Musician, Comedian, Writer, and Actor Reggie Watts | Spotlight | Code 2021

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[Music] [Music] and now please welcome the stage writer comedian and musician reggie watts [Music] crazy [Music] i'm all good already [Music] thank you thank you very much um my colleague uh just spoke of some of the conditions of our current reality and completely agree there are over 50 000 people in the world currently and that's too many but we can do something different to change the way that we see and perceive who we are over the last three years technologies and various design structures have increased at least 33 percent now people were saying 43 some people were even forecasting a very bold 29 but 33 percent seems to be the consensus at this point architecturally speaking dubai outpaces that of kuala lumpur by over 18.6 percent these numbers are important because it is a gauge for the environmental regulation consolidatory body to come together finally again to some kind of a average agreeance now we know many and we know few when you put them all together that's an amount that is equal to that specific niche within your life now i'm not up here just to be here and spout off a bunch of numbers i also can put letters together and i can make those letters make sense in a language that's generally understood by most of you and uh apply those in various spacings uh in an order that creates meaning now people say to me all the time what's the future going to be like man what's the who are you where are you going hey you want can i have some of that that's the age we live in but you know as confusing as times are uh i'm not like i'm not trying to harsh anybody's mellow not i'm not trying to you know crack your lava lamp not trying to drive your car um at all i don't believe in ghosts i'm not as tall as i seem i don't go for things as much as i used to i'm nearly 78 now and it makes me proud to be a part of the generation known as the relatively greatest generation ever generation z or for the canadians uh generation zed uh where how you know how is it gonna bookend well i've designed a few strategic partnerships with the montego corporation crimson uh crimson tide uh borderlands 3 foundation the division two uh halo infinite and a couple other partners so i want to show you some of this exciting technology we have nanotech is a big word people don't use it enough 3d printing we hear that a lot as well all of the objects here on the stage were 3d printed they were made by organisms that exist in a 3d reality so i think you're going to really enjoy what they came up with and how i interpret what their intention was like to start by introducing this this is the eon 3.6 the eon 3.6 has an artificial intelligence algorithm that's running constantly at over 60 000 teraflops per nanosecond how is this possible this is the state of the art this is the highest resolution reality interpretation machine you can get and it's all been consolidated in a very small form factor that is very convenient and very pretty to look at now this stream this particular device is a cardioid microphone this was developed by innotech in 1933 they believed that fidelity was utmost in in their approach to design so they achieved this but this has been the industry standard for over 17 years now you ask why does this why is this connected to a cable many people ask me that it's because you can't hear anything if this cable is not connected to this device and and i've tried so uh i know um and so yeah so this cable special cable has an impedance converter this kind of makes the line level match with the xlr input as well going out of this particular device we're going into the tandem modular e5660 tandem modular systems have been working on the ability to repeat and augment looped performances so you're going to be hearing what this machine does and this great you're going to be hearing from elon musk oh and alan is a good friend of mine uh i told him this is a i'm sorry to keep you from this for just a second but uh he and i speak relatively often and when he told me like what's next for cars i said well we got to get rid of that steering wheel um and he was like why that's crazy i'm like because it's just too round um so i was just kind of i was just yoking with him and uh and he decided to go for the yoke and uh he fell for it so um but the yolk is a higher it's just a better better design what's better about it it's that when you want to make a three-point turn it's literally impossible to do and and the reason why i suggested this design is because we have to appreciate what we're missing so by creating the yolk steering wheel it's going to make us miss what we are used to every day round is profound yolk is a joke but hey sometimes you got to push it to cook it and if you can't cook it baste it if you've got a broiler try that okay okay hopefully you guys can hear me now can you guys hear me can you hear me as well can you hear me because this is only going out this is using hypersonic sound so it's only targeted towards maybe six people in the room the rest of you should be hearing nothing anybody else can can you hear this okay so i guess it's not working but it's fine um okay here we go so uh i'm gonna start uh by beginning and we'll see where that takes us so this is an example of proprietary software in the wrong hands the thing about proprietary software is ownership is important and having propriety is so cool and uh people think ah we should share everything everything should be open and available to all people and i don't agree i think that holding things up and creating bottlenecks is really important the the more we hold back and create artificial scarcity the better because then people think oh you know and that's the state that we want to be in as humans and it's like no one wants to live in a world where you know all the resources are available thus freeing us up to think about creative things we want to live in a world that feels fragmented and we want to feel adrenaline all the time you know that's when we know that we're alive so uh so i agree with propriety here we go this is it [Music] i'm going to be using an instrument made in sweden the swedes know how to do it laguma not too much not too little i like that philosophy [Music] [Music] my so canada i believe it was one of the first times that we were shown that jet propulsion can be used using ionic phasing ionic phasing is absolutely incredible so we appreciate you thanksgiving is coming up and it's also coming down just uh shanice over there in the corner with her husband glarv off uh is a wonderful friend of mine and uh thank you for joining us shanice um desperate wilkinson in the back uh lead programmer for ai technotics uh welcome uh also i'd like to uh welcome anybody from the verge uh because we're always there we're always there they're there always like oh you know like um uh this next particular sonic uh format is uh created just for you um in in hopes that uh you know something might be different in the past until then i'm going to check and see what we have pre-loaded okay that's interesting okay so this particular piece goes a little like this this is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] um um thank you thank you very much uh in short uh i do believe that there can be a future many people think that we are uh retroactive um many people think that you are that we are uh retroactively moving into the past which is true uh we are simultaneously moving into the past i shouldn't try that but we have a future that we're moving into consolidating hydrogen production whether green or blue is always an interesting mode and modality are we using fuel cells or using direct combustion of hydrogen these are interesting questions and i hope that they're answered in the next few years will lilium work will we be able to create an e-vetol personal taxi network are we going to finally had [Music] i don't know but that's the future i want to live in you know so you know hopefully japan is going to step up and make those make those cartoons a reality now in closing i want to thank everybody here at pop tech to um really think about uh the future and what is important my colleague before uh basically said humanity is i think i'm paraphrasing uh humanity is a bunch of organisms just trying to make it and uh i believe in that and i believe we can do better you know than we already have there's no reason we can't solve any problem because all the engineers in the world can solve any problem it's not that we have a shortage of resources it's just that we have a bunch of people going like the resources are limited and they're not so engineering can really do a lot for our future start thinking like an engineer because that is the only way we can survive thank you poptech you
Channel: Recode
Views: 76
Rating: 3.4000001 out of 5
Id: DS1h4BhkmQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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