Mudfossils Prove Geology is Wrong...all was once Alive Everything it Seems and Some GIANT like This

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okay friends and neighbors this is going to be fun what are we looking at here types of rocks well what are types of rocks geology right we all know sedimentary and Ignus and metamorphic and all these other names they have for them but what are they made out of where how did they form in these forms well they laid down thousands and millions of years and this and that and well let's delve into those claims you got I I don't think any that's right this is all biology as soon as you start digging into this you can't miss it so let's dig all right the first thing I'm going to show you is B Sal because this is going to blow your mind when I show it I got some in the microscope right now and I will show you geology's take on disol with plagal cl I'll show you all right this is where I told you you're going to learn chemistry as we go through this because every Rock basically is coded with felspar felspar is the name given to a group of naturally occurring alumino silic remember that alumino silic I'll tell you why it's important in a minute alumino silicate minerals they contain vary amounts of potassium sodium calcium lithium so forth the felspar group of minerals is by far the most abundant group of minerals in the Earth's crust making out of about 50% of all rocks that's yes and no fpar coats all those rocks because that's the the fpar is membranes that's what it is Aluminum silicates you see right here aluminum silicates well what's right above that P phosphorus what is p Roger well it's phosphorus what is phosphorus that's what membranes are made of they're bilipid phospholipid layers they out of phosphorus so when they boiled they boil down to aluminum silicates and they could have some other things with them but that's that's what all of this F Spar is about and that's this is made coated with f Spar this is all coated with f Spar this is all this is f Spar this is fpar and I'm going to show you why this is so important because I'm going to show you this in the microscope and um up here I don't know if you can see this up above but see this see that right there those are what they call plagio cles those little white things and the background is the uh Bol and they say it's volcanic and this and that well let's discuss those details okay get ready for this this is the microscope this is a small iron Lum and everything boiled off except the iron which stayed it's it's turned into iron and there's a red blood inside of alviz that exploded when it came through space and you see how black it is there hold on I can come closer to this and you see those little white fibers oops hold on this is what you're going to see is these little bitty White fers you see them now that cooked off but the white fibers are there now I'm going to pan over here to one another one I have here this is what they look like when they're really intact well they call them plagio places and they're on top of what they call the salt now I'm going to show you what both of these things are and they are biology the one that's in the microscope is a lung and that is just it's almost impossible to dismiss it's just it's it's a long you see all those little holes there those little round tubes those are what they call alvioli and it's all through the whole lung has those well they're filled up with blood normally cuz you that's where the blood passes by the um the Alvi and picks up the oxygen so it's it boiled and exploded that's all I've looked at this very very closely and there's the latch right there that I always talk about see it right there right there just no question that's a long now it boiled off coming through space but those little white fibers are the same little white fibers as these now this also came through space I believe and cooked it off and left these white fibers I'd love to know what the exact chemistry of those is why wouldn't they burn up they're perfectly White and the same thing on the lung the lung everything turned black you can see it and it turned to iron and they didn't now here's some these are the this is called fascia it's connective tissue it's the the gooey stuff that runs between muscles and tendons and all it's like a it keeps you together let me see what else I got I got all kinds of pictures of every kind of thing it's all bi Alene this that's clotting fiber starting to grow down inside of a artery this is I'm just scanning through here it just don't mean much this is all blood vessels this is another long this is not the one I just showed you I did believe I don't know it's hard to tell I forget anyway let's um let's change gears here hold on a second all right if you got any heart condition or anything you might want to go take some medication because this is a shocker dour what are we looking at here well I'm not going to tell you for a minute or two what we're looking at there is exactly what we're looking at here it's a it's a fabric and I'll put them both in the microscope that one is already in the microscope and that is my friends a chakra dour that is a membrane now let me turn off the light here and adjust this light all right look at this you see the straps these are the straps and in the lung they're just everywhere because the lung is just a big fabric bag this is actually a membrane this is one of the bpid layers of the membrane there two layers and you I can show you both and there's a separation between which is a fluid filed highway so this is all the membranes all entangle only they've been what what it's called nucleophilic substitution some other molecules of metals came in and took over that organic material turned it into these fibers of metals let me just clean this up a little better so we can see back this is just phenomenal this blew my mind when I saw this you see this these are those fibers and what fibers am I talking about these fibers right here same fibers only this [Music] never Chang the way that one did you see the same fiber EXA same fiber now I'm going to show you this other one this is just mind blog that every day I'm finding stuff that I missed long ago I should have picked up on and I didn't I was just I had so many things coming at me I I was getting overwhelmed and and I still am overwhelmed to be perfectly honest with you cuz everything has to be looked at again now that I have a pretty good understanding of everything I'm seeing but these are all those fibers these are those fibers but this one turned to metal wa what I turn the lights on and show you what this one looks like compared to the lung and again this one's just a membrane this is just unbelievable again I I went back and I'm seeing everything I miss this is the this right here is a fascia and there's those Little Fibers and this is a little blood vessel going in there or artery or something something goes through there through the membrane that's an acceptable entrance but there are some ones that aren't acceptable now I'm going to show you like I said a b lipid layer hold on all right this is just beyond belief this is the a lung and it is it's a human lung too because I had a DNA tested and Cat Scan and it's anatomically exactly identical to what you would expect and this is the rubber bag that the lung is in it just has to do this this is the fabric and that's that fascia stuff I talked about and this it's a b lipid membrane the cising the bilipid means two layers all right there's two layers of phosphorus basically and then there's fats and stuff in the center and guess what there it is right there that's the one I just showed you this is one side has all those little fibers in there they've turned to metal where whatever this was in and here's the other side it has the same thing phosphorus you see the silverness to it and in the middle is the membrane and there's silverness on the top that would have protected some creature's body from being invaded the membrane this is a off the- wall crazy I'm not saying it isn't there's no question it is but you if you could just dismiss it because it's off-the-wall crazy well I have to dismiss your ability to understand what you see because it is what you see what you see is what you get all right I got this one right here under the microscope and I got the red blood area here I'm going to show you that and you when I talk about the microscope and you see the thing is way up here this this is a telescoping microscope so you can get really really close and you can get a little farther away but you get excellent Imaging it's in I don't know it's got something to do with the way they they image it I don't know all right here it is up here and like I say I'm down into a bloody area right there now you get a lot of different changes when you change the lighting of this all right you can see you see the red blood this is red blood the rest is is that fabric but that fabric now has taking on metals and converted it into like little metal fibers no I don't have anything to do with chemistry to test it but I can see what it is it's exactly what it is now I'm going to turn it over because this is the inside where the the blood hits up against that then you have the two layers all right you see I'm coming up through the two layers well you can't see that good but I'm now I'm at the top and this would be the outside side of the membrane you see how you can see the fibers much better you don't have any blood out here to speak of though what you're seeing out here is the coating that was outside layer all right think about this one more time I want to T tip it over again in a second this is the outside membrane then you have the by lip you know the fats inside and then you have the lower membrane so don't forget this what what you got right there as a matter of fact I think I have some shots of this hold on okay if you're not new to me you you have seen this and understand it these this is the B lipid membrane the bottom is phosphorus the top is phosphorus the middle is gooey stuff it's a fluid filed Highway and it runs through the whole body it's called the interstitium now and guess what how big that can get you see that don't forget that's a membrane a membrane just wraps around a body organ or something like that that's how big it is on the beach these are those little balls these are the ion channels the protein channels that let things in in and out that's how big this creature was and that's like a 6ot thick layer here it is here you see this this is Tyson Carlson you know he's a friend of mine I I we talk back and forth I don't really work with him or anything he's sort of on his own and he's he's doing a fabulous job he knows what he's doing he he digs in deep he's not he's no fool and and um he he I was discussing some something with another guy in a video that had turned me on to a tendon giant tendon out here and I put it out and Tyson saw it and he said wow he got together with Scott Scott wilds and they went out and they looked about that that and then now Scott has moved on he's moved to Florida and here and there he's all over the place but Tyson lot here and he's he's doing a lot of work out there doing a nice job and you can see you see this see these membranes think about this carefully you got to look at details you see these things that little layer around it what is that all about what's this little layer all about what's this when this was alive this got to move it's got to jiggle it's got to do this it's got to do that or twis and over and bend these are these were they were glued together with what is called loose reot Slurpees small Lucine Rich proteins and they would glue these so it would say as a mat you couldn't get through it the only way you get through is through the through the um ion channels and here's the top layer so this is two layers one layer here one layer here in between is a fluid filled Highway and these were these were what they call tight junctions they were supposed to be if they're not tight that's when you get invaded and this is chemistry so I go to chemistry for for everything chemistry is that's why I say you got to understand a little bit of of um you know you got to stand a little bit of chemistry a little bit this but it all starts to build together as you you learn you don't you don't learn everything in one day and then that's it CU then you're just going to forget about now this is again Tyson this is a tendon wall right here you see that little strap now sometimes we don't agree on things and that's okay that's what it's all about and and again I don't really work with him I just discuss things back and forth and and I like the stuff he does but that to me that's a little strap and It Go went down and it anchored somewhere and that is part of the skin so the skin can move this way or that way and this way but it will always come back to where that was anchored that's my take on that now I I know I don't well I don't know but I think he has a different take on that so you know that's what it is now this is hunington Beach I I just got some fabulous F fabulous shots from Neil over there and he went right up two inches away took the ah wa I show you that stuff I'm going to save that for the next video but anyway these are the tendon balls right here these are the little tend I call them tendon balls they're enthesis anchors of collagens they're collagen fiber anchors and they have all these little straps running from them and they the straps lock in so you can pull and twist and jiggle and do all that kind of stuff and you come back to where you started from hopefully now this is this is nothing more than skin this is skin and right in there is the fluid filed Highway down in here and these balls were in this interstitium area and they just eroded all those are balls now he's got one he brought back with him Neil it he's going to say smack it open and get me some more information about that I believe and this is what I mean I have more people helping me than anybody in the world and you see these look at this these are all the same things look at the way up here they're everywhere they're everywhere everywhere everywhere cuz this was skin that was skin now why are they green and why they grow moss because those balls are loaded with Biology and all that this stuff loves that biology and that's why these are all growing where did I go this one here these aren't these are these are little sea creatures and whatever they are growing into that ball and this one here I think right there is where the strap had gone in originally you see that little circle there cuz it's going to give you more fluids from where it breaks and I believe that's a strap where that one was going in from and anyway hopefully Neil will get a good one we'll see something all right this is is going to be a killer right when I get the rest of the information from Neil this is a hunson beach like I showed you and now he got right up close he he's got shots here I I know exactly what this is doing I know exactly what the biology is he went this is fabulous this is what I mean I have people that I can get some good information from for and they're having a good time and I'm having a good time it's free everybody gets it for free all right as I told you the Neil lran is sending me some fabulous fabulous shots of hunington Beach and nobody's going to understand this until they get this kind of information and have my kind of understanding like these little blocks here they're not there for nothing not like that and this hole right here and this one over here and this one here this is this I understand what it is and nobody else is going to I'm going to tell you that right now this is it's very confusing to the average mind well to anybody anybody's mind there is no average to this and they sedimentary this and that that and no no no no no these blocks I understand those I understand the layering understand the coloring understand you know how that works with Biology and it works it works fine see the layer right there I didn't just separate for nothing this layer and then you go on that layer and then there's another layer and another layer there's layers like coming out of your ears because that's what membranes do they have to layer you off of invasion that's what a membrane does so um give me one thing to collect my thoughts and we probably sign this thing off all right here's where you got to know a little chemistry a little biology this is a lung that's a lung and why is it all metal now like an iron L this is a meteorite it's gigantic it's absolutely huge and when it came through space it heated up so hot it had to go above like 3,000 de or so and all of the the easily to burn off stuff just burnt off and what was left was the structural stuff made out of the metals because the metals took over they didn't burn off now this is a terrestrial lung but basically the same thing and see there's iron in this is saturated with iron now all of the the fashion and all that stuff has just fallen off I don't know why this did what it did but it's a lung and it didn't come through space it just disintegrated for some chemical reason and I was trying to try to evaluate that now but at any rate this is that same thing same thing all right and if it never lost any of its coating it would have been this not coming through space all right and then I flat as a pancake because it died in the flood and it's DNA tested CAT scan human all right and that's fascia and that fascia is f Spar and the F Spar is aluminum silicates an aluminum silicates boil down from the phospholipid membranes aluminum like it's C virally everything this F Bar they say if you can find a rock without F Bar on it it's it's an abnormality all right I showed you what the interstitium looks like let me turn off this light and maybe even this one I don't know if you can see that well or not but that is basically the inter stion fibers and so forth and the gooey stuff that's in the membrane walls you see there's a fiber right there this I I think this came through space and will I show you what the other side looks like the other side is actually right there I don't even have to turn it over that's the other side right here these are those plagio fibers and I'm going to tell you what this thing this thing is in the microscope let's let's look down at it let me turn lights back on here and there so we can get a good look at this and we're going to come right down there and look at it and try to figure out what we have cuz I can tell you right now I already have all right this my friends man is this thing heavy is a meteorite but it's not just the ordinary meteorite this is a giant toe that's the toone nail right there and there's a blob of blood that blows out I'll show you what the arteries and veins look like now how do I know it's a toe and I know it's a big toe not it's a big toe from a left foot oh come on Roger yes and the reason I know is this is the callus that's the callus look at that sucker that's a cus you see that oh these are all those little fibers I was showing you from before you see all Little Fibers and this thing came through space and cooked off in space that's why all the fleshy fleshy stuff is gone we're down to the inter stitching and like even that little bump is on back of your toe too all right it's on the other side of the the callus well this you know it's funny I have a catless on one toe and not on the other I don't know maybe that's something you could help me with now this fabric wraps right around watch this they used to call it tuna ancient Greeks you see that that's a fabric it wraps right around and straps right around and locks in to hold this thing together this right here you see that black spot right there that's the vein and they they don't do that they do not do that that's blown backwards they do not do that the reason this did it is cuz it got cooked coming through space it heated up got real hot and all the black blood which never goes out usually it's just it's got valves they don't ever usually come out it blew out through the side here too this is all black blood that's the vein blood and it blew back here just from the Heat this is that scuffy little type of skin you have right between the big toe and the next toe over all right so oh man that sucker is heavy so there's your callus there's your fingernail this is where the blood is here on that side and it blows out now in O in fingers and toes you have one side comes in red and the other side comes I mean one side yeah one side comes in red and then the black side back goes back to the heart to get pumped around and fixed same thing here one comes in and the other one comes back and that that's what I was just showing you right there all right so that Mak sense to you this is the vein and the vein is supposed to always come back this way the artery comes on artery goes anywhere where where it once and you can see the fingernail I'm sure you can and they call they would call this a PLO CL [Music] basalt rock well somebody was calling it a toe at one time all right get ready for this this is this the right here this one here I'm telling you that's a a big toe that came through space and I have it in the microscope this is what they call this type of basol with these fibers plal cles these right here are those plagal cles you see those little white fibers now pay close attention to what you see this is the thing that makes you a good Observer or just a guy flashing his eyes at something what do you see here what's that what's this I'm seeing blood vessels that's a center and that's outside there's some kind of little membrane around there and there blood vessel running through there this it was blood you have to be serviced everywhere in the body with blood I'm seeing these fibers I'm seeing these bolt fibers exactly what they call [Music] plagio it's all over this thing and it it it burnt off coming that's the only way you can get this black like this but what troubles me is why they stayed so white and I got something about the chemistry hold on well this is not what I thought we'd see anything about the plagio clis but this is this is important for you to understand remember I told you Al alumino silicus that's sio2 and aluminum aluminum 203 it makes a 52 and 17 that's 60 70% plus of everything is aluminum silicus and they all have it and then you got your your iron oxides which is your your from the blood magnesium calcium sodium all of that stuff all right pay close attention now you see these black spots and you could see some little reddish looking areas but this I'm sure was a river rock and really got flush now these these black spots are the main blood and they don't they they don't flush out now all the little white pieces are the plagio cles now I have my iron meteor my big toe meteorite there and here it is in the microscope is exactly the same except it didn't get flushed out so we still got the red blood is in there and not completely washed out but this is all black spots and this is all plagal places and there's still some red blood this one cuz this one just came and cooked off it boiled out a little bit of where where the red blood is but in in in watery rivers and creeks and stuff like that it'll eventually wash that out completely be gone the red is literally mobile forever all right I think I'm going to leave it at this in the comments if I get a valid comment and I can comment about it I will and I would talk about it in the next video cuz if I didn't make something clear I want to make it clear now these basalts they call them the basal with those little white fibers in them that I showed you before they call them Alantic ous extrusive volcanic rocks B salts are composed of a minute grains of plagio fpar generally labradorite pyxine Olivine biotite horn blend and less than 20% quartz nephine or lucite May associate or proxy the fpar giving rise to varieties with special names and it's the fpar attaches to other chemic other um atoms to form you know fpar silicas they're not always exactly the same thing and the reason is is whatever that membrane was coding it had to have a special chemistry if it was a liver you you had to have a very certain type of chemistry to keep it the toxins in to the liver you don't want it leaking out and if it was a a membrane in your gut you want it to be able to leak things in and leak things out so everything's going to going to have different properties of how they petrify or you know turn into stone and it all happens because of this great long soaking first of all started out boiling hot flood because of Venus almost hitting Earth it was it concussed the the um atmosphere so violently that it it forced all of the molecules of water first of all all the gases to turn into water but boiling and all over the Earth boiling water and in addition to that it was the heat of of this thing coming at us this is as big as our own planet and when it concussed off of our atmosphere it literally stopped the Earth from spinning these are the ancient stories and I I see all the evidence to support it the Earth CU it was getting pushed back at so there going this way something's coming at it's going and all the water just went all over the Earth and they came up with these silicat and that's part of the the the um felspar aluminum silicates that's the salacious ooze they call it on the bottom of the ocean we got a lot of stuff to do to think about that's what we just thinking there's no criminal activity going on here we're just thinking about is there supporting evidence and there seems to be just tons of it so I'm going to leave it at that for today and um like I say this is going to be a very very long series of literally everything literally everything that we have been taught I want to examine it might be right it might be perfectly right well it might not be right at all we'll find out we we think we'll think about it because I I don't have all the answers you know I got a little to add here a little add there and then people help me and I help them and they think I think and then I I ask them can you do this can you try that and they do it because they want to understand this is this is what education is all right so I love you all let's stay on top of this and you know let your mind wander into these unknowns because this is unknown I don't care who you are this is unknown all right we shall talk again my good friends
Channel: Mudfossil University
Views: 5,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roger spur, mudfossil university, Giants, Ancient History, Egyptians, Sumerians, Dragons, God, Creation, Jesus Christ, Roger Spurr, Mud fossils, mudfossils, Bible, Kolbrin Bible, Muslim, Torah, Zues, Petra, Jordan, Where is Petra, what was petra used for, when was petra built, Darwin, evolution, Origin of life, how did life start, 240 million year old dragon found, Triassic Era dinosaur, Feathered Serpent, Quetzalcoatl, Severe weather, Cause of Tornadoes, Giant Hail
Id: Pj_KK9GmkqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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