Music Theory Basics: Modes and How To Use Them

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what's up everyone okay going bass back to basics today this is kind of how I built my chain modes what's up DJ green arrow before I start I always give my discount code for the day RB 226 today 20% off anything in my store that's why I keep making these videos from you purchasing books be out of book mugs it has all this information in it but it's all in one neat small 461 page PDF that you need to have actually anyways so we're gonna tell you about modes i talked about modes a lot early on in my channel and i have videos on all the modes all the modes of the major scale melodic minor harmonic minor harmonic major and double harmonic major and I also have videos on the diminished scale both the tonic diminished the dominant diminished and if I'm talking too fast you can always stop the video and rewind it anybody says oh this is going this is like a fire hose or whatever stop the video back it up look at it get the V Auto book open it up go to the page modes are right at the beginning after I explain what intervals are that's really it's really starts at the very beginning of what an interval is just simply the distance from one note to the next now here are the modes of the major scale we're gonna talk about and talk about how to practice it whether you're playing on the piano whoops okay that's it good old C major scale there will do this in C major make it easy for you okay so if I write out the modes using the numbers one through seven which would indicate the major scale so I'm gonna do it like this on the guitar I'm gonna go like this C major I'll do it up here one two three four five six seven and then back to one [Music] so anything on this chart is going to be related to the major scale so to get a Dorian scale or the Dorian mode you flat the third and you flat the seventh of the scale so instead of going like this okay instead of pleae up li flat and then play a flat seven it's a flat third four five six flat seven normally be normally would be a major seventh okay so the Dorian mode is a major scale with a flat third and flat seven we'll talk more about this Phrygian scale is a major scale with a flat 2 flat 3 flat 6 flat 7 Lydian scale has the raised 4th or sharp 4 mixolydian has just a flat 7 so as a major scale with a flat 7 you're a Aeolian scale has a flat 3rd whoops flat 6 I'm sorry about that and flat 7 okay and your Locrian mode as I say scale si mode they're interchangeable ok Locrian it has a flat 2 flat 3 flat 5 flat 6 flat 7 almost all flatted at the 4th but these actually if you start and see they all come from different keys ok so if I do this alright C Ionian while C Ionian comes from C major C Dorian C Phrygian Lydian C mixolydian c a.o Lansing Locrian each of these comes through a different parent scale ok so C Ionian obviously comes through C major I'm going to go like this I'll put a C with little thing I'll circle it like that ok C Dorian comes from the key of B flat major ok C Phrygian comes from the key of D flat major C Lydian okay since the 4th mode comes from G major C mixolydian which would be the fifth mode comes from F major see aeolian okay the sixth mode so it comes it's the would be off the sixth note of a particular major scale okay which would be flat major in this case and then see Locrian is built up the seventh note of a major scale so if you just go down a step it's an D flat major so if you were to practice one mode to the next you'd be going from if you played C Ionian then C Dorian that C Phrygian Lydian C mixolydian see Locrian you'd be going from the key of C major to B flat major to D flat major up Phrygian I'm sorry sorry b-flat a-flat major serve at that sorry a-flat major G major F major E flat major D flat major if you look at it it's moving in a flat direction if you think about your circle of fifths your sharp and flat Direction right so flat direction if you go see if you see key of C is there and the key of G flat is here G flat F sharp this way where your flats are is going in a flat direction so mean F you probably can't see this B flat E flat a flat D flat F sharp B a D and G okay this is a sharp direction one sharp two sharp three sharp four sharps five sharps is all to be out of book then six sharps are six flats five flats four flats three flats two flats one flat and then no sharps or flats alright that's no sharps or flats this is six flats or six sharps okay so this moving in flat direction so C major B flat major a flat major G major F major E flat major D flat major okay now how do you practice this and what is this for that's really the key why is this important well it's important because it teaches you where the notes are on your instrument whether it's on the keyboard whether it's on the guitar whether it's on your oboe whatever it also gives you sounds okay when I play this which is the first chord from six feet under that was sent HBO years ago that was written by Thomas Newman this is one sharp four or five that's a flat Lydian triad he flatly and tried eighth Peter how are you so one sharp four five that raised fourth has a certain sound to it that can be described as other worldliness maybe you hear Lydian a lot in movie soundtracks it's just a cop it's just a common sound that people like to use if any time you're here I don't have much room here with a board but any time you hear like this kind of a sound is a is that Lydian sound but really this kind of a set chord would be it's sharp 4 1 2 3 sharp sharp 4 5 6 major 7 ok I'll do it on the guitar be easier to see ok ok so if I were to play a Lydian chord it'd be a chord that would emphasize the sharp 4 so this could be a liddie core this is C major 7 1 major 7 third sharp 4 so there's a scale 1 2 3 sharp 4 5 6 7 8 or 1 and it does again 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 the tonic so so if you play if you're playing a chord like this even like a 6 9 chord [Music] that's a Lydian sound okay I can also play chords that are Lydian chords so I can go like this that would be a Lydian court a beautiful beautiful Lydian sound okay right there so I'm playing am [Music] right I could do this too I could play this simply that's a beautiful Lydian chord C F sharp G so I got one sharp four five five one sharp four five nine three a c6 9 is actually C major seven haha guess what ha mr. haha I love doing that you know I love it love it the ban hammer strikes okay so a six nine chord you can play and then you can play Lydian over it now I just played a major pentatonic a D major pentatonic starting with C in it great sound there you go that's a Lydian sound okay let me tell you a dorian dorian voicing would emphasize that that natural six there's a dorian sound there thank you Richard so Dorian and when I think Dorian I can think all different kind of chords [Music] there's you Dorian there's at six [Music] right that's a durian that would be a great durian sound Ora okay that's durian a Phrygian sound now Phrygian would be something like this I love Phrygian beautiful sound that's where your Spanish town I was gonna like to play that you can use it even on this that's one of my favorite sounds Jonathan ominous us for playing Phrygian [Music] what's up Levi so so that is a Phrygian sound there right it's got the flat to 1 flat 2 flat 3 4 5 flat 6 flat 7 but but if I'm playing C Phrygian I'm really playing a flat major starting at C okay mixolydian now mixolydian is your v mode that could be for dominant sus 4 chords I just did I did Phrygian over it or you can do a mixolydian [Music] or it could be that a dominant sus4 or I'm playing b-flat over see this is a great sound love that or you know you know that's what your dominant that you'd you havin funk I'm putting in a couple passing notes that's your dominant sound [Music] okay then you have a Aeolian one of my favorites that's got the flat sixth in it this would be in what I would call an aioli in sound or a flat six sound 1 2 flat 3 4 5 flat 6 flat 7 [Music] okay that would be an aioli encored you can have a Locrian court - a low-grade court could be a half diminished chord something like this that's there's your sound as a flat five in it beautiful beautiful sound there and then I think I went through all of them okay so how do you practice them okay well there's a couple ways to practice them you can simply start out by playing a playing the chord then playing the scale take a position let's say I'm down here and I say okay Ionian playing I what would be an Ionian voicing well Ionian in order to really know what makes one mode different from another you have to look for where the half steps are in the mode okay so if you take the Ionian mode there's a half step between three and four there's a half step between seven and eight eight is being won okay so those are the important notes there those are the notes that define the mode the half steps in Dorian are between two and flat three and between six and flat seven these are the important notes they give you that dorian sound Phrygian the flat to the one and flat two are very important to the sound and then the five and the flat six are important to that Phrygian sound Lydian is the sharp four and five and then the seven and back to the tonic the one eight is the one mixolydian has the three and four and the six and flat seven notice none of these are occurring in the same places they have their half steps all in different spots Aeolian between two in the flat three in between the 5 and the flat 6 and then Locrian has between the 4 and flat 5 and between the 1 and the flat 2 so those are your those are your notes that that the the scale steps scale degrees that make the modes have their characteristic sound ok so what you can do is you can take one position so if I say C Ionian I could play a sound like this ok okay I have the 4th in there and I have the major 7 [Music] there's my beautiful Ionian Sun it's a major sevenths US for Gordon this can be described described as a vector-based array as Jay said Jay come out we can't confuse as too confusing [Music] Dorian okay so I just played this chord [Music] having to play Dorian I'm gonna play that [Music] I'm gonna play Phrygian then play Lydian a DJ did I say Ionian when I met Lydian well if I did then I didn't mean to say that then so that isn't my Lydian sound okay I could also do Lydian like that [Music] right [Music] mixolydian could be this then we have Aeolian yeah Henry of Locrian or what you can do I'm not sure this is gonna work but you can actually set up a little vamp whoops what'd I just do here okay so I set up a little vamp here this might be too loud so [Music] I'm trying to stay in one position [Music] that's Phrygian here's comes Lydian here comes Aeolian right here ha I must have looped it wrong shoot because that went to mixolydian there wait a second I must have bounced it down around here let me open this back up here one second here where's my Pro Tools here Oh maybe I did something wrong here I thought I had Lydia in here hang on the master fader on here turn this down a bit that and then we get Phrygian and a Lydian oh and then okay mixolydian so I had it right or I mean I just went to the wrong one thank you so here we go then we go to a Dorian [Music] Phrygian then Lydian and mix lien na yo lien and lo green okay that's it so that's kind of a pedestrian way to practice these each of the sounds each of these modes though have a real sound to them okay so by isolating what those important notes are here and this is all in the Beato book by the way coupon code RB two to six twenty percent off everything in my store so when I'm playing Ionian that's my Ionian sound really right I love that that is a great sin that's more of an Ionian Sun I'm accentuating 7a and I'm accentuated I'm using its us for [Music] Neri soul what's up nari [Music] there's my Ionian sound okay so I'm accentuating the three to four and the 7a then Dorian I'm going to accentuate the two to three and the this six to set up two flat seven there it is [Music] all right oh did I skip phrygian again uh no I was on durian okay then door then I phrygian that's that flat - so you uh you wanna there's your phrygian sound that's it that's just a growl of that one flat - four or five you guys have heard that on here before you can also practice patterns in these to just see it you get the fingerings [Music] there's your Phrygian zone Lydian now Lydia I just did a triad pair right there but I'm I want to accentuate the sharp four to five and the and the root a major seventh darude so so that is a great sound right there I'm playing at that one seven one sharp four five love that beautiful beautiful right there right [Music] all right there's your Lydian sound but you can do like I said triad pairs [Music] so I'm doing C and D major C D major in inversion C root position D major [Music] beautiful beautiful sound right there it's Lydian Aeolian one of my favorites right there [Music] so I have my 1 and then 5 and flat 6 and then flat - I'm sorry - and flat 3 beautiful 1 1 5 flat 6 I can do that 1 5 flat 6 and then flat 2 or 2 and flat 3 Thank You Tommy appreciate that hard is [Music] there we go flat 6 5/3 or flat I'm sorry flat 3rd 2 then flat 6 v that's very hard do okay so I'm accentuating those half steps I'm just playing those half steps between their 1 5 flat 6 member so Aeolian we got the 5 and flat 6 we have the 2 and the flat 3 and here's 2 and flat 3 up here I mean yeah but that's C in the base and you really really get that sound ok and then Locrian is that the flat 2 and then then the 4 and the flat 5 okay here's your flat 5 and that's your sound there right so you have to know where these notes are there's your 1 right and your flat 2 then your foreign 1 4 flat 4 flat 5 I'm trying to do them on different strings right so you can I don't want you get tendinitis doing this but you have that half diminished you have 2 half diminish Thank You Pierre half that you have the half diminished arpeggio right in there okay so every one of these have have arpeggios that you can play when you're doing these things okay that you can practice that are out of these if I'm playing in Lydian you have that all those different intervals [Music] there's that's it [Music] love that mixolydian a lot of rock songs are in mixolydian you know [Music] that's the Sun mixolydian aeolian well that's better there's your there's your Aeolian sound right there [Music] whoo I love that and so on and so forth so that's really where you come up with these things this is how they work this is how they practice this is how you practice them what is that exercise well that exercise I just was taking certain notes out of that C Aeolian 1 5 flat 6 [Music] then it's flat 3 2 4 then I did flat 7 to the 3rd [Music] those are really hot hard to play [Music] but I've got that I'm hitting that flat six I'm really really emphasizing that note it's just a great great sound love that flat six sound now all the modes of the melodic minor scale have their own sets of half steps where they are the important notes those those tones that really create these sounds so what you need to do is the next thing you do is you go through those and you go through melodic minor and dorian flat 2 and Lydian Augmented mixolydian sharp 11 mixolydian flat 6 and Locrian natural 2 and altered dominant right Thank You Ivan appreciate that I'm gonna do Genesis Ivan I am gonna do Genesis I was working on Genesis today for my what makes us angry what was I doing uh what was I doing [Music] I love that entangled that's gonna be that's gonna be coming up on one all right this is how you practice over modes this is why they're important this is how you learn them on the your instrument no matter what they are if you're on the piano and your button my piano shut off if you're on the piano and you're oh brother anyways if you're on the piano and it works then you can practice your modes on the piano same thing you play your own you play or append you now I would practice doing them find those target notes right and play those get them in your ear fine find where they are those are really important the and then you've got okay that's our Lydian sound right there I did the sharp four and five and I did the eight seven and eight okay all right can we get a lesson on modal chord progressions please yes you can J all the modes can be found with it from the major scale starting on the tonic correct that's right ed that is correct all right so that's good for today RB two to six 20% off anything in my store this is how I'm able to come on here and make these videos so if you can support the channel or through the Beato club thank you Frank the Beato Club is another way you can support the channel there's extra lessons on their live streams PDFs our platinum thing has been sold out for a long time but that opens up occasionally and we have a new Platinum Plus higher level that's actually more like a consultation for help people with businesses or to help people build their YouTube channels or strategies for promoting yourself as an artist that that we just offered we only have a couple spots for that I don't have a lot of time for it but it's um but check it out you can find out about it by going to to the B Auto Club on my website or go to flat which is aaron's website who's on your moderating that's flat 5 Fla t FIV calm and find out about that you guys are the best subscribe here send my videos to your friends Thank You skid-row I see that's cool appreciate you buying the book any questions put them in the comments give the think video like and subscribe you guys are awesome alright thank you
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 213,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music theory, guitar lesson, major scale, music lesson, guitar modes, music modes, guitar lessons for intermediate players, Modes of the major Scale, Modal Scals, Music Theory Modes
Id: NP6jla-xUOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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