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you are such a genuine gym thank you for clicking on my video i'm brooke mckenna but today's case is about a brutal murder that occurred while children's games were being played now when hide and seek turned deadly the switch from innocence to horror happened quickly there was no winning this game only life lost if you don't notice my absolute passion to tell these stories and i mean no harm or disrespect when i do so so if that's something you'd like to support me in doing all you have to do is make sure you are subscribed with the post notification bell on giving this video a thumbs up and leaving a nice comment down below now let's get back to the story [Music] so it was 1997 in nevada the iverson family lived in california but they were in las vegas that may they actually lived in los angeles but had made the trip for a little family vacation this was leroy who was around 58 years old and had two children 14 year old harold and seven year old charisse now that labor day weekend they actually decided to go to this hotel called the prima donna which was a casino which also had an arcade this was right on the state line of nevada and california which made it perfect for them to be able to go too quickly and it really advertised as a place where children and adults could go they had a ferris wheel they had that full arcade downstairs which was separate from the casino area of course children were not able to go to the casino area so it was supposed to be a safe place for them and leroy thought it was the perfect place to bring the kids where he would actually have fun as well it was around 12 30 a.m so just after midnight when leroy dropped the kids off at the arcade went upstairs to gamble and told them that he would be checking on them around every 20 minutes he also left harold the 14 year old in charge of his little sister saying to look after her and make sure she was okay now harold and charisse were only half siblings they had different mothers but they acted no different at any siblings at this age especially since they really only had leroy because leroy and cherise's mother had recently split as well around five hours later at 5 30 a.m panic would arise inside this hotel because someone had been murdered now this was a fully booked hotel the casino was completely full due to this being a holiday weekend yet this murder wouldn't be due to money or lack thereof which everyone assumed in fact it had nothing to do with the casino at all it had occurred downstairs and the children's arcade a security guard had been making their usual rounds they would go into the bathroom to make sure everything was okay in there and they had noticed this same pair of feet legs that they had seen over and over again about an hour long inside this stall so they began calling out to make sure that person was okay and they didn't get a response and so after hearing nothing the officer actually looked in and found a body there was a little girl who sat on the toilet with her bottom half undressed and she was already deceased investigators were immediately called this bathroom was cordoned off so the other guests couldn't get to it investigators hope to identify this girl through the guest at the hotel however what they didn't know was that this wouldn't be helpful because this little girl wasn't actually staying in a room thankfully the staff did know who the girl's father was because they had been in contact with him several times that night it didn't take them long to identify her as charisse iverson now she was wearing a little sailor's outfit and she was known to be sweet and loving she was only in second grade and she was known to be polite and she got amazing grades and she wanted to be either a nurse a police officer or a dancer but she wouldn't be able to go through with any of her dreams now the staff were aware of this family even though they didn't have a hotel room and they had just arrived that early morning after midnight at this hotel because of the problems that they had already had with them you see earlier that night theresa and harold had been dropped off and charisse was then later found completely alone harold was nowhere to be found and since she was only seven years old they went to try to contact her parents and that's when they did find leroy and leroy had you know kind of talked to them and everything had been settled or so they thought a little while later they found cherise once again contacted leroy and once again the situation was thought to be dealt with until charisse was found sleeping on one of the chairs in the arcade the security guards then asked leroy to leave the casino and take his children however they didn't realize that he didn't listen and he went back to gambling the last time the security guards were involved was only an hour before she would be found murdered it turned out that the iverson family had actually been kicked out of another establishment prior to the prima donna there was a casino hotel across the street called whiskey pete's and they had tried to go there earlier that night but had the same problems of leroy just leaving his children to you know play with no supervision and so they were actually fully kicked out and could not get back in now leroy thought that since going to the primadonna across the street he would have no problem but these two establishments actually were owned by the same corporation and were in contact with another they worked with the same security guard company so they kind of already knew what leroy was doing before he even got there when investigators got to the crime scene and were collecting evidence harold was brought in as well as leroy to be talked to and leroy actually had no money left on him at that time and he was cooperating but he was very argumentative when he was asked about why he just dropped his children off and refused to look after them he was basically not wanting to take responsibility meanwhile news was spreading about this brutal murder and many were blaming the casino for not having enough security to make sure that this didn't happen and parents were anxious and horrified that it could happen to their children who you know were playing in that same arcade but the casino executives were coming forward at this time to say that it was frustrating because the parents were using these arcades as basically a supervised area for their children when that's not what it was it's not some sort of daycare to drop them off at it's a place where they can play under supervision while media began covering this case theresa's mother back in california had no idea what was happening she was a 28 year old named yolanda and she was actually trying to get custody of cherise prior to this trip with her father and it appeared as though yolanda already believes that cerise would be better in the care of her instead of leroy and it made some wonder did she already predicted that something like this was going to happen or was this a fluke accident while investigators tried to calm leroy down harold was also being interrogated now harold was showing very different signs of distress than his father leeroy you see leroy was said to have emotional and physical problems beyond this traumatizing event that he already had and so he had to get an insulin shot during his interview but harold was completely different because he was distraught he was showing a massive amount of guilt and he began to say that it was his fault well investigators knew it was important to watch what they said next and listen to him very carefully they had a feeling they weren't speaking to the killer they felt that they were only speaking to a little boy who was supposed to be watching his sister and who had failed now when they got more out of harold that's exactly what it was he felt responsible for leaving charisse alone and not watching her like he was supposed to be doing however nobody really knows or i could not find where herald was during the time of the murder or during that entire time when they were in the arcade and no more clues were actually obtained from the family but thankfully the officers had one huge tool to aid them down in the arcade security cameras were actually up and working at this time and homicide detective phil ramos retrieved the footage for review now harold was then released from custody and he traveled back home where he actually gave an interview to kcbs tv and he said that his family were always used to staying together and that his father did check on him and therese during that night and it was found that harold who had just lost his little sister had quite a bit of loss in his life already he had a different mother than charisse like i told you and she had actually passed away along with his little brother this was only a year prior to ceresea's death when it was time for ceresa's funeral this was held at paradise baptist church in los angeles and reporters were swarming the funeral home leroy was there and everybody wanted an interview from him the biggest question for him they had was were the rumors true did leroy really ask the hotel to pay for him a room and the funeral services in order for him to not sue them this was a rumor going around and investigators claimed that they never heard him say this but that he might have spoken to the hotel about it and they didn't know so they couldn't confirm nor deny their rumors two days after the murder the surveillance footage was actually released to the public and they claimed that they believed their suspect had gone down to the arcade to look for a girl to stalk and murder a victim now the reality was even worse if you can believe that the footage showed two men who were talking to charisse now they were both white appeared to be you know in their teens early twenties and they were quite young but definitely older than charisse due to the graininess of the cameras in the 90s investigators couldn't fully identify these men however they did have a few witnesses who would come forward now these witnesses said that they had actually talked to these men and he was wearing a baseball cap over dark brown hair he also pierced nipples and he wore a stud earring he was wearing a t-shirt baggy surfer shorts and loafers the second man in the footage was thought to be in his late teens early 20s as well with short dark hair with sideburns wearing a dark button-down shirt and dark kneeling shorts as well around 3am these two boys were seen talking to charisse and at 3 47 a.m charisse would run into the women's bathroom and the two boys followed shortly after making sure to look around first only two minutes later one of the boys with the sideburns came out of the bathroom and just stood at the entrance kind of like a lookout and then 24 minutes later the second came out as well charisse never came out again and during that time period eight women had gone into the bathroom and come out not saying anything not believing anything was suspicious ramos said that when you watched the tape it appeared as though three children were just playing some sort of game like hide and seek it wasn't strange that no one intervened with what was about to happen because no one had any idea ten minutes later the boys had left through the swimming pool entrance and on the outside of the building there were no cameras so the boys could have gone anywhere and the cameras couldn't point them in the right direction after this investigators sent out photos of these suspects to different police departments they were also going to mail the guests that were staying at that hotel that night pictures as well this was around 2700 rooms and they were also going through the sex offender registry to see if they matched any of these descriptions but they were coming up empty-handed now during this time the bathroom and the arcade did have a wall that was put up so no one could use it but the arcade and the casino were still open to the public the next day though investigators would get a tip from a girl in california she was a teenager who claimed that her classmates had been talking about being involved in the murder and getting advice on how to get away with it now when she saw the footage that was displayed on tv she actually realized he was telling the truth it was him she named the boy who was talking to her as 18 year old jeremy strohmeier and the other boy in the footage was his best friend 17 year old david cash investigators headed to jeremy's home in long beach and arrested him and it really didn't take him long to start talking but what he would say would be worse than the obvious and more horrific than anything investigators had dealt with before it turned out that these two boys had started off at whiskey pete's casino in arcade across the street just as charisse had as well and they eventually moved to the prima donna as well jeremy confessed that he and david began playing hide and seek with charisse and then he told her that she should go and hide in the women's bathroom because he couldn't go in there they then proceeded to follow her inside surveillance cameras there show the two boys playing video games at 3 30 in the morning stromeyer then spots cherise iverson whose father was gambling nearby the cameras record charisse walking into a women's restroom followed by jeremy stromeier and then a minute later by david cash jeremy said that they began play fighting with wet paper towels and then charisse pushed the wet floor sign into him and this is when everything changed jeremy said he basically snapped and he got extremely angry charged forward to charisse pushed her into the bathroom stall and locked it behind him now that is when he put his hand over charissa's mouth and began to sexually assault her every time someone would walk into the bathroom he would apply more pressure over her mouth so she could not speak or scream that is when jeremy decided that he needed to kill her and he began strangling her but she was still breathing that is when he didn't stop he decided to put his hand under her jaw his right arm across the back of her skull and he lifted her up and twisted to break her neck he said he did this just like he had seen on tv however the first time it didn't work she was still alive he said he had heard a loud pop but horrifically enough this still didn't kill her and she survived and so jeremy who could have stopped there walked away and let her live didn't do that he snapped her neck again this time she didn't survive and he folded her in half and stuffed her in the toilet the detective asked jeremy if he tried to give her cpr after the first time he tried to strangle her and she survived and jeremy said he didn't he knew he had to kill her because she had seen his face the entire interview jeremy sat showing no signs of remorse or nervousness his story was told in this monotone voice with very flat affect which is basically just the condition where people don't express their emotions in the same way they don't show normal facial expressions and detective ramos said that he spoke like it was his high school field trip he was talking about he asked jeremy why he would do something like this and said that it wasn't due to his lack of girlfriends because jeremy had many and jeremy said that yeah he did have many and didn't answer the question uh he had absolutely no remorse at all he described in in graphic detail how he killed cherise what he did to her what he wanted to do to her and why he wanted to do it after that i wanted i just wanted to leave and i noticed that the girl was still breathing barely i didn't want to leave her that way so i uh i tried to break her neck can i ask you one question sure did you when she was having this labor bleeding did you consider trying to give her a little bit of cpr or something and then take off no that never crossed my mind he was very graphic about it he showed me just how he positioned his hands and snapped her neck and and trying to kill her like he had seen on tv but what does his friend david have to do with the murder was he involved or did he step out and not know what was happening he had been entering the bathroom and staying only for a few minutes but jeremy claimed that david had come in and looked over the stall to see what he was doing with charisse you know i tapped him on the head you know because it was completely out of character and he didn't really respect you and he didn't really respond to me he gave me kind of a blank stare so you know in my opinion you know it's like time for me to get out of there what well when an 18 year old male grabs a seven-year-old child you know that's not that's not a position i want to be in based on what i saw i mean it wasn't something i wanted to stick around and see what would materialize did you say to him jeremy come on stop let's go i was giving him a look as if you know you know that he shouldn't be doing that but you never said stop get out of here this is wrong verbally i did not say that but my body language certainly suggested it did you think to turn him into the police if that crossed my mind but but i didn't act on it what i know that his day of reckoning was coming i didn't want to be the one that turned him in you felt that was more important than to report a murderer even though he had told me that he had committed murder it was really hard for me to fathom jeremy as a quote unquote murderer but he told you he was i understand that but he's also my best friend you know we're taking ap english together now when jeremy exuded the bathroom after killing charisse he said that david said you were sexually assaulting her but didn't say anything more they then left the casino with jeremy's father cash who was gambling in the same place leroy was and right before leaving jeremy actually stopped to talk to two girls who ended up being the witnesses that helped in this investigation but jeremy and david didn't talk another word about what had happened and headed back to california but meanwhile the guards and hotel security were running out of the bathroom screaming the next day they were back at woodrow wilson high school and jeremy began bragging about what he did jeremy strohmeier was actually from a very wealthy family in the area he had been born on october 11 1978 and was actually adopted as a baby from the los angeles county department of children and family services or dcf now his adoptive family the straw meyers were told that his parents couldn't take care of him and so they were more than happy once they were matched with him to bring him into this loving home and they were informed that he was a perfectly healthy little boy they would find out later that this was anything but the truth but we will come back to this a little later when jeremy was identified as the possible killer investigators actually had to chase him as he attempted to flee from his backyard and after that they were given the task to get him back to nevada the problem was no commercial airlines wanted to fly him and so that is when investigators realized that they had a solution because jeremy actually had his own plane you see he was from an extremely wealthy family who had bought him a plane after he got his pilot's license he wasn't some poor kid down in his luck with a rough upbringing he was an 18 year old who knew how to fly a plane and during his flight all he wanted to talk about was what he knew about planes rather than the murder investigators found through a search of his home that on his computer there were hundreds of sexually explicit photos of children now his past girlfriends also came forward to say that he made them dress up in little girl outfits but while jeremy sat in jail awaiting trial his friend david was living a regular life you see in nevada at this time there was no law requiring citizens to report a crime or stop a crime and so he wasn't guilty and he was free to do whatever he wanted because he did nothing illegal however the high school that they both attended did prohibit him from going to any graduating ceremonies with his class but he did end up showing up by driving by in a limo and waving at the cameras as he drove by now sharisa's mother yolanda wanted david to stand trial for his part in the murder and not making jeremy stop or going to get help she said that this wasn't a race issue or a political issue it was a human being issue and a justice issue for a little girl who never would be able to reach her goals he'd seen jeremy stromei put his hands over her mouth and carried her in the bathroom he's seen it any time you stand and you look at something happening to anybody not only a child any human being a dog a cat or whatever you've seen that happen so you a murder within yourself you still got the blood of my babies on your hand you think he is an accessory to her yes he is i think he should be charged with accessory to the murder of my child because he could have did something to stop it he didn't do anything it was said that morally david had the blood of cherise on his hands and a group put together by yolanda actually got 20 000 signatures to charge david in the death but this did nothing they also wanted nevada to enact the charisse iverson memorial bill to make it a crime to witness or to have knowledge of a crime and not report it to the police yolanda said she was so tired she had had four nervous breakdowns since she realized that her daughter had been murdered but she was going to keep going to get justice for her it was finally time for jeremy's trial september of 1998 and his defense attorney was leslie abersom who was famous for representing the mendez brothers who had killed their parents now she was very high profile and she wanted jeremy's confession thrown out because she said he was not given a lawyer at this time but the police did come forward saying jeremy was and he waived his rights to a lawyer she then tried to say that the police were bullies who intimidated him into giving a confession and jeremy was suddenly saying that he didn't remember the crime at all due to being high on drugs and alcohol that david told him what he did and he went along with it and that's the only reason why he knew what he did he also began to say that david might have actually been the real one to kill her david took the stand against jeremy saying that when he went to the bathroom that night he tried to get jeremy's attention and get him away from charisse but jeremy ignored him so he left and waited outside however jeremy claimed that as soon as he walked out of the bathroom after he had murdered charisse david asked him if charisse had been sexually aroused david later began saying that to jeremy that they could get away with murder and he began telling him how to hide everything jeremy said that if david had tried to stop him that day he could have and he ultimately called david an arrogant unfeeling hater when david was asked why he would ask that question about charis being sexually aroused he said that's just the way he thought charissa's parents spoke up in court saying you are so evil that if i had a wish i put you to death the same way you put my child to death i want you to feel every pain you put me through are you a demon are you the devil i hate to look at your evil crazy face leroy said that he wasn't even going to curse him because he was already cursed by the devil jeremy apologized to the family saying that he knows he's going to be barren for life and that he is haunted every day he said that he is condemned not only by the state but by his own mind and he always thought of himself as this good guy that he wasn't an immoral or unfeeling person but he had done a monstrous thing now i told you that jeremy wasn't exactly what his adoptive parents thought right well he had been adopted at 18 months after the straw meyers had started searching for a child and their only request being that this child didn't have a family history of mental illness yet six months after the adoption was finalized they could no longer turn things around they received a letter this told them that jeremy's mother appeared to be mentally ill but this was only due to drug abuse so they went on with their lives getting jeremy no help in truth they would find out much later that his birth mother who was a teenager who had been hospitalized at a mental hospital 60 different times was diagnosed as a chronic schizophrenic his biological father was in prison at the time and he was born inside a mental hospital so of course he had to be put into the foster system this is when dcf kept secrets from the adoptive family now what they don't want you to know is that there is a long history of them doing this to adoptive parents making sure that they don't know what they're really getting into until it's too late there are many times when the system will actually purposely keep details away so you adopt this child even though you specifically said you did not want these things as awful as it sounds to say oh i don't want this in a child it's still your choice to be able to make because these families who did not want to deal with this now struggle to get help and deal with these behaviors that can often come from children who are in the foster system who had either household or pregnancy trauma that can come from alcohol abuse from mental illness from drugs from many different things and then in a foster care system that can cause even more attachment issues now added on top of the fact that mental health services are not easy to find help with and can definitely not be cheap like i said the straw meyers knew that they could not handle this but that choice was taken away from them and it wasn't something that they noticed right away either i mean they could not get him the care that he needed from a young age if help was even possible because a lot of the times with attachment issues you cannot find help for these children unfortunately but jeremy grew up as a wonderful kid he was an honor student he was on the volleyball team who was planning to go into the air force his parents believed he was well adjusted and so they all actually moved to singapore and this was when jeremy was in high school he did really well readjusting to singapore however they did notice that he was getting more into alcohol there and drinking and so they did move back eventually not due to his drinking just because they wanted to move back to los angeles and he began getting into drugs and staying up all night and getting bad grades and this is really when they started seeing that downfall but in this case for jeremy it was already too late and he was said to be different at that time but not enough for his parents to be fully concerned that especially not that he would do something like this not until he snapped but jeremy used all of this in court saying that because his parents were kept in the dark about his genetics and weren't able to get him the help he needed they were to blame now dcf came forward saying that the system was much different now however that has proven again and again not to be true ultimately jeremy did confess with a plea deal that blocked him from being able to have a death penalty so this was only hours before his trial was set and then he no longer needed a trial and he was then sentenced to four life sentences without the possibility of parole jeremy would actually be spending his sins away from the general prison population in administrative segregation i couldn't find exactly why but i'm assuming it's because child predators are attacked in prison and so they needed to keep him away but i could not find anywhere where that actually confirmed that now his adopted parents destroy myers decided to sue dcf from one million dollars for withholding information the family said that by the social workers doing this they made a sacrifice out of jeremy and charisse now due to the lawsuit adoption laws in california have been said to change and there is now a law where you have to get the medical history of birth parents however in many states this still has not changed and there are still so many secrets and ways of manipulation two years later jeremy appealed his sentence saying that his lawyer pressured him to make that deal however this was denied and that same exact year charrese's father leroy actually passed away he was sick at the time and jeremy then tried to appeal saying that juveniles weren't mentally developed enough to understand right and wrong and the severity of their choices but since he was 18 years old this too was denied but it would have been anyway because the judge had heard him use very racist language against charisse sadly it turned out that cherise wasn't the first victim in the area you see the first establishment that we talked about whiskey pete's they had a murder happen there as well well it was really just a kidnapping happening there but it was 10 years prior to ceresea's murder and a little boy disappeared in that resort he too was seven years old his name was alexander harris and he had to been living in california and then his family were taking a road trip they were having a family reunion and they had stopped at this resort on the way back home just to rest a little bit it was a thanksgiving day reunion and then on november 28th alexander was in the arcade while his family were all playing in the casino and by 11 a.m alexander was gone no one could find him anywhere and unlike charis's case they searched all around the hotel the arcade the casino and he was not there the family were all ruled out as suspects immediately and witnesses claimed that they had seen a man holding alexander's hand and walking out of the hotel but they looked so much like father and son that they didn't think anything of it he was thought to be in his 30s and thankfully even in the late 80s there were surveillance cameras and investigators were able to see this fuzzy grainy image of a man walking down the hallway holding hands with alexander the witnesses though had very skewed perceptions of what this man looked like it was all different some said that they believed he was from five seven to five nine between 100 and 675 pounds others said that he was six feet one sketch he had straight collar-length blonde hair the other he had short hair and he was said to be wearing silver rimmed glasses and a brown members only type jacket with dark trousers i wasn't screaming for help or he just looked like he looked like a young boy that was in trouble for doing something he was being taken back to his room hotel guest james austin overheard a frantic mother describing her lost son i turned there and said man i saw a young child that uh meets that description who was with uh and i did say his father and she said he's not with his father and she asked me to describe him i did she said that was my son after a full search of the resort alexander was still not found and after his family were supposed to leave they couldn't because they were still missing a family member it would be 33 days later when a tip would come in this was from a gardener who claimed to have found a body under a trailer and investigators actually had to use a crane to lift up the trailer that was actually not too far from the hotel they actually used this trailer for off-duty executives of the casino to stay in but a body was found underneath it had no visible trauma and it was found that alexander had been suffocated his glasses were found near his body and by this point three suspects had been spoken to and all of them had alibis investigators had slowly been working through everyone staying at the hotel during that time and then four months after the disappearance a man named howard lee hopped was arrested now he was a computer programmer who had been staying at the hotel whiskey peace for a land sailing tournament howard immediately denied any involvement saying he was with a friend that night he had no criminal record and he passed two lie detector tests yet he was booked and charged with murder this case was said to be even more publicized than charreses due to the unfortunate stigma of white victims getting more coverage than black victims and harold was transported in an unmarked police car where he had to lie flat in the back of the seat so nobody would try to kill him basically at some point time in that weekend my path and the path of the perpetrator of this crime may have passed may not have but i was in the facility he claimed he had spent four hours being forced to confess to something he didn't do and during the trial it was found the witnesses couldn't confirm that he was the man that they saw so after five weeks of trial one hour of deliberation harold was found not guilty and was released we the jury in the above entitled case find the defendant howard lee hopped not guilty of count two murder in the first degree he said that this trial was a show that he had to be a part of and he was in what he described as a hostage situation a year later harold sued the police department for four million dollars and he claimed that they ignored evidence such as a fingerprint on alexander's glasses that were found at the scene he was given a million and after he was acquitted no more suspects were found and this case went cold no one has been charged in alexander's murder and it is actually no longer listed as a cold case on the department's website it's like it's been forgotten about like it never happened and only 10 years later sharice was murdered just across the street homicide detective phil ramos who worked on charissa's case said that he still sees charissa's smiling face that he had seen in a photograph of her and that her case is one he will always remember due to the sheer innocence of the victim and the brutality of how she was killed he said he was so mad at god when he saw that crime scene that it tested his faith and he's still disappointed that they couldn't charge david and the guard who found teresa's body actually had to have therapy for quite a while after that and some of the staff would get panic attacks but charissa's case had such a huge impact not on him not just on the family but the world you see two years after her murder the charisse iverson bill was put into effect in nevada requiring citizens to notify police when crimes were happening to children this is what her mother yolando had been fighting for and the next year became a law in california as well restrictions were also tightened in casinos in order to stop young children being left without a parent and the arcades are no longer just kept open all night long now jeremy remains in prison but he is now married to a woman he met while writing letters to her his wife has said that not all prison wives are desperate or delusional they just love and jeremy ended up writing a letter to the iverson family saying i want to ask for their forgiveness and i want them to know i'd give anything to trade places with cherise i just want them to know i am sorry more sorry than words can ever say i wish nothing but peace and good lives for them wherein their lives are not defined by this horrible tragedy as mine has been he said he has also been working with other inmates to get them to think less impulsively now the man who walked free of all of this david cash went on to graduate from the university of california at berkeley he didn't stay out of the spotlight either he did many interviews and he said i'm not going to get upset over somebody else's life i just worry about myself first i'm not going to lose sleep over somebody else's problem i'm no idiot i'll get my money out of this he then went on to talk about the fact that his fame was helping him score women his classmates tried to get him kicked out of the university but the university said that they had no basis to do so since he wasn't charged many of his fellow students there are demanding the university expel him they are infuriated not only by his failure to save sharice iverson but also by remarks he made this summer on a los angeles radio program how much am i supposed to to sit down and cry about this i mean i mean let's be reasonable here is my life supposed to halt for like for days weeks and months on end and if that weren't bad enough he added this the simple fact remains i do not know this little girl i do not know starving children in panama i do not know you know people that die of disease in egypt some people have called you the the bad samaritan you think that's an appropriate name no most certainly not there these names that people call me i've been called the anti-thesis of today's teens you know bad samaritan a textbook sociopath i've been called at all we asked david cash to explain his behavior to a group of fellow students we assembled on the campus of berkeley and he agreed a lot of people say you know how communist how come you didn't stop the murder argument's not the right thing i didn't i never felt anything to happen to her if i thought that you know that was going to happen of course i would have stopped it you know i don't i don't want this on my conscience that you know oh you know i allowed you know somebody to die is it on your conscience not to the extent that yes or no no not to the extent that most people would want it to be yes and no not to the extent that most people wanted to be okay i really have a hard time believing that you thought that nothing wrong was going on you know no chance alarm you that for 25 minutes he's still on the bathroom with a seven-year-old girl i mean that's just not a normal occurrence and yet wouldn't you want to go back okay let's say after 25 minutes i come to the conclusion that he's murdered this girl all right do i storm into the bathroom you know and then what happens to me okay let's say the security guard walks in you know i'm sitting here you know with my best friend with the dead body there you know what i mean i think it's very clear to all of us that david cash's mindset was what is best for me what is going to get me keep me out of trouble you have expressed no remorse no feeling that you felt bad at all that this young girl was murdered how is it that you can sit there and feel comfortable with yourself waiting three days when you could have assisted the police in pursuing jeremy however you could have done any number of things but you did nothing it's easy for you people to say oh you should have done this you should have that like you didn't know jeremy he ended up graduating with a nuclear engineering degree and he says he would have done nothing different in his life do you believe david should have been sentenced in this murder did jeremy have any remorse for what he had done or was that all an act was this murder really to do with him being under the influence or would he have escalated to murder regardless do you think his adoption and his family history caused him to do this but let me know what you think and don't ever forget to speak up your voice is powerful enough and i love you to absolute pieces okay bye
Channel: Brooke Makenna
Views: 195,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: childrens games end in murder, deadly childrens games, solved, solved murder, solved true crime, squid games in real life, true story squid games, Sherrice Iverson, Jeremy Strohmeyer, dangerous kids games, hide and seek murder, David Cash Jr, true crime documentary, teen kills child, casino murder, hide and seek turns deadly, Alexander Harris murder
Id: boLqDq6aeL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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