FULL丨She was changing clothes, CEO accidentally came in and fell in love with her at first sight!

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How come you are in the female toilet? This is the question I should ask you. If you don't go, I will call help. What are you doing? Why don't you go? What else do you think I will do in toilet? You pervert! Don't come close to me. This is the men's toilet. Do you think I will believe you? I have seen a lot of males like you. Perv. I know what you are thinking. Pretending that you mistook the sign? Leave before I call help. I won't say anything. If you still don't leave, I will call help. This is the next interviewer's CV. Aren't you... Pervert. Big pervert. It's not like that... I can explain. Out. Mr Zhao is asking you to go. Now. Did you hear me? Right now. Hurry up. Right now. Next one. Hello. My dear landlord. I am still in the hospital. What... Hello... Hello...the signal is not good. I will give you a call when I get home. I am sorry to tell you the person you call is not available at the moment. Please call back later. Where is my assistant? Mr Zhao, I want to talk to you about your assistant. Fiona had a car accident last night. She is still in the hospital Those who apply for the this position... None of the them are suitable. Find her for me. Can you please put away all these products. Hi. Hi, I am calling from Zhao's company. You are hired. What? Come to work now. Now? Are you sure it's me? Not too loud. It's not your home. Can't you lower your voice? You hurt my ears. Yes, it's you. Right now, hurry up. Listen carefully. Come to work within 20 minutes. Before you arrive, Go to the coffee shop to get an American Express and a Cappuccino. Okay? From Changyin to Guomao, 20 mins is not enough. Do you think I could fly? You're so funny. That's fine. You don't need to come at all. No... Wait. I will be there in 20 mins. Remember to buy the coffee. Okay... Boss, I will leave now. It's not home time yet. You need to put away the products yourself. You don't need to pay me today. I am going now. Wait.. I have a date tonight. Who is going to work tonight? One American Express. No sugar no milk. One Cappuccino. Please wait. Thanks. Thanks. Miss, who are you looking for? You are 3 minutes and 56 seconds late! It’s your first day at work. Don’t move. Hello! I’m the one you are looking for. My name is Ling Xiao. Looks like we’ll see each other quite often in the future. Nice to meet you, Miss Wei! Sit down! How about let me buy you a new one. I still owe you a skirt anyway. No need! It’s alright. Just leave me alone. It’s the best you can do for me! Just leave! Come on! But, I work here. I’ll leave. Okay? Talk about my bad luck! What’s going on? Every time I see him something bad happens! Mr. Zhao. Hey! Dear friends, cheers! Who’s that? What’s going on? Who is she? So rude! My dear God! She’s your friend? No! I don’t know her! How could I know someone like her? A small accident just happened. It kinda livened up the party. Dear friends, let’s drink up! Now it’s time to dance. Hope you’ll have a good time and enjoy yourselves! Why would I dance with you? Leave me alone! Wei, dance with me. Okay. What a small world! What are you doing here? I... Meng Tong! My classmate invited me. Right, Meng Tong? Yes. We were classmates. This lady is... She’s Miss Chen, the boss of our company. Hi, Miss Chen. Nice to meet you! I’ll go over there and check on my friend. Enjoy yourselves. Okay. Go ahead. -Cheers! -Cheers! -Bye! -Bye! of running my own car modification store. So, I’ve got to start from the basic level to find out the needs of each customer. Say no more. My dad needs your help. Good luck, bro! I’m going. Don’t worry. You are late again! Morning! You are late again! Look at her! Wei Wei. You are late again? Mr. Zhao is not happy about this file. You need to do it again. Finish it as soon as possible. Get it done by COB and put it on my desk. Yes. Mr. Ling. Who pissed you off this time? I’m one who cherishes friendship. It’s fine that you don’t work for me, but you got a job in Xiongda? Can we not talk about this? I didn’t know that you had such a connection. Moreover, your company is running smoothly. I don’t think you’ll like me there. How could you say that? If you see me as a good friend, you can always help me. What’s your position in Xiongda? Chairman Assistant. Not bad! So you must have'the chance to know about some core projects. I’m not sure about that. I just errands and stuff. Come on! Give me a break! So, I guess it’s impossible to get some valuable information from you, right? Bro, I just got this job. Are you going to put me in a dilemma? You got me wrong. You should know what kind of person I am. I will never endanger my friends. But I may do it to my enemies. I have a question for you. What is it? Has Xiongda ever manipulated stocks of other companies? As far as I know, no. What? Are the stocks of Zhao’s Group being manipulated? Mr. Zhao. This is the revised report. Put it there. So handsome! Look! Look! He is, if not more, just as handsome as Mr. Zhao! Mr. Zhao. Hello. Mr. Zhao? Have you finished the work I asked you to do? I'm just about to get on it. Do it now! Hey, you forget your stuff. If you don 't like it, I can buy you another one! I'll put it on your desk. Yo u came to my office to chase after a girl? Is she different? Would you like to stay for a while in my office? Maybe some other time. I still have things to do. I've get to go. Thank you! You changed your taste? Wei Wei, I'm sorry! I was in a hurry and grabbed the wrong phone. Yes. Let's exchange. Mr. Zhao didn't call, did he? He didn't. I was worried I'd miss his phone call. I'm leaving. Bye! I'm going. Oh, I see. Still watching the beauty? Time to interview! Pull over here. Wait me for 15 minutes. I need to buy something. Okay. Mr. Zhao, please come in. Show me the new items. Please. Pick one. This one is nice. Try it on. Here. Try it on. Mr. Zhao, I don't think it's proper. Of course, it is. Mr. Zhao has excellent taste. This one is perfect for your girlfriend. I'm new in our company and I haven't contributed anything yet. It's not for you. This one it is. I see. You are short-tempered. How could you have a boyfriend? You are so annoying! You always treat your work seriously. Why can't you be patient with me? You should ask yourself. I'm not bad. I apologized to you and I'm walking you home now. Glib-tongued! I don't do this to other people. Do you know what playboy is? That really hurts! How childish! You don't understand. Let me see what it is! Give it back to me! Give me! -Ling Xiao! -I won't! -Give it to me! Give it back to me! You deserve it! Give it to me! Can't believe you hit me! It's just a toy! buy a new one for you. A bigger one. You won't lose anything, alright? Ling Xiao. You think money can give you power and buy everything you want, right? Do you know how many years I have kept this stuffed toy? Ever since you showed up, I've never got peace in my life . Please leave me alone. I really don't wanna see you anymore! I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't know this stuffed toy meant so much to you. I thought it was just an ordinary pendant. You thought. You thought? You are full of yourself. Conceited and unreasonable! I'm so tired of you! Okay. Then tell me why you think I'm full of myself, conceited and unreasonable? It's just a toy ! I can buy a new one for you! But this stuffed toy is unique to me! When I was seven, I walked by this store by chance and noticed the stuffed toys behind the window. I wanted one. I was ignorant back then. My mom raised me all by herself. We lived on a tight budget and we didn't have enough money to buy such things. But I didn't understand and I wanted one so badly. So my mom told me that kids could only get one of these things on their birthdays. So l waited and waited . I wondered when my birthday would come. When it was finally my birthday, the toy had been sold. Do you know how sad I was? I was so upset! I couldn't stop crying, and cried myself to sleep. When I woke up, I found a stuffed toy by my pillow. I was so happy. Turns out my mom stayed up the whole night and made one for me after she learned how much I loved it. So. .. So after I grew up, when I'm away from home for study or work, I always carry it along with me. There are many stuffed toys here. Which one do you like? I'll buy it for you. This one. Th'is big one. I'll buy this one for you, okay? Forget it. I've asked many times. The owner wouldn't sell it. You've got to trust me. I promise I'll buy it for you. It's late. I'm tired. Let's go. You don't believe that I can get it for you? Much better than before! Thank you! I just passed HSK Level 4. I heard that you opened a 4S store instead of working for your dad. I don't wanna rely on my family. I want to do something I' m interested in. As long as I'm happy! That's amazing! And, now that you don't work for your dad's big company, Langbei Bukan! Langbei Bukan! Here you go. What happened to your machine? Anyway, it really upsets me when thinking about somebody having my record broken. You have a problem, and you need to see a doctor, you know? -Right? -Exactly! But it does make me happy that somebody got a shoulder throw! Yet somebody was the first to get drunk the other day! Both of you, actually! How come you didn’t get drunk? It’s all because of you! Just cut the crap! Where shall we go? Let’s have a competition. To make it fair, Pretty! Do you remember me? I don’t! You are the one who drank for Ning Xue when we had a drinking competition with her! Remember? You really call drink! That’s right! Because of you, We didn’t even complete the competition! You’ve got to finish it on her behalf today! Right? Pick one! I’ll call the police if you keep bothering me! -What? Don’t go! -I’ll call the police! No need to bother the police for such a small matter! I can deal with them alone! What are you? Let’s go! Come on! Wait! Where are you going? Who are you? Don’t hurt me! Let’s talk about it! She’s the one who beat us the other day! Ning Yu, thank God you are here! Are you alright? Without you, I’d be in big trouble! It’s so easy to be a rogue nowadays! How could those cowards manage to survive? It’s all Ning Xue’s fault. She always makes trouble. I’ll talk to her when we are home! Come on. Let’s go. Hello? What are you doing? Come to find me right now. Or, you don’t need to go to work tomorrow. I’m at Rose Bar. What are you looking at? Let’s drink! Here! It’s so true! Your mood can affect the amount you drink! Wait, what kinda mood you are talking about? Good mood or bad mood? Both. When you are happy, your body digests faster, so you are not easy to get drunk. When you are unhappy, the alcohol will slow your metabolism, so you’d get drunk easily. Why did you pinch me? Does it hurt? Not really. That sounds about right! So, as you said, it’s easy to get drunk when you are depressed, but it’s hard to get drunk when you are in a good mood. Ling Xiao, in that case, I’ll make you drink a lot! So? Are you ready for that? Drink my ass! What are you doing here? You are just everywhere, aren’t you? Are you alone? Have a drink with us! No. I don’t think so! Beauty, have we met? What are you doing? She’s been to our store, right? Hello? -Hey! Let go of me! -Turn around. Brother, come and have a drink with us! -Let go of me! -Come here! Now, let me drink with you. We’ve been reommates for long. Yeu’ve never told me you had a brother! You don’t understand. Without alcohol, everybody is a stranger. After drinking, however, everybody looks like a brother! Right? Let’s drink as much as we can tonight! This beer is as boring as you are! Go get a bottle of whisky. Don’t drink anymore! Go on! This is the stuff! Hold on. Mix them. Good! Beer plus whisky! Dude, are you sure about this? Why not? I’ve never seen anybody drinking like this! Will you guys stop? Fill the glass. It’s not too late to surrender. -Fifteen! -Ten. Go on. Fill the glass! Sit down! Sit! Mr. Zhao! Why do you always ask me to do the tough work? How heavy are you? I play the same character over and over again. When can I get rid of a life like this? Mr. Zhao, I think you will get rid of it as long as you have confidence. And, Mr. Zhao, you are living a good life already! What good? Nothing’s good about it! Isn’t it a life everybody wants? You’ll never understand. Taxi! Let’s go home, Mr. Zhao! Let’s go. I don’t wanna go! Careful! Take it easy! Zhao Zhennan! Don’t go! Zhao Zhennan! Let’s drink! Ling Xiao. Before, when we liked the same stuff, I’d always let you have it, because I care about you as your brother. But love matters to a lifetime of happiness. So, I can’t just give it away anymore. Hold on. Buy the things according to the list and send them to the address shown on the paper. This is... You’ll see when you get there. Miss Chen. The others have all left. What kept you here? I still have something to do. You can do it tomorrow. Go home early. I’ll finish soon. How about I wait for you and let’s have dinner together? It’s okay, Miss Chen. What? You have a date? Yes.
Channel: 甜剧君
Views: 2,087,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChineseDrama, 中國電視劇, 甜剧君, romantic drama, chinese television dramas, chinese drama eng sub, 電視劇, chinese drama, c-drama, chinese love drama, romance, romantic chinese drama, kiss, top chinese drama, chinese romance, 最新, 小鮮肉, 大陸劇, 甜寵劇, chinese tv dramas, love, asian drama, 甜劇, 寵愛, 現代, 短剧, 短剧全集, 爱情, 霸道總裁, 追妻火葬場, 爽文, Sweet Drama, 热门短剧, Full Movie
Id: Up8uh5Xh3Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 2sec (3722 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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