MULTISUB【披荆斩棘的大小姐 LADY REVENGER RETURNS FROM THE FIRE】01:#徐璐 换脸归来 携手#魏哲鸣 复仇反击| 剧盒独播剧场

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(Meet me in the boudoir at Hai hour's third quarter. Luo Ailian) (Truth can be buried in darkness.) (Flesh can be devoured by flames.) (But faith will not.) (The wind will plant the seeds of truth.) (Time will make it sprout.) (I will never give in to fate.) (One day,) (I will show up again) (and claim everything that once belonged to me.) =Lady Revenger Returns From the Fire= =Episode 1= Her face is finally restored. I left the severe burn unattended on the back of her neck as you said and covered it up with a lotus tattoo. It's been so long. You are finally able to speak. Now can you tell me who you really are? (The eldest daughter of the Luo family from Ganlu Brewery.) (Luo Ailian.) (One month ago) According to the divination, the fate of the sisters in your family will change drastically because of a man. (Luo Ailian, eldest sister) Is the drastic change a blessing or a curse? Fortune and misfortune are intertwined. Each coin has two sides. Some things may seem good, (but they may not be beneficial.) (Some things may sound bad,) (but they may turn for the better.) (It all depends) (on what you choose, Miss.) Ailian. Did the fortune-teller say (Luo Xue'er, second sister) that our future is tied to one man? How do you know? This fortune-teller is fooling us with the same story? He offered to "ward off disasters" and deceived the three of us. He even conned Shuangshuang to waste a fortune on a marriage talisman. Miss Ailian. Something's wrong. Miss Shuangshuang hurried home in the carriage. It seems like Young Master Du is coming to visit. (Luo Residence) - Madam Zhou. - Madam Zhou. Hurry up. - Understood. - Understood. Why aren't you preparing things in the front hall? Master. (Madam Zhou, Luo Jida's Concubine) I was going to ask Young Master Du if he has any dietary restrictions. Young Master Du must be (Master, Luo Jida) seeking marital ties with us. Don't ruin this. I am well aware of its significance. You may be a concubine, but you should care for Ailian too. Her mother died young. And Xue'er is also your daughter. You mustn't favor Shuangshuang and make Xue'er feel distant. Yes, Master. (Luo Shuangshuang, third sister) Miss, should I hang up the marriage talisman? Be careful. Understood. You wretched maid! What's wrong with you? Are you trying to ruin my marriage? I paid a good price for this. Did you do it on purpose? Tell me! Who has upset my daughter again? Mother. She broke my marriage talisman to spoil my marriage. No, Miss Shuangshuang. It was an accident. How dare you talk back? You may leave now. Yes, Madam. Sit. Just tie it back together. Get dressed up and meet Young Master Du. Mother. You should have sent someone to inform me at the temple earlier. I could have had more time to dress up. It's not too late. As long as you leave a good impression on him before the other two come back, I will help you secure this marriage. Mother, you're the best. Young Master Du. (Du Ruoshan, Young Master) Toast to you. Master Jida, you are too kind. Thank you, Master Jizhou. Here. Master, try the dishes. Alright. Father. I just acquired a nice tea called "Silver Needle", which benefits the lungs. Have some to suppress the alcohol. Alright. Shuangshuang is a good girl. She always thinks of you whenever she gets something good. She noticed that my knot was worn out and made me a new one right away. Master. Look at her. Her eyes are red from that. What an exquisite knot. I'm deeply moved by your filial piety. If you like it, I can make a few for you. Why don't you help me with something else? Master Jida mentioned that Ganlu Brewery is producing an even smoother rice wine. I'd get some for my father. Please tell me the name of the wine. The wine... The wine is called... It's called Spring Eternal. Let me introduce you. This is my eldest daughter, Ailian. My second daughter, Xue'er. Greet Young Master Du. Greetings, Young Master. Young Master Du. Our Moonlit Encounter would suit your father better. Thank you for the recommendation. May I presume to inquire what wine Master Jizhou is drinking? It contains the Crystal Brew from Sha City and Ganlu Brewery's Zhuyeqing. I guess it's concocted by an expert like you, Young Master Du. I'm really impressed, Miss Ailian. Ailian knows wine and how to brew it. (Luo Jizhou, Second Master) The Spring Eternal and Moonlit Encounter were her creations. And the names are also elegant. Your talent and beauty are truly admirable. You got it wrong. These two unique names were given by Xue'er. The Spring Eternal and Moonlit Encounter are selling well because of her. What a remarkable talent, Miss Xue'er. Thank you for your appreciation. It's been a long time since we had such a lively occasion at home. Ailian, Xue'er, take your seats. Take a seat. - Sit. - Come. Look at my three filial nieces. It makes a bachelor like me so envious. Jida, I'll toast to you. (Luo Residence) I don't care. You just met. Nothing's for sure yet. Don't be so impatient. Young Master Du has sent that wretch a gift. How can I stay calm? What can we do? You're obsessed with your rouge and face powder and never learn to brew wine. That's why you've lost face and angered your father. Father values his dignity and didn't even back me up. Has he lost his mind? Shut up. Your father has always favored Ailian and wants her to take over the brewery. If he heard that nonsense you just said, you won't ever get a share of the property. Mother. I've worked hard without complaint and served him humbly for years. And I took great care of Luo Ailian. But he just won't make me his wife. He doesn't make plans for us. So we have to rely on ourselves. Mother, you must help me. Stay in your room and rest. I will figure something out. Okay. No. I can't wait any longer. The fortune-teller said that it is up to me. I can't lose to Luo Ailian. Bin, return the pastries to Young Master Du. Miss, why would you reject him? Heard the song Xue'er just sang? Link the first characters of each line. Love, yet no promised time. Ruoshan, my love. Miss Xue'er is fond of Young Master Du! Yeah. Xue'er has had a tough time here over the years. Madam Zhou may be her biological mother, but she favors Shuangshuang. Xue'er gets along with me. And it makes Madam Zhou and Shuangshuang very mean to her. But I care about her. But Miss, you have done your best to look after her. Young Master Du is a rare find. Where can we find someone like him again? I'd rather spend more time with my father and manage our family business than getting married. If Young Master Du loves Xue'er back, and Xue'er marries into the Du family, I'll be truly happy. Yes, Miss. Young Master Du. Young Master Du. Stop there. Father. A single young lady is lingering outside a man's room late at night. What a disgrace! Father, I didn't. You're a lady now. Settle down and learn from your sisters. Naturally, I don't know how to please you as well as my sisters. How dare you talk back? Listen. From now on, go to the Ganlu Brewery and learn brewing at night in Ailian's stead. Back with me. Father! Come in. (The poem written by Luo Xue'er) Mom, how come you're here? Shuangshuang fancies Young Master Du, so you should help her win him over. If your sister can marry into the Du family, she will surely look after you. It's better than letting Luo Ailian get the upper hand. Mother, you finally came to see me but it's for the sake of Shuangshuang. It's also for your sake. You think Luo Ailian will treat you as one of her own just because you butter her up? But once Shuangshuang marries Young Master Du, I can surely marry you off into a wealthy family with her help. No need. Do what's best for Shuangshuang. Don't worry about me. Don't tell me that you also fancy Young Master Du. What if I say yes? Will you make plans for me as you do for Shuangshuang? No wonder you teamed up with Luo Ailian to bully your sister at the family banquet. When have I ever bullied her? Both Shuangshuang and I are your daughters. Over the years, whenever Shuangshuang is upset, you become so anxious. But have you ever cared about how I am doing? The title "Mother" should be the most precious designation. But those with biased affection don't deserve it. How dare you! I'm warning you. You'd better come around it and side with us. Otherwise, there will be consequences. Ailian... Ailian, what happened? Young Master Du... He... He's dead. Ailian, don't cry. What happened? Just now, he came to my room. I will ask your parents to marry you to me. Thank you for your appreciation. But our marriage should abide by the wishes of our parents. Young Master, you should leave now. I turned him down. But he tried to force himself on me. - Ailian. - Young Master. - Ailian. - (I just pushed him a bit.) Young Master Du. Ailian! He... He came into the room. He was drunk. And his face looked terrible. Could it be an ailment brought on by drinking? No, I must inform Father. - Notify the Du family's attendants. - Ailian! Think twice. If Du Ruoshan died suddenly from a hidden illness, it has nothing to do with you. But if people find out that he died in your room, they will surely think you did something. Then you won't be able to clear your name. What should I do then? What should I do? What if he had died in his own room and was discovered there? Let's put him back where he ought to be. Then no one will associate his death with you. Stop the carriage outside the door. Follow me to the carriage in a bit to move things down. Get everything organized and send them to Young Master Du's room. Do you understand? - Yes. - Yes. What should we do? Let's hide him away. What's that noise? Who's there? Who's there? Who's it? Who's it? Who's it? Show yourself. Who's there? Alright. Stop looking. It's probably just the cat in this courtyard. Get back to work. - Yes. - Yes. (Luo Jida, come out!) (Luo Residence) Luo Jida! Luo Jida! Give me back my son! Master Du, we are all deeply saddened by your son's passing. The coroner has examined his body. Why don't we have the coroner tell you the results of the examination? The body's lips are purple, and the veins are swollen. I deduce that Young Master Du must have died from an angina attack. (Master Du, Du Ruoshan's father) My son was young and in good health. Master Du, you may not know that angina can be very deceptive. The patient can suffer from it for a long time without knowing. Once they drink too much or become emotionally agitated, it could trigger an episode that endangers their life. The coroner is hired by your family. He's only acting according to your wishes, Luo Jida. If you don't trust the coroner hired by us, you can hire someone else to perform the autopsy. The fact that your son died of angina in his own room is indisputable. I hope you can accept the inevitable. Accept the inevitable? My son died at your residence. None of you can be absolved of involvement! Guards! Let them pay with their blood! Father! This is General Xu Chengfeng, who supervises the security of Liao City. Who dares to move? (General Xu Chengfeng of Dafeng) Ruoshan... My son... (Tianhao, General's Guard) The coroner was right. Young Master Du died from an angina attack. My son... Master Du, the case of a father losing his son is indeed a great pain in life. I hope you can accept the inevitable. And don't let this matter harm the many years of affection between our families. It's true that Young Master Du died from angina. But there is something that cannot yet be explained. When a person is injured in life, their veins constrict, showing obvious bruises. But if injured after death, their veins do not constrict, so there will be no bruises. Young Master Du had two wounds on his feet. Though there are marks, there are no bruises. This indicates that they were made shortly after death. Please enlighten us, General Xu. Given the shapes, they must have been bumped by some round object. And on the boots, there are stains left from being dragged. It suggests that the body was very likely moved by someone. Under the urgent circumstances of transporting the corpse, there were still mishaps. It suggests the person who transported it lacks strength. And it is very likely that it was a woman. How Young Master Du's injuries were formed is only conjecture for now. But it is certain that he died from an angina attack. Since the cause of his death is already conclusive, I hope you will not continue to stir up trouble. If there are any doubts, you can go to the authorities. Master Du, I'm sorry for your loss. My son... Du, I am willing to hand over the deed to our estate and all of Ganlu Brewery's revenue for the next three years as compensation to your family. My son was a person of talent! Even Prince Yi held him in high regard. He was my life! How could he just die in your residence without any explanation? The dead cannot be brought back to life. Du, what do you expect me to do? I give you one day. Tomorrow, you must give away a daughter to be buried with my son as his wife as compensation. Otherwise, I will stop at nothing and ensure your family will never have peace! What? A ghost marriage? Rest assured. I'll protect you, even at the cost of my life. I won't let you sacrifice your lives. Father, actually, it does involve me. Last night, Du Ruoshan suddenly came to my room to propose marriage. After I refused, he... He actually tried to force himself on me. During our struggle, he had an attack of angina. He was such a beast! Father, hasn't the general already made a decision? Maybe we should report this to the authorities. The Du family is powerful and influential. And now we have no evidence. If this goes on, they might slander you and accuse you of seducing Young Master Du. By then, your name will be completely ruined. I will never let you enter into a ghost marriage. Just stay out of this. I've already got an idea. (He won't allow Luo Ailian to have a ghost marriage.) (Would he be thinking of making me or Luo Xue'er replace her?) (Luo Ailian and Luo Xue'er are covering for each other.) (Father has always been biased towards Luo Ailian.) (If he listens to that vile woman's instigation) (and decides to sacrifice me, that would be terrible.) (Meet me in the boudoir ) (at Hai hour's third quarter. Luo Ailian) (Let's pretend nothing happened tonight.) Young Master, you should leave now. Don't worry. Your father holds me in high regard. As long as our hearts are one, he will not refuse. But our hearts were never one. What? Then why did you send me a note to meet you here? A note? What note? The note you wrote yourself. After I came here, you then pretended to be completely unaware of it. I'd like to know what kind of trick you're playing with all this pretense. Young Master Du! - Ailian! - You are drunk! - Young Master! - Ailian. - Young Master! - (I really like you!) This fragrance... Shuangshuang hates the smell of ink and doesn't enjoy writing. Father specially made perfumed ink for her. Could it be her? (General's Mansion) Are all the files mentioned by the senior official prepared? Some files still aren't. Who is it? He took poison. Whoever can afford to train men of sacrifice is not ordinary. On the surface, you came to Liao City to maintain public order. In fact, you came to look for the royal treasure map lost six months ago. But as soon as we arrived, someone tracked us here. They acted too fast. So, our actions in Liao City from now on must be even more cautious. (Given the shapes,) (they must have been bumped) (by some round object.) Young Master Du. Who? You mean this injury resembles those of Young Master Du's? That's right. Young Master Du's wounds were very likely caused by cobblestones as well. Alright. It seems we need to make a trip to Luo Residence. (Miss Ailian, they have gone out.) (Okay.) It is this very scent. (Meet me in the boudoir at Hai hour's third quarter. Luo Ailian) (Indeed, it was her.) Every night, I would go to Ganlu Brewery to inspect the wine vats. The impostor must know this. That's why they lured Du Ruoshan to my room. But yesterday, the impostor did not show up. There must have been an accident preventing them. Yes. Last night, Miss Shuangshuang was punished by Master to learn winemaking. Everyone knows Shuangshuang's feelings for Du Ruoshan. She must have thought that Du Ruoshan was infatuated with me. So she wanted to take advantage of my routine at Ganlu Brewery to lure Du Ruoshan to my room, hoping to start an affair and force him into marriage. So, all these disasters arose because of Miss Shuangshuang. Bin, stay here. I will go get Father and show him so that she can't deny it. Yes, Miss. Father? Father, are you there? Father? Father! Father! What's wrong, Father? General Xu, this way. Father! Father! - Father! - Father! Step aside. Father! Father! Father! His mouth is open, and his throat is swollen. It looks like death by suffocation due to an asthma attack. His body is still warm. He must have stopped breathing not long ago. Luo Ailian, you saw that Father had an asthma attack. Why didn't you call for help? What on earth are you up to? I just arrived... You just got here, and Father died? Is it such a coincidence? The Du family wants you to have a ghost marriage. You were afraid Father would agree, so you harmed him. He was always good to you. How could you harm your own kin? Ghost marriage? How do you know about the ghost marriage? Did you see Father earlier? I didn't. I heard it at the door of Father's room. General Xu, my father has just passed away. Luo Ailian was the last one with him. The murderer must be her. - Luo Shuangshuang, that's nonsense. - Enough! Now that it comes to this, I only have one question for you. Did you move Du Ruoshan's body or not? I... He attempted to force himself on me. An accident happened during our struggle. I did that because I was scared. For my own reputation, I didn't want his body to be in my room. But I really didn't kill him. It was Luo Shuangshuang. Her love for Du Ruoshan was unrequited. So she forged my handwriting and wrote a note to ask Du Ruoshan out. That's why the tragedy happened. Not only do you not know repentance, now you even want to slander me for killing Father. What note? This is all made up by you. Who can testify? Did you find the evidence in my room? Bin is in your room now. And she can testify. General Xu, the two of them are in cahoots to harm me. It's them. They fabricated false evidence and placed it in my room to frame me. Luo Ailian, do you have a third witness? Do you have one? Tell us. General Xu, she is the one framing me. She is the one who last appeared here. Detain suspect Luo Ailian for now. Do not release her until the investigation is complete. General Xu, there is something odd about my father's death. Please investigate it. If you are innocent, you have nothing to fear. Tianhao, take her to Luo Residence's firewood room and hand her over to the authorities tomorrow morning. ♪I've stepped into a maze, stirring up all the chaos♪ ♪I've stumbled among all the entanglements♪ ♪Your face resembles the figure I'm familiar with♪ ♪I've wandered and struggled, and the seal of time remains intact♪ ♪We've been tied by fate for half a lifetime♪ ♪One thought goes up as another goes down♪ ♪Yet we can't escape karma's manipulation in the end♪ ♪Together with you in this life♪ ♪With unrepentant persistence♪ ♪I've created candlelight in darkness♪ ♪We've been tied by fate for half a lifetime♪ ♪One thought goes up as another goes down♪ ♪Yet we can't escape karma's manipulation in the end♪ ♪Together with you in this life♪ ♪With unrepentant persistence♪ ♪I've created candlelight in darkness♪ ♪Which protects you as it protects me♪
Channel: 剧盒—独播剧场 Drama Box Exclusive
Views: 200,817
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Keywords: 披荆斩棘的大小姐, 披肩斩棘的大小姐1, LADY REVENGER RETURNS FROM THE FIRE1, LADY REVENGER RETURNS FROM THE FIRE, 徐璐, 徐璐电视剧, 魏哲鸣, 魏哲鸣电视剧, 古装, 武侠, 玄幻, 2024电视剧, 2024大陆剧, 古装美女, netflix 2022新剧, tvb 2022新剧, 2022新剧 陆剧中國電視劇2023, 電視劇, 电视剧, 中國電視劇, drama, cdramaTV, series, chinese movie, drama txt, dramatic music, sweet pet drama, drama free, 中国电视剧, 古装剧, 古装电视剧, 古装仙侠剧, 古装武侠剧, 大陆古装剧, 大陆电视剧, 大陆剧, 电视剧2022, 2022最新电视剧, 2022古装剧, 古装剧2022, 2022大陆古装剧, 古装电视剧2022, ChineseDrama, 偶像劇, 2022新剧, Chinese drama, 2022新劇, chinese drama, hotcdrama, 好看的电视剧, 贺先生的恋恋不忘
Id: SuOTBuZHlz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 37sec (2257 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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