MULAN - Disney's Despicable Disaster

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/InquisitorGoldeneye ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
oh yeah sponsor me up baby money money must have need more money precious delicious money this movie broke me this movie is so bad that i had to stop making this video in order to avoid an imminent mental breakdown twice so this isn't just a movie review this time it's personal like that pillow disney because i'm going in dry so disney's mulan remake was a thing that happened and really shouldn't have after numerous delays resulting from the dreaded rona and desperate to get some of their precious money back disney decided to squirt the movie into our faces via their streaming service disney plus for the outrageous price of 30 dollars and that's on top of the price of a subscription i've seen people defend this as being cheaper than a family ticket to the cinema but i don't have kids and i'm not going to the cinema i'm sitting at home in my tighty whities watching it on my filth encrusted monitor so i should pay an entry price that's proportional to that no film is worth 30 dollars and this film is especially not worth 30 dollars and this move was criticized by cinema chains already reeling from the effects of the rona i was already rolling my eyes at the thought of another soulless lazy live-action remake of one of my childhood favorites and that business decision was the final nail as far as i was concerned but a very kind soul paid for me to watch it and made a persuasive case so i begrudgingly checked it out and it's dreadful what what a shock right who didn't see that coming but let me tell you the mulan remake was even worse than i could have imagined i am aware that complaining about things is kind of my whole shtick it is in the channel name after all but i have never gotten this legitimately angry about anything that i've covered hey yeah what the hell is this i feel pretty happy calling this the worst movie of 2020 that year did see movies that were more poorly put together like artemis fowl as well as those that were more disrespectful to their source material like artemis fowl but there's being bad and then there's being complicit in tyranny that's a whole new level of badness and the shameless conduct from the house of mouse surrounding this movie shows them at their very worst and even more stuff kept happening as i was making this video it's like a clown car full of turds could you just not have been yourself for five minutes disney oh we're gonna talk about the controversies don't you worry some of the subject matter might earn this video that yellow badge of sadness so if you enjoy it do consider pledging your support on patreon fortunately for my wallet though we do have a sponsor ridge wallet fortunately for my wallet this is my job mulan might be a pain in the ass but ridge wallet sure isn't their light minimalist industrial metal design fits snugly in your pocket and neatly holds up to 12 cards with room left over for your cash they're available in over 30 colours and styles including carbon fibre and burnt titanium they look better they feel better they're more durable and they're more convenient than this chunky nonsense they even let you test drive it for 45 days you can send it back if you don't love it and each wallet comes with a lifetime guarantee so you won't feel like you're throwing your money down the toilet i'm not certain other things so get 10 off with free shipping and returns by going to cynical and using the code cynical link in the description and pinned comment before we dive into the deep end we have to talk about the movie first and you might as well get comfy because we're going to be here a while disney's original animated mulan movie from 1998 was and remains a classic it's an adaptation of the legend of har mulan a chinese woman who disguised herself as a man in order to take her ailing father's place in the army and in doing so saved china from the invading huns and brought honor to her family it had beautiful aesthetics fluid animation a well-written story a truly aspirational protagonist a cast of interesting and compelling characters brought to life with superb voice acting plenty of good humor matched with genuine seriousness and a memorable soundtrack with some absolute bangers which unfortunately i can't play for you for copyright reasons is it perfect no there are some weird things about it but it definitely ranks highly among the disney renaissance releases and it's my second favorite in that category just behind the hunchback of notre dame but despite the movie being well received in the west it flopped among chinese audiences who considered it and especially its protagonists to be too westernized so when disney set their sights on revamping it for some easy money they wanted their slice of that fat china pie and so were determined to not let it flop again in order to do this they decided to make something closer to the original poem the ballad of mulan which remains to this day an important narrative in chinese culture suggested by the narrative put not even inspired by or based on what does that even mean but i will give the remake credit for one thing it isn't just a carbon copy of its predecessor unlike the lion king which was a worthless cynical cash grab with no redeeming value i do appreciate that they were at least trying to do something a bit different but make no mistake this is a remake of the animated movie not a brand new movie based on the legend of har mulan inferior knock-offs of scenes from the original have been ported over to this movie and a lot of its characters are based on characters from the original even ming na wen who voiced the animated mulan is given a short cameo the music from the animated film has been translated into instrumental versions for the score hell even some of the marketing is exactly the same they were clearly trying to market this movie to fans of the original and pull on their nostalgic heartstrings so the notion that this movie shouldn't be considered a remake is complete nonsense and it is perfectly legitimate to criticize it where it comes up short in comparison to the original because if you're going to remake something you'd better improve it or just don't even bother but they didn't do yourselves a favor and just go watch the original it's so much better this remake is what would happen if you took the original and left it stewing in a vat of milk for 20 years and then pissed on it in fact i'd rather watch mulan too than sit through this remake again yeah mulan 2 was a thing but we don't talk about it in any case the desire to stick closer to the spirit of the mulan legend led them to aim for a much more serious realistic tone than the animated movie and to make sure that the remake was more closely grounded in chinese culture and history for example the huns are replaced by the rorans a real tribal confederation that attacked china around the time that mulan was meant to have been alive they also removed the scene of mulan cutting her hair because as iconic and striking as it is to western audiences it was ridiculed in china because chinese men also grew their hair long so this scene doesn't really make any sense that sort of change i'm all on board with you guys know how much i appreciate historical accuracy but they also got stuff wrong mulan real or not was from northern china but the houses that this mulan grows up in were built in southern china around a thousand years after she was supposed to have lived this would be like having crusaders living in glasgow council houses and apparently there are a lot more of these cultural and historical inaccuracies it's probably better to hear a chinese person's perspective on these so check out this video if you're interested i'll leave a link in the description but let's just say it's pretty obvious that the director all four screenwriters and most of the crew were white westerners that asian representation though anyhow director nikki carrow said that she was trying to make the film in such a way that it could be real which is a very odd statement to make about a movie that includes a phoenix witches and kung fu magic being charitable i think what she meant was real in the sense that say game of thrones felt real even though it's a fantastical story it's grounded and serious and there's no goofy kid stuff running around being distracting and this is partly why they decided to remove mushu because as beloved as the eddie murphy voiced comic relief character is having him goofing around and making pop culture references wouldn't really jive with that realistic tone but more importantly chinese audiences didn't really take kindly to mushu because dragons are important beings in chinese culture so having won as a goofball comedy sidekick felt a bit offensive could also be that much was voiced by a black man trying to seem to take issue with that sort of thing i get why they'd remove mushu but they also have to understand why doing so would annoy a lot of people in the west because mushu contributed much to the soul of the animated movie and why western audiences loved it so much the director even said that mushu is irreplaceable which is obviously [ __ ] because she [ __ ] replaced him with a phoenix that acts as the emissary for mulan's ancestors who are also unfortunately absent while being more sensitive to chinese culture this phoenix has no personality and contributes almost nothing to the film except some pretty pictures this shot is brilliant and should be shown in any film study class they also removed the other comedy-focused characters kricky the cricket and the grandma which is a real shame because especially the latter was responsible for some of the best jokes in the animated movie would you like to stay for dinner would you like to stay forever in general there's a dismal amount of humor compared to the original you can have a serious war film that uses moments of comedy to break the tension but this film not only fails to do that but it also fails to make up for this absence of humor by being entertaining in other ways the same is true of the soundtrack the songs from the animated movie are absent here with the director arguing that people don't usually break out into song when they go to war which historically is nonsense what's john brown's body it's a long way to tipperary erica and the myriad of other soldiers marching songs and patriotic anthems these have been a thing for thousands of years what are you talking about but usually i'd be completely fine with having no songs because i often find them quite distracting but out of all the disney renaissance movies i think mulan has some of the best all of them are exemplary they don't feel forced or inappropriate and as soon as our heroes are confronted with the devastation of war the songs stop immediately as they realize that the [ __ ] has hit the fan the rest of the soundtrack while being less striking is still pretty good the soundtrack they replaced it with feels like stock background music and is completely forgettable and its best parts are those taken from the original as diluted into instrumental tracks as they are and say what you want about honoring the music from the original in a significant way but sprinkling in some of the lyrics as dialogue just feels like an insulting reminder of what was lost because the removal of the comedy and the songs are just the two most obvious examples of how trying to make the film more real has resulted in its heart being ripped out everything here is just more bland and lifeless and i struggled to keep my eyes open or care about what was going on no better example of this can be found than the protagonist and her actress liu yeufei who is painfully wooden and stiff barely registering any change of emotion until the very end of the film they actually make a joke which had far more irony than they realized shoot look at my face what am i feeling i have no idea exactly this is my sad face this is my curious face and i'm confused there's also that other thing but we'll get to that later she may be a good actress i have no idea because the character that she's portraying is also flat and completely charmless lacking the complexity and charisma of her animated predecessor this mulan is also more of an idealist the animated mulan was less interested in honor and serving her emperor and country than in saving her father and her friends as well as proving that she was capable but that kind of individualism doesn't sit well with traditional chinese values which emphasize duty loyalty and collectivism so this mulan is more explicitly a patriot i know my place and it is my duty to fight for the kingdom and protect the emperor no guesses as to why which might have been fine but her personality is pretty much reduced to that and it makes her less interesting and harder to get invested in her journey is also decidedly more boring animated mulan knew that she was unable to physically overcome the challenges in front of her so she had to apply her intelligence to come up with creative solutions train hard to improve her abilities and even use elements associated with her femininity to defeat more powerful opponents all this made her story interesting to follow and made her a grounded realistic hero one that audiences can easily see themselves in and even aspire to be like but this mulan just has super powers yep they gave her super powers you talk about it being real and then you give her [ __ ] superpowers she's born with incredible chi abilities and even as a child she barely needs to do any training to make use of them she doesn't need to use her brain she just brute forces everything her character development isn't about improvement but about no longer holding back so many people talk about this character being empowering and how the film is about female empowerment but having superpowers isn't relatable because it can't be emulated how is a little girl supposed to aspire to be like a character who has [ __ ] midi-chlorians it's also terrible writing because regardless of gender superpowers are an incredibly cheap way to make a protagonist strong a lesson that disney repeatedly refuses to learn it was boring and lazy then and it's boring and lazy now and aside from feeling fear for all of about two seconds she doesn't have a single flaw even in the matchmaker scene where she screws everything up here the fault is attributed entirely to her sister who exists only for this singular purpose because perish the thought that our protagonist could have even the slightest smear on her character it gets so bad that she even tries to confess her secret to her commander despite this being a stupid move that might result in her execution and her family's dishonor because she feels bad about lying and they make a big deal about how much she has to struggle but really she has everything so easy acceptance from her peers comes very quickly and everyone falls in line with her when she needs them to because she's basically a chosen one and can never have anything go wrong for her and i can't imagine anything more yawn inducing moving on to the other characters because holy [ __ ] we've still got so much to talk about the terrifying villain sean you is here replaced with jason scott lee's bori khan who is boring and ridiculous in comparison and still entirely one-dimensional the witch character who serves as a secondary villain is by far the most interesting part of the movie in that she actually has more than one side to her character and even makes you feel a bit sorry for her but then they ruin it by doing the whole we are the same you and i bollocks and then she dies for the dumbest [ __ ] reason it's such a stupid decision that i still haven't quite managed to absorb it speaking of stupid decisions let's talk about captain lee shang who they also got rid of dividing his role between donnie yen's commander tong and the love interest chen the stated reason being that they felt that the commander's subordinate relationship between shang and mulan was problematic in light of the metoo movement which makes no sense there was never any romantic interest between them until right at the end when he was no longer her commanding officer and it was her idea so consent and respect were always at the forefront but not only is this a silly line of reasoning but shang has apparently become a bisexual icon because of his attraction to mulan as ping so his removal got some of the lgbt community quite annoyed although i don't think shang was ever meant to be bisexual men can show affection and admiration for each other while still being straight alright guys but i do think it's really funny that disney removed him in a pre-emptive attempt to be woke but just ended up pissing off more people it's like they're trying to play a social justice version of whack-a-mole but it's far more likely that there was a less progressive motive behind this change since china actually has laws banning the representation of gay relationships in media so showing mulan having romantic exchanges while dressed as a man may have triggered the sensors and we all know how much disney really cares about the gays that might be why this romance is so underplayed that it might as well not exist at all and donnie yen martial arts legend that he is is not a great actor and doesn't get a chance to do much in his role as the mentor figure same with all the other characters from the original ping yao and shenpo who provided much comic relief and assistance to the animated mulan are here reduced to basically nothing with very little screen time or character development and you'd be easily forgiven for forgetting which of the three they're supposed to be ditto with cricket who's based on qrikee he has a couple of bumbling moments but otherwise he's pointless the chancellor rather than being the representation of the establishment that mulan is struggling against as well as a comedic punching bag here just spouts exposition and then gets possessed that's his whole contribution and the matchmaker is now just a straight up [ __ ] in case you hadn't noticed the trend by now everything taken from the animated movie was made worse everything including the scenes that were directly translated over pointing out the same problems with all these scenes would get extremely repetitive so to give just one example consider the few scenes surrounding mulan's decision to leave for the army in the animated movie they're very fast-paced with all necessary information being conveyed briskly her decision is conveyed dramatically through a montage of striking images set to rousing music and her family's discovery of her flight also feels very impactful and as tropey as it is even the stormy weather is used to reflect the intense and terrifying feelings her family goes through here she and her father have a long conversation about a sword honor and courage which feels unnecessarily dragged out her decision here isn't dramatic at all there's no montage she just immediately dons his armor and walks away to more sedated music and as with the prior two scenes the family's discovery is more poorly executed lacking any sense of urgency and feeling slow and boring and every other familiar scene has been ruined like this to some degree even with that aside the script is worse than mediocre the story is a mess and lacks the flow and solid pacing of its animated predecessor the dialogue is often stilted awkward and cliche ridden and combined with a lot of bad acting throughout made the film quite painful to watch at times although china has previously banned historical dramas for being too entertaining so maybe they were just trying to be safe but a lot of reviewers seem to have overlooked or forgiven these issues instead praising its visuals and action scenes it feels weird to call mulan a case of style over substance because that style is still bad and it genuinely makes me wonder how this film cost over 200 million dollars and some of the action might seem ridiculous to western audiences but this sort of fantastical martial arts is actually a staple of the wu genre that they're trying to emulate but even by those standards there's some truly laughable stuff in here and these sequences are poorly choreographed executed and edited and riddled with bad cgi have these reviewers never seen a good wuxar movie it's like saying that pot noodle is a fine example of asian cuisine there are plenty of other examples in this field such as crouching tiger hidden dragon house of flying daggers hero and curse of the golden flower that did this kind of action far better and on much lower budgets some reviewers have talked about how it was really meant to be viewed on a big screen and that streaming at home just can't do it justice which makes the fact that this was optimized for imax theaters by far the funniest joke on display if you have to rely on spectacle and flashy images to keep your audience entertained then you'd better dazzle but what's on offer here is not impressive at all and certainly not enough to make up for the lack of redeeming value in other areas i know i've already said a lot but [ __ ] me there's just so much wrong with this film i'm surprised i'm still sane oh but we're far from done there is a plethora of other issues most of which i'll now go through roughly in the order in which they occur when mulan demonstrates her ridiculous superpowers as a little girl the villagers seem shocked and they shun her but that's it her father stresses to her that she's not supposed to have these powers but she is for warriors not daughters but if that's true why are there no further social or legal consequences for her demonstrating her powers in front of everyone the scene where mulan rides next to two rabbits is a reference to the ballad but there it comes at the end and helps to solidify the message of the story but here it comes early feels forced in and is ruined by mulan clumsily explaining the metaphor before she's even had a chance to do anything to make it relevant her family tell her that the matchmaker has found her a match we have excellent news the matchmaker has found you an auspicious match yes mulan it is decided but i thought the whole point of the matchmaker scene was so that mulan can be assessed and assigned a suitable spouse doesn't this line make the whole scene redundant then during the matchmaker scene as i said the blame is shifted away from her and she uses her spider-sense powers to catch the falling crockery because of course she does but again this obvious use of her powers never gets brought up again by anybody the animated father kept his ailment hidden but here the father collapses in front of the soldiers which just makes the army look really [ __ ] stupid for accepting someone who is so obviously a liability and his fall is unintentionally funny so it ruins the moment he lectures her about being brave after he's gone to fight but this long scene also feels redundant because we already had the scene of them arguing at the dinner table if they'd skipped straight to her deciding to take his place we wouldn't have missed anything we're going to make men out of every single one of you oh [ __ ] off you do not get to say that line during a spear fight with her love interest and though that's not a euphemism she gets carried away and unleashes her chi kicking a spear out of a guy's hand which he was conveniently holding horizontally right behind her and then almost kills him with it but for some reason her commander doesn't talk to her about it until the next day surely she just broke a whole bunch of rules and should be disciplined or given a special role because she obviously has chi powers but no again there are no consequences he tells her she should cultivate her power and then it just gets left at that they keep making a big deal about her having to hide her chi but every time she reveals it nothing happens before they go into battle against the roarings mulan gives her fellow soldiers a pep talk and they have a bit of banter but it has very little impact because the film has done so little to establish their characters that we have no reason to care and the tactics they use during the battle are so stupid game of thrones season 8 levels of stupid an army primarily made up of infantry engaging an enemy force comprised of skilled cavalry and horse archers on open ground in the middle of the desert that's suicide only a [ __ ] [ __ ] would give battle under these circumstances bori khan and his elite warriors fall back in what is obviously a feigned retreat but the commander sends mulan and likes seven other guys charging after them while the entire roaring army is right there in front of them he is way too confident in her abilities [ __ ] these other guys though i guess but they somehow avoid the roaring army only to get picked off with some parthian shots the survivors nope the [ __ ] out of there but mulan goes after bori khan alone because of course she does which is the convenient device for her to have her first run-in with the witch their fight takes place atop an encrusted sulphurous lake but disappointingly they don't utilize this unique location for anything except visuals oh but visuals are everything am i right after getting her ass kicked by the witch who doesn't check that she's dead because of course she doesn't mulan sheds all of her armor embracing her identity and refusing to lie anymore which is also what the witch implied she should do which was dumb of her to imply but okay also she's shedding the armor that just saved her life anyone else see a problem here so naturally she rides back and single-handedly saves the day then the roar and suddenly have a trebuchet and of course it has pinpoint accuracy until the film needs it not to in order for mulan's plan to work because they repeat the avalanche scene from the original and conveniently there's a mountain of snow right behind the roarings although we haven't been shown this mountain before at all she gets behind them without being seen i assume by teleporting and relies on their stupidity and now convenient inaccuracy to trigger the disaster and this wipes out the few roarings that are there which you cannot tell me is the entire roarin army aren't they supposed to be a massive threat and if the snow is shallow enough for a horse to charge through like this how was it capable of wiping them out and how did the chinese soldiers survive when the roarans didn't they didn't take cover behind anything as in the animated film so what protected them a [ __ ] load of plot armor after she's revealed herself the commander spares her life but unlike in the original doesn't give a reason why he's making an exception for her and there's no argument about it but she's so honorable that she'd rather be executed because of course she is then the witch does the whole join me and we can rule the galaxy as father and son routine we've seen only a few thousand times before then tells her that bori khan will take the imperial city and on the basis of this mulan strolls back into the army camp to tell them that the emperor is in danger she has no evidence except for the emperor being the prime target because no [ __ ] in the animated film her former friends very clearly dismissed her still being affected by their cultural prejudice it was only after she was proven right that they sided with her but here their bias is overcome way too quickly and they all choose to believe her because she's the chosen one remember doesn't matter that she lied to them for so long and as if this bit wasn't insufferable enough they rip off the iconic i'm spartacus scene i believe hua mulan i believe huawei i believe hua mulan i believe i believe huawei mulan and why didn't they try to send a message to the emperor to warn him even if it doesn't get through at least give us something and donnie yen even lets her lead them like for [ __ ] sake bori khan and his ninjas infiltrate the palace while the witch possesses the chancellor in order to challenge the emperor to a jewel with bori khan which he accepts that's so stupid but it's jet li so i guess they have to give him something to do he walks into what was very obviously a trap and gets captured bori khan tells the other ninjas to leave him alone and to rack up more dumb villain points he can't resist stalling and doing villains exposition sean you never had to do any of this [ __ ] and i've never missed him more the witch is so impressed that a woman is leading an army of men that she forgets that she's meant to be the bad guy says the it's too late for me cliche and leads mulan to the emperor and then sacrifices herself to save mulan because she's also a woman who has power what superpowered women sticking together is is that what this is and bori khan seems to completely forget that mulan's there did you not look to see if your arrow took her down you [ __ ] idiot she defeats him of course but again she relies on his stupidity rather than her own intelligence and then she you know what i'll just let this play [Music] this is simultaneously the best and worst scene in the movie it looks like something from an uve ball flick how did this film cost 200 million her normal soldier bodies somehow defeat all the super powered ninjas because because [ __ ] it that's why she has a really awkward goodbye with her romantic interest so i guess that plot thread came to nothing she initially refuses the emperor's offer to join his imperial guard and returns to her village to honor her family but his soldiers track her down and ask her again which feels a bit redundant and the ending leaves it ambiguous as to whether or not she accepts which goes against the ballad wherein she explicitly refuses and goes back to a normal life so that's yet another point against direct adaptation and i'm not exaggerating when i say that the end credits are more interesting than the rest of the movie it's like an intro from a bond movie and has the best music for lack of anything else decent i told you we had a lot to talk about as a movie it's debatable whether mulan is the worst disney remake and that's like arguing over which turd is the least palatable i'd still say that the lion king is the worst just because it didn't even try to offer anything original but neither is mulan the best as some idiots have called it it definitely ranks low among that hierarchy of [ __ ] it's like they were trying to do everything at once and appeal to everyone at once but failed to do any of it right and came across as incredibly disingenuous they tried to nostalgia bait western fans while removing many elements that were responsible for creating that nostalgia in the first place they tried to pander to chinese audiences but failed to get the cultural details right or deliver them an exemplary example of chinese cinema and then there's all their worthless moralizing although mulan is progressive in at least one sense it shows that women are just as capable as men of completely [ __ ] up a 200 million dollar movie who is this movie intended for kids aren't going to enjoy this because it's boring and it's rated at 12 so i guess it's not meant for them anyhow and fans of the original are gonna hate it because of how much of an insult it is to their beloved classic and who are these critics who are giving this piece of [ __ ] movie such glowing praise i guess retaining that all-important early access to movies is worth getting used to the taste of mickey's [ __ ] as it was wrapping up i was all set to say yeah all right six out of ten it's pretty good but only just pretty good and then they went and put down a bad guy in a way that made me go okay that was awesome okay that was awesome okay that was awesome oh okay that was awesome that was straight up no grading curve 90s hong kong awesome right there and for that i bump it up to a solid seven what what what but look let's not kid ourselves we all know that it was primarily aimed at the lucrative chinese audience because even if the film tanked in the west the chinese box office might still be enough to get daddy disney another gold-plated mansion the very opening of this film is a perfect metaphor for disney's approach which explains almost all of the changes i've described but what's absolutely hilarious is that the film got dumped on by chinese viewers about as much as by westerners remember those cultural inaccuracies i touched on earlier well the chinese did not appreciate them slating the film not just for its bad quality but also for its mishandling and misunderstanding of their culture and for once again being too westernized and how the [ __ ] did they neglect to include chinese audio or subtitles on the disney plus release of a movie primarily directed at the chinese mulan flopped as hard in china as it did in the west which as far as i'm concerned is some well-deserved karma because mulan has revealed that disney are utterly morally bankrupt and willing to sacrifice their integrity for some extra money oh yeah now we're going there this is where it gets gnarly disney likes to get political when it suits them but their statements mean absolutely nothing terms like woke and virtue signaling have been thrown around so much by brain dead idiots that they've practically lost all meaning but disney are the very definition of those terms because in making mulan they claim they were trying to be conscious of various cultural and social issues such as hashtag metoo female empowerment representation and cultural sensitivity but at the same time they were more than happy to suck up to a repressive regime unless you've been living under a rock for the past few years you can't have missed what's been happening in hong kong but very basically the people there have been resisting the implementation of oppressive laws coming from mainland china and the heavy-handed response from the authorities caused the situation to spiral even further downward and who's that making comments on social media supporting the brutal police crackdown why it's none other than disney's newest princess i mean sure it's a communist dictatorship and if you don't tow the party line you'll have a family reunion in the gulag but she could have just said nothing and we can't dismiss the possibility that she was being sincere but whether or not she was forced to say it it's still a legitimate reason for people to boycott the film if they weren't already boycotting it for being [ __ ] and it highlights disney's hypocrisy they'll fire a director for making edgy jokes 10 years ago but won't lift a finger when one of their stars supports state brutality that is occurring right now and it is utterly hypocritical to speak out against police brutality in america but refuse to condemn it in china simply because that's where you're getting your money from oh ignore all that dirty western propaganda they're just jealous of our great leader who is strong and brave it's all fake news go watch mulan kappa's money get his money oh but it gets worse oh yes somehow it gets worse although they adamantly deny it the chinese government is currently carrying out a sustained campaign of repression against the uyghur muslim population parts of mulan were filmed in the province of xinjiang near the location of uiga concentration camps disney worked alongside four propaganda departments in that region including the one responsible for overseeing the camps and thanked them in the credits of the movie this would be like making bambi down the road from auschwitz and giving a shout out to the ss you know you've [ __ ] up when politicians on both sides of the extremely divided america unite to ask you bruh what the [ __ ] is this oh nothing to see here oh here female empowerment representation cultural sensitivity yay no no stop looking at that stop looking at that in response to this revelation and the resulting outrage the chinese government ordered major news outlets not to talk about mulan so as not to bring any more attention to the controversy they even went so far as to remove mulan as a search term on webu a popular social media site and given how much disney was relying on the film getting seen in china this is delicious naturally disney responded with all the usual cravenly corporate speak recognising that filming in xinjiang caused them a lot of issues well cry me a [ __ ] river oh but but we had to work with the government in order to film there it's standard industry policy well don't [ __ ] film there then i'll but the footage would film there only comprise 78 seconds of the movie then why did you even bother filming there and why didn't you cut it from the movie absolute cowards disney could have said something they could have moved the filming elsewhere or just not made the movie it isn't only disney that does this of course much of the film industry count housed to the ccp for fear of having their films banned and foregoing them sweet china box but even by the standards of faceless profit-driven corporations disney has reached new lows of unscrupulous greed because god forbid this billion dollar company which is worth more than each of these countries should report a quarterly loss during the greatest economic downturn since the great depression however will they cope and the worst part is disney went through all of this effort all of this bootlicking all of this controversial nonsense just to sell us a shittier version of a movie that already exists i'm just i'm so done i'm so done with this [ __ ] movie this honor this honor on your whole family making note of this dishonor on you design on your cow the mulan remake represents many aspects of the film industry that we should really not be okay with as well as everything i despise about modern disney i didn't think my opinion of disney could get any lower but they keep finding new ways i have criticized pieces of media on ethical grounds before but this is a whole new level of immorality and it's going to be hard to top that's not a challenge by the way disney and i can say with more passion and sincerity than about anything else i've reviewed [ __ ] everything about this [ __ ] this movie [ __ ] disney and [ __ ] the chinese [Music] this movie is so bad this thing looks [ __ ] huge on camera jesus thanks for watching folks and for bearing with me i know this video is very late but i wasn't kidding when i said it was an arduous process i do hope you found it worth the wait gotta give a shout out to everybody who helped me with research sent memes and even edited portions of the video and also to vox's productions for those puppet skits he's a good lad and he makes fantastic content so go check him out if you want to support the channel check out the sponsor ridge pick up some merch from bonfire pledge your support on patreon or become a youtube channel member your support does go a long way and patrons get early access to uncensored versions of videos without ads or sponsorships as well as a mention in the credits follow me on twitter if you want to stay up to date join my public discord server if you want to hang out and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Cynical Reviews
Views: 1,102,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mulan, Mulan Disney, Mulan Remake, Mulan 2020, Mulan 2020 Review, Mulan Remake Review, Mulan Review, Mulan Film Review, Disney, Mulan Disney Review, Mulan Controversy, Mulan Disney Controversy, Cynical Reviews, Cynical Reviews Mulan, Mulan Movie, Mulan 1998, Live action remake, Disney movie, Disney live action remake, Cynical Reviews Mulan Remake, Cynical Reviews Mulan Review, commentary, critique, parody, satire, criticism, China, Disney China, Mulan China, Mulan movie review, ad
Id: dWLitsGzZhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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