Must have Switch OLED Accessories for 2023

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hey friends how's it going welcome back to the channel so if you're anything like me and you picked up a switch recently to play Tears the kingdom there's a good chance you're on the lookout for some accessories so today I'm going to be talking about what I think are some of the best ones you can pick up without breaking the bank let's accessorize so first up if you plan on playing any games digitally there's a good chance you'll want to look into an SD card just to improve the storage on your switch and this is the one that I recommend it's the Samsung Evo select also known as Evo plus it's a card that's just constantly recommended as it's one of the best sort of like bang for your bucks in terms of SD cards I believe it does deliver faster read and write speeds than the switch can handle but you're not really spending much extra and if you're going to sell your switch you can use this in something like a steam deck or any other bits of tech and it's going to be nice and quick and just going to be able to perform really well no matter what you're using it on nothing much else to say apart from that really it's kind of boring isn't it the headphones I recommend these the these are the sound Pete's air 3 and they're kind of like airpod style earphones they are absolutely tiny which is great for travel or just slipping in your pocket but more importantly these sound insanely good like I cannot recommend these enough and if you don't know I'm a music teacher in real life and I spend a lot of time listening to different headphones and speakers and stuff so I'm really picky about sound quality and these are insane and they are only 30 quid they have so much more clarity when compared to something like airpods but still retain a good bit of punch with a bass despite not having silicone tips they're incredibly comfortable and I honestly could wear these all day without getting fatigued but they don't fall out of my ears they come in some cool colors as well I've got the black ones but my partner Hammer has these white ones which I think goes with the sort of switch OLED aesthetic really well they have a really good battery life too easily connected up to the switch and they also have a low latency mode for gaming which is absolutely seek for the switch if you want to go for something a little bit more premium you can obviously get something like the Sony xm4s I wanted to keep this accessory list kind of cheap and these are nearly as expensive as the switch OLED so so in my opinion every handheld needs a case and the one I recommend is the tomtok slim case now it has to be said tomtok are very kindly sponsoring this video and look I know what you're thinking but Mike of course you're going to recommend them they sponsor the video you sell out which I do totally get but honest to God I had this in my basket on Amazon when they emailed me asking me to send me one and if you don't believe me they are one of the most highly rated cases on Amazon you can go check out independent reviews for yourself they are honest to God just really really well made really protective and really cheap as well this slim case only cost 15 pounds it's incredibly slim and barely increases the footprint of the switch which is perfect for travel or shoving in a bag but it still feels really solid and protective with this sort of like medium hard shell and I'm very confident that this would endure 99 of daily drops and knocks it has this really nice like soft flap on the inside for God that sounded really wrong but yeah it really nicely protects the screen while it's in the case and on the flip side it has room for 10 game cartridges I went for this white one to match the OLED but they have a ton of really really cool colors in particular the gradient ones look really really cool they also do cases that are designed around the hori split pads in a ton of different variations and sizes and there's so many different ones to choose from uh yeah go check them out and on the tomtuck hype and I also got this awesome sling bag from them too which is absolutely sick for the switch but also just for daily carry as it can fit a ton of stuff aside from the switch in here and it can even just about fit a steam deck as well which is cool it has a shallow front pocket with like a key holder and a couple little compartments a pretty huge Center pocket with a ton of different compartments and the switch fits into this slim back pocket really really well so it leaves all the rest of this space for other bits and pieces a good adjustable strap with this thingy and a wide back pocket for some Slimmer items too and personally I just think it looks really cool like I'm not massively into like the gamer aesthetic and so this is a nice breath of fresh air it's just really clean and minimal and I've been using it for daily carry for the last like two weeks they come in a ton of different sizes as well I went for the smallest one as I like to travel light but they have larger ones to carry laptops they also have ones that are specially built around in deck and like the case they come in a ton of cool colors as well and yeah honestly sponsor aside I think these are really cool and I've wanted one ever since my boy Phil made a video about with his um go check out his video if you want a more in-depth review he makes much better videos than me so just like a case I recommend that everyone gets a screen protector for their switch and my recommendation is the ivola one it's really cheap but it's really really good quality nothing too exciting to say about this seems to work really well it's got some really good reviews on it and it's nice and cheap as well you get three for eight pound on Amazon which is which is pretty sweet but the biggest Plus for me here is how easy this is to install ivola include this really handy like guide to put on as you're installing the protector and it just makes it super easy to install I'm the kind of person that anytime I try to apply a screen protector I get bubbles I don't do it right but with this I've actually done a pretty good job um and that's yeah pretty much because the installation process for this was just so easy um so yeah could not recommend that more possibly my most recommended accessory on this list is going to be this grip by skull andco now I personally love playing in handheld especially with the OLED screen but I don't love the pins and needles that the joy-cons give me I pointed this out in the last video I made and everyone was like Scarlet oh my God so yeah I went ahead and got one and it is unbelievable how much more comfortable it makes to switch it's pretty cheap at 19 pounds it's super light as well doesn't really have much weight and bulk to the console it comes in white blue and red or you can get this absolutely six Zelda Edition which I didn't see when I ordered which I'm really annoyed in myself about it has three different grip handles small medium or large which is great for catering to different hands I go between these medium ones for use around the house and then if I'm taking it out I use the smaller ones as I probably shouldn't be telling you this or advising you do this but the small handles squeeze inside of the tomtot case um I don't know if it will do any damage to the analog sticks it doesn't feel like it to me but yeah it means I can take out traveling I've still got a very small footprint but I still get much better Comfort when compared to just the naked switch a lot of people also recommended the hori split pad and the satisfier grip the reason I picked this over the satisfier grip was because it was quite hard to get in the UK but also you can dock this with the case still on whereas the satisfied grip you can't and the reason I picked this over the horror split pad was one because it was less than half the price two because I can fit the small grips inside the case it just means it's a good bit more portable and third the horror doesn't support gyro which is a bit of a game changer for me as I really like using the gyro with the bow in Zelda and I would have really missed that if I hadn't gone with this now in terms of like a Pro Controller you can obviously go for like the Nintendo one which is super super popular looks really cool and I've also seen a lot of people really Rave about the 8-Bit dough one that looks really nice and clean um but in my humble opinion those are both lame when compared to something as cool as this um this is the Nixie wizard controller as you can tell it's like a GameCube style joy-con and what's cool is you can lift both sides off and connect it to the switch it makes it pretty big but it is pretty cool that it can do that I think it does feel a tiny bit awkward to use when attached to the switch but yeah when we're playing docked I think it works really nicely it has Rumble gyro some nice LEDs rear assignable buttons and Tall effect joysticks so no more stick drift what am I doing and for the most part it feels great the shoulder buttons and the d-pad feel really nice and clicky the full High analog sticks feel really nice how however the face buttons do feel a bit squishy they're not quite up to the standard of something like a PlayStation 5 controller unfortunately it's not a massive issue for me but it's worth bearing in mind now to be fair I do think most people would be better off getting a Pro Controller but for people like me who are very clouded by Nostalgia and I just think this is super cool and it's my go-to controller whenever I'm playing docked now I may name this video something like switch accessories for under fifty dollars which this is a little bit more than that however if you are interested in this you can use code steam deck boys to get 10 off one of these so I think it nearly brings it to fifty dollars it's gonna be close but yeah I apologize if that was a misleading title if I put it in all right so that is my pick out of the best switch accessories I think you should get if you've got one recently I know some of these may have been a bit basic I know a lot of people talk about things like the skull and Co and the tomtok bag and stuff like that but yeah hopefully one or two of them has helped you out a little bit if you think I've missed a really killer accessory and honestly make sure to tell me I'm going to be buying bits and pieces over the next six months as I work my way through Zelda and on the night of Zelda let me know how you're finding it so far if you have picked up recently have you built a big flaming penis guy yet have you been torturing Clorox feel free to let me know all right thanks so much for being here today um I hope you have a really good rest of your day and I'll catch you really soon thanks guys [Music]
Channel: Mike Barnes
Views: 67,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hliegQohQSQ
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Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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