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you're such a genuine gem thank you for clicking on my video I'm Rick McKenna but today's case is about someone who was murdered in a high heel homicide and now with one odd murder weapon the only way to understand this crime was to be there but we would receive the closest thing yet an aggressive and emotional reenactment if you don't know it's my absolute passion to tell these stories I mean no harm or disrespect when I do so so if that's something you'd like to support me in doing all you have to do is make sure you were subscribed with the post notification Bell on giving this video a thumbs up and leave a nice comment down below now let's get back to the story [Music] thank you so it was 2013 in Texas and Stefan Anderson lived in Houston he was actually a biochemistry professor at the University of Houston for the past four years he also lived in a high-rise apartment called Park Lane it was very luxury but Stephen had actually been born in Sweden to a family which had a father who was abusive to everybody but he ended up being able to escape using his intelligence because he moved to Dallas Texas in his 20s and he was earning his PhD to become a researcher he began working at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas there he would identify and clone two genes encoding enzymes that converted testosterone to be more potent in the prostate and I didn't understand that either but basically this was a huge breakthrough noticed by so many and in fact noticed by a huge pharmaceutical company called Merck they wanted to hire him to work in their own facilities to continue his work and from what he found they wanted to work towards developing treatments for Alopecia prostate cancer and prostate gland enlargement ten years later he was still working in the same research he was also now a U.S citizen and in his 30s he did marry for a very short period of time but it ended up not working out so by 2013 he was a 59 year old talented biochemist at the University Center for nuclear receptors and a cell signaling he was considered an expert in female hormones and prostate cancer now he spent most of his time working and had very little space for friends or relationships really co-workers were the only ones he would actually hang out with or even really see and everyone knew him as a man who preferred the company of his research and a man who was brilliant in his personal life he appeared to be a gentleman he was mild-mannered and passive and he found socialization stressful and also had to take antidepressants for his depression his mental health issues but he gave his all to what he was passionate about and that was his work his research since he had no dependence though he was making a very good salary meaning that he could afford a more luxury life so he went and he applied for these apartments at Park Lane and he actually got one on the 18th floor this was known to be very high-end in Houston's Theater District but on June 9th a 911 call would be placed from inside of his apartment around 3 41 a.m and nearly 20 minutes later an ambulance and police were at the scene and they found a body in the hallway between the entryway and the kitchen and there was blood everywhere the man was unrecognizable lying on his back with his hands above his head and he was pronounced dead at the scene this was a frantic room and not just because paramedics were trying to save a life but because a girl was in the room sobbing hysterically officers ultimately had to point a gun at her and tell her to get on the ground to get her to stop so they could actually speak to her she was then taken to the station so that they could talk to her more try to calm her down and understand what she was saying and why there was a deceased man in the room with her meanwhile the 911 call Audio was obtained so they could hear what actually had happened or who had called this in and it was a woman on the other line it appeared to be the same voice of the woman that they had in custody but they could not be sure but she was just as hysterical on the phone as she was in person with them but they heard her say that she had been attacked by Anderson she then said that he was bleeding and was going to die if they didn't come and help so you recording an assault man thank you to release you and ladies and one of users arrived at the scene there was so much trauma to who they now knew was Stefan Anderson lying on the floor that they believed that it was a gunshot wound at close proximity as Dr Jennifer Ross was performing the autopsy they got the woman in their custody to calm down a little bit and this woman would be identified as a 45 year old Anna Trujillo and she was confused saying that she believed that there were officers there to help her not to arrest her she didn't know why she was done at the station just yell at me took his gun out of anything told me to to get down on the ground I thought they were there to help us the millions of officers showed up and what was the ambulance meanwhile Dr for Jennifer Ross declared that Stefan's cause of death wasn't actually a gunshot wound it was blunt force trauma To The Head and the face there were 25 contusions and scratches and lacerations to his but the murder weapon well since that wasn't a gun they weren't really sure what could have done this but that would be the most baffling part and I had been questioned at the police station for three hours when she started to talk and she said that the night of the murder they had been hanging out together her and Steph and they had gone down to a local bar they were drinking all night they were happy having fun and then they were going back to the apartment together and that is when Anna claimed that Stefan began to get really mad he brought up the fact that a man had actually bought her a drink at the bar and he was very jealous and she said they began to argue after that you see although Stefan wasn't a relationship man he was a bachelor most of his life Anna and Stefan were said not to actually just be friends with benefits or a one-night stand they had met earlier that year only a few months prior and they were at Stefan's apartment apparently Anna was living with another man in the apartment when they had met in the lobby and Stefan asked her out for drinks and she said yes after that they were pretty much inseparable and they would like to go out to parties and hang out with friends all the time together it was the first time in a long time Stefan had shown interest in something other than his work and so people were happy for him he seemed very happy but at the same time some of his friends who were really just his co-workers the people who wanted you know to hang out with him more but didn't really get to see him much were kind of worried only about the fact that Anna had seemed to come from a whole line of failed relationships and she was also much younger than him but Stefan said this didn't bother him at all now he was deceased and Anna was in custody and it turned out when investigators were first called to the scene they couldn't locate the apartment they did not know exactly where to go and they were called by Dispatch to these apartment buildings because of an assault that was in progress that was what it was labeled as and so they were told it was apartment 1801. they arrived they got to the 18th floor and they realized that Apartments weren't labeled that way they were 18 a 18b 18c and so on and so they were standing in the hallway listening trying to figure out where this was coming from if it was still happening and how to get to it as quickly as possible and as they were listening for a clue officer Bowie heard a woman moaning behind the door of 18b not the moment you're thinking know but just kind of like she was hurt and so immediately he knocked on the door he tried to call out for anybody inside and that is when the door cracked open and a woman would look through the crack at him they asked her if she had called 9-1-1 and she answered with a slurred yes so when officer Bowie kind of asked her what was wrong she simply opened the door a crack and as she did so they noticed the woman was covered in blood she had it on her forehead her cheeks her chin but as the door opened even wider it wasn't just a little bit it wasn't drops of blood like she was wounded it was blood covering her body and her clothes the officers were worried that she was hurt but she ensured them that she wasn't she began to get hysterical at this point saying that he was holding her down and wouldn't let her go and when they asked who she was talking about that is when she fully opened the door and let them inside now as officer Bowie walked in just a little bit further that is when they found the body at this point the woman was crying he was holding me he wouldn't let me go I told him Stefan please please let me go the woman asked officer Bowie to give him CPR saying that she had tried and failed but officer Bowie didn't even need to because looking around he knew there was no way Stefan had survived this there was far too much blood already dried on the white carpet and he was gone now Anna was being questioned and was asked how she had a dead man in her presence when officers arrived and she appeared to be hungover at this point she ended up rambling about a lot of different men in her life that were obsessed with her and that she was often too loving too caring and she was hugging herself while talking softly when she finally got to the point of Stefan she ended up saying that she had told Stefan that she needed a break from him that she was going to go back to her home the next day where her family was and was going to take a break and and that is when he got angry telling her that she was not allowed to leave and his face got really red he got infuriated and then she said he went towards her telling her she was not going to leave him Anna claimed that Stefan got physical grabbing her as soon as they walked in the apartment door and wrestling her throwing her over a couch and holding her against the wall she got away only for Stefan to jump on top of her and she said she couldn't breathe she tried telling him this and Stefan was just growling at her all of a sudden he just turns around and has a complete different look on him angry he starts to pull me I still have my shoes on so he grabs me by my hands he bangs me against the wall kept saying that I was going to leave him I wasn't coming back he's screaming and yelling and ranting and just I saw the way you were looking at those guys when he threw me over the couch and I fell completely backwards and my head hit I saw black did you feel like your life was in danger at that point yes she said she was begging him to let her go and she was thrusting about trying to get him off of her and finally Stefan did slip and he fell off of her and that is when she got on top of him and pushed him down trying to keep him away from her when he would not stop when he would not calm down she said she reached for the only thing that she could find near her and that was the heels she was still wearing this was size nine five and a half inch blue velvet stiletto heels and she began to hit him over the head and I reached over and I found a shoe and he was on top of me and I was just hitting him with the shoe however I could and I was going please get off of me and I was just crying I was like please and he was just like laughing he it didn't even seem like he was facing them she said after she had hit him a couple of times she didn't know where the blood was coming from she didn't think she hurt him or hit him that hard until she saw the blood on her hands she went on to hit him 25 times and Anna was explaining that Stefan was a controlling and abusive man and she had no other option than to save herself with the only thing she had nearby that when he was drinking he got mean and he would stop for a while he would then relapse and it would get even worse he would do so when he felt lonely and fell into self-destructive behavior and Anna said she just couldn't deal with it anymore but she also said that Stefan was like many of her male friends who ended up becoming obsessed with her wanting the Friendship to turn into more and wanting to marry her she explained that she started to feel the same for Stefan but did not want to have sex with him because it was like sleeping with her grandfather yet he had asked her to marry him and she said that she said yes and that is why they were out that night at bar 5015 the night of the murder because they were celebrating being engaged she said everything was going great but then Stefan wanted to go home and she tried to stay but ultimately they left together and within the next few hours Stefan would be deceased now during the interview she believed Stefan was still alive then she realized suddenly that they were at the homicide department and asked if he was dead when she was told that he was dead she immediately said he assaulted her and showed no emotion and he's grabbed me and he wouldn't let you go and he started wrestling with me and then he got on top of me and I couldn't breathe and I was suffocate at this point Anna was being held on a hundred thousand dollar Bond and staff at the apartment complex said that they did not believe she lived there with him she would often come over and she was there that night but they also had another story to tell because about six months prior to the murder in January or February of that year they had had lots of complaints about Anna's behavior and when Stefan heard about this he told her that she could no longer come and you know visit him come and stay with him and just come in whenever she wanted and he ended up changing the locks on the door inside the 18th floor apartment forensic had found blood stains on the wall this was blood spatter and this was very close to the ground and this made them believe that Stefan was actually on his back when he was hit investigators then found Anna's purse which contained a tarot card deck and it was open to the death card the tarot book she was reading was also open to a page explaining card number 13 and had an illustration of a skeleton on Horseback holding a sickle and wearing a hooded Cape she had also admitted to borrowing around seven thousand dollars from Stefan while dating him and at this point the murder weapon was found the blue stiletto heel was covered in blood with Stefan's hair wrapped around it then invest eaters found a witness the last person to really see him alive because this was a woman named Rosemary Gomez who was a cab driver who came forward saying that she gave them a ride home from the bars that night now she said that she had a feeling that something horrible was going to happen and she ended up turning to Stefan before he got out of the car and telling him that he needed to be careful this was because she said the friend with Stefan was not in her right mind but Stefan then squeezed her hand and told her that everything was gonna be okay Rosemary said that Anna was drunk she was cursing she was acting belligerent towards Stefan in the cab and swearing and she continued to do so when they got to the apartment and she got out of the car and rosemary said that she wanted to take Stefan somewhere else that she was afraid for him but he told her that he would be fine and so they prayed together before he got out I was just taking a fear like I normally do she tells him go get up dab no I said are you a man or a mouse come on dude I said what are you doing let her talk to you like that but you had a funny feeling that something was going to happen he squeezed my hand he said no I'll be okay and I told him you know I said I just have a feeling something's gonna happen Steven's friends then claimed that Stefan did drink but it wasn't him who was the mean drunk it was Anna they said that he was never abusive or violent to anyone and that the two of them weren't engaged Stefan had actually ended the relationship they said that after the apartment complex had gotten complaints about Anna he actually ended up sending her back home to Mexico for a while he paid for the trip but he wanted the relationship to be over after that his friend said he was at the bar 5015 when she had shown up because she knew he frequented at that bar and they said he was very kind to her even though she showed up out of nowhere and he didn't really want to talk to her and then they were mostly surprised when they left together but they were also both drunk at the time at this point Anna did quite a few interviews as the media roared about the girl who killed her boyfriend with a stiletto heel she sobbed if she explained that everybody believed that she did this on purpose and that none of us know how we would deal with a situation like this until we're in it as she claimed self-defense though the officers who had found Stefan weren't so sure ultimately this would be up to the jury though and so during her trial on March 31st of 2014 photos were shown of what Anna looked like when they brought her down to the station they had interviewed her and then they took her down for you know photographs asking her to remove her top layers after they got pictures of them and when the photo photos were displayed there was blood all over the inside of her jeans as though she had been straddling him but when the clothes were off everybody noticed that there was no scratches or bruises or self-defense marks on her body at all whereas Stefan had many wounds on his arms and his palms Stefan's ex-wife then came forward to say that Stefan had never verbally or physically abused her he instilled confidence in her hip lifted her he supported her in so many ways that it wasn't in his nature to be demeaning his niece and came forward to say that she was 110 sure Stefan was never violent with Anna that he was not depressed he was not angry with her he was happy when he was with her and then he just wanted it to be over but he wouldn't have hurt her to make it so it was over the prosecution then called Witnesses one being officer Bowie who had found stuff in that day and he testified that the crying he saw Anna doing when he opened the door were only crocodile tears he didn't actually see any tears covering her face only sobbing sounds Witnesses from her past were brought in next all to discuss her behavior one ex-boyfriend claimed that Anna had bit him a security guard said that she drunkenly attacked him one time and a neighbor said that they had found her drunk in their bathroom without asking to come in Brian goodney a former friend remembers a startling attack walk her to the door turn around to open the door and get hit on the back of her head with a Candlestick that was the last thing you remembered she knocked me out she had also been arrested for public intoxication and a DWI but those who knew Stefan and knew what he did for Anna knew that he did buy new things very often in fact he bought her a fifteen hundred dollar Kristen Louis Vuitton heel but she had used her less than a hundred dollar pair of heels to kill him but when they x-rayed these stilettos as the murder weapon they found that the heel and the Soul were both made of steel so this ended up looking more like an ice hammer with a crooked handle than just a regular heel and his defense attorney was a man named Jack Carroll who knew she had no money to pay him but also knew that she would soon with all of the TV producers calling her for rights to her story he truly believed though that she was innocent Jack's opening statement was there was a life and death struggle that night the man was drunk and went crazy he slammed her against the wall she couldn't breathe he was suffocating her she did the only thing she could do take a weapon of her disposal which was a shoe and started clobbering him with it the prosecutor Jordan then began acting out a scene to prove that the defense was wrong he used a mannequin that he climbed on top of that had a stiletto in his hand the actual other stiletto to the murder weapon and he and ended up pretending to hit it over the mannequin's head at the same time he was doing this a forensic expert was explaining that the blood on the walls could have only been there if she continued to beat him when he was already down yet the defense attorney Jack got on top of the mannequin himself and he pretended to do CPR saying that possibly the blood came from her trying to wake him up from slapping him from doing CPR and the forensic experts said yes this could have occurred and that is when they listened to the 9-1-1 call where the operator was telling Anna how to do CPR and she was saying breathe Stefan breathe on the other line Dr Jennifer Ross had listed Stefan's death as blunt force trauma to the Head although when she was in court she said it was possible that his death was triggered by stress and an adrenaline rush which caused a heart attack yet when footage was shown during this trial of Stefan and Anna being at the bar that night Anna randomly began laughing in her seat in the courtroom a pathologist was then brought in to testify that all of Stefan's injuries were superficial and non-fatal that the death was ultimately due to heart failure and he was taking heart medications for issues he had the prosecutor claimed that the entire investigation Anna was in Anna's World talking about her past and other men more than the man she had just killed she had blamed them all for her bad life her dad her husband her lovers her friends and Jordan said because in Anna's World it has nothing to do with the fact that you hit somebody 25 times about the face that caused the death it's someone else his fault I asked for a guilty verdict because we live in Texas not in Anna's World on April 8th after two hours of deliberation Anna was found guilty and her attorney was shocked believing that the jury was in a good mood he thought he had it in the bag Mr eagle please stand we the jury find the defendant Anna Trujillo also known as Anna Fox guilty of murder as charged in the indictment signed Foreman of the jury but the woman they were convicting well she was born in Mexico and raised in Waco Texas born to a family of Jehovah Witnesses now not much is known about her childhood except for the fact that she often took care of her siblings when she was younger and at only 19 she was married for the first time they went on to have two children together but they were divorced shortly after her ex would end up raising the kids so two years later she had moved to Houston and she had gotten to be the executive at Coca-Cola and she had married once again she was doing well for herself but that didn't last long and they ended up being divorced as well for a while she was working as a TV host going on air as Anna Fox and interviewing people with her bubbly personality thank you for joining me and enjoying ourselves sometimes she would also work as a massage therapist to make money when she needed to but a lot of the times she didn't because men would pay her she was known by her friends to be outgoing the life of the party always willing to dance and drink she often talked about cult powers and that she believed in that practice and she slowly began getting more into drugs and was often dating and moving in with these men she had just met because they would take care of her though most of these men would describe her as unhinged and violent when she was drinking and her friend said that she was crazy but a fun-loving kind of crazy Jim Carroll met her at the Lawndale hotel where they both once lived what would she like she laughed a lot I mean she was really cool she just talked about spirituality and the pyramids and ghosts and the tarot she brought several men to the hotel and finally I started talking I said look you know we can't have none of that business going on here and how many men would you estimate this was four to six men one of them was the professor one neighbor did come forward though to say that he was once joking around with Anna just talking to her but Anna had said that if anyone messed with her she would use her heel to get them when I first met Anna she was very very articulate very nice and all this but in between her dates she'd come downstairs hang out with me because I managed to play and we just have all these thoughts you know we were intimate without being intimate if you know what I mean right um she she dated too much I didn't want to be on her list no one time one time she had called me uh in a panic asked me to come upstairs I thought there was a fire or something and I ran upstairs and she lost her little voodoo doll she carried this little voodoo doll around oh Lord and yeah and when I went up there uh of several wine bottles laying on the floor and and her bed was a mess and then she had you you know had used uh she had urinated in the bed and I told her look you know you're going to be responsible for cleaning this up not me uh you know our housekeeping is she was on probation for a DWI and going to counseling for her drinking really matter of fact she she had gotten in trouble uh for not going to you know abiding by the rules of her probation but because of some of the people she worked with on the side and her little massage business that wasn't licensed she knew a lot of lawyers and things like that people in that area I was I was floored because when this when this news broke it was breaking news one night and they didn't release the names they said a woman we have just discovered a woman has killed a guy with a shoe and I immediately thought Anna so I called some of the local stations I said please call me let me know if this was Anna Fox that's how she went she went by his hand of boxes and Anna Trujillo and sure enough it was her I saw it the next morning and it was Anna wow she had told me uh in one on two different occasions one of them was after she said that somebody had accosted her downtown and I told Anna look I'm kind of worried about you you know bringing these different guys into the into the establishment into my place and you know everybody that comes in is supposed to leave an ID a copy of their ID and she goes don't worry if anybody ever blankety blanks with me I'm gonna get him with this in the blankety blank eye and she pulled off her shoe and it was a black shoe with some gold and silver designs on it and it was a stiletto but it was like an ice pick it was gray and it come to a point on the heel and I said well because I told her look I've got a couple knives take a knife with you or take some pepper spray she goes no I've got this if they ever messed with me but no one could describe just how crazy she could get because they hadn't yet seen it not to the full capacity not for themselves until April 10th because that is when Anna would take the stand she would talk for the next seven hours about her life you know she went all the way back to her childhood and she was just rambling for many of those hours she was just talking about herself but she ended up talking about instances in her life where a man had disappointed her had upset her had abused her and she had talked about she had once been punched in the stomach when she was pregnant she had a miscarriage she had also been sexually assaulted by a male friend and she had to beat him with a Candlestick and she appeared to really talk in circles about how much of a victim she was not wanting to get to the point but finally after hours and I began talking about Stefan she began with the fact that Stefan had a shoe fetish that he would make her a walk around the apartment with heels so he could take photographs of her and then he would also want her to step on him with those heels that he even had a bulletin board of photos of stilettos and had bumper sticker saying I love stilettos she began wearing them all the time she said for him that is when she began to describe just what happened that night and gruesome details but even more disturbing she was showing the actions as well she had the other shoe that was being used in the courtroom the size nine five and a half inch stiletto heel in her hand and she reenacted what she had done using every emotion and facial expression that she could muster she said Stefan lost it and assaulted her throwing over her over the couch and into the wall and she plunged that heel into his head she did this over and over again and when she was asked why she did not stop doing this she said that he was holding her leg and the pain wouldn't stop she claimed that with a stiletto in her hand she had no idea how badly she was hurting him that she looked down her hands were full of blood and that is when she called 9-1-1 she continued to claim it was in self-defense I did not murder him I loved him and I would never hurt him despite of what it says or what what everyone says it's just say so they just want to discredit me and they just want to make me the person that I'm not so when do you do for parole in 30 years it's not the sentence or that time it's that they have put me as a murderer they convicted me and said that I murdered him banana was sentenced to life in prison she showed no emotion she only married I love you to her family members and then Stephanie's niece spoke to Anna's family saying that she was sorry for what they had to go through and then Anna's family got up and they said that they were sorry for Stefan's family as they sobbed and that has been both families actually hugged in the courtroom but while in prison Anna did give an interview agreeing to speak about anything and everything except what all Stefan used to do to abuse her he attacked me and I defended myself the day of the murder Trujillo says she and victim Stefan Anderson had been drinking before they both went home to his luxury condo I walked in and all of a sudden he just turned around and completely changed and he was accusing me that I was going to leave then she says he attacked her the pain was always cruciating and I was in fear and all I had was my shoe so I just took my shoe off and I didn't know what else to do and I just started to hit him why if this was self-defense you struck him some 25 times I wasn't counting or I wasn't intending to hit him I didn't even know that I that I was hitting him or you know that he was hurt because of his rage and he was still so strong I cannot understand he had been drinking like three days binge drinking he'd attacked her before she claims and that's not all what did he do to you I can't talk Anna says she wishes she'd left her boyfriend long before the night that would ultimately be his last I feel like I've been cut open gutted in my whole life has been the circus in an exhibition and they've done they've turned me into someone I'm not now with this case I think a lot of people go more towards she was not a victim she was a cold-blooded killer but I'd love to know what you think do you believe she is guilty of murder or a victim who used self-defense was she an over-dramatic actor or a traumatized woman afraid to lose her life you know we talk about these cases of self-defense versus just a gruesome murder and it's hard it's hard to say yes for for certain there is no amount of self-defense because if just like she said if we were in that situation and it really was self-defense how horrible would that be for the whole world to believe you're a cold-blooded killer when that wasn't the case I do think with the evidence in this case it does point to this being a crime of passion a brutal murder but I love to know what you think don't ever forget to speak up your voice is powerful enough and I love you to Absolute pieces okay okay bye
Channel: Brooke Makenna
Views: 113,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true crime, solved true crime, true crime documentary, Murdered by high heels, Killed by stiletto, Ana Trujillo, Stefan Andersson, High heel homicide, Girlfriend kills boyfriend, Self defense or murder, solved murder, solved death, murdered by 5 inch heels, stiletto killer, texas murder, stabbed by high heel, victim or killer
Id: QnQTetngy4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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