Sound of Music - 40th Reunion - Julie Andrews & 7 Children

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[Music] well it still gives you goosebumps with the sound of music five Academy Awards including Best Picture and if it didn't win I would never gone to another movie this year The Sound of Music is 40 years old it stars well they all stayed the same age the 40th anniversary DVD is hitting stores next Tuesday and it has all kinds of extras the cast they've gotten together again for the first time in 20 years to celebrate with new bells and whistles on this DVD and joining us Julie Andrews Julie and there she is who as Maria von Trapp bought light and music into the lives of the 7 Von Trapp children who are all here Lisl played by Charmian car Brigitta Angela Cartwright the eldest son Friedrich played by Nicholas Hammond the baby of the family Gretel that's Kim correct Martha who was played by Debbie Turner Kurt who was played by Dwayne chase and Louisa played by Heather Menzies Fuhrer [Applause] great to see everybody all grown up because you're soaked as we seen watch on videotape and you're all still every time Julie I watched the movie I see the opening scene you're on the hills you're singing yeah and then there's that incredible shot and I'm thinking why don't I hear the helicopter yeah we didn't I saw it believe me and I felt it every time the helicopter went around to do one more shot the downdraft from the Jets just leveled me into the graphic and did the helicopter pilot nobody was doing - yeah but not really because I kept asking him to go wider and wider knee I just got a thumbs up you know good job they look terrific they're lying on the ground there must be some way yeah they do indeed show you on the EPK with the helicopter going around yeah yeah are they on the extras on the DVD now this was 1965 yes if memory serves in 1962 you did that famous Carnegie Hall concert with Mary Martin with Carol Burnett terribly I'm fed Mary Martin very heart wasn't but he was in the original production yes I'm thinking of the original production employment you did it with Carol Burnett and you spoofed you spoofed sound of me but who knew then I want to play a little clip of that great girls [Music] but I used to sing when I was a happy man back home eh of you and the range of professions from floral design to production companies to computer engineering is amazing but someone is not here and that's Christopher Plummer yes he's making a movie and he's making history in spirit now I wanted to say do you know who helped write that spoof no Mike there's nothing sacred that he doesn't surprise in his life but we're gonna hear from him in a minute but first we were all I think going on sixteen going on seventeen is probably you sang sharmeen you sang sixteen going on seventeen because it wouldn't have sounded right if you'd actually sung what was true was I am 21 going on 22 but that's what you were at the time you all had to play different ages well nothing you really were but I was gonna ask you Sherman because is it true that Christopher plover didn't really didn't like working with kids very much and called it the sound of mucus because he thought it was gonna be so sweet and so saccharine which of course it turned out not to be at all yeah wonder thanks to him - yeah really if he hadn't added that strength and blows yeah nine months of shooting and I understand you grew six inches in this I started out five foot three and ended up at five foot nine horse sharni and the others because we had to stay in a line and I started out you know weak lifts in my shoes and by the end I was in no shoes and if we really watch closely can we see that well you can see the hair color changing tell me you you and Kim should tell me about Kim you'll have to talk into my microphone about the water scene and the boat flipping over oh that was a lots of fun because she didn't know how to swim you didn't know and did not know how I mean I still not very fond of the water after that experience I had to carry her out of the water because she couldn't swim [Music] my sister's ex-husband actually yeah well what you don't know is that they said just before the take the little one can't swim please fall to the front of the boat so that you can get to her quickly and of course I went right out the back and said I do want to play the tape of Kris plumber because he wanted to be here so much something he wanted to say to all you here is super suddenly the press started to kind of mysteriously crowd around the set all the time and there was always someone showing up some call you missed some showing up to do interviews over and I've said to Julia my god what is what is all this it's this sort of smells like this is maybe gonna be a hint and she said well maybe it is and I shouldn't we both might be famous and that was our other conversation we were kidding around you know and of course it happened boy did that he said he wanted to send you love now Julie as I understand when you rolled with this high taught you to say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious backward wait a microphone one more time dosis lax ballistic tragically room very first thing we did together was the first time she sent us down by teaching us songs from well I also total some wonderful joke good and then repeatable and morning tell maybe not all jokes that you should have been telling a five-year-old well we should finish this we should all say to what would you like to do what you should say all joy if you start us off we want you to start us off and then we'll all join in whatever you decide to do mom which song would you like to do what will it be I think yes my favorite let's do it over oh good I was hoping we're gonna say this out really you meet us off into this Charlie everything Hey Oh why's less my oh my [Applause]
Channel: uminotokei
Views: 6,424,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sound, of, music, Julie, Andrews
Id: i0VFC704wI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 15 2008
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