ENGSUB【长陵纪/Beloved Moonlight】▶EP01 | 王府郡主半夜翻墙逃婚,意外撞上桀骜世子,两人携手面对京城波诡云谲的权位斗争(《微暗之火》《白月梵星》张新成、白鹿)

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During the Qingli period of the Song Dynasty, the Song Dynasty and Xia Liao fought endlessly. In the early Qingli period, the Xia army invaded. The Song Dynasty frontier army was ordered to protect the territory in danger. The turning point of the war was the battle of Qichuan Village. The Song Dynasty frontier army fell into a trap in Qichuan Village and encountered the Xia army. At the critical moment of the ambush , the border army's god of war, Yuan Bofin, fought to the death to boost morale, hoping to protect the mountains and rivers with his blood. However, his personal bravery could not stop the general trend of the battle The Song army was almost wiped out in the battle of Qichuan Village After the war, the two countries negotiated a peace .Although the war has stopped, The suspicion, suspicion, and hatred generated by this battle quietly grew in the darkness. Two years later, the suppressed power finally broke out Are you Yuan Boqi? i am I am Liang Zhu, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanwu Army. Came to arrest you on the emperor's order It turns out you are Commander Liang, the most powerful commander among the 800,000 Imperial Army. Two years ago ,The Xia Dynasty and the Song Dynasty negotiate peace Prime Minister Fan tampered with Yihe documents, and now it was discovered The words used in Xia's documents are disrespectful to our country Fan's tampering It’s for the success of the peace negotiation Private reform of proposals and documents .is disrespectful to the emperor and also he is no longer the Prime Minister. Lord Fan, is it the Prime Minister? What does it have to do with me ? You are the general of the Fan Mansion with the surname Fan. Is there any other crime that the person named Fan has committed for deceiving the emperor? Tell the truth. no such thing I heard that two years ago In the great battle at Qichuan Village , you fought with one sword alone against a hundred. Let’s see how this relates to today’s events . Two years ago, the frontier troops at Qichuan Village were defeated. What do you have to say? Xia Guo set up an ambush and our army was defeated. It has been clearly written in the military newspaper that Qichuan Village was defeated. More than 9,000 people were wiped out. Why are you the only one who survived unharmed ? It was just a life lost among thousands of troops . Did the Xia people deliberately let it go? After you draw the sword , Liang Dutou has outstanding martial arts. I'm willing to admit defeat ok I have plenty of time Waiting for you to tell the truth come yes Look at him carefully for me yes The former Secretary of Dutou Palace only asked us to ask Mr. Fan about the mistakes of the new policy . Have you gone too far with him ? Is there a younger brother ? There is a concubine in the Yuan family He is also in Kaifeng What's his name YuanZhongxin Where Tai Gakuin He lives here Is Yuan Zhongxin here? Academic officer? Who is YuanZhongxin ? Zhong Xin is out. How do you know the window you just jumped from ? Do you have anything to say to him? Let me convey to you that he is Yuan Zhongxin. Who are you ? Why is Wang Kuan, a student of Taixue, here? I share the same room with him. You guys talk to me first. Boil a kettle of hot water. You are Yuan Bo's younger brother. Can not you do anything? It's okay. Follow me . I'll follow him and you follow me. Zhang Xueguan asked me to follow you to check your daily routine . I asked you why you are always being criticized for making bets recently. You are the one who informed me of the arrest. There is no need to follow the imperial army. What are you doing ? I promised the academic officer that he will be true to his word and drive him away. You have no right to drive me away. If there is no military order, the streets of Kaifeng city cannot be banned at will . Who said this? Your Majesty , stop it . You dare to disrespect Your Majesty. If anyone dares to break through the door and take it down, it’s you. Don’t look at this kid’s serious face. In fact, he’s very cunning inside. Yuan Bo Fin is waiting for you inside. Come with me . What’s going on? Yuan Bo Fin is rebellious. Song Zhi suspects that I am interrogating him on the orders of the former commander of the palace. Can you please lend me a step? Why did you find me ? Yuan Bo is your elder brother. You naturally know what he is guilty of. You also know what he has to say . It’s not too late to say it now. What’s your name? General Liang Zhuliang finally waited for you. What do you mean? This person is a seller who seeks glory, corrupts the law, and is guilty of all kinds of evil . I have always been deeply ashamed but unable to do anything . Now the king's law is like a furnace, and finally the sky descends. General Liang captures this thief . I have nothing to give , so I can only give it to General Si. I am the savior of the Song Dynasty. You just said that he was corrupt, perverting the law , and seeking glory as a seller. He is full of evil. Do you have any evidence? Sir, what evidence do you need? We can think of any way. I can be a witness and say that he has access to Daliao or Xia. It's no problem. If you need physical evidence, Yuan can also help you create some. You can see what you want. Are you talking about false evidence ? As long as the matter is handled properly, the means can be more flexible. You said, he is your brother, not your biological son. He is the legitimate son and eldest grandson. I am. Once the concubine is released , if he is safe and sound, I will never be able to touch the Yuan family 's property in my life . If the master can be found guilty , he will never be released from prison. Yuan is willing to share the Yuan family's wealth with you. General Liang, if you need any help, just ask. Don't be polite and don't let him out! I really didn't expect that this brother of yours is such a character. You shouldn't tell him that he can't see such a villain. It's better to draw your sword and kill him. It's better for a man to be angry and full of blood than to die here as a coward. What's the crime? The imperial guards are very tight. They must have arrested your elder brother. What's the crime? The traitor should be still under investigation . Why don't you send the case to the inspection department ? I don't want to know. Zhang Xueguan is gambling with others in the house today. It doesn't matter. Li Yuan Zhongxin, you have been expelled from today. Taixue, please take care of yourself. Please pack everything for me. It’s hard work. Academician, what about the fifty guan in my room? What fifty guan? You also asked the academic officer to return the money to the students. How can you have any money ? Oh, you want to defraud me . The money is life-saving money. You don’t have to give me half of it if you don’t have fifty guan. I, Zhang, a famous thief in my life, dared to insult me. I didn’t do anything. His breath and pulse are normal . He's fine. Wang Kuan said it's fine. He's fine. Let 's go . He's really fine. May I ask why Zhang Xueguan expelled Yuan Zhongxin from Taixue? This is the correction order. Where did the order come from? Wang Kuan, this matter has nothing to do with you. Why do you need to ask more questions? How can we expel the student Yuan Zhongxin without a reason ? His misdeeds are all over the place. What else is there to say? If you don’t respect your teachers , you can punish them. If it’s not a serious crime, there is no reason to expel you from Taixue. You are the Ministry of Etiquette. Is there an express decree ? You are studying. Are you confused? You are waiting for me here. You are still talking to me. The academic officer has not yet answered. Do you really don’t understand or are you pretending not to understand? Please ask the academic officer for advice . Do you know whose family Yuan Zhongxin’s elder brother Yuan Bofan is from? Fan Zai's subordinates recruited him that day just for the sake of the Fan Mansion. Now that the New Deal has lost power, who dares to keep him ? He said that Yuan Zhongxin did not make a mistake. The mistake was that his brother was a student of the Fan Mansion. Wang Kuan, I know you. To be upright and observant, you need to know how to see the situation clearly. I can see the situation clearly . Isn't that enough ? If you are still dissatisfied , think about it for yourself. If you can't get hundreds of pieces of text out of it, how can a gentleman speak falsely when he is loyal ? Go hide, there is no one who has never told a lie in his life. I am a high mountain . I admire and admire you. You also heard that I was expelled from Taixue. This is unfair. The world is unfair. How will you treat it? When will you follow ? If your brother is really guilty. If something happens , he should be thrown into jail. If he rebels, the Privy Council and the Ministry of Punishment should intervene. How can he be locked up in his own courtyard? You ask me, who should I ask ? This matter cannot be justified. His surname is Yuan and not Wang. You don't care what he does. You and him have always had a very good relationship. Why do you say that? I was asked by the academic officer to check your daily behavior and I have been paying attention to you for a long time. It depends on what you want. I just want you not to follow me. With your temperament, you should be able to Save people. Do you think I am the kind of person who is so bold and values ​​love and justice ? I think you are crazy . Have you and I seen the wrong person ? If you don’t admit it, just follow me. Is that okay? I admit that I want to save people. I want to break into the imperial army . If you want to seek death , okay ? I recognize everything you say. Can you leave? I 'm with you . What are you talking about ? I'll be with you to save you. You know my brother , but you don't know me. Then why are you crazy? Wang Mou wants to be straight in his life . I can't stand by and watch injustice . I see that you are well fed. I won't go crazy with you. I also think you are like you. Who are you? I can help you save Huan . Do you have the address of the newly opened brothel ? Go to Nanxie Street outside Jiucaomen. Don't you think it's strange to see that it has been abandoned for a long time ? I invited you here at night. Do you think this is just night talk? The dilapidated small building takes on a new look in the daytime at night. Do you think there might be some evil spirit behind it? God is interested in asking Dongshang to only invite me. I know that you still follow me. During the day, the girl looks familiar , as if I have seen her before somewhere . It is the darkness of this world that has caused you to be shallow and ignorant of etiquette, so it is not your fault. How do I feel? Are you scolding me? The two young masters must have invitations to the banquet tonight . Which one is Mr. Yuan? There is only one person's name written on this invitation. This young master cannot accompany Mr. Yuan to invite him . Then there is nothing you can do . Goodbye . The wine lady is here. This is not a brothel. I have been waiting for so long. No lady is so unhappy . Why send me an invitation? Do n't be anxious in the office. Let's have fun with foreign songs and dances. This is the right thing. If you don't show off your power, there will be no results. You are very beautiful in your clothes. Who is it? Wang Kuan, you? Xiao Jing , Miss Xiao Jing, I see you are looking sad , but what's bothering you doesn't matter, it's just arranged for me to dance tonight , so I wish you a successful dance , but I can't dance, since I can't. Who asked you to dance? You can tell him directly. The problem is that I have already praised Haikou before . It would not be a bit embarrassing to say that I am not embarrassed. Why should I praise Haikou ? Because Sister Zhao is so amazing. She knows everything. Then if she asks me, I will say nothing. How embarrassing would that be? I had to say, "You know how to dance? It's not easy for you to do this . Well , you don't have to worry. You 've promised others to just do it. But you just said you could dance , but you didn't say you were good at it, right ?" Which way to go to the front hall ? Thank you for the music over there . But I can't dance at all. Why does this prelude take so long? The dancers haven't appeared yet . Is it going to be a blockbuster? Maybe there is something unique about it. It turns out that Zhu Kuan is. Wei Yanei, you are such a sanctimonious person and you came to a brothel. You know this is the son of Wei Zhuoran, the prefect of the palace. Wei Nei is the leader of the four great dandies in Kaifeng. Come on, come on, come on . You know the reputation of this yameni. Come and have a drink together. Wang Kuan, you are so sanctimonious. You hide it well in your daily life. You also come here often in brothels. This is my first time in a place like this. Who are you kidding? I am still the first. How did you get in this time? You climbed over the wall mainly because there are some secrets here . If something happens to you, someone will have to settle the account for you. If I die, how can you be better ? Love it to death. Foreign songs and dances are just loud and no one can hear them. If I don’t come out of my office, I won’t be able to hit the drums accurately . Why should I be so harsh ? Let’s proceed as planned. Let’s prepare first. What kind of dance is this? It ’s probably the Zhezhi Dance. It's so strange. Apart from a song and dance , there's nothing else. It's just drinking and eating. A brothel is a restaurant. Come on, come on . Thank you all for supporting me. Wang Kuan is okay . The newly opened brothel surnamed Wang has your name. Who is Mr. Yuan? Ah, Mr. Yuan, please come upstairs with me and wait for a moment. I'll sit down in the yamen first. I'll ask you to go to other rooms later . Obviously I came first. I think you're good , why don't we go up together? You have to wait. What should I do if I don't want to wait in the yamen ? How do I know? Well, let's go . You go upstairs too. Everyone has gone up . I'm not the only one. It 's widely rumored by the border army that you are a peerless swordsman. Why don't you even dare to spread the rumor about your sword ? I'll give you a chance to fight with me . If you beat me, I will make the decision and let you go . Liang Dutou bravely crowned the 800,000-strong Forbidden Army. Yuan Mou is willing to accept the defeat. You will make it clear later. I am the one who stopped you. You have to come up. Don't worry, my little lady won't make it difficult for you. The next step is none of my business. You have to wait. The little lady will come in and have a glass of water and wine to chat about romance. Today’s expenses can be included in the book. Is our relationship so good ? Later, little lady, I will choose first and discuss it first. If If there's no other good one , I'll just take the one . I don't care what your relationship is. I don't know the girl just now. If I don't, I know your name is Wang Kuan. I'm a fool. I'm a black panther. Come on , be good. Do you remember General Liang Xun? Don't move. The Xia army is coming. Leave it to me. I remember that everyone was dead and only you survived. You still insist on resisting the enemy army on your own. He is your kinsman and my biological brother. He is far better than you. I will kill you with my own hands, that little human brother. Why are you so slow? Mr. Yuan. Two years ago, in the battle at Qichuan Village, my brother refused to retreat . He was so famous at the border that he has ended up like this, and it has also implicated you, Taixue. Do you feel no resentment for being expelled ?
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Id: oDZgIFwvT4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 21sec (2481 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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