MSU/UofM 1978 Football Highlights

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the demo Rodgers show with Teri Braverman they're all congratulations on what has to be the biggest pushing victory perhaps in your career I think so you're right area I don't think there's any question about it is I I've looked a lot of them have had big victories for where we are but we were never in a put program with a magnitude that we're in right now so yeah it's a great victory how does it feel at this moment you believe it I'm worried about Indiana now I'm not even worried about the last game I think in coaching you never you can say for anything very long in fact at dinner last night we were preparing for Indiana so uh no you can't savor it because whatever you have done in the past if you don't continue on what good did it do did to make the win or get the win so uh we're just very concerned now about Indiana but I'll tell you what deep down we're just tickled to death about the win alright you will have a chance to look at the highlights of course Darryl and there were many for Michigan State over University of Michigan but first I think it'll be interesting to see how you and beau had looked at this football game before the season began and that will go back now to that conversation between the head coaches of the two schools Wikileaks when you start thinking about a young quarterback has gone to three bowl games as well as I don't know how many quarterbacks in the country everybunny had the privilege of being able to take three you maybe come being able to go to another ballgame I know your offenses it is based around regular health at Davis as a fullback would that's my fear what's your feeling about your offense at this time well I think Daryl you know you'll have an opportunity scout us before we play anyway so you'll know what we're doing but I think this year we have based basically being an option team each year we've increased the number of times we've thrown the football and I think teams have tried a defense our option game have got to leave themselves vulnerable in their passes so I think we'll be throwing the ball a little bit more and we have confidence that brick can do it you know and the saw offense may change just a little bit from what we've done in the past and and if it does I think it'll be tired Vantage but our backfield you know have you back to you back intact you were you were fortunate last year they have okapi play against you that's right these other guys didn't have that opportunity but I think he's a fine back and then then when he got hurt we didn't have him and then it hurt her some so we'll have him and Clayton and Russell Davis had pulled back and leach I think that's actually that's where we're starting offensive what's not bad because you know I think uh Huckabee only made 150 yards against as he stormed herself real good and hey that helped a great deal he broke loose on the weak side the option once for 47 yards in Paris radio and bring key to a touchdown faster and so were those two things you know we know that Rick can throw the football that's not a problem for us I think it's the medium I know you want to stay but it's the beating well I think it's kind of fun to you know read those conference yeah basically we throw the ball a little bit and enjoy it because we got a different type of offense but but both of us have to win on defense because defense is too big and I know your football team lost a lot of football well I think that's your right I think you know like you're pretty well-established in your secondary and we have to rebuild ours you have to come up with some outside backers we do too we're pretty well established inside I think maybe you are too particularly Fields comes right and and our inside linebackers are pretty well intact where you have a position you have to fill it and so it our problems are not you probably have maybe a few more problems up here than we do but we have a lot more problems a secondary than you do and then but you got to have a good defense in this week ago the biggest question people ask me is how you gonna do against Michigan and I always say well who do we have I thought you gonna say who's Michigan because it's a fifth game of our schedule and we got USC an ordained consequently if we are both very healthy there's a season progresses this week and we're gonna play through this game okay it'll be a knockdown drag because it's a great rivalry it's a sellout there's no question about that and so we ought to have a great football game announcement incidentally well we had a great time in this summer win with you one time in Hawaii with you and Willie and my wife Martian so we really appreciate being at spendable time thank you for taking me to and I I think I tell all your viewers that you beat me in golf but I beat you in tennis so well Darryl now you're two-in-one with football being the one that broke the tie I guess the other ones who didn't count this one did that's right let's go back to Saturday and take a look engineering highlights the first time we got the football Terry we did a play-action pass and come out and find lining middle and over here on the right because Eddie avoids the big rush and then he picks up 13 yards on him a little leak passes what we refer to it which is got us into some field position we missed the opening pass to get from that we talked about a touch and then he comes back hits Braemar right between two linebackers and that's a great pass a great catch you'll find that Eddie I'll just go back and throw the football in the first series and we'll run the football just a little bit but here with Stevie Smith on a little luck breech play that do we run and just the off tackle and get up inside and we've got the try for 49 yard field goal and miss it and Ricky leads comes back in their first series he finds a guy wide open holy cats we don't have anybody riding but Mike Marshall makes a nice saving tackle but I'm sure we supposed to have somebody on him but then they didn't make their field will hit the upright then we get the ball back and come back and find brain birdbrain were caught seven passes this football game guys down into field goal territory and would take a a 38 yard field goal from Morten Andersen he kicks it much better than he did the first one and so all sudden we're leading three oh now they have the ball in their own seven leaps goes to the left on the counter dive option and he ducks up back inside and he's off right now in sanim sideline them a little confirm but Tommy Graves gets a piece over and knocks him out of bounds or Danny bass Widow but then he comes back and throws an interception Mike Marshall lazarey over three Clayton Marshall intercepts the ball and were very good at this time moon we've taken the series away from and we're leading three oh now we take the ball back and then 80 comes back and finds Kirk Gibson right there between the linebacker and strong safety got us up to midfield and were able to move the football a little bit more come back and throw again to the little leak pass to the halfback which is Leroy McGee they were already get stumped back there and fumble the football but it was already down and we're down to ten yard line would do a play-action pass after a five-yard penalty that we wasn't really happy with and came on final Lonnie Milton and himself but the linebacker slipped and fell down and that's the only reason he was wide open so all of a sudden we kick the conversion we're ahead 10 Oh looks kind of simple but it really isn't becoming quite like that then leach goes back on his own 15-yard line he's looking for a receiver and finds mark Anderson one of ours and I thought that was nice of him but I'll tell you honey he he Rick Leach has two tackles both of them off as interceptions and so that shows great effort on his part play-action pass again finds Mark Brammer dragging back across and takes it down to the 10 and that put us in close to the scoring territory this Milani middle and dive over the left side you'll see him up number 44 dive over and get to score which means their offensive line block pretty well and then we kick the field goal I mean conversion excuse me makes it 17 Oh at halftime and then naturally a Michigan gets the ball back comes right back and Ricky leach comes back with some play-action pass but rush but doesn't look like he's rushed much but until it's real real late so that must mean that the secondary is covering his receivers back down in there 45 yard line Eddie Smith has got a lot of pressure on him he takes off the brine this is a rare occasion but he takes off down the left side a lot of people didn't take a run like this most of them with us but we knew that he could and we're real pleased they did it all go well it's not question hitter it's a fourth and five situation we could have got a field goal and made it 20 but 20 wasn't gonna do us any good and they come back again and lishus finds a third interception which Mike Marshall the clipping penalty and Don McCormick there with somewhat questionable but that's one because our side the same question while I said you know I get so late hit or so let me come back Stevie Smith a little draw and when Stevie already had a good day and gained almost 100 yards for her still first half we go in and leading the football game 1700 and for the first time it looked like at least we had some things going forced and you did I can take a look at the second half highlights in just a moment first series of downs that they have regulates comes out and makes a pitch out to Harlan Huckabee and they take a 70 yard Drive in 17 plays Derry and this is a great defense but they get down to tenets of fourth down and three or fourth down in to situation and Huckabee makes the first down right down to the five but the thing about this Drive more than anything else now it comes down and and he's just sitting there back up inside and that's a block from Davis but took a lot of glad it took eight and a half minutes to score we come back with a screen and we go 70 yards in eighth place and this is the screen that made a good big play for us and Andy's out of bounds and an official called hitting out of bounds and got us 15 yard penalty then we were able to pick up mark bringing the outside this great effort by mark Braemar getting into the end zone it's all boils down to this touchdown drive Darryl really shows the team had some quality that was the thing that put it away fourth basically because the guys 24 points after having Michigan just come in and in score again find a receiver wide open off their play-action we didn't get it got sucked up on a little bit and then Davis different ripped it up in there and now it's saved 24 14 they go for two good call countered I have option pass finds Huckabee on the outside we can't find him in there he he gets it now it's 15 where we got a problem now we're deep in our own territory and we had a long long way and we give a reverse to Kirk Gibson we almost get the first down we miss it by two then we come back and we punt the football and they were had 12 men on the field so we got 15 our penalty then with you it to Kirk Gibson for a big game then we come right back and and to another pastor Kirk Gibson up on the I'm not mistaken about on the 40 there are 35 yard line put some pretty good through position we then hold them again we lose a ball at that point and then we come back and find another leak route by Stevie Smith it takes it up to our 27 yard line this is the only pump we have besides the one at the head of the penalty taken care of 46 yards race tackle it isn't a good punt but it has a great roll and if it have been caught it taking 15 yards off that punt but they punted the first 146 yards high in the air and was good one but then the penalty came that was a big fourth down play again with the Russell Davis we're not we got to keep him out of the end zone and that's all boiled down to and so here we're just chasing Ricky leach around an angel' hide behind number 76 and leash didn't really like it and but the tempers of games and that's what play then we come back we're trying to run the clock out where Steve Smith runs an off tackle play to the left and we get the ball down there 45 yard line with a minute and 10 seconds so we've run a pitch to Derek use our freshman tailback and get some good blocks for the tackle and the full bag on your girl we want to keep them in bounds we don't want him to stop the classically I'm 9 seconds and here at the last play of the game with four seconds we just fall on it and because we drove the ball down to the five-yard line actually to the 4 yard line and had a legal procedure call and then pandemonium bulk off Michigan ran off the football field and Michigan State jumped and up and down all over well that was been a pleasant way to die I guess ok we'll be back at the moment talked with the start of that ball game perhaps one of them Eddie Smith just a moment well we have any Smith with us now Darrell the trigger in your offense and Eddie congratulations on a great performance of a victory over Michigan thank you very much there is a great feeling beating University of Michigan there's no doubt about that were you surprised with the relative ease you were able to pass on their defense well if you were out there you would realize it wasn't too easy but uh we I think we're well toast going into the football game and our receivers as I always said I think we've got three of the best receivers in the country as a group and they did well and they caught the ball in the offensive line was superb the past maybe once all day there's no problem with that was that really you running for 30 yards later or not it wasn't me it felt like a hundred I don't have they're all in two ball games now your quarterback has you have to be intercepted that's important well that's what he's supposed to do I mean we've discussed this a great deal we're getting great results out of it and after all it's his third year and we've better be getting him and but he's done an outstanding job for us Taryn I don't use that word just loosely but he has and it's been a team effort though it hasn't just been ed it's been a total team effort as he realizes and it was a great win for us it was a great performance by Ed Wood he had a better performance actually in the second half against Notre Dame than any time he's ever been at Michigan State but he's coming around with the confidence of being able to throw the football nobbling to the areas that we find open that he's well schooled with beforehand by the coaching staff and so he's just what you wanted a quarterback to be doing so hey I'm pleased Eddy would you like to have the Purdue game over again that's over with now and there's nothing we can do about why you're gonna break the other half obviously the hand doesn't hurt anymore no it doesn't it feels pretty good and thanks to the offensive line for me not getting hit too much it feels real good okay now you worry about Indiana we'll talk about that just a moment ed Congrats
Channel: silverbaron100
Views: 13,662
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: Msu, Football, UofM, 1978, Lost, Highlights, interview, American Football (Sport)
Id: 934kHMpmsto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2013
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