Speedmaster Over Daytona? Titanium Watches Are Toys? Reacting To Your Controversial Opinions

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hi everyone Teddy baltazar here and in this video we're going to get a little spicy with some controversial watch opinions I asked on Instagram Facebook Twitter some of your most controversial hot takes and watches and I'm going to react to some of them here today and I don't think I need to say this but I'm going to say it anyway we are talking about watches here so it's not the end of the world if people disagree on things people have the right to their own opinion as well as you know me talking about my take on some of these so let's keep it civilized in the comments and if you want to take part in these in the future be sure to be following on socials so we can have more fun coming forward so we just updated our best Seiko watch guide now including over 50 different model Styles and over a hundred references listed Seiko is a very difficult brand to keep up to date with because of their Relentless production where we see new watches being unveiled what feels like every single day this guide highlights some of the top models to know in 2023 freshly updated check it out in the description down below first hot take here we have Speedmaster over Daytona there I said it with 140 thumbs up and likes on that post I don't even know you can necessarily say this is as hot of a take as some of the other ones we might look at but this is an interesting conversation because the most hyped watch outside of maybe like Patek Philippe Nautilus Royal Oak I mean the Daytona is right there and in many ways the Daytona was the watch that was almost the Breaking Point with a lot of the hype that was coming on in the last several years but just to put it very plainly I kind of agree with this not to say that the Daytona is a worse watch in the speed master but is the Daytona two times the watch at retail that the speed master is I would argue no I would say the speed master is a phenomenal watch and one of the best watches under ten thousand dollars I would say if you're going to just spend ten thousand dollars I'm gonna buy one watch the rest of your life the Speedmaster maybe the Submariner are probably the two best watches that you could go for if you're just really trying to dumb it down to the lowest lowest level of trying to get into this and just want to watch they can do it all I think those are probably the two leaders the Daytona double the retail price of the speed master professional with the speed master your predating that of the Daytona there were some pre-daytona chronographs from Rolex but really when you're looking at the formula of a modern chronograph tachymeter scale fixed bezel on the outside the register layout the speed master in many ways was the definitive watch that kind of set that standard forward in 1957. and I think you could argue from a history standpoint design standpoint movement Tech standpoint that the Speedmaster is right there if not better you could argue every single point with the Daytona but if you look at the disparity in terms of hype culture the Daytona gets all the focus so I don't think that this is that far off I would say the speed master along with the Submariner are the two most iconic watches of all time all things considered I think one thing that Rolex has done exceptionally well that also has led to this beyond the hype is their collection around the Daytona is much leaner and easier to understand as a consumer Beyond just The Branding aspect of this conversation you do have to just look at as a consumer as you're looking into a collection for the first time what's easier to navigate what is the real Focus what is the meat behind that collection what does the model to go for for the Speedmaster it's so widespread so many different references that it really is hard to focus on what model is the best model to go for maybe outside of that professional of course so ultimately I think I agree with this take the Speedmaster dollar for dollar and maybe even not dollar for dollar is arguably the better watch this next hot take is one I really like this is Gerald Genta is overrated and his designs are hideous okay so let's unpack this really quickly now drill Genta easily is the most popular iconic watch designer of all time and this is I would say worthy claim just because if you look at some of the watches he developed in the 1970s which is where most people are looking at when they're talking about Gerald Genta AP Royal Oak 1972 Nautilus 76 uh SL jumbo from IWC also being something that you're talking about and recently getting a little bit more buzz what we saw with the engineer this past year and I can see why some people are saying that Gerald Genta is overrated because of Trend that we have seen in integrated sports watches in the last five years but is that really his fault and how much do you put weight on the designer versus the culture that we now live in in 1970s those watches if you talk about what is good design I mean I think part of it is finding a balance in the approach Expressions individual expression of of a product the questioning of norms and going against the status quo I think is partly it and uniqueness and at the time those watches were unique now a lot of that has been sapped away now when you're talking about those wash designs of General Genta are those overrated I would say slightly yes but that is not because of real Genta Gerald Genta did nothing wrong he's just a bystander of his creations and he did a great work in some of the most memorable designs in all watch making the most iconic designs on all of launch making but is it his fault that people are now tired with some of these designs absolutely not it's the same thing with like the Submariner because you see so many people rip off the Submariner design DNA does that make to watch any less iconic I think the same thing can be said for Gerald Genta but the other thing that I think we should not forget is Joe Genta is not just these integrated sports watch of the 1970s he had his own brand now I'm not as much of a fan of some of his designs but like the retrograde jump hour pretty cool you also look in the 1950s two of my favorite vintage watches ever drill Junction created pole router from Universal genev and some different Omega Constellation models he was very much a part of in creating and developing and advancing I'm wearing an Omega globemaster right now and you could argue that this watch probably wouldn't be what it is specifically on my wrist today if it wasn't for Gerald Genta so he is very much a part of design Beyond just this integrated style and Trend and I do think there is this whole conversation you have to have about how much weight do you put on the designer when they're only responsible for their creation not how people will interpret their creation years and years in the future so I would say drill Genta is not overrated I think he's actually some of his other work is underrated severely underrated and then given what's happened with just the cultural uh just adoption of these integrated sports watches I think perhaps they have gone a little bit overrated in terms of that design style and maybe growing a little tired but is that Gerald genta's fault I don't think so our next point is Tudor should have dropped the black Bay name on the non-bezzle black Bays now I don't even know if this is controversial I could understand maybe it would be given the commercial upside of just having the black Bay name affiliated with these products but I could not agree more with this this is one of these small little Pet Peeves in the industry I don't know how to address these models because they are black Bays but also they don't only have a definitive classification in their collection they're still called black Bays many people call this like the black Bay 36 but it's kind of confusing too because there are multiple different case sizes for this entire collection I usually just say the non-diver black Bay models which is not the cleanest way to describe a collection and probably commercialize a product so I think ultimately what happened here is when these watches were first unveiled I don't know if Tudor thought fully about how big the black Bay collection would eventually become and now it's almost hidden beneath the giant weight of this entire collection so it would probably be smart if they did reconsider this I don't think it's necessarily costing them a ton of money but for my own just personal opinion and haven't talked about these watches all the time it is really confusing and hard to navigate and discuss I know what are these freaking watches like what is their name what should I call them our next Point talking about titanium watches titanium watches are too light and feel like toys I can understand why people would think this and I also when you know handling my first titanium watch I remember my reaction too it's like wow it's like almost surprises you with how light it is they are watches if you have a stainless steel counterpart that are almost gonna be half the weight for that uh material and comparison but titanium here's the thing with all of this here's the thing with just watches in general one thing I've noticed is people start getting into watches if you've ever like seen someone that's just getting into watches like or just hand somebody watch on your wrist like something that always like fascinates them is like the weight right you handed someone a mechanical watch for the first time and they just think like oh yeah I mean heavier is better like that that's substantial because they're used to all these like very lightweight products maybe some of these quartz powered watches and then when they handle a mechanical watch they feel that it has some density to it and it feels like a more tangible object and I feel it's probably more substantial as a byproduct of that but as we see with some Brands out there that heavier is not always better like I think of like not to throw stray out there for Invicta but I mean a lot of their watches are heavy and that doesn't necessarily mean that the watches are you know incredibly well made and just because something's heavy means it's better than other watches I think you have to think about the upside of titanium now if you're somebody that wants the feel of something substantial on your wrist and don't mind weight then of course titanium is not going to be an upside for you but I think that's diminishing the features of titanium that make it very compelling now is it worth a crazy premium compared to stainless steel I think some of the disparity between the titanium models versus stainless steel when it comes to price are starting to get too far apart I think they should be a little bit priced more appropriately together titanium is by no means a precious material but it is a useful material when it comes to many of the aspects why I like to have a wash on my wrist sometimes and when you're thinking about a watch and maybe being able to pull something off if something's a larger watch having a lighter feel on wrist makes a watch just way easier to wear in my opinion if you look at something like the long jean avigation big eye that's a watch that is a little bit larger in terms of the case diameter but because it is made of titanium at least the titanium version it feels much smaller on wrist it's amazing how that feels something like the aorus pro pilot caliber 400 as well like all those models the kermits and those other line variations you are getting a watch that feels just really really light on wrist and I love it you almost forget the watches there for some people don't like that but for comfortability while maintaining hardness and also talking about the look titanium has its own unique look I can tell titanium versus non-titanium watches if I have two in hand without even holding them I could just see like the two different Hues of the metal and tell the difference so if you're going for more that brushed look on a watch and more utilitarian style I think titanium does a much better job in creating that look so to each their own I think titanium watches have their place but I can understand your opinion and maybe thinking they feel way too light and not substantial enough but as you start getting up there in terms of really premium titanium watches I do think you start to recognize that hey there's some cool upside here and it's not just about how much this watch weighs on my wrist and that's the qualifying just point that needs to be established in order for the watch to be deemed quality next one comes from Facebook this one's pretty interesting watch ambassadors are an insult to the intelligence of the consumer now I am somebody that has I could not care less about what a celebrity is paid to wear and that's the big distinction like I understand the fascination when a person in the public eye decides to go buy something with their own money and thinks it's cool like that to me is authentic and interesting and maybe showing a little more interest I could care less about celebrity culture I really don't care too much about that I know other people care more than myself but it's when you're paying somebody to do it like all these brand affiliations and Partnerships for me as a consumer I could not give less of a damn to be honest with you uh what you know Brad Pitt's deciding to wear what he's just not even deciding to wear is what he's getting paid to wear I mean this to me is like you know when a brand promotes this it just really weird weird it's like almost not reading the room at least for our type of consumers and let me give one other point why they do this and I do think it's probably still smart for them to do this but this almost reminds me of that person that maybe you go to their house and they're just all about showing off their cool stuff you know and like you just don't care at all you're just like yeah that's really cool like hey like I'm glad you spent you know fifteen thousand dollars on your couch it's not really any comfier than the one I have but you know it's it's cool I'm very happy for you and then they start showing you other things that they have like you just don't care uh you know like look what I was able to buy like that's kind of what the brands are basically sending a message for for the people that don't care but here's the other side there's a reason why they do this the reason why they do this is because there's a lot of people that do care and this is not as much about winning over people probably like you and me who are into watches have interest don't need anybody else to persuade them are going to continue to come back these are for the people that watch they're not even on the radar and they need something that's going to get a watch on their radar and if it's a celebrity that's wearing a watch and somebody that they know and maybe watch all their movies or they see them frequently and they just have some admiration for that person and they see that they're wearing that watch that can connect the dots for many people and I mean look what happened with James Bond and the affiliation there with Omega like that in many ways help Omega rebound and you know be the brand they are today so there's no question this works but for many consumers I can understand your point where it's almost like an insults to your intelligence like oh my gosh I'm just so tired of this I don't care what Lady Gaga wears I really don't but they do it for a reason and I'm sure it works well when you're talking about getting a new consumer in the door that would never have considered a watch in the first place next Point aesthetically the tiso gentlemen greater than PRX hmm this is a take that I mean aesthetically speaking I don't think I have the right to say what wash looks better I think both of them are great looking watches it really comes down to personal preference but one thing I will say is the gentleman has now become underrated in comparison to the CSO PRX I think the gentleman is probably the most versatile watch that tiso makes you have 100 meters of water resistance a bit more dressy in its approach looks better on a strap in my opinion at least looks more dressy when you put it on a strap bracelet is not as good as the PRX which I think is one of the downsides but you're also getting a beautifully finished dial maybe not as much on that backdrop but those indices are beautiful they pop the most views I've ever received on one video covering just one watch is the tiso gentleman and that was you know before the TSO PRX happened I mean you think about now what's happened to TSO PRX it's probably because there's so many different people talking about it it is the watch that was able to foresee a lot of this integrated Trend before it became very exhausted so you have to give tiso kudos for looking in their archive finding something and really capitalizing on something that was popular at the moment but the general now as a byproduct has basically Fallen victim to the TSO prx's success it is a phenomenal watch it's probably one of the best under a thousand dollars from Switzerland and also another consideration is it has a lot of up spec you're getting a DOT 811 caliber on the inside so that has the SI balance spring so a more Superior movement compared to that of the t-so PRX so there's a lot of things to like you are paying a bit more of a premium to do it but if I am TSO I am thinking about just adding more to the gentleman collection because this is a model family that is so versatile and if you're somebody looking for your first watch under a thousand dollars yes the TSO PRX is there but the gentleman is right there and does its own things very well that might even make it a better proposition for certain people out there next point is water resistance is overrated being Splash resistant is good enough for nearly every watch 99.9 of us don't dive and beyond that just don't wear your watch in the shower or at the pool or Beach so for me personally speaking I do not need pretty much any water resistance on my watches I I have the approach of unless I am thinking of one individual use case very rarely I am not going to get pretty much any of my watches that wet I mean I don't dive I don't I mean I get in the pool but chances are I'm probably just taking off my watch before I get in the pool because if I'm wearing a luxury watch this the return and pleasure that I get from wearing a watch in the pool for one I'm getting a tan line number two it's just not worth any risk if anything ever did go wrong I mean very limited limited risk that that would happen but for myself I totally agree with you for some out there they love just the peace of mind but I get so exhausted when you're talking about you know 50 100 meters like 100 meters to me it like the amount of depth that even professional divers are going and doing a lot of their work is not even almost at that depth I mean that is incredibly deep you're talking about a 300 foot building like a 30-story building and you're saying that that's not deep enough for your watch like it's one of my biggest annoyances in the entire industry where people say that they need more water resistance than 100 meters for a dive watch like and even any watch like a Seiko 5 sports models like aurisdiver 65 oh it's not enough well the iso standard is 100 meters like that is the standard to be a professional dive watch there are some other characteristics that you need in order to pass that uh certification but that is the standard for water resistance so this is just this whole concept and I think I've said this in the past you've made all my watches 30 meters of water resistance my life probably doesn't change I don't look at my watch any differently I'm probably not going to wear them any differently but it's all Case by case if you value that I totally get it but one thing that probably is true the majority of the people that are leaving comments about the watch not having enough water resistance chances are they're probably also not going any deeper than their local public pools death so it's a silly concept and a conversation that I don't think will ever reach peace on this subject it is what it is but I agree it is absolutely overrated so this one is interesting and it had 22 likes I've never considered this the term colorways pretentious in grading and should be retired from the wash lexicon I have never thought about this to be honest with you and I'll say this from my side looking back I know I've used this term before I know I've used colorway and I have never thought it was pretentious I think partly it comes down to tone like the way you say certain words that can come off really pretentious or you know condescending or you know you're talking down your audience I try not to speak that way and I don't think I do and I always think about how can you change the word you're saying because one thing that is tough if you've ever had to be on camera before is making sure that you don't sound redundant repeating yourself one thing I recognize as I've been on camera more and more is how cyclical our language and what we decide to say is you say things way more often than you think in your conversation with other people I just remember recording like videos for the first time as you start to hear yourself back you recognize all these small little details about yourself and you just think like I'm not as articulate as I thought but I don't know what the alternative is I mean I like color scheme maybe we can talk about color Arrangement coloration but all those kind of sound equally condescending and kind of pretentious in their own way it just kind of depends on it I I mean if you guys are really bothered by me saying the word colorway I will stop doing it but I'll probably include it to me I find that even more annoying if you just repeat the same word over and over again so interested to hear your thoughts is colorway pretentious is this something that I need to look into a little bit more I mean 22 people in that comment think so but all right guys that's all we have for this video looking at some controversial opinions if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up subscribe hit the Bell icon uh the thumbs up would be a great indication for me that you want to keep this going I like doing these these are some of my favorite videos that I do on this channel because it allows us to talk about some you know meteor subjects together so if you want to partake in that and you want to see more of this thumbs up be sure to follow along on all our different social platforms when we ask this question so you could submit your controversial takes in the comments also definitely check out teddybulbasaur.com full authorized dealer of 30 Brands quick and fast fulfillment dedicated customer support and a full factory warranty for all the products that we offer how we're able to fund all our productions here is through selling watches on our site so if you are on the market for watch we would absolutely love to have your business we know you can buy a watch essentially anywhere but it allows us to keep doing what we're doing and we love what we do but guys thank you again so much for watching be well and I will see you all very soon
Channel: Teddy Baldassarre
Views: 191,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teddy baldassarre, teddy watch review, watch collecting guide, best new watches 2022, bestnew watches 2023, omega speedmaster vs rolex daytona, speedmaster vs daytona, best luxury chronograph, zenith chronomaster, zenith el primero review, hodinkee, watches and wonders 2023, grand seiko, talking watches, teddy baldassarre watch collection, teddy baldassarre sotc, jenni elle, nico leonard, about effing time, just one more watch
Id: nYMbQO22OPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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