Musician's Incredible Modern Tiny House & Mobile Music Studio

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this video is legendary to me

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/awkward-swan 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Tiny?? This is bigger than the majorty of houses where I live. I once shared a house with 4 other students that was a fraction of the size of this place.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Katsuro42 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
life is a professional musician is not without its challenges there's long hours away from home on the road there's lots of practice time and a whole ton of equipment that's needed so if you're a musician wanting to build a tiny house on wheels to accommodate this very unique lifestyle how do you do that today we've traveled to Arkansas to find out [Music] are you lovely to see you thanks for coming by it's absolutely my pleasure oh my gosh this home is incredible yeah it's also really unusual what you've done here with the l-shape and the tiny house on Foundations as well as the tiny house on wheels part yeah it's a little bit different even most tiny houses you see I originally was just gonna have the one on the foundation and then it kind of just kept going and I was like actually maybe we'll have like a little music trailer too and the idea was that I could take the trailer on the road being a musician although I haven't actually moved it yet but how cool that you can do that because you are a professional violinist on here yeah could you tell me a little bit about your work so I play electric violin for a group called the trans-siberian Orchestra play a lot of Christmas shows playing arenas and around the US and being a musician I am on the road a lot I'm so used to living out of suitcases and for the last I would say 10 years I have literally had myself in storage or in people's houses and I just have never felt like I really had a home and I was finally ready to have a place that I could actually call home so I was like what about a tiny house because it's like I don't want something because I'm not around that much but I want something manageable it didn't need a lot of upkeep so this is sort of a perfect option and the location is really interesting to me as well because normally I'm used to seeing tiny houses on wheels that are parked in bet yeah it's an that sort of thing but here you are in a suburban area very very close to the streets as well tell me about the section and how it ended up here so my brother had land in a bunch of different places around Fayetteville and I kind of went driving with him one day I was like this is the place I want it's right on the corner it's like kind of a cool area I was like this is what I want and it really looks perfect here and I love the way that you have situated these homes to have this really lovely outdoor area between them as well I love the porch area because it actually having a small house there's only limited space but this adds a whole new dimension to it and of course I think is actually more square feet than the houses so when I was first designing the the tiny house I really wanted a large porch because the idea was that I could have concerts on the porch and sort of bring the community together and a lot of people were saying you should have the porch on the back for privacy and I absolutely did not want that the whole idea of the porch was to sort of people together and you know how people come up and like wave and and so that's what it's really done it really has served a huge purpose by number one be able have concerts there and number two just making it sort of welcoming where people want to stop by and say hi but the house as well this actually does look quite sizable for a tiny house what other dimensions so this part the main house is on a foundation this is 10 by 40 so it's 400 square feet and this is 8 by 20 so 160 square feet so I guess it's actually not necessarily tiny it's like kind of a gigantic tiny house mansion it certainly feels like a tiny mansion it does the material choices on this home are just beautiful can you tell me a bit about the design decisions on the outside so I did a lot of research when I first started looking at tiny houses and I was online constantly looking at every different kind of material I could use I love the corrugated aluminum I love the black cricket aluminum and then the wood we ended up getting a thing called Abaco wood which is it's beautiful like red wood you can see but I love the result of it it definitely has a very shop very modern feeling doesn't it yeah I wanted like kind of yeah modern contemporary like sleek feel yeah well you've definitely achieved that on the outside and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you built inside thank you here it is Wow this place is insane thank you this is so cool the first thing is walking in you're just absolutely hit by the space it feels so open yeah that was really important to have these really super tall ceilings and then tons of light that was like my number one requirement which is why we have these huge garage doors and then windows all the way around the garage door is such a cool feature that just opens right the way out does it it does yep it opens up so this is like the living room kind of becomes extra big with a porch and when it comes to the size you mentioned this is 10 feet and I'm so used to seeing spaces that are only eight feet wide but you really feel the difference with that extra two feet don't you in just the way that it completely opens up the space and gives you so many more layout options absolutely yeah when I was working with the designer on this house he actually said because you you should go for the up to two feet especially if it's on a foundation make sure you do it's gonna make a huge difference and yeah I really love it and the coffee table there looks like it's got a story to tell it does so this was custom made and it's really cool because this kind of hides away the computers and TV that is cool yeah so my computer hooks up to this TVs there what a clever design I mean this is storage in here is it it's storage I don't know if I want to show you kind of messy right now nothing in there that's nice this is the clean side uh-huh the messy side okay right for this one okay I'm embarrassed but yeah there's like my messy side that's fantastic though I mean it's such a good idea just to have a place like that that you can put things out of the way especially all of your electronics because electronic stuff can clutter up a space so fast yeah and the other thing is I think a lot of people to go tiny they're very smart about their space so their couch would have storage underneath it and I just don't have that I wanted a really nice big couch and I didn't want it to feel like everything had you know a couple different purposes sure so this is where I have my storage instead well one of the places great idea and then your kitchen you said it was big but this is huge it is huge right bigger than my kitchen in New York I'm not surprised loads of prep space in here tons yeah when I was first designing the house I just figured you know I really spends so much time in the kitchen like eating or making food or whatever it is I just want a nice like comfortable kitchen and certainly when it comes to the appliances it doesn't look like you're wanting for anything so that was the other thing and in terms of like going tide I didn't have any small thing so I have a normal sized stove normal size fridge dishwasher everything's normal size which is really unusual for a tiny house and then you've even got a washer/dryer unit there as well yeah and normal size washer/dryer and then this looks like it's got a story to tell what's that doing okay so this is interesting so this was obviously custom made but what this does is you crank it and it lowers and raises the pot rack oh no that's a cool idea can we see it in action yeah okay I love it it's a super novel idea but probably kind of a pain in the butt every day to use I would say that's true yeah I usually keep the pot that I want like down there and then these are just kind of these are for show yeah but especially with all of the height here it really is nice to have found at least some way to actually utilize that space because otherwise it would just be completely open and all just go to waste what's basically storage on my ceiling and you do have a lot of cupboard space in this kitchen as well yeah I do I'm tons of space I would say the one though the one thing that I didn't maybe account for so much in my design is maybe like closet space for example like those over there have my clothes in there I have some clothes in there enclosed your kitchen yes I do Wow a 40 by 10 foot tiny house and you've got clothes in the kitchen drawers or not right like there's gonna be nothing in there if you've got extra space use it why not yeah and then behind that wall there is that we've got your bathrooms my bathroom yeah can we check it out okay so here's the bathroom oh this is beautiful yeah I love the shower thank you yes it's pretty big I would say for a tiny house definitely yeah kind of like the idea of the sort of spa-like bathroom yes doesn't quite work but it's like the wood like the sea green tile on the rocks and stuff I love it yeah the river stone with the wood there it just definitely adds a very spa-like feeling so I didn't say that that was ago and then you've got a normal flushing toilet here as well that's yes bit of a luxury yeah yeah absolutely and it also didn't want it like in normal tiny house you see them and you see like you're on the toilet like this and you're like in the cabinet's right here you're like I'm barely going to bath there's like I don't want that comfortable I totally understand but definitely the size of this bathroom you can certainly do that and with this house as well and guessing you're all just going to turn normal services obviously flushing toilet you can eat it too sewer connected to mains power and water as well yeah it's just a good normal house yes everything's totally easy and then what do you have upstairs this is my left this is lovely do I get what a cozy space yeah this is a one part I sort of was lacking on I feel like because it's on a foundation I could have actually built the ceiling taller to like I should be able to walk up and stand up here so why didn't you do that it happened so quickly that we had to get the plans into the city so by the time we had to submitted the plans it was already done we had to just go with it I think had you have raised this up as well it would have looked very disproportionate wouldn't it yeah from the outside from the outside I wouldn't know what does nice when outside yeah but so given the chance now would you change this it's really hard to say because I love the outside of it so I think I would have made this all the way out so right now you see there's a chunk of the floor missing right I wouldn't mean push that all the way back well your house is absolutely beautiful and I am really really keen to see what you've done the extol with the trailer ok yeah let's go let's check that out I'll show you that so this here is the amp I absolutely love this there's no hiding what this building is all about is there no although I think if you're not a musician you're like what is this thing but musicians got it Wow it's an amp you know does this actually work so it does so these are marine speakers which means that they can get wet and so the sound comes out of those four speakers that's so cool so you can actually pull this up somewhere lift the garage door play the violin and put on a real concert here come here Kelly yeah love it yeah well let's check out the inside see what's going on in there now this is different what's all this about yeah this is my dog area I trained my dog out here we do agility do tricks yeah all kinds of stuff very cold definitely a great space for him out here yep this is crazy I absolutely love it cool thanks in here if you look really closely this is recycled denim in there so it's soundproof and I still have the garage door so when I want I can just open that up and have more light tons of storage closet space here and here all the instruments yeah that's super cool so tell me a bit more about your life as a musician and then also these incredible instruments around me so I string classically and then I got into rock and roll God maybe 18 years ago or something I have a lot of electric violins in here this is a five string violin it's electric and acoustic this one I had like kind of a bunch of my violin idols sigh in the back of this one that's really neat yeah and then you've got some of your albums on the wall here as well I was just reading this one sold more than 2 million copies so this is the group that I play with during the during Christmas time transparent Orchestra so yeah they gave us these 2 million copies of that's incredible congratulations thank you Wow what an accomplishment it's a fun group deployment yeah so what is your group think of what you've done here with the tiny house I think they liked it yeah I've gotten really good feedback musicians really like that the amp space the music room how long have you actually been living in the house now so I bought the house end of 2016 and how are you adjusting to tiny house living I love it there's really not much I would do differently if I had to do it all over again I love the l-shape I love having two separate sort of rooms and especially if I have any one over this other room sort of gives it your space so if my mom's visiting for example she can be in there I can be in here practicing and I'm not disturbing her you know she wants to get away make phone calls she can be in here I can be in there cooking so it really gives it like a whole other room which is not usual in a tiny house now you've done a lot of really unique things here with this home and obviously a lot of very high spec elements in the house do you have any idea what this project cost to complete yeah it was more expensive than I think most we use a lot of really really nice materials so I think it ended up being about 90,000 that's a phenomenal result for this level of finish I think I really wanted this to be my sort of I don't know if it's my forever home or not but I wanted this to be the home I really spend a lot of time in and that I that I can kind of grow into also so for me it was worth spending that money cuz I'm not gonna be just you know getting rid of it any time soon one of the things that's changed since ice our living in the tiny house is I don't have stuff spread across the country I don't have stuff and storage anymore building this house and having this tiny house of my own really is giving me a lot of stability which I don't feel like I've had a lot of in my life being a musician so I have a place to come home to I have pretty much everything I need and want here and I love coming home I like every time I walk in the door I'm like oh my god I can't believe I live here this is the most perfect house for me and I I don't know that I would recommend it to everyone because I everyone's lifestyle is so different from my lifestyle is the perfect the perfect way of living well I absolutely love the style of this home I think you've done such a great job with the house and having the studio just tacked onto it like this completely makes it perfect for you thank you so much for sharing my beautiful home with me thank you thank you thank you with this setup Asha really has created an incredible home for herself from the moment you step inside it's open its light its spacious it's beautiful it's modern it's sleek and then couple that home with this tiny house on wheels that's actually a movable music studio and you can see how this really is the absolute perfect setup for a musician [Music] you
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 6,388,664
Rating: 4.9352531 out of 5
Keywords: custom tiny house, tiny house, tiny home, tiny house on wheels, tiny house music studio, music studio, mobile music studio, musicians tiny house, incredible tiny home tours, violinists tiny house, living big in a tiny house, tiny house tours, tiny house tour, tiny house on foundations, professional musicians home, tiny house movement, tiny house design, tiny house USA, small home, small house movement, minimalism, amp tiny house, Trans Siberian Orchestra, recording studio
Id: cargPBU2Ocs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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