Celebrities Try And Guess The Seven Dwarfs

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d23 is the ultimate celebration of everything Disney I want to ask you has a few quick questions just to test the depth of your Disney fandom can you name all Seven Dwarves oh no I'm gonna fail it and the team as a team of course you're right I mean I'm Snow White so they're my buddies you want the hood too well it already grumpy uh stinky DJ finger calloused roofie uh there's no droopy press out the gate sneezing it's an easy one Hana Maui and and there's an extra one now it sees his name's hairline Wow now that help me out guys doc dopey sleepy grumpy uh didn't say sneezy bashful bashful we got don't be happy be sneezy bashful doc and grumpy Wow deal with that if you were a disney princess who would you be other than Snow White mm-hmm um this is the difference between being a child and being an adult because like when I was a kid I really wanted to be Ariel and now I'm like I want to be first a lot like that's that's sort of like the fun of being a grown-up you're open to that darkness that as a child you're like I'm just area Cinderella cause she broke home she just can't represent me yeah let me parts win it out I'm probably more like Belle if I had to choose I think that our values are in the same place she's educated she wants to read she's not really like taken by a guest on the guy but she doesn't care really strong and focused on what she wants I'm I'm Belle yeah you're definitely Beth Bell great hair too
Channel: CatTheGreat
Views: 902,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anthony mackie yahoo interview chris evans Ellen
Id: pThph_to02U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 43sec (103 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2015
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