Must Have Streamer tool!

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what up guys i am ice tiger and this is my zone   okay okay that let's just get  back to the video i'll explain why so guys we're gonna be talking today about uh a  stream tool that will upgrade your stream from   what it is to all the way to i know that the  highest level whatever level level 11 12 i   know just just think of the highest level and then  just crank it all the way up but before we do talk   about that i'm just going to give you a bit of  information on why i have not been doing youtube   videos for the longest time and the reason why  for that if you want to jump ahead of it to the   stream at all i'm going to leave a little uh time  bracket thing down below so you guys can click on   that so you can jump to the uh installation as  well but pretty much appreciate you can hear   me out for for a bit thanks so i'm going to  keep this short as short as possibly can be   so i changed my name from len 12 i started gaming  to ice tiger zone because i wanted to branch out   rather just gaming i wanted to branch  out to technology food music literally   anything because that is what i like i didn't  necessarily want to kind of corner myself   to just gaming and from my other videos we have  now upgraded uh webcam so you've got better   visuals lighting uh hopefully you've got audio  so you can hear me a lot better one two one two   one two the side effects of the name change and  also upgrade the stuff it has been a a tough   few months for me so i haven't been necessarily  getting around to kind of doing youtube videos   more focusing on uh real-life stuff as well so now  that i have all this set up as well for you guys i   have time to do youtube videos to help you guys  upgrade your stream and also hopefully put out   a few more videos like shorts and other various  things for you guys so you get the chance to see   a lot more on this channel it's just so i'm  gonna be putting a lot more focus on this channel   now what we're gonna be doing enough of the intro  we are going to be jumping into the tool that   you got that you're here for we're going to be  seeing how we can use stream map bots for your   stream and this this tool is going to give you  either control of your channel points control   of your chat commands even you can use your  voice to command your obs channel sources like   kind of thing so like i said beforehand  with stream but you can control your   channel points you control your chat commands  uh you can even control it using your voice   this stream at all easy to set up because we've  been normally using the thing called leon leon   leon you're on board they're on board i'm guessing  it's lee on board they are on board i'm gonna say   that until i get it correct so we've been using  that tool uh which you guys can check out with my   previous video on how to set up with streamer bot  it is much easier to set up takes less resources and i'm gonna show you how to connect  it and what you can use it for and also   at the end i'm going to give  you something else for free   as a sweet treat so i'm going to  put this into points we're going to   one connect this up to your twitch to connect this  up uh to your obs uh three probably show you guys   how to do some animation and how to connect your  commands to it and four i'm going to give you guys   a little bit of a free sweet treat at what  i have been doing uh for you guys as well so let's jump into it so first thing i'm  going to show you guys how to connect   your streaming bots how to install  it how to connect it to twitch   and also how to connect it up to obs  so you can get run in get started and   next points and if it will show you how to  uh add your commands to as well but we're   going to connect up to obs and twitch so we're  going to show you guys how to do that right now   so first you're going to go on to  which is the uh the link is going to be up here   so i'll leave that down in the comments as well so  first you're going to go on to this link here and   you're going to go on to this lovely button here  which is uh version 0.1.3 they will   be updating it to 0. so 1.4 uh so keep an eye on  that guys it will tell you within the stream bot   to update it but as soon as you click on here you  will start downloading a file which will be this   right here which would be streamer box so what you  are going to do with this you are going to try and   uh download the file onto your machine which you  can right click and go to extract all extract all   and then it will come up with this information  here what you will need is you'll need to install   this application which is streamer dot bot uh if  you don't know how to install or download a file   anything that uh then you know it's pretty  straightforward you double click it and then   open up the file and then just follow the steps to  install onto your machine so once you've installed   a stream dot bot and open it up on your machine  you'll be granted with an application like this   so now what we're going to do is we're going to  connect it up to your twitch and also your obs   so for this instance i have disconnected as a  whole fingers crossed uh it will show you the   correct path if not we'll cross that bridge but  we're going to go to settings we're going to go   to twitch accounts then we're going to go to  connect to twitch there we go so what happens   if it will pop up with this page here which  you go to authorize and it will come with   a lovely message saying you can now close this  window and return to application to continue so   if you want to close it you can do there we go  and go back to streamer bots now what i like to do   on this now this is all connected what i like  to do on this you go auto connect and then go   auto reconnect so what this does is also connect  as soon as you know you open up stream box which   you have to have this running in the background  uh once you open up the actual application   you know it will run straight away and also if it  does disconnect it also reconnects as well which   is an absolute brilliant tool so now what we're  going to do is we're going to go to your obs now   i've already got mine set up so for this i'm going  to show you how you can set up the obs to your   um to your to your streaming box this is where  you need to open up your obs and then once that   obs is running right click you go add and then  with this one you can name it as super amazing   obs so whatever whatever you like to call it uh  you will leave the host leave the ports if you   have a password on your obs uh you'll put on here  you know i don't have one so there's no points   with this one you need to click auto connect  on startup and reconnect on disconnect so   this is the same thing as what we did with the  twitch accounts so i don't need to explain it   but it's just there and i like to keep mine at  20 so that's a shorter retry interval as well   i don't necessarily need to save this because  i've already got it but that's pretty much the   settings i personally use myself you guys can run  with it any questions at all uh please leave a   message in the comments or a like if you like  the video and we're gonna carry on as well so   now we've got streambot that is connected up to uh  your obs and your twitch or your twitch and your   obs is connects up now to stream bots either way  now they are working i'm going to show you guys   a few basic commands on what you can do and  hopefully we'll have some more youtube videos   later on on how we can control using your voice  but at the moment now we're going to use just the   basics for you just so you guys can get set up as  well and then at the end i do have something for   you guys that you can use within your channel  uh using streamer bots with this i'm not gonna   say necessarily say anything apart from you can  use that within you know with stream of what so   there we go so now what i'm going to show you is  some basic commands and what you can do to use   some animation within your channel so you guys  will get the gist of this anyways so we're back   on this page here so i'm going to show you how to  connect up your actions as well as your channel   points and show you what the settings i personally  use for myself to redefine or even to make sure   that it works as well so we're going to go on  actions so once you click on actions as you can   see we do have all the uh commands and also raid  bits and pieces we have here so with my one i have   raid time i've also got chocobo run left kitty  as you can see it's all here for you guys as well   so if you wanted to uh add a uh then at all you  go right click and then you'll click add so this   is if you're going to be adding any uh thing  from your channel so we're going to do chuggable   run this could be anything at all um with your  groups depending on what kind of groups you have   and then also run i like to keep this unticked so  you don't necessarily have to have it ticked at   all and then this will create the action so this  will be long lines of the actions that you would   have on your channel if someone puts in a command  or someone redeems anything with your channel   points as you can see i've already got chocobo  run already and i'm just going to show you guys   how this actually works how to actually do this  command here so as you can see we do that we go we go chocobo black and spell chocobo jumper i'm you know this  this is a command that's just for you guys so   you guys can see and as you can see checkerboard  jump and then if we wanted to add the sub action   so this is where your source will be visible  in the delay and then it kind of vanishes or   other commands so if you right click and add  actions or add action you can scroll down to obs and then as you can see you've got a button for  recording which record now so this one will be set   source availability visibility as you can see here  you've got your scenes you will have to have your   obs up and running for this to work so it'll pick  up all your your scenes and items as well for you   so depending on the animation that you do have  uh where it is within your scenes you can find   this on your obs just scroll down and then you can  pretty much pick the one whereas i think mine is   in the scenes uh let me have a little look it is  so we're gonna do check by run so as you can see   there chocobo run so be visible so yep so if you  have an animation and you know how long it is for   uh then you could do it by here so you go actions  add actions then you go to delay and then it does   go by milliseconds or ms so you can uh time it  based on you know how long your your animation   is to be fair we can find that out okay afterwards  you want to have your animation vanished so   it doesn't kind of keep playing playing through  which will go down to obs and you go to visibility   and then you find out where your source is  so mine's gonna be scenes checkerboard run   and then you go hidden you can use toggle if you  really want to but the way that i've actually been   doing it on my one is gonna be visible and then  hidden and that's pretty much how i have it on my   stream how i had it on mine uh so pretty much  that's how it's laid out but in this case i'm   not going to have that so you can get rid of it  because we've already got one here as you can see   we've got chocobo run so it's visible then you've  got the delay then you've also got the uh hidden   so when we do run that on our stream which you  can connect up to channel points perfect it'll   be you know it will run so now this is all sorted  out what i would recommend for you guys is to save   settings so that's any changes you do have save  settings that'll save it to your streaming bots   and then we can go over to your channel points as  you can see we have a lot of channel points on our   on my wall say our stream on my stream so as you  can see here we do have the choker by run any   channel points you do add on to here  which i'm going to show you guys how to do   uh it will make it straight away so you can go  right click add and then you can write out the   titles so var1 it would have been chocobo jump  and then you can write down a command so this   is going to be a prompt uh for you i think  it's for your viewers as well so you can say chocobo run in across screen run you know either  raw run you can set the the color of it so with   me i always go for uh blue or if i want to have  it change different animation you know you can   have it whatever color you want to go okay you can  also do your redemption skill key so you can see   that this is going to be exactly the same way as  what you would have on twitch uh you can do uh max   per streamer so you can do i know do 2000 either  or 200 either or um and then you've also got um   max in per user per stream i i will keep that as  zero and then you've also got the global countdown   which is in seconds so i like to have it as uh  a minute third or 30 seconds to a minute roughly   and then i you know you guys can keep you know  you don't need to necessarily change this at all   as you can see uh then you've also got your  actions so you go down one nuts right down   the bottom which you made which in this case  my last one i made which is the chocobo run   click checker by run and then you hit okay once  you hit ok this will add the channel points to   your twitch you don't necessarily need to go  into twitch to you know activate this or change   anything it does it automatically for you in this  case i don't necessarily want another chocobo run   uh or chocobo jump uh within my channel but as  you can see it will be all there for so once you   hit okay it will add the channel points to your  channel and then away you go that's it remember   just to save your settings once you click save  your settings you're done so that's pretty much   how to make an action literally a script on your  animation to follow and then how to connect that   animation or action to your channel points so  they work perfectly together if you guys have   any problems at all do leave a comment down in  the comment section and i will go back to you   and help you on that as well i mean this is all  well and dandy if you guys have that connected up   but the main thing is that you need an animation  or you need something on your stream to in a way   level up or even make your stream stand out  from everyone else and you may not even have   an animation or you're struggling to find out what  animation works well with you or even just to find   something for you so the fourth part of this  video is me giving you guys a gift or a a   i don't know what to say so this is where we  come to the fourth point of this video it's   something that i'm going to give to you guys which  is going to be a free animation on my kofi channel   which you can use to your heart's content and  we are going to be adding more to that store   on my link as well link is going to be down in the  comments if you guys want to check that out but   that is something that you can use on your channel  so we are going to use that on your channel so we   do have animations like this one which you got  the lovely lovely little chocobo running around   but the ones i'm going to give to you guys are  going to be so much better so much more at the   moment we only have one or two that's on there at  the moment which is going to be cookie rain and i   think we've also got a cat one as well so you guys  can download that and it's not going to take that   much source on your machine to run so it's such  a small file which is a webm file but if you guys   want to check that out all the information is down  in the comments if you guys like to comment like   or subscribe to this channel uh so we can grow i  can you know i i love doing these videos for you   guys so you can learn and help out as well it  means a hell of a lot and you know if you you   think about anything can be improved do comment  or do message it be much appreciated thank you oh well they understand my hat  look the brush that's so nice   no have it that way i like it that way can we  have it can we get that thing out of the way   hey there we go much better here much better
Channel: IceTigerZone
Views: 174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Youtube, Gaming, Pc, tecnology, play station, social media, streamer, streaming tools, 1000 subscribers, 4000 hours watchtime, YouTube Partner Program, YouTube monetization,, tutorial, streamer tools, streamer tool, streamer bots, how to stream on twitch, streaming tips, twitch streaming tips, icetigerzone, interaction with viewers, games, gamer, youtube, youtube streamer, streamer youtube, Youtube videos, Education, streamer tools 2020, must have tools, twitch
Id: 9yoeDfbNvv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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