are it doesn't actually reset back to the beginning of community applications like it does when we install the docker container which will always bring us back to this page here now this isn't a fault of community applications it's just the difference between how the plugins and the docker engine works with what happens after either a plug-in or docker container is installed but if you don't like the fact that community applications reloads after you've installed a docker and there's one little tip I can show you for example if we're browsing the downloaded section of community applications what we can do we can scroll through and then if we actually hover over the icon and instead of left clicking it if we right click and then click open link in new tab we can then fill in the templates and install the container and then once it's installed we can just close the tab and we're back where we were on the search so then we can go down and maybe install the next one in the same way so it's quite useful if you've got a few containers in the same section that you might want to install it saves having to do the search all over again so that's how the main community Applications plug-in works so now let's look at the other CA plugins that we just downloaded a moment ago and we'll start with the auto update applications plug-in here so just click onto the icon and what this plug-in does is automatically update our docker containers and our plugins and there are sections where we configure the update settings separately for plugins and docker containers here the settings are really self-explanatory things such as having notifications on updates and you can set here to have all the plugins update automatically or if you have that set to no you can choose specific plugins which you want to have done I personally like to leave mine just set on all of them and here you can set the update frequency from daily weekly and monthly and a custom schedule I like to leave mine on daily and if we go to the docker auto update settings this is pretty much the sakta the same you can either update all of your containers or just selected ones and you can set the frequency for update here as well okay so now let's next look at their backup and restore updater plugin and first we'll see a warning here which basically just warns us that for app data to be backed up it will have to stop and then restart all of our running docker containers so let's just click on OK now the first thing we need to do is to set where our app data share is so for that we just click into this box here and the app data should always be in the cache Drive so click on cash and then app data and now the destination share this is where the plug-in will backup the app data folder to by default it's set for the user shares then community applications app data backup I'm actually going to make a separate share myself for this so I was going to click on two shares and then click open a new tab and it's going to add a share I'm just going to call it backups and now having created that share I'm now going to create three folders inside there and the first one that's going to be called app data backup the second one is going to be called flash drive backup and the third one is going to be called libvirt backup ok so with those creatives let's go back to our settings and choose our destination share so now I'm going to browse through the user and backups and then I'm going to choose the app data folder I created so now all of what app data backups are going to go to here now next if we want to we can exclude certain folders within the app data that we may not want to have backed up and if you wanted to do that you just go through the list here and if I don't want to have env server backed up for instance I'll just tick this and then select exclude selected then you can see it puts it into here I want all of my updater backed up so I'm going to uncheck this and then click this button again and now we can also use compression on our backups which will save us roughly about 50% in size so I'm going to start yes for this and also we can have it verified backups or not verify backups I'm going to leave this on yes now here this is the location where if we want to have our flash drive backed up as well we should select that so I'm going to go to the share that I just created and use the folder flash drive backup and the same here for our Liberty image and for those of you who don't know what to libvirt image is that contains all of your VM XML files and other useful things when you create your VMs so it's very important to keep that backed up so again let's click to select the destination and I'm going to go to the same share and this time I libvirt backup folder here and here we can choose the notification settings by default it's set on errors only I want to have mine on completed only so I know when it's been completed and the next two things here we have custom scripts that we can have run at the start and the completion of the backup I'm going to leave that blank and if you've installed the last plug-in the CA auto updates we can have an auto update after a backup so I'm going to select YES for that as well and time to wait when stopping a nap before killing leave that for 60 seconds unless you find your apps on stopping in time and now here we can setup the backup frequency we can leave it disabled if we want to just run the backups manually I don't have mine backup every week so I'm gonna select weekly and now we can choose a day of the week I'm gonna have mine on a Sunday night I think about one o'clock in the morning okay so now let's click on apply and this is just warning us or anything in the destination folders may be overwritten so make sure you don't have any other data in there okay so now we can backup now if we want to so let's run a backup quickly and we can see the backup and restore is running and now let's look at the backup status and we can now see that the backup of the a plate is complete so now I'm actually going to do I'm actually going to delete my whole app data folder now so we can do a restore and I'm going to do this by command line through the terminal which is now built into the web UI of the latest on radar see okay so I've just deleted the updater share and I can see the app date has gone so now I'm going to create a new share and now I'm going to go back to the plug-in and and click on restore app data and we can see here the backup I want to restore I've got more than one backup there'd be more than one backup in here so then you just click on to restore and this message is just confirming where we're restoring the updater from and to and again we can see the backup from the store's running so let's click on the status again and the restore of update is complete so let's go to the shares and let's have a look at the app later folder now and you'll see in here here's all my updater back as it was ok so let's move on to the next CA plug-in the clean up app data plug-in now what this plug-in does is it checks our app data folder to see if there's off and app data folders present and you can see here there's two here that I have so I'm going to select both of these and click delete selective so this is really useful if you've uninstalled various containers and it's left that data behind it's really easy to clean it up so let's click on to down ok and back to plugins again ok so the last plug-in will look at is fix common problems well it's not a lot to say about this because it does exactly what it says on the tin it finds common problems and suggests his fixes for them so let's click on to the icon and then it will start scanning the system and on my server its found no errors but it has given me a warning because I have an SSD drive it recommends I install the dynamics trim plug-in so let's just fix that now let's go back to fix common problems and we'll rescan and how everything on my servers fine so this is a really useful plugin that can find common problems and give you suggested fixes well so that's the end of the first part of must have unread plugins where we looked at the community application suite well the next part of the video will be out soon where we'll be looking at other great unread plugins as well well until then that's the end of the video and I really hope you liked it and found it useful if you did then please hit the like button and subscribe for more videos if you really like what I'm doing that any donations are really appreciated which you can do from the links in the description or on the channel home page anyway guys wishing you all a great New Year in 2018 and I'll catch you all next time
Channel: Spaceinvader One
Views: 99,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unraid, unraid server, community application, apps tab, lime technology, lime tech, the best unraid plugins, docker, plugins, unraid plugins, must have unraid plugins, linux server, server, home server, nas, docker container, install docker, install plugin, qemu, tutorial, guide, how to, unraid tutorial, Must have unRAID Plugins Part1 The Community Applications Family of Plugins.
Id: su2miwZNuaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2017
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