Mullet El Camino Build Episode 20! Progress Continues!

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good morning again everyone welcome back to the ksr youtube channel another day working on mullet you guys probably saw in cletus's video it's up and running and we took it for a ride the other day for its maiden voyage around our little industrial park here [Music] oh for some of you guys that are worried about the pipes like there's no exhaust out of here until we're making boots so that's why we're not worried about those getting the turbos hot or anything like that and part throttling driving around all of the exhaust right here not hot at all that's hot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so uh we got some stuff to do on this thing to keep moving forward and unfortunately we have a step backwards to take with part of the project and one of the things i've done that i kind of did off camera just got busy working on uh this particular project but you can see we did we redid all of the wiring that runs to the front of the car for the fans fan control water pump control uh the alternator power wire all of that runs now through the frame here and then it's zip tied inside the frame to run around the shock it brings all of our i can see we stopped to finish that the shock sensor plug the wheel speed and everything all of that now comes all together it runs through this grommet nifty little grommet that we got from earl's and it runs with the brake line so the brake line is one piece from here all the way up and over all the way up and over to the master cylinder where it goes through the firewall again and right now you can see it's kind of got a little bit of a big hole right there but we have a plate that we're making for that which actually the plate is already made where's the plate there it is so we've got a plate that we made for the firewall you can see it's got a spot for where our egts are going to mount and then the brake line and some other wiring go through this hole and then i've split the bottom of the bracket so we can kind of open up the bracket slide it around there just to keep the brake line one piece [Music] well you're probably wondering what we've got to do to go backwards and it's got to do with the roll cage so the other day we had an inspector come to do the chassis certification on the car and he looked through the books and everything and put a 750 an hra chassis cert on the car see it right in there chassis is good for 750 and slower at 3600 pounds well that's really fast right we know we're trying to go sixes and for most tracks you know that don't really if they're not really hard on the rules we'd probably be fine and you know the car's got a funny car cage in it but there's several different chassis specs once you get faster than 850 in the quarter mile now i've got all the books i've built different specs for all kinds of different things but it was just kind of totally out of sight out of mind it wasn't really out of sight it was right in front of my face but we just missed it you know we're working on the car missed that there were some extra bars that needed to be in the car for it to be legal to go faster than 750. so thankfully the way the cage was done in the car it's actually over built for a 750 certification but it's lacking just a few gussets to be able to certify to a 25.2 roll cage which then lets us be legal down to six flat in the quarter mile are we gonna go six flat no the ls engine that's in the car the weight of the car i don't think it's going to be able to go quite that fast for a while but later down the road bigger engine bigger turbos who knows what we're going to discover so anyways this is the current spec that the car is built to 25 for but it actually has an x in the roof already but if you look in the corners there's no gussets all right so this is 25.2 now the underfloor stuff is all good matches all those rules so this is the 25.2 spec so you can see these bars are a different color which corresponds with a different size tubing but the the roof x is already the correct legal size but we're lacking these gussets in the corners you see the little triangle little triangle gussets there and then also we have to redo the passenger side door x at least we have to cut out and redo two of those bars so you can see here the yellow bars and there's also two gussets there's two gussets on the dash or the the bar that goes from low in the back high in the front that has to be inch and a half i o 65 the driver's side is all good but the passenger side on mullet is slightly undersized so i've got to cut that bar out cut that bar out add them back in and then we have to do the gussets on those bars as well let me show you that okay so here's the gussets so this is the driver's side or this is the top of the door x it has to have a gusset there gus it there and then just for an extra measure we're going to do a gusset there you guys know we want to keep cletus safe in this thing as much as we can so adding all of these extra gussets will keep us legal when we're trying to run faster than 750 in the quarter mile and it makes the car safer it's just a better all-around deal it's probably going to take us a solid day maybe two days to redo this but i'm thinking that we should be able to get it knocked out here pretty quick and then repaint it but we've got to take all of the interior back out and then redo our fuse panel mount on the passenger side but we're going to get to work take you guys along for the ride [Music] [Laughter] [Music] um [Music] all right so we've got all of the interior taken back apart and we're getting ready to start chopping tubes and yeah we got some wires going everywhere so while i was in there taking stuff apart on the inside of the car travis has been out pinning all of the extra inputs and outputs that we have done out here so for like our coolant pressure you know the one i missed where uh it was pulling out a bunch of timing because it was one of my safeties if it makes lots of cooling pressure it pulls it out yeah so we're actually wiring in the coolant pressure sensor now along with we've got dome pressure here and then we've got our boost control solenoids right there we have two air temp sensors so there's an air temp sensor before the intercooler here and then there's another air temp sensor at the back of the manifold lots and lots of little things so what we are getting ready to do now is add the firewall connector and you got your snippers so what we've done is everything that's going to be bundled in to the engine harness and is going to go through the firewall connector we've got brought to all this bundle of wires right here and we're going to give ourselves just a little bit of extra room and take a big old slice right there between those two zip ties no not between the zip ties right behind the zip ties all right right behind the zip ties oh geez oh geez oh geez oh geez that just happened i think i might cry just kidding it's part of building these things so now we've got you know we know what all those wires are there's 48 of them right now in our in our harness so we've got to do a connector on each side of it and then the engine harness will be removable from the firewall outwards and the idea for this not only is it easier to take the engine in and out for servicing of the engine if no baby giraffe ever decides to change to a different engine the only thing that has to be done is build a new harness from the firewall connector out snap it in crank it up and away you go so now i'm going to keep working on interior stuff travis is going to be out here starting to pin this connector we're going to keep on trucking [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right well you guys saw travis heat shrinking out the uh engine harness that covers all of the sensors and you can kind of see how that works out here everything's nice and nice and neat you can kind of see maybe yeah you can kind of see the label so this is tps obviously and then it's got a label on all of the different uh sensors so you can see there's dome pressure right there and then our fuel pressure fuel temp that comes out to the regulator and then there will be kind of like a secondary sub harness that attaches all of the coils and then they join together at the firewall plug and then we're going to work on the firewall plug tomorrow i'm going gonna finish hopefully i'll get this finished tomorrow as well as the interior cj and i kind of got the interior ready to start chopping on it got all of our electronics back out except the last panel um i haven't decided i'll probably take that out just so it's not getting the grinding dust on it from where we cut this bar out and this bar we got the carbon protectors off of the tubes so we can rework this i'm probably going to slice these tabs back off so we can move the fuse board out a half an inch because there's going to be a gusset here and a gusset here as well as a gusset there so three gussets per side there maybe a gusset gusset here gusset there gus it here gusset there same with that corner over there and then we will paint put everything back together in the car one more time and then it'll be done for good kind of sucks that you know that got missed it was a big big miss on my part but we've just been thrashing away on things and just totally totally missed it i should have some more videos on this uh next week quite a bit uh because we plan to get all this stuff finalized so we've got all the extra sensors done on the engine itself with coolant pressure oil pressure and temp fuel pressure and temp uh the boost increase decreased solenoids we've got two air temp sensors on the car we've got one before the intercooler and then one after the intercooler we also have an ambient air temp sensor that's down underneath the radiator so as the car is moving it's going to log what the air temps are so we always have that in the data i'm looking for a zero to five volt humidity sensor anybody's got something like that i would love to have something like that so that we can monitor the humidity in the air and the ecu is always monitoring barometric pressure so if we can have barometric pressure humidity and the temperature we can calculate the density altitude which has a lot to do with tuning as far as our power tuning for when we go to different elevations different air conditions we will be able to know okay i mean if you guys don't know at different density altitudes the car will make more or less power the higher the density altitude goes the less power it's going to make because there's just more or less oxygen in a cubic foot of air depending on the density altitude and that can even change at the same racetrack so during the fall and the winter so during the fall in the winter we can have you know a weather a cold front come through with high pressure cars going to make a lot of power well if it makes a lot of power your starting line tune up to get off the starting line is probably going to be too much and it may spin the tires so when you get them down to where you're really fine tuning the last little bit of a combination you know you're adding 15 or 20 or you know just a little bit of horsepower on the launch and then trying to bring that horsepower in because you're trying to use every last little bit of power to accelerate the car as fast as you can and as quickly as we can so that's going to wrap up for this video if you haven't subscribed already please subscribe so that we can you guys can see what all we're doing on this build as well as the other ones we've got coming up next a lot of you guys showed some interest in the fox body that's actually a car out of the trz motorsports stable down in kissimmee good buddies of mine and it's got a holley uh terminator x on it it's got an old school paxton supercharger on it just gonna do some basic tuning on it we had kind of worked through um worked through some little issues on it that uh just needed to be addressed and it should be ready for a tune but we've got some construction work going on in the dyno room lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of stuff happening around here and we've got preparations for us to go to cletus and cars indy and this weekend i have the 352 shootout where i will be driving soccer mom so i'll have a video of that coming probably early next week just lots and lots of stuff happening so thanks again for watching we'll see you guys in the next one [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: KSR Performance & Fabrication
Views: 173,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KSR, KSR Performance, KSR Fabrication, KSR Performance and Fabrication, HTP, USA Weld, HTP Welders, TIG Welding, Holley EFI, Holley, Leash Electronics, Turbo, Boost, Drag Racing, Freedom Factory, Cleetus, Cleetus McFarland, McFarlane, MacFarland, Mullet, El Camino, WireCare, TRZ Motorsports, McFarland Fabrication, Drag Radial, Stock Suspension, Texas Speed, 427, 427 LS, Frankenstein Engine Dynamics, Boosted, Precision Turbo, NHRA, 25.2, SFI, 25.4, Chassis Inspection, Davies Craig
Id: 1fGAnCS634w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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