MultiSub Full EP | 帥哥出差遇頂級美女,回公司發現美女竟是新老闆 #熱播大戲 #追劇

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Hello? Where are you? I'm taking a walk on the beach. My superior is abroad but still doesn't forget to monitor my work? Be serious. Tell me, is there a reaction yet? What reaction? What other reaction? Of course, the stomach. Hey, I just got pregnant. I can eat and sleep well, but there's just no reaction yet. That's because my god son is good and obedient. He doesn't want to torment you. Quite considerate. You have to be careful with your diet. You can't eat food like hot pot and barbecue. You'd better not infect my god son with some kind of bacteria. What should I do? I'm going to a campfire event later. Campfire event? Eating is a secondary matter. What's important is doing some incognito mingling. This way. Alright, I already have one. Guoguo, the campfire is an important event that our company has to evaluate. So I can't accompany you tonight . Take care of yourself. Okay, okay, I know. You've already said it seven to eight times already. Good girl. That smells good. Handsome Brother, when you were having your bath, how was the hot water? Not bad . What do you think about the environment and services at this hotel? Pretty good. Do you feel the bed is comfortable? Pretty soft. Is that so? Tell me, how is the bath water? Pretty good. What a coincidence! Help me fill out some surveys, okay? Okay. First question: Are you satisfied with this campfire event? It's alright. Why don't you eat the barbecue over there? Is it bad? At night, I like to drink Vita Coco and eat something light. Good that you take care of your health. Hold on a moment. Ma'am. Yes? Hello. You... Are you pregnant? Yes. Already seven months. Eating too much barbecue is bad for the baby, right? What do I do? There is only barbecue here, nothing else. How about this? I'll contact the kitchen to arrange for something lighter for you, okay? Thank you. You are so considerate. Where is your seat? Bring me over there. Over there. Excuse me. Here. Thank you. Hello, Director Su. By the way, you are going to the airport tomorrow. Do you need me to arrange a ride for you? It's fine. I already took care of it myself. Okay, then. If there is nothing else, I will go back to work first. Wait. There's something I need you to help me with. What is it? Hello, Director Luo. I don't need to rest. See you in the conference room in 5 minutes. Today, I asked everyone to come mostly because I wanted to introduce our new colleague. She's just transferred from the branch office in England, the new Director of the Tourism Division, Su Mang. The Tourism Division is a very important department to our group. The market is extremely competitive right now. There are many new tour routes and attractions for this department to lead the charge as the pioneer. I hope that the other departments will corporate closely with Director Su. Timely cooperation will allow us all to benefit from each other, the Marketing Department in particular. Oh, of course. Director Su, I think that you will need our help soon. When the time comes, just say the word. Su Mang, in a moment, the secretary, Xiao Liu, will show you around the office and help you get acquainted. If you need anything, just tell me. Thank you. Okay, next up let's move on to the next issue of our meeting. You are Mr . Zheng, right? Yes, is something wrong? Hello, I'm Manager Ye from the Department of Public Relations of the hotel. Nice to meet you. Here is ¥50,000. Please take it. What do you mean? This is a little expression of our sincerity. Actually,we would like to ask for your help. I know that you are in charge of ratings, so I hope that you can give us a full score. We really value our collaboration with MG Corporation. This is really important to us. I can't accept this money. I know what rating I 'll give. Mr. Zheng, there is no one here and no camera. Only you and I know about this. Hey, Mr. Zheng! Director Su. Yes, he didn't take it. This guy is stubborn. This way , Director Su. This is our Tourism Division. This is our conference room. We usually have our meetings- All right. I got it. You can go now. Hurry. Come here! Who knows... Okay, I'll call you later. Who are you looking for? Dong Jiajia, you've worked at this company for three years, and moved around in three positions before ending up in this department. And you were almost fired for violations. Am I correct? Put the drink down. Put the food down. Don't say anything. Your breakfast is still stuck on your teeth. Your name is Gu Yuan? You were originally a clerk in the Administrative Department. After arriving here, your performance has been mediocre. You 're the only employee in this department with a doctorate degree. Do you feel that you're overqualified to work here? I'm not going to name. From everyone now on, I don't want to see any trace of laziness in the company. This is a company, not a market. Director Su, I'm the secretary for the Director… Wen Mengmeng. From now on, don't wear heavy makeup and revealing clothes. This is an office, not a night bar that you go to in the evening. All right. I think all of you already knew about me. I have high standards for work. I hope that you'll all work together with me to get the job done in the Tourism Division. I 'll stop talking now. Get busy. I… Change your clothes. Come to my office. What are you looking at? This is the Black Spider. She dug out the background information of eight generations of your ancestry. She's obviously a spider demon . Her words were like needles, her sentences laced with blood. My heart nearly stopped beating out of fear. So freakish. I thought a woman would be easy to work with, but who'd have expected that she's harder to please than He He . You guys better pray for yourselves. You'd better tighten your skin a bit. (so as to appear tense, in preparation for a scolding or beating) Seriously. And he's talking about me. Director Su, I'm done changing. Change here as well. The colors of the furniture are too gloomy. Immediately contact a furniture company for information as my consideration. I'll take care of the cost. And I want the most environmentally friendly materials. Oh. Hey, do you know what the Black Spider just told me? She wants to spend her own money to change all the furniture in her office. Whatever. She can change however she wants. We can't control what she does. You're so dumb. She's changing furniture right now, but later, she's going to change out you guys. Hmph! Where'd she get that from? If anyone's being changed out, it's her. Look at the way she walks. What is Brother Chu doing? He is not picking up his phone either. Why is he on a business trip at this time? If you ask me, he should hurry back here and face this new master. That is more important. You are so worried but not the one involved. Let me tell you. Whether Brother Chu returns or not, the result will still be the same based on his temperament. Regardless of who the new director is, we'll all end up being buried with him. Say, he just goes out and has fun all the time and he gets to earn his salary. How happy and relaxing. He is probably enjoying himself too much to return. Dong Jiajia, could you refrain from being such a bootlicker? Back to the point. You guys see that? That's what a tyrant is, changing things at her will. When will we ever be able to live so carefree and enjoyably ? Doesn't it seem so great? I'm doing that right now! Brother Chu, the Black Spider has arrived. Things are urgent! [VIP Lounge] There are still two hours before we can board! Why did you drag me here so early?! It's better to be early than late. The plane won't wait for you. Weren't you going to stay a few more days? Why are you leaving so soon? Xiao Gu texted me and said that our new director already arrived. My new superior just arrived and has already imposed strict rules. My co-workers can't handle it anymore. I don't believe she's that scary. Aside from that big shot who makes me crazy, there's no one else. Su Mang doesn't owe you anything. How lovingly do you call her name? That's not it. What else do I call her? Little Su? Little Mang? You'll be more angry that way. You're not planning to quit the job, right? I'm already set on my resignation. I'm returning now so I can take care of it quickly. I want to start anew. That's right. You need to quit the job because my dad will make you the manager. We'll talk about that later. You're not giving me any face at all. Sister Su, do you like the environment here? Not only is this place close to your office, the commute is convenient, and the living amenities are all complete. The house is just a bit older. Are there any other places? Ms. Su, this is the last shikumen style home (traditional Shanghainese architecture with a courtyard) that fits your requirements. Alternatively, you can look around the neighborhood . There are new buildings. The residents are also white collar workers like yourself. No need, I like the feeling of an old house. I'll take it. Please send in the payment. Okay. Then I'll be going. Give me a call later. Goodbye, Sister Su. New condoms! Please let me pass. Hey, mister! Hey, mister! Please try this condom. This is a new product. I don't need it. Try using it. If you continue to be like that, I'm calling the police! Get out of my way. It's fine. Just try it out. Mister! Mister! Mister! Don't leave! Hey, did you stuff them for him? I did, I stuffed a lot. It's enough that you stuffed it. Come, come, master! Put it here. Hey, isn't this the furniture in our office? Oh, my god. Teacher Zheng Chu, you are finally back. You don 't know, right? Black Spider's office is having a complete make over. From the office table to the soda pillow, the desk calendar, books shelves, and trash cans are all to be changed. She's too much. What nonsense are you saying ? Are you crazy? Come. Come. Lower your voice. Don't let them hear. They could be her spies. Oh, this... You have not seen this Black Spider in person yet. Once you've seen her, you won't be acting so playfully here anymore. Please help! Please help! Sorry. Master, be careful! Sorry. What's wrong, Brother Chu? This waist of yours is too weak. Enough already. Stop carrying that and just go up . Help me get my luggage. Other than talking, what else can you do? Are you all right? Be careful! Let me tell you. I really have a bad feeling about this. Of course. The director has changed. The furniture has also changed. And the next, we will all also be changed. You really should be changed first. Hey... Why are you all standing here? Ha? Hey, hey. Did you see the major furniture change outside? The company will have an internal review. The new director has already said that whoever gets the lowest evaluation, he or she will be directly fired. But it seems that there's no use in saying these to you anymore, right? You will already soon leave us. Zheng Chu! The new director wants to see you. I know. You didn't expect it, right? He He has left but Ella is still here. And she still is the director's secretary. Say, there really are some evildoers for whom the gender doesn't matter, and they are equally apt with both men and women. Watch my suitcase for me. What's wrong with him? Overexertion. Hello, Director. I just came back from a business trip. I am Zheng Chu. Ella said that you were looking for me. How is it you? How was it? Was your business trip successful? Successful. Yes... No... Quite okay. Then good. Give me a brief summary report of your job. I' ll give you five minutes. I'm sorry. I already emailed my work report to the account of the company. Moreover, weren't you also in Sanya? That's right. I was there. You used the excuse of working and brought your girlfriend to travel. I was indeed there. No, Director... Su. Right, Director Su. First: Tang Guoguo is not my girlfriend. Second: She went to Sanya by her own accord and I did not bring her there. Moreover . , she didn't affect my work. Hope that you won't refute my working ethics. You think that a tourism connoisseur... is just simply evaluating and inspecting. Am I right? These were left by the previous director. These are all the complaints hotels made about you. Take a good look at them. Maintaining a good relationship with the customer is also a critical quality of an outstanding tourism connoisseur. How about you? Your relationship with several of our partner hotels have turned very tense. Is this the value of your work? Okay. Since the company and hotels have so many complaints about my work, then I better just leave. Just forget it. I've already decided I'm going to quit. Calm down first. I 'm very calm. Then good. Even if you want to leave, you must first finish all the work assigned to you right now. As for the other things, let's just talk about them later. Get out. Wait. Take back the complaint letters. Just think of them as a souvenir. There was a promotion. You bought so many just because it was cheap? No... Aiyo... It's okay. Don't be embarrassed. We are all adults. I get it . You misunderstood, Director Su. If you leave the company and head south, there's a drugstore by the first intersection. Get some medicine to nourish your kidneys. No, it's not a problem with my kidney. It's my waist. Don't overextend your health too much. It will affect your work. Go now. Thank you for Director Su's care. Brother Chu, what's wrong with you? Why did it take so long? Brother Chu, is your waist not feeling well? Brother Chu, where did you... this... get all of that? You.. This. That. I was set up. I don't even know when these condoms were put into my bag. Oh... How many have been fired? One. There will be a second one very soon . I think that is great as well. It's what I wanted. Say, are you really resigning? Don't. Just wait a little more. Maybe this time your luck will change. I already thought about it very well. And also, I can already tell. This new one, like the last one, doesn't respect us hotel connoisseurs either. Hey, it's already lunch time. Then fine. Stop thinking about it already. Let's eat first. Fill your stomach before we talk about this. Okay? I'm not hungry. You guys go. All right, then we'll go now. I've read your report. There are a lot of problems with it. Just make some adjustments after lunch. [Resignation letter ] I heard that Black Spider has already married into a rich family abroad. But because she can't bear a child, she got kicked out. Getting married into a rich family and still unable to bear a child... Why don't you just say that she got ¥500,000 break-up fee? With a such pitiful made-up script, you should have just saved it for yourself. Who are you trying to fool? ¥500,000? You can buy ten thousand ¥50 hamburgers, right? It's more like ¥5 million to be logical. Look at her clothes. It's Miu Miu. And her shoes, it's a Limited Edition Prada. Can an ordinary person spend that much? I think that she most likely got a huge separation fee . That's why, it's not important if one can bear children or not. If you can earn enough for the time of your youth for the breakup, it'd be worth it. Really a devil wearing Prada. Why can't a gentle person like me have that kind of luck? I think you women really just have long hair but are very short in knowledge. Just hurry and think of how to preserve your job. If you lose your job, let's see how you can still get some Prada and Miu Miu. Just shut up. Let me tell you. As long as that Zheng Chu, the trouble maker, leaves, our job will surely be safe. I feel that your heart is too dark. Can you be a bit more sunny? You are the one who is dark. Hey, it's Fei Fei. Fei Fei. Hey, spider is quite good. Even Fei Fei got attracted to her. Director Su, working so hard? Do you mind if I join you? Sit. I 'm already done eating. You didn't even touch it. I'm full. With this figure, you don't need a diet, right? I feel that our two departments should have more interactions. After all, you just arrived here. There are still a lot of things that you are not familiar about. Director Fei, the marketing department under your leadership has always been in the forefront. How can I not hurry and do my homework? That's true. Take your time and enjoy .
Channel: 莉莉追劇中
Views: 8,901
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Keywords: #chinese, #熱門電視劇, #最新電視劇, #精選電視劇, #中国电视剧, #ChineseDrama, #ChineseTelevisionDramas, #ENG SUB, #Full Movie, #情感, #出色中國電視劇, #大陸情感劇, #都市愛情劇, #中國電影, #好看中國電影, #出色中國電影, #中國電視劇, #電視劇, #甜寵愛情電影, #家庭#結婚, #萌娃, 熱門, 婚姻, marriage, wedding, kiss, love, hug, multysub, engsub, 宋丹丹, 李小璐, 媽媽, mom, 家長, 吵架, 操心, 求婚, 女婿, 岳母
Id: h_BI7a3Wi2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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