Murder at Glen Athol (1936) MYSTERY

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[Music] [Music] maybe you're right out of gas oh yeah maybe i need a new spark plug well i never did like sweeping anyways oh jeff for the love of pete how can i write a book with you around the idea of a great big tough bird like you taking a vacation to write a book sort of [ __ ] if you ask me listen jeff when i hired you years ago you were just a down-and-out price writer wait a minute i've been down never knocked out in my life well for years i've allowed you to share my adventures now you're like a brother to me and occasionally i've saved your life oh don't mention it and you have saved mine oh that was nothing well now i'm about to reward you with what you have long deserved oh yeah what with a poke in that irish panty oh yeah well you just try it and i'll wrap those legs of yours around your neck and tie them on a bone i'd say if it wasn't for breaking up judge hammond's hope that he was good enough to allow us to use while he was in florida i'd clean up this room with you i'll resent that this room is clean oh what's the use i suppose it is silly for me to try to write about my adventures but when i've started i've started and i'm going to finish ah no kidding do you think you can finish it before your vacation's over bill yes if i'm not constantly interrupted by you and the neighbors they have got neighbors heavily yeah over there's the randalls and they're all steamed up about a famous detective living next door how do they know who i was i took care of that i told all the servants well speak of the devil here comes the old gent from next door himself well tell him i'm out tell him i'm sick tell him anything but get rid of it never mind you leave it to me is mr holy yes sir he's in and he's very lonely sir oh yes he'll be tickled to death to see you hi joe holy old fellow i'm only glad to see you again uh again yes of course i'm reuben marshall i was at the dinner that they gave for you when you finished up the mcauley kidnapping case oh oh yes uh won't you sit down oh and calvary well i've been taking a few lessons myself you know judge hammond has us all believing that you're the greatest detective in the world a small world you know yeah well he's a fine gentleman the judge uh incidentally he has the finest whiskey that i ever poured down my throat your man will find it on the third shelf on the left in the cellar oh mr marshall this is mike jeffries my variable assistant and jack of all trades glad to know you uh jeff see if you can find that whiskey and uh make it into high balls with plenty of ice and plenty of whiskey hey wait what's all this i i'm on vacation writing a book ah i don't believe you i bet you're working on a case in this neighborhood like a taxi man out for a drive on this holiday no i'm not working on a case oh well i'm glad to hear that hey come along i'm going to take you golfing no thank you i i really can't spare the time oh i'm sorry well then i'll have to go with muriel randall my nephew's wife you know it's too bad yeah she's a handful muriel welcome stranger ah cheerio martin your eye you know muriel was divorced from camel snowden before she married harry big money settlement too and she went after harry randall hot and heavy got him and drove him crazy no women will do that well i mean harry's really crazy he's in the sanitarium 10 miles up the river that's unfortunate bad situation she still lives with us and now with poor harry in the sanitarium she's gone after tom his brother oh that is unfortunate yes it's about to drive van out of her mind too huh it's your daughter no no no anne's my sister and their mother oh uh we're a strange family skeletons rattling in all the closet till you can't sleep at night all on the kind of mural and the strange part of it is that ann is simply wild about it adores her well well i've got to run along muriel's waiting for me i'm sorry i can't join you but i just must finish this book well it's comforting to have a detective so close anyhow hello muriel let me introduce hello darling i'm muriel uh so i judge i suppose old father time here gave you a big load of me well rather good size i'd say well just for that you big bad boy you've rotten wait in the car i want to talk to mr holt alone so long ho oh yeah see you later i guess you think i'm a pretty bad egg don't you darling well i got that general impression well i'll let you in on a little secret i am now how do you feel i like spanking you oh please do i'd love it no don't tempt me huh tamp easily you don't mean to say detectives are human uh at times well well this is an age of discovery anyhow what are you doing tonight writing oh but you're not riding tomorrow night you're coming over a party i mean a social gathering people music bridge stupid talk and other modern inventions thanks but uh no none of that i never take no for an answer darling especially from men you probably don't hear it very often and tomorrow afternoon i'm picking you up in the roadster we'll go places and drink things well we'll see uh well goodbye darling until tomorrow kiss so long huh none of my business but you're certainly a fast worker bill remember irishman you've still got a poker nose coming yeah you know that old word marshall's not a bad sword quite neighborly too no it's an egg he's smart he came around here to find out what i'm doing you don't need a vacuum cleaner to get the dirt around here just pour a couple of drinks with old man marshall oh tommy don't you think you're taking unnecessary chances coming here well everybody else is downstairs but us that's the point everybody is downstairs but us but what if they do find out i wish they would you do i love you why don't you come away with me and we'll be married quick tommy fix my necklace come in oh muriel everybody's downstairs waiting for you i was just going down thanks tommy for helping me with my necklace you'd better wipe off that lip rouge first oh oh good evening sir hello darling you're late the fun if any has begun well i'm sorry i just had to finish one more chapter while i was still hot well come on and get cooled off i'll introduce everybody first and blackened characters later okay perfect let's go and maybe i present mr hall my mother-in-law darling and your host how'd you do i'm the sweetest finest woman in all the world oh muriel i don't deserve her really a little siren like me i believe you oh don't take her seriously she will never grow up and this mr holt is campbell snowden my ex-husband i have to know you mr snow he divorced me the brute for very good reason but i took him for a quarter of a million on the settlement so uh you're the great host and he's still crazy about me aren't you dean oh tommy come come [Music] mr holt this is little tommy randall good brother of my current husband he wants me to divorce harry and marry him with my husband and incompetent tommy will inherit the family fortune oh muriel you mustn't say such things even in fun mr holt doesn't understand only off to he's a detective but on vacation don't forget that hello well well if it isn't the old he gossip herself and you came over enjoying yourself more than you believe there they are darling my main admirers all under one tent the naughty elephant the big bad wolf and the innocent little lamb come on i'm gonna put you in circulation darling what did she mean by that remark about divorcing harry and marrying you not a thing you ought to know muriel by now oh campbell you certainly can't take her seriously anyhow what's it to you you're not her husband anymore tommy that's enough all right jane precious this is mr holt the nice man i've been saving for you jane maxwell of the shattered heart how do you do miss shattered heart that was hardly fair muriel maybe not but it's true you know it isn't well we'll settle it with swords on the field of honor a week from some wednesday after all i've read about you i almost feel i'm in the presence of a supernatural being oh he's human all right but you'll find out for yourself i'm muriel please i should explain darling why jane hates me so charmingly i stole her sweetie harry randall right from under her pretty nose not that her loss was so great except financially you've gone too far i'm terribly terribly sorry jane please forgive me and the gin of course i forgive you both thanks darling well i'll run along you'll be safe with the detective jane congratulations you're a brave girl you certainly can't take it the at times that's the only thing to do well i like you for it but if you had clawed at ribbons i wouldn't have blamed you wouldn't you have arrested me for it not while on vacation [Music] folks come and get it oh we don't want coffee we're who's over now i have an idea let's have some rum carpet my own private recipe i've been offered millions for it sure that's a horse from another garage yeah i trot it out simpson bring in everything i need for my famous room coffee perfect pardon sir but we have no rounds what simpson how dare you sorry folks rum coffee's off no run you're all wrong [Music] i'll phone coletti to bring some jamaica hello girl good and i'll go with you no tommy telephoning kaletti is a woman's work put that your smoke you'll fight your mom all right folks come and get your best down want to try ella i'm afraid i know my luck it's always pretty bad let me speak here nothing i think i'll take the world at it anyway no matter what happens it'll still be the luckiest night of my life why do you say that oh i just happen to meet a girl named jade maxwell all right come on mr detective we'll see how lucky you are that's right gus some jamaica rum and another present for me you rotten little chiseler you're through shaking me down gus you're a dear sweet boy and you'll bring my little present or else you heard me say no didn't you well that's what i mean dussy darling there's a famous detective in the house and he'd love to see some of those little pieces of paper that would pin a couple of nice gooey murders on you pipe down you little idiot all right you win but when i get there i want to see you alone call the garage tell them to put a case of jamaican rum and my roadster okay chief all right folks everybody get your bets down going going gone i'll soon be in the bread line you better stop for a while miriam all right folks put your bets down get ready for the little girl what is it simpson mr coletti's brought the realm he's waiting to see you pardon me jane i want to speak with mr hole alone of course [Music] i'm meeting someone in the driveway i want to get rid of as quickly as i can if i'm not back in a moment or two come and look for me and rescue the fair maiden in distress i'm not kidding all right thanks darling never mind that you know what i came for given to me you give me what i ask you to bring and i don't mean rum i told you i was through playing santa claus to you but gussy darling you're just starting remember i've still got what it takes to make you come through where you got that letter in those checks right here where they're safe yeah well i'll show you how safe they are thanks palsy well now that the fair maiden in distress has been rescued what do we play next well let's play hide and seek hide your eyes darling oh you can look now the gentleman you see below is none other than mr gus coletti favorite distributor of alcoholic entertainment in this community he also operates a nightclub which enjoys a very evil reputation we must go sometime oh so you're back in town i was hoping you trade that carnation for a lily who is that guy pardon me mr holt allow me to introduce mr coletti mr coletti mr holt hi mr coletti want to join us mr coletti mr holt is the well-known detective of that name you double-crossing little two-timer two-timer mr coletti you don't know the half of it you haven't been shooting off your mouth have you no not yet well goodbye mr coletti you're leaving all right but i'll be back and when i do i'll get what i come after what is this oh i have something that mr coletti would like to get back but i found it more to my advantage to keep it does the lady mean uh don't say it mr holder i'll have to wash your mouth out with some of snowden's rum coffee come on it's tremendous it's colossal in fact it's not bad thank you if you ever lose your money you can earn a living inventing new drinks it isn't bad oh i saved this for you i was afraid i'd all be gone by the time you got back thank you ander and you how do you like it muriel it's perfect thank you good stuff snow fine thank you hey everybody this stuff ought to change our luck let's try the wheel again good idea nobody can lose now come on folks let's start what's the matter tom why don't you try my new drink no thanks i prefer my rum and coffee separate i'm broke campbell you'll have to save me again come out on the ground i want to speak to you muriel looks worn out poor child she lives at such a tension and growls so much into life she's had a very exciting evening well will you pardon me shall we i'd love to [Music] go [Music] give me a second i must get home early tonight i want to do another chapter before i journey why mr work tonight so i can take you for a drive tomorrow with your consent you have it i'm staying here tonight you know some of us are invited for the weekend i'm miriam what's matter and i'm dead of the world i'm all in i think i'll call it a night don't run off like that it's barely 12 o'clock so long old timer i'll be seeing you good night darling all right melio's overtaxed yourself i'm going to take her upstairs and put her to bed oh that's too bad of all the perverse bits of femininity she takes the pump perhaps she has overtaxed herself mrs randall said i rub it you don't know her as i do that's true out on the porch just now she was all steel springs and dynamite then the sudden she goes sour and beats it in here what she needs is a good rest what she needs is a good liquid you didn't get the stuff did you no i told you that baby was dynamite what's she got on you anyway guys well i may as well spill it she pinched that letter i got from big nose louie yeah you mean the one naming his prize for knocking off them monkeys that tries to muscle in a nose yeah not only that she's got the canceled check i gave him for the job what a sap you were hanging on to boys only that why didn't you burn them i was just keeping them in case in case of what in case louie ever got into a jam about it and tried to leave us holding the bag she got you on his spot listen i'm going back there tonight and i'll get that stuff if i have to break her neck what's that dear absolutely well sweet dreams mr holt is ready to leave mom he wishes to say good night oh yes thank you i want to thank you for a splendid evening mrs randall why you're not going already yes i must it's only 10 minutes fast world how's musical mother oh boy dear she fell asleep the instant her head touched the pillow oh good i'm ready for bed myself i think that coffee must have had some sleep producing quality well the rest of them seem wide awake enough oh yes they do well now that you're our neighbor i hope we'll see you often well thank you good night good night good night good night tomorrow good night good night [Music] hey who who are you shooting at who's next door at randalls let's go over and see what happens hold on your pleasure time to get here as quickly as possible right if he's dead we ought to move him how did he get away from that place why did he come here what happened this fool here shot my brother he was on the roof sir i thought he was a burglar let me take him off mr holt will it be all right i'm afraid not that gunshot wound was bad enough to fall off the roof didn't help him any oh he's trying to say something yes darling it's mother i i settle that bitty i i killed kill that dirty cur what does he mean take him inside i'll see if everything's all right in the house come on jeff come along man i'll be thinking jane it's maxwell miss maxwell is he dead oh how did this happen well i don't know i came in and swung there i guess i fainted please let let me go to my room i'll get someone to help you no no i'm quite alright i don't need anyone well where is your room just down the hall i'll make it alone hey this baby's plenty dead yeah it looks like the end of camel snowden say that's a keen looking pig sticker i'll bet it costs a lot of dough don't touch it jeff wait a minute he wasn't killed with that knife it was struck on the head well somebody got it it's all covered with blood you better see who it was that accounts for the blood on that knife you think that guy over there done it i don't know it's a matter for the local police to find out sure we're on our vacation i just phoned again about the doc you left there 15 minutes ago you ought to be here but now there's no mystery about the case gentlemen hey randall was responsible for both deaths unquestionably yeah but we got to make an investigation you know we'll see where the medical examiner gets here oh hold on i'm just saying that undoubtedly poor harry was responsible for both tragedies uh yes i heard you don't you think so well i never jump at conclusions oh gentlemen the famous mr holt mr mcdougall our district attorney and sergeant olsen of the homicide squad oh yeah and this is mike jefferies my right-hand man uh mr holt was present when harry confessed yes that's right i understand you're on vacation mr holt so i imagine you won't care to interest yourself in this case oh i'm sure that you gen will be able to handle it more satisfactorily hello doc been waiting for you all right oh dr bergen mr holt well let's get it over well it won't take long your work will be merely routine upstairs doc nothing's been touched gentlemen tough luck no chance for fingerprints there that carved handle won't take them it's an odd-looking piece of hardware and ought to be hard to trace harry was always picking up outlandish things like that all right doc look him over something strange here this man wasn't killed with that dagger he died of a fractured skull there's nothing strange about it harry used a knife to kill muriel and something else on snowden caused the fracture doc i don't know some heavy object with a rounded surface exactly well uh shall we go to his other victim uh just a minute i don't like the looks of this setup well this sort of help chief iron pipe it's the goods all right where'd you find it by the side of the house dried blood and plenty of it oh may i see that in the light please sergeant sure well i guess that settles it that piece of pipe is undoubtedly the weapon that harry used when he killed snowden i guess you're right thanks hudgen oh bark take this downstairs to mcgirn and tell him to check the fingerprints with harry randall right well holt any suggestions no judgment you're doing very well let's take a look in the girls room well i guess so you like flowers don't you bill i guess so why smells nice too where did this come from over by that window nice going irishman what you got in there the murderer the harris i'm off that pipe oh i get you you're gonna stuff a mattress there can be no question about what caused her death the jugular vein is completely severed before mario she died just as she lived violently you go ahead with your work sergeant while i take care of this right what do you make of this gentleman the shammy bang thrown open well i say that lady carried something that she valued in him sure something she kept with her all the time well whoever yanked it off was in one awful hurry doesn't it suggest robbery sure it does what jewelry did the lady have mr marshall oh nothing but a wristwatch and a couple of rings she didn't like jewelry haven't you forgotten a string of pearls she was wearing them last night that's right a memento over days we campbell snowden cost the old boy plenty too well let's have a look around for the jewelry the ship has sailed this jewel box is empty well gentlemen if it was robber they overlooked these i had a little difficulty getting them off her fingers rigo mortis the stiffening of death you know yes i understand well i guess that eliminates your robbery theory how about the pearls my friend we'll undoubtedly find them in harry randall's pocket so since sergeant harry randall's fingerprints are the only ones in this pipe well it looks very much as if that settles the case all except the pearls all right mcgearn just to satisfy mr holt will you take a look through harry's clothes for those pearls i've looked all through him when he was in his room just now and there weren't any pearls am i right not a pearl in the trunk full oh never mind the pearls randall's our man all right i ain't so sure there's something kind of funny about all this but he confessed what more do you want i want to get everybody together and ask him questions what for for my report well all right if you want to add to the heartaches of this family but that sort of foolishness i suppose we can't stop you come along all this trouble about a string of beads simpson what was you doing upstairs i went up to inform mrs randall that mr holt was leaving and wished to say good night is there any way to prove that does anybody see you oh i haven't said closer what are you driving i just wanted to know i can prove it sir i saw mrs randall while uh while she was standing at muriel's door saying good night ever see that before windows here never olson stop that he's right awesome turn up the rough stuff oh all right you know everybody's story not one of us left our rooms all night long that's not true i left my room mr holt found me in mr snowden's room jane yes i i fainted you better explain miss maxwell i was awakened by the shot and then i heard a heavy fall outside the house go on please well i i went into the hall mr snowden's room was lighted and his door was open so i stepped in to ask him what happened then i saw him flying on the floor by the knife and you fainted yes there's only one possible explanation harry randall poor lad committed both murders i'm convinced oh well also i think we better go sure all right any deductions or theories mr holt no nothing everything run to suit you perfectly well that'll be all ladies and gentlemen just a moment jane i want to talk to you i'm so glad you told us what was what about being in mr stone's room i was very much worried about you so was i you were the last woman in the world i would have wanted to find there under circumstances mr holt will you do me a favor a very great favor oh yes if it's possible i want you to clear harry randall's name of those murders well i said if it were possible what do you mean he seems to be guilty exactly but you couldn't think it for an instant you'd known harry as i did well i'll admit you have the advantage of me there i can't stand by and see them unload those awful crimes on that poor dead boy he was innocent you know it and i know it were you still in love with him i loved him once but that was all over when he married muriel why this concern about him now it's the injustice of their trying to blacken his memory to shield someone else all right gene i'll see what i can do thank you i'm a school i'll have lots to do so you please try and get some rest oh ho love is blind not as blind as you'll be if i put this in your eye uh-huh hello hulk hello buddy cosmano mr host all right okay it's not thanks well i heard you wanted to see me i have something of yours that i've been wanting to return for some time white carnation my good friend jeff founded in mr snowden's room after he was murdered i thought maybe you dropped it listen holt there's a million guys wear white carnations all right just a passing thought i heard you terry you were coming back later sure i did but i wasn't in that much of a hurry you can take your hand out of your pocket cosmona if you like must be perspiring by now never mind my hand oh i don't mind it at all right jeff it's the idea of going around the house with a gun in your hand you might frighten my guess i was out in the garage looking for rats anything more holt another thing i can think of i guess we'll go right what is it hey mr holt to see you doctor hold oh yes so even doctor will see you mr the holt how do you do mr holt hi doctor yes sit down please thank you well what can i do for you well doctor i'm interested unofficially of course in the unfortunate randall affair and i would like to get some information regarding harry randle well i'll be very glad to cooperate with you of course but i'm afraid that i i'll introduce you doctor i'm trying to prove harry randall's innocence i hope you succeed it will take a lot of responsibility off my shoulders well was harry randleed a violent patient only occasionally in fact for the greater portion of the time he was quite rational until something caused him to change well had he been acting an unusual manner previous to his escape no he seemed rather quiet until about three o'clock in the afternoon when he had a visitor and after she left he seemed morose and nervous she yes an old friend in fact his former fiance miss jane maxwell her visit must have gotten more excited than usual because immediately after we had learned of his escape we found that my poor old airdale dog buster dead with his skull crushed in well that's very interesting doctor just a few moments before young randall died he mustered something about having gotten that cur which was supposed to be a confession could be possible that he was referring to your dog well i sincerely hope so mr holt i would like to get a few hairs we don't mind from your dog to compare them with some hairs found on a piece of pipe that was supposed to have killed mr snowton certainly come with me please oh doctor if it becomes necessary i can rely on you as a witness yes of course thank you no sir man we don't go to no murder picture tonight since all them killings at the randalls every time i hear the noise i turned white as a sheet just a double honey you can call me back whenever it gets after a while mrs maxwell then no sir she won't be back for several hours i want to leave this banks with a sample of my choreography yes sir but that ain't saying she'll buy any no i mean i want to leave a note for her that's what i thought right there's her best just help yourself sorry i had to pop in on you this late but i had to go to the vandals first i've been trying to help anne did you get my note yes i intended dropping in on you that's why i didn't call billa i think i'm about to make a confession go ahead i enjoy the confession now then say mister what's the matter with you many things being a mere man the point is what's wrong with you it's about how i ramble and those pearls of murals that are missing are you interested at all very much well on the afternoon before the murders i went to paramount to see harry i hadn't heard anything about him in months he was so glad to see me it was pitiful unfortunately i mentioned the house party for that night why unfortunately he asked if campbell snowden would be there and i had to say yes it roused him to a fury why shouldn't jealousy and a string of pearls that snowden had given muriel she refused to return them after the divorce harry called them a badge of infamy he wanted them returned to snowden that's natural anyway to quiet him i promised i'd go to muriel's room that night and get the pearls and give them to him so i took them where are they now in an ink stand at my apartment oh bill i just can't stand the word them any longer and you want me to get them and keep them for you please would you lady my first miracle bill but what a relief what must you have thought of me though well we won't go into that now all right tell me what about this big surprise of yours well i've proven beyond all doubt that harry randall is innocent of those murders phil oh that's wonderful tell me how did you find out very simple the hairs on that pipe came from dr agnew's airedale dog there were no human hairs on at all [Music] are you going to tell the police oh maybe it won't be necessary why must be going you're going nowhere you're my prisoner you're staying right here and having chicken dinner with me oh sounds good but i'm afraid god say jeff can take the ugly chicken in the world and fight into a bird of paradise hey bill get that big mouth of yours open did you hear me your half-baked detective come and get it my mistake dinner is served that butler cook of yours certainly has an informal way of addressing you well after a couple fellows save each other's lives a few times they generally drop formalities excuse me hello mr snowden's butler i understand you've interested yourself in those murders well i have some very important information to tell you about them uh just a moment hey do you know snowden's butler jenkins yes of course noise voice certainly well listen but don't talk who did you say this is uh jenkins sir mr snowden's butler but could you come here at once sir it's very important well can't you tell me now not on the telephone sir yes sir but mr snowden's home i'll be waiting sir thank you sir okay pop now keep on being a good boy and maybe i'll give you a smack in the nose with this the idea joe just playing safe that's all get the car jeff right we'll drop you off at your apartment jane oh please let me go with you after all don't you think i have a right to be curious about those murders very well beautiful lady your slightest wishes of command come on [Applause] hello jenkins good evening respectful jack and this is mr host and mr jeffries how do you do gentlemen well here we are yes and here we are stick them up and hide all right eddie frisk them that's swell now we're all ready to go for a little ride hey maybe we're pulling the border and knocking off a dick has taken enough chances well let's call it the boss yeah how can we when you get smart and pull the telephone out the closest one is at the felling station we're calling from there okay all right in here sit down over there we're going out to phone the boss see that they behave themselves when we get back okay how do you like this mr detective not bad i want to like the ending much better all i'm asking is for when he used to start something you'll never make it buddy handsome fellow our god don't you think mr holt barry i imagine his hometown is quite proud of him they'll soon be erecting a monument to his memory all right all right fight some candles yes sir jane are you all right yes i i think so jeff take a look at it hey the next time you have to throw me out of the way my friend don't be so rough about it will you i'm sorry dude i just had to get you out of the way are you all right mm-hmm he'll never hang jeff you better get ready to welcome the returning delegates oh mr hold i'm so sorry about all that's happened now you see why i had to call you sorry jenkins it wasn't your fault did you ever see any of those men before yes sir that one he was a friend of mr coletti colettis yes sir he came here with mr coletti a few days ago he was driving mr coletti's car what day was that well that was the day before poor mr snowden past answer i remember distinctly because that was the day mr snowden gave us to collected a knife a knife yes sir dagger mr coletti had admired it very much what time of day was coletta here well uh about noon sir i know could you describe that dagger hi well there it is sir in that photograph jane jeff look say that's the pig sticker she got it with when was this picture taken at a costume ball sir it was taken before they were divorced gene potter knows i'm taking you home okay and jenkins i want you out of here before those men return i was just about to suggest that sir and forget everything that happened indeed yes sir hey boys you don't want us to bump off that maxwell game too do you well it all depends why as she showed up with holt and the other guy we got him over at the snowden place you mean you left that thick with there alone with a guy like holt beat it back there and wait for us is that tommy gun all right sure it's all right we use the closed car [Music] if you're wrong about that being coletti and cosmano i'll break your irish snake it's them all right i got a good look at it when i started afterwards from that side roll well they must have started failing us immediately after we dropped jane well you want to shoot it out with them no i got a better idea [Music] [Music] [Music] coletti owner of a nightclub was badly injured and tony cosmana who was riding with him was instantly killed last night when their car left the highway well jeff it all goes to prove the old adage that he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword yeah but guys like collettian cosmetolo don't use swords go see who that is big problem may i see mr holt sure come on in oh hello simpson what is it i thought you ought to know sir i saw someone burying these things in the garden is that so oh scabbard for dagger this is interesting who's burying them mr marshall sir mancho well imagine old marshall being interested in gardening that's what i thought what's this used for i don't know sir when did you see marshall bury them it's about three o'clock this morning sir it was moonlight and i was looking out on my window i i'm having difficulty in sleeping sir after my part in poor harry's death i don't wonder hey what are you doing i just saw simpson digging here he picked up something and put it in his pocket that's strange i uh where'd he go over the holes he's still there i'm afraid i better be getting back sir well i'm glad you brought these you did the right thing simpson keep up the good work thank you sir well this is a pretty scuttle of suds very say that's the scabbard for that pig sticker right you are my boy what's this stuff hi ryerson i can read by jeff the honestly as possible well what's it for i'm not sure but i'm gonna find out oh here we are hyacin a nerve depressor this thing doesn't give much information give me the encyclopedia the h's they scared the big brave detective big bang right to the heart you better give me that gun you may uh shoot yourself that's funny never had anything like that happened to me before huh suppose not yeah the gun is no good where is me huh yeah mush me must have had a couple of drinks two minutes it's my hair you just forget it huh oh of course what's a couple of hair breath escapes between friends it's a good idea city gets home all right jeff yes all right i can make it i can head to the door i'm captured i am i never miss anything thanks jeff did that guy have a million dollar bun on yeah a beauty for a man who didn't have any liquor on his breath you mean that he did he was exactly well my monkey's uncle i tell ya i didn't croak me oreo but why did you kill snowden i had to he was gonna holler and wake up everybody so i got him in his own room crack them on the head well don't worry guys i'll handle everything i am worried what about my wife and kid no way to take care of him when i croak you want to have money the way muriel's been shaking me down fat chance because i'll see that the wife and kid are taken care of as long as they live but you've got to do something for me okay what is it but everything points to coletti bill first he threatened muriel that he'd be back yes second you find his carnation in snowden's room correction jeff found it you detectives third you learned the dagger had been given him by snowden that same day and the best part of it is he tried to bump you off so did ruben marshall laugh that off and don't overlook the little matter of marshall burying that sky-bird in the ball of eyes and yes that's right and heist and played an important part in those murders at least in that of muriel's and coletti didn't have a chance to slip that to her what is the effect of hyacinth well dilates the pupils of the eyes causes sudden weariness and a desire for sleep that describes muriel exactly after she came in from the porch with snowden i'll uh be polite and concede you one murder for coletti thank you but why not both say this old bird must have been the champion athlete of the barnyard he's tough but good working how to get my teeth into him oh you're just getting old that's all that chicken was killed fresh three hours ago that's a trouble it should have been fried immediately before rigor mortis set in rigor mortis the rigidness of death well what a fool i've been what a cluck what a sap that's what i've been trying to tell you all these years oh jeff go to the back door and call simpson have him come over here as fast as he can yes sir just what might you be driving at you'll see when i get a whack at simpson oh don't tell me you would try to put the blame on poor old simpson he's no murderer well don't forget he killed harry randall well that was an accident your impossible no i would go so far say that i am highly improbable i'll admit i was in the dark thanks to jeff's tough chicken i've seen the light by the way gene reuben marshall has considerable political power in his community hasn't he yes why so much so that he might be able to influence certain police officials well i should think so uh that ties everything up beautifully what is this to do with simpson though gosh that poor old fellow will probably be too frightened to talk not simpson here he is milton oh hello simpson it's nothing serious i just want to ask a few questions tell me was coletti at the randalls during the day before the murders uh yes sir he came to deliver champagne for the party huh what time of day about half after 12 i should see sir he left snowden's at noon so he must have gone to your place next yes sir i recall he's saying he'd just come from there was he wearing a top coat uh yes sir he hung it on a nail in the kitchen at the top of the set of stairs he had to arrange some wine in the cellar i see then anyone who came in the kitchen could have seen it oh yes sir tell me uh when mrs randall was saying goodnight to muriel how close were you to the door oh rather close sir do you still remember the conversation oh yes sir mrs randall said uh good night dear you'll feel better in the morning then she said here simpson he's come to never mind that part uh what next she said oh absolutely [Music] now repeat what muriel said oh i'm afraid i can't sir i couldn't hear what she said tell me is the rhino family at home why yes sir well tell them come over here at once tell them i have a surprise for them a surprise oh yes sir you and your surprises say when he gets that look in his eyes something's going to pop maybe he solved the crime already there's no maybe about it jeff i have thanks to that tough chicken of yours then i must be some good in the world after all that chicken showed me that meal was dead at least three hours before snowden something i should have noticed immediately how do you know that because when we examined snowden's body it was limp but the doctor had difficulty in getting the rings from muriel's fingers because her body was rigid clever these boy detectives now i know there were two murderers then coletti killed muriel of course but who made it snowden no you're wrong jane coletti killed snowden not muriel oh that don't make sense bill such crimes usually don't will you stop torturing us tell us what happened well muriel told me that she had something coletti wanted back and i heard him threaten to return for it whatever it was he came back and stole it but muriel was already dead right then she was dead when i was in her room oh well snowden surprised coletti in muriel's room and recognized the knife which had killed her as the one he had given coletti that morning this is getting better and better snowden accused coletti of killing her naturally coletti was in a spot and when snowden ran into the hall to give the alarm coletti followed him struck him on a head and then dragged him back into his own room where we found eugene but why didn't he take the dagger with him because coletti hoped it would pin muriel's murder on snowden that's why he planted it near the body the boy could be right how about muriel muriel was dead before i left the party a little after 12. oh that's impossible she talked with that in just a moment before you left simpson heard them simpson heard anne not muyo that was a trick muriel was dead are you saying that anne suzanne who took the dagger out of coletti's pocket and put the hyacinth in yoyo's coffee oh bill i i can't believe it is my friend one of my very best friends she's too good too kind and she's been a fine mother yes it's pretty bad why would she do it she loved me oriole do you think she could really love a woman who had ruined her son harry's life and was about to do the same to her other boy [Music] there they are now oh uh jeff prepare some drinks when i tell you to serve them bring them through the library i get you bill you won't be cruel will you uh mr whole sent for us i believe yeah hello oh hello holt mrs randall hello tom how are you thank you and how's your target practice these days uh room for improvement i'm afraid i want you to step in everyone sit down please i came over to enjoy some of jeff's famous fried chicken but it turned out to be tough yes it does that sometimes oh uh simpson told us you had a surprise of some sort i yes i'm afraid i have well folk what's up i'm sorry to have to bring it up but it concerns the murders in your home mrs randall oh i was never satisfied with the assumption that harry randall committed those murders at the request to miss maxwell i've done some investigating in fact i know definitely who killed muriel and mr snowden the result of my investigation is quite a surprise oh by the way holt i have a little surprise for you yes the district attorney called me up just before he left the house and informed me that coletti had just died and left a signed statement confessing both murders well that's almost unbelievable well then i suggest that you call the district attorney no no that's fine seems that i'm wrong well my face has been read before news like this is deserving of a drink oh jeff you're calling me yes will you bring in some refreshments oh of course well that settles everything must be quite a relief to you mrs randall to know that your son was innocent oh yes yes indeed by the way what was that surprise you had for us hmm spread oh uh yes sir miss maxwell and i have reached a conclusion that we'll get married tomorrow and go on a honeymoon holy well that's great well jane i'm so glad why this is a surprise yes isn't it this calls for a double celebration excuse me oh jeff hurry up with the drinks what's that oh absolutely somebody speaking to me now isn't that odd would you all have sworn that jeff was talking to me out there yes i'll never mind certain tricks yet to the future mrs holt jane i'm so glad for you mr holt is a kind man i'm sure you'll be very happy poor jeff that wobber gun look on his face as we started up the gangplank he'll get over it he's going hunting up and counting until i get back come in radio grant for you mr hall oh thanks what is it bill oh what a shame she was only trying to save her home in the good name of her family yes it was your duty to arrest her wasn't it of course but i was sure it would turn out this way but what if it hadn't i was prepared for that it's a funny world jane after all we owe our happiness to this tragedy hey bill if there's any food left when you get through bring it out to lifeboat [Music] ha ha ha ha ha 22. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 365,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MOVIES, Iris Adrian, #classicmovies, Murder at Glen Athol (1936), Frank R. Strayer, Irene Ware, classic movie, John Miljan, Murder At Glen Athol, CLASSIC, MOVIE, classic movies, filmstruck, FREE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 17sec (4037 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2013
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