'Mushroom Massacre' Cook Makes Statement that Hurts Her Case | Erin Patterson Update and Analysis

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so this is Dr Grande today's question is can I offer an update on the case of Aaron Patterson just a reminder I'm not diagnosing about this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I'll put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll offer a brief background of this case an updated timeline of the incident then move to an updated analysis in 2023 48 year old Aaron Patterson lived in the town of liangafa Victoria Australia this town of 5800 people is about two hours southeast of Melbourne Aaron had been married to a man named Simon Patterson but they separated the couple had two children now moving to the timeline of the incident at the time making this video this case is ongoing there have been several contradictions between Aaron's story and what the police are saying I will point out these contradictions as I move through the timeline on Saturday July 29 2023 Aaron Patterson hosted a lunch at her house and invited several people including her estranged husband Simon his parents Don and Gail Patterson both 70 years old Gail's 66 year old sister Heather Wilkinson and Heather's 68 year old husband Ian Wilkinson at the last minute Simon decided not to attend the lunch although Aaron claimed that she knew before the day of the lunch that Simon would not be attending the police said that Aaron's two children also attended the lunch but Aaron claimed that the children were actually at the movies according to someone who was acquainted with Aaron the lunch may have represented an effort by Aaron to win back her estranged husband Simon like she was trying to make her case to Simon's parents Aaron has a different story she made it seem as though she did not want to get back together with Simon Aaron claimed that she nursed him back to health after he became mysteriously ill in May of 2022 she advised him at that time that she was not interested in reconciliation the lunch that Aaron was hosting went forward with a total of five attendees Aaron Don Gail Heather and Ian Aaron served Beef Wellington made with mushrooms she claimed that she served her guests first before making a plate for herself they all ate the same meal unfortunately the meal would turn out to be beef not so Wellington several hours later around midnight Aaron's four lunch guests became sick and went to the hospital initially Physicians suspected food poisoning but then it became clear that the situation was much more serious all four of the people were transported to a hospital in Northeast Melbourne on August 4 2023 six days after the lunch Gail Patterson and Heather Wilkinson died in the hospital the next day Don Patterson died as well at the time making this video Ian Wilkinson is in critical condition he is going to need a liver transplant here's what the police found during their investigation the symptoms of the four victims were consistent with consuming death cap mushrooms this is an incredibly dangerous mushroom responsible for 90 percent of lethal mushroom poisoning globally Aaron told the police that she ate the same meal as the four people who became sick as I mentioned she stated that on July 31 she was transported by ambulance from the leungatha hospital to a hospital in Melbourne because she had stomach pains and diarrhea Aaron was treated with liver protecting medication before being discharged media sources were able to confirm that on July 30 a fifth person showed up at the liangafa hospital with suspected food poisoning the person later returned and was sent to another hospital this is consistent with the story that Aaron is telling Aaron said that her children ate Beef Wellington as leftovers but Aaron scraped the mushrooms off prior to serving the meal to them because they did not like mushrooms neither one of her children became ill Aaron claimed that she had purchased button mushrooms from a major supermarket chain store and dried mushrooms from an Asian grocery store in the amount Waverly section of Melbourne the latter purchase was made several months ago and Aaron could not remember the name of the store she claimed that the label on the mushroom package was handwritten it seems odd that she could remember that detail but not the location of the store Aaron said quote I am now devastated to think that these mushrooms may have contributed to the illness suffered by my loved ones I really want to repeat that I had absolutely no reason to hurt these people whom I loved unquote the day after the lunch July 30 Aaron went to a transfer station and disposed of a food dehydrator this was the same day that she initially went to the local hospital it sounds like it was a busy day Aaron initially told the police that she had thrown away the food dehydrator a long time ago but of course this was not true she later admitted that she lied to the police Aaron explained herself in this way when she was at the hospital her estranged husband Simon falsely accused her being responsible for the poisoning when referring to the food dehydrator he allegedly asked her quote is that what you used to poison them unquote this accusation caused Aaron to panic and dispose of the appliance she claimed that she was afraid of losing custody of her children reportedly Aaron handed over the remains of the beef wellington to the authorities so they could perform an analysis of it the police are treating Aaron Patterson as a person of interest in this case but she has not been charged with a crime now moving to my analysis in my first video about this case I talked about how based on the evidence available at that time Aaron Patterson was probably responsible in my opinion I will conduct this analysis again including the updated information let's take a look at the evidence both foreign against the idea that Aaron Patterson was responsible for the deaths starting with the inculpatory factors Aaron was separated from Simon but there were two different stories about whether reconciliation was possible if the lunch was really about Simon's parents evaluating Aaron's Fitness as a romantic partner maybe Aaron decided to eliminate the judges as a side note considering the Fatal outcome I doubt that Aaron passed the Romantic partner fitness test Simon became seriously ill in May of 2022 and spent 21 days in intensive care the cause of his illness is a mystery in addition Simon generally did not feel well after spending time with Aaron Aaron said that she reluctantly nursed Simon back to health after he was released from the hospital maybe Aaron was responsible for Simon getting sick in the first place this could have been an effort to play the hero like she wanted to show him that she would care for him when he needed her Simon's parents could have been killed for a similar hero-related motive it gave Aaron an opportunity to comfort Simon during his time of loss acquaintances of Aaron referred to her as an experienced forager of mushrooms it's hard to believe that Aaron would make a fatal error with something that she understood so well Aaron prepared the meal that caused the death of the lunch attendees it was her responsibility to serve a non-lethal lunch Aaron claimed that she consumed the same meal as her guests yet she did not die she may have gone to the hospital and been treated but she was discharged quickly did she actually get poisoned or did the hospital staff treat her out of an abundance of caution did they actually detect poison using any type of test or was there treatment based on Aaron's self-report if Aaron was actually poisoned maybe she consumed some of the mushrooms deliberately in order to look less guilty Aaron disposed of the food dehydrator on the same day that she initially went to the hospital was she really feeling ill she wasn't feeling badly enough to prevent her from concealing evidence Aaron lied to the police about when she disposed of the food dehydrator she claimed that her deception was caused by a fear of losing her children but going to prison for murder would also cause her to lose her children her excuse for being deceptive does not make any sense a more likely explanation is that she was lying to escape responsibility for a bad Act Aaron's story about how she obtained the lethal mushrooms is difficult to believe she remembered where she purchased the button mushrooms the non-lethal mushrooms but she could not remember where she purchased the lethal mushrooms of all the details that are important to this case she failed to remember the one thing that could resolve the entire situation in theory identifying the store could exonerate Aaron one would think that she would retrace her steps check her cell phone records check her credit card statements reconstruct her movements Aaron should be working to find any way possible to identify that particular Asian grocery store conveniently the purchase of the lethal mushrooms was made months before the incident which will make it more difficult for the police to locate the mysterious store Aaron does not appear to have memory problems in other areas why can't she remember this important detail she was able to remember that the label on the mushroom package was handwritten but not the location of the store if there was really a grocery store selling lethal mushrooms why hasn't anyone else become sick Aaron waited months before serving the mushrooms in theory most people would have cooked them right after making the purchase there should have been fatalities connected to the sale of those mushrooms prior to the lunch incident moving to the exculpatory factors in the initial reports about this case the police said that Aaron's children were at the lunch according to Aaron her children were at the movies if Aaron is telling the truth and I would think the police could verify this this explains why her children were not at the lunch similarly not many children like mushrooms so the story about scraping the mushrooms off the beef wellington is believable there is still the mystery of why Aaron survived but by eliminating the questions around her children's survival Aaron helped her case Aaron said that she handed over the beef wellington to be examined by the authorities if this is true it supports the idea that she is innocent Aaron went to the hospital to be treated for symptoms consistent with being poisoned by mushrooms perhaps she was simply another victim and was in Mortal danger like everyone else at the lunch Aaron did not appear to be particularly well prepared to commit multiple murders for example why did she throw away the food dehydrator after people started getting sick she would have known that they were going to get sick why not get rid of that device in advance when considering the evidence that is available in this case so far do I still believe that Aaron Patterson was responsible for the deaths yes I still believe that she was responsible the new information did not help her case overall I think it actually hurt her case quite a bit Aaron admitted to lying about the food dehydrator and offered an unlikely story about not remembering where she purchased the lethal mushrooms I am not convinced of her guilt Beyond A Reasonable Doubt at this point but again I think in reality she was probably responsible it's important to note that Aaron has not been charged with any crime and the police have said that she could be very innocent if Aaron is very innocent in this case she has also been very unlucky I think there are a few possibilities to consider outside of a murder plot or being innocent for example maybe Aaron only wanted her victims to get sick but she ended up using a lethal dose of mushrooms by accident another possibility is that she was saving the lethal mushrooms to kill someone else and became confused and used them in the beef wellington now moving to my final thoughts some people have compared the case of Aaron Patterson to the notorious case of Azaria Chamberlain in 1980 two-month-old Zaria Chamberlain was killed by a dingo at a popular camping area in the Northern Territory of Australia this led to the famous line adingos got my baby azaria's mother was falsely accused of murder and her father was falsely accused of being an accessory the reason for the connection between these two cases is the idea that the police could be mishandling the investigation into the lunch fatalities just like they mishandled the investigation into azaria's death the dingo has come to symbolize the idea that an unlikely explanation can sometimes be true anything's possible Aaron could have killed her lunch guests entirely by accident now of course a dingo could not literally be responsible for these lunch fatalities dingo would never have shared the Beef Wellington and dingoes are not known for possessing cooking Talent although to be fair I doubt Aaron is going to win any awards for cooking Talent either until the police locate the proverbial dingo in this case Aaron will remain under a mushroom cloud of Suspicion those are my thoughts on the case of Aaron Patterson please put any opinions and thoughts in the comments section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 369,962
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Id: E2EN8xiXaJw
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Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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