Music Monday 2021 | Children's Corner

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welcome to the music monday 2021 children's corner the coalition for music education in canada is excited to share some wonderful music and activities for young audiences created by our partners and friends thank you for celebrating music monday hey happy music monday canada i love music i'm so grateful to music for all the opportunities it's given me because of you music i've been able to travel all around the globe i've been able to play with symphony orchestras around the world i've been able to share ideas that i really care about with audiences and with people because of music so enjoy the song called fiddle fire all about having fun with music and have a great music monday [Music] [Music] fiddle fire [Music] piano [Music] let's hear some stride on the ivories with rolling bass and a trouble tease sing to the tin pen alley ramo take us back in time [Music] [Music] and the clavice got the washboard and the hand drum grab a pot and a little to blow across a bottle bang some spoons if you ain't got nothing clap your hands we'll make an old time [Music] fiddle fire [Music] fiddle fire [Music] huh [Music] fiddle fire [Music] drums [Music] fiddle fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] hi friends i'm teacher jillian and i'm here at the vso school of music and i was hoping that i could sing some songs with you today and teach you a little bit of music could we do that together fantastic all right we're going to start by singing my hello song can you put your hands on your knees and we're gonna tap to the beat tap to the beat here we go welcome to music time this is where we sing and rhyme hello hello everyone join the circle join the fun yay did you do the actions with me did you make a great big circle with your arms when i sang join the circle and then did you clap your hands together for join the fun should we try that one more time here we go let's tap to the beat tap to the beat welcome to music time this is where we sing and rhyme hello hello everyone join the circle join my fun yay great actions everybody well done now let's do another couple of warm-ups before we get into our singing so i wondered if you could show me some roly-poly hands can you do roly-polies with your arms oh let's see and we'll say rolly polly rolly polly up up up rollie polly rolly polly don't don't don't roly poly roly-poly out out out rowley pulling roly-poly in in in roly-poly roly-poly don't get in a model roly-poly roly-poly give yourself a cuddle yay oh what a nice cuddle that was and those were such good roly-poly hands i wonder maybe i could teach you one more song that has some roly-poly hands in it it's one of my favorites it's called wind the bobbin up yeah and it's got some other actions as well let's practice we have to pull and pull again pull yes and can you point up to the ceiling and can you point down to the floor oh yes and where you are have you got some windows yes let's point to the windows and point to the door yes wherever that is in your house well done i think you're ready for the song get your roly-poly hands ready and we'll sing wind the bobbin up wind the bobbin up pull paw clap clap clap wind it back again wind it back again pull pull clap clap clap point to the ceiling point to the floor point to the window point to the door clap your hands together one two three put your hands up on your knees yay what great actions everyone great job all right let's do one more little warm-up can you stretch out your fingers really really really wide and i'm going to sing magic fingers hide away how many fingers come to play one two three four five oh yes five fingers have come to play now i'd like to teach you my very favorite rhyme it's called five little peas i wonder if you know this one okay follow my actions stretch out your five fingers and we'll say five little peas in a pea pod press one grew two grew and so did all the rest they grew and they grew and they did not stop until one day those peas went pop did your peas go good job my friends well done oh i like that now i've brought some friends with me today some of my friends are over here behind me and i thought that i'd introduce them to you so first of all let me show you my very very special glove oh what's this glove oh friends it's a great big red barn yes we are on a farm oh yes and i wonder what animals we might find on the farm what friends might live on the farm hmm i'm gonna have a little look in the barn here see if i can find somebody oh oh friends i have found a cow oh do you know what a cow says does a cow say yes yes this cow says and i'm gonna teach you a song called when cows get up in the morning it goes like this get ready to moo here we go when the cows get up in the morning they say good day good day when cows get up in the morning they say good day good day moo moo moo moo that is what they say moo that is what they say great mooing my friends now let's see who else might be on the farm oh i found a cat yes i have a cat at home that looks just like this yes okay let's sing about the cat on the farm here we go when the cats get up in the morning they say good day good day when cats get up in the morning they say good day good day meow meow meow meow that is what they say meow meow meow meow that is what they say oh friends let's see who else is on the farm oh i found a dog what does a dog say woof woof yes here we go when dogs get up in the morning they say good day good day when dogs get up in the morning they say good day good day here we go [Music] that is what they say okay let's see a couple more animals who else might we find on the farm it's a sheep yes we all know what a sheep says here we go when sheep get up in the morning they say good day good day when sheep get up in the morning they say good day good day is what they say that is what they say fantastic oh i think there might be one more animal on the farm today oh it's a duck quack quack when ducks get up in the morning they say good day good day when ducks get up in the morning they say good day good day here we go quack quack quack quack that is what they say quack quack quack quack that is what they say yay let's say bye bye to all our lovely farm friends there goes the cow and the cat meow and the dog and the sheep and finally quack bye bye mr duck there they go thank you friends for helping me with all those animal sounds we'll put the farm to sleep now but i do have another farm animal that we didn't see can you see my friend percy pig yes this is percy pig and in fact percy pig is a musical instrument called aguero yes and percy has a little stick here and i can tap his body to make a sound [Applause] friends do you think we could practice let's listen to what percy has to say have a listen and then clap back what you hear so if you hear we go clap clap clap oh you've got it well done now i'm gonna teach you percy's song yes okay let's sway side to side side to side percy is a pig who likes to hear you sing say hello percy hello percy listen very closely to what he has to say and then you'll clap your hands here we go listening [Applause] yes and percy also has another sound he has a very bumpy back and when i tickle his back could you clap your hands as fast as you can possibly clap are you ready here we go oh percy loved that well done my friends all right let's pop percy down because i in fact have another musical instrument to show you now let's see what's it going to be oh you might have a little hint over here it's the letter v v is for violin oh yes v is for violin and i'm going to show you my vile limb yes here it is oh would you like to hear what it sounds like let me play you a little song sounds like this [Music] my yes that's a song called victor violin shall we sing it together let's sway side to side side to side it goes victor violin has four strings hear him sing he can hold a note with his bow watch him go when he needs a rest put him back inside his case good night victor violin yes so that song has told us about the violin it has four strings one two three four yes and it has a bow yes this is the bow that draws across the string to make the beautiful sound fantastic all right well i think victor violin is a little tired yes and the song said let's put him back inside his case so here we go there goes victor violin and speaking of sleepy things let me show you what we've got oh friends who's this it's sally the sleepy snail yes there she is she's very very sleepy so before i teach you sally's song maybe we could do a little rhyme together let me put sally down for a moment and i wonder if you could make a little snail with your finger and it could crawl right up your arm now do snails move fast or slow hmm sally the sleepy snail do you know i think snails move very slowly shall we try here we go we'll go slowly slowly very slowly creeps the garden snail slowly slowly very slowly along the garden trail yes and do you know an animal that moves very very fast can you think of something a very little one that moves really really fast it's a mouse oh yes can you make a mouse with your hand and move really really really fast here we go faster faster faster faster goes the little mouse faster faster faster fester brandon rent his house faster faster faster faster goes the little mouse faster faster faster faster round and round his house oh let's do the slow snail again here we go slowly slowly very slowly creeps the garden snail slowly slowly very slowly along the garden trail fantastic i think we're ready for sally the sleepy snail now i wonder have you got a stuffy at your house do you have a stuffy let's see i've got i'm gonna take my big bunny here and give him a great big cuddle and you can close your eyes give your stuffy a cuddle and i will sing them the lullaby called sally the sleepy snail it goes like this sally is a sleepy snail stars bright outside sleepy sleepy sally snail moonlight fills the sky dreaming of a garden trail sun high outside flowers dreams and sunny days sleepy sally's snail is your stuffy asleep oh i think my bunny is i'm gonna pop her down and then we're gonna sing a quick goodbye song to each other are you ready friends thank you so much for joining me today i had so much fun with you can we tap to the beat tap to the beat here we go goodbye everyone goodbye everyone glad that you could come goodbye everyone goodbye everyone glad that you could come [Music] see you all next time thank you so much for joining me here at the vso school of music and we'll see you all again soon bye [Music] hi everybody i'm fred penner i am delighted to be participating in the 2021 music monday right for a very important reason this is an opportunity to make a powerful statement to canadians about the importance of equitable access to quality education music education for all students quite simply that's what it is and i have a song that i want to share with you a song that states my feeling about music monday since 2005 a song called proud you've got to be proud of the people around you proud of the things that you do proud of your dreams and feelings inside never afraid to let them shine through no never afraid to make them come true look at a child learning to walk making the sounds starting to talk finding something new each day there's only one thing to say you've got to be proud of the people around you proud of the things that you do proud of your dreams and feelings inside never afraid to let them shine through no never afraid to make them come true writing a song reciting a rhyme helping a friend through a difficult time anything done with all your heart that's a perfect place to start you've got to be proud of the people around you proud of the things that you do proud of your dreams and feelings inside never afraid to let them shine through no never afraid to make them come true [Music] knowing you did the best that you could the end of a journey makes you feel good a mom and dad their baby's birth is the greatest pride on earth you've got to be proud of the people around you proud of the things that you do proud of your dreams and feelings inside never afraid to let them shine through no never afraid to make them come true never afraid to let them shine through no never afraid to make them come true you've got to be proud [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: CoalitionCanada
Views: 1,608
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 9k_7b7ZXRzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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