1974 #5 Notre Dame @ #6 USC No Huddle

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NCAA college football today the fifth ranked Notre Dame Fighting Irish take on the fourth ranked Trojans of Southern California [Applause] [Music] notre-dame having won the toss the Fighting Irish will receive number 24 is out time you plan number forty years Terry Yuri kickoff Anthony Davis ran that ball back for a touchdown that was today Anthony Davis became a Heisman Trophy candidate when he scored six times Chris Lima halo will kick off for the University of Southern California and the ball game is underway to fighting are even the Trojan for the 46th time the kick is very short Bearden short by a compiler of Notre Dame and he brings it back a very short distance as SC's kick coverage is very good and the Trojans stop the Irish at about the 20 yard line there Notre Dame will go to work it along the front the Irish line up like this 91 is Webber he's the tight end remember him for the Sugar Bowl a year ago 64 Isley 66 would Jack winterman in the middle DiNardo Sylvester dimly wide limits the quarterback mark mcclain listed but it's Eric Koenig coming out of the backfield and starting Wayne Bulacan to fall back and they wing back is Samuel and the Southern California defense 79 is Gary Jeter oh the Bradley is 92 art Riley is number 17 number 87 is at Powell he is actually listed as a linebacker the other linebackers are Kevin Bruce 50 Richard 183 in Dale Mitchell 85 and Notre Dame on the second play of the ball game Danny Reece 46 Marvin cop 24 Charles Phillips 49 and Ron Bush number 23 it is a very quick dependable secondary one that may bend a little bit seldom rate least it has not broken very much this year palm clinics will go to the very kind of a long sick we pop the ball in there the pass is complete good for our first pounds of our Samuel number 24 as you look at Notre Dame's record he comes out Terry you're at number four he goes in at the wind back position and if you look important now the handoff is giving away the ball back Wayne bullet another of the Heisman Trophy candidates in clinic gives the ball to his fullback Bullock who is the leading ground gainer for the Fighting Irish let's pull back now [Music] [Applause] in 43 yards deep he's about right brandish kick is away hello kids lo little bit short we'll line up like this Jim obradovich will be the tight end number 89 Powell number 76 day 264 McCaffrey in the middle bein on the right side of guards minutesand the tackle and John Mackay is the split in the quarterback is Pat meet the eye back when the beep man is Anthony Davis and he's got it on the second 7 yards to go for Southern California let's see if they go to Davis the other way 14 hey Southern California starting backfield Davis is 28 15 is the full fact for the Southern California protiens Dave farmer number 26 is the white van Shelton Diggs and Everett and his pen paging the quarterback he's in there right now as Notre Dame sets up a fireman but the Haven on third down and 10 will put it up wants to go deep he delivers short to Ivanovich to Nevada de Chimayo at the 40 yard line short of the first down holds the ball and we'll get kicked off here comes clinics now we mentioned earlier the 9 yard line it's Samuel in motion again the ball the bullets again he goes inside the five is got a first and goal to go at the Southern California 4 yard line first down and goal to go at the for what do they know my name climates turns in against wood didn't go back a bit full back foot goes coming into the novelty Steve Silva spirit Steve nice Gerry Bernardo there the man that through the hole opened the door for the touchdown in the Fighting Irish get on the board three a freshman out of Bloomington Indiana the kick is in the air he splits the uprights with it and so with nine minutes in 20 seconds to play in the first quarter Notre Dame exercises the opportunity presented them they go in for the touchdown and take the lead over us see seven and I think all three full facts in other words USC has six running backs as their deep men but that bluffin will give him very bit of handler in our TV he just knocked it out of the ballpark that paint number 10 sets approaching now the handoff goes to Kevin Davis Davis is hit right at the line of scrimmage Davis is jarred three times in fifth but no yard paces back from a fro before too late farmer is a junior on a la petit alright its third down and 10 yards to go the southern belle woman holding up to 22 about the 30-yard line 215 pounds [Applause] if that lines been works it is he runs in history run Tom Clements gets the ball at the 29-yard line and he still got it got to throw get this half off [Applause] [Music] emily has caught more pathways in the West and Notre Dame team put together notre dame jumps to a two-touchdown lead and leaves pick is in the middle and with 7 minutes and 39 seconds to play in this 46 meeting between Southern California and Notre Dame the Fighting Irish have jumped to a 14 to nothing lead traveller to Mexico Notre Dame of the football is the option again terry Urich thank you Jim first down Notre Dame Southern California 21 yard line the bookends now begin to speck the middle of who 624 for Southern California Notre Dame has a substantial aid in the statistics as clinic rolls and control Samuel goes in motion get the ball in the bull back police say he's down to about the two yard line second down and goal to go inside the blue yard line for Notre Dame Maurice a hit right at the line of scrimmage email off the Southern California 3 yard line u.s. dicen [Applause] apparently he can't find in the unholy target short the pass thrown onto the grass 15th play of this possession by Notre Dame as Dave Reeve number three is in the kick out of a lock both hold at the 10-yard line at the 20 yard field goal fire from the left half mark we look at it from the endzone he got it I don't forget his head down when he kicked that's pretty much the answer so the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame jump out to a big lead Southern California now facing third down and 15 Nathan swings it out to Davis and baby stuff again put it away with Harrison man Bernardi and we get contact along the line of scrimmage Joyce they're using the linebackers most the time women in California with Harrison and Burke Meyer return man big rush for the RS great kick by Luther he turned it over berkemer backed it all the way up back to the 15-yard line the creeps for the 14 yard line coming back to the 20 and down he goes at the 21 Tom Parisi number 36 is the fullback the ball is given away to mark mcclain number 22 and McClain is run down by 10 o'clock run along the line of scrimmage at one lone remaining back now for Notre Dame who wide receivers to the left side they send Finnegan motion get the ball to the bull back for a see he's got a yard maybe two at third down and eight yards to go again pinnock is the man in motion limits on a roll left wants to put it up gets it robbed it fashion all right but on the sidelines and it's ruled a completed pass for the Fighting Irish two minutes and 19 seconds to play in the birdbath put it up again he looks like Gemini throws it away brain finger Urich's at the 40 most important thanks to fake I want to set up a dream it out of there he goes down to the Southern California 48 yard line inside two minutes now as they move the change the pucks starts to move again and we'd go to a minute and 50 and Parisi goes into the middle Notre Dame is 15 first downs in this ballgame all that he has clinic on the front row gets the pass away and it is caught by Goodman were and for a lot of SC faithful as clémence rolls out on the 26 yard line delivers it it is Mac up to York in a minute and three seconds to go the ball is at the 9 yard line first down and goal to go mcclain goes in [Applause] plates away [Music] we've seen that a three or four times in the ballgame where that man in motion has come along going through the fake [Applause] he's got it and so with 53 seconds to play in the first half here at the Coliseum the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame have jumped off to a 24 to nothing lead Davis's deep belong with Ford McLaughlin kicks off this time he swims it and it's gonna go at about oh that'll cost him five and they'll do it again McLaughlin see there with it it goes to the full-back Ricky Bell at the 30 yard line and Bell comes back to the 40 a 18 sets of the farmer at fullback [Applause] he gives levantate this on a bra and Davis gets to the 43 ll see if at 44 seconds to go at second down and 7 yards to go for Southern California ha'penny passes completed in one yep there they go able to go going be complete 31 seconds to play in the first half it's second down and 10 at the Notre Dame 36 for Southern California automatic very automatic good protection for he goes to the sideline thanks I've got it needs to go on the backup field and they've got a first down at the Holiday Inn 7 yard line with the winning he's going into the wide side of the field he's looking to confiscate journeys over to I are John McKay acquired to the left side digs to the right this time Hayden comes back he swings the ball activated running for the but absolutely amazing what a team can do or the country finds out they worth half the length the field there exactly no time at all to hold a halo support Brian at his block picked up by Adolph Eddie's drop back on the 15 yard line twenty four to six with ten seconds to play in the first half he rolls it panel veal rolling around and Notre Dame covers the ball back at the 22 yard line that last plays is somehow worried about Phil doesn't play the ball game limits takes the snap sets down with it and time runs out that is a very pretty play there but that's the way to do it and so after the first half of play here at the Los Angeles Coliseum the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame 24 Southern California 6 and Anthony Davis number 28 the deep man to receive the kickoff from Pat McLaughlin of Notre Dame the Fighting Irish wearing the white and they dominated the first half of play here's the kick McLaughlin knocks it high and deep and Davis two yards deep in the end zone we'll bring it back the wedge gets him to the 20 he breaks it at the 25 [Music] [Applause] [Music] a painting on a roll over the life side he went within a foot of getting there and through my head I cut them out of our coming out of the color fear will kick it off and be ironic as they did the same thing by playing at the for anything that across the field in their gonna go home at the 8 yard line is the test of Notre Dame boys right at this moment in the ballgame as Clements turns around and gives the ball ooh Muricy and Notre Dame at their own 12 limits gives to Samuel he's up for the 15 ball third down and two nine bags of cheating up in there there they are they've got eight men up on that line Southern California does limits going down the line deliver the ball to Eric clinic trying to get out [Applause] he's representing his gym zone he hits it up on the 3-yard line is getting very high it's returned by Charles Phillips first down Southern California at the Notre Dame 38:5 man but defensively 52 defense for Notre Dame as fat Payton gives the ball glance at he later he's got one at this point in the game 24:12 Notre Dame leading Shelton Dix goes in motion here's Haven back to throw he got nicked wide open on the right doors for McCabe [Applause] the Irish defense diggin-in SC trying to get themselves back in the ballgame here's the pitch - David but blocking on the right side anyone who can figure out this football leaving the hold is good the kick is up to get get 35 seconds to play in the third quarter we've got our film football game Southern California goes 38 yards in three plays in a minute before second and the scoreboard now read Notre Dame 24 Southern California 19 here's the kicker it'll be McWane at the one-yard line good heart run by McLain nothing that doesn't get his chance all right from the 23 Clemens back sets to fro goes to the air the pass deflected pass is incomplete Samuel in motion permit back up go look for Emily I moved into the fourth man Finnick honeykins new yard touchdown by Anthony Davis on the opening kickoff of the second half the ball in the air [Applause] loose Kevin Bruce covered it here we go California from the 32 yard line and sunny Davis goes to the 33 second down and seven yards to go for Southern California as he gives the ball the reverse action Aiden straight back very quickly first down on de notre-dame what is your line here she comes with six men up on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] California first down go to go Southern California bidding for the lead right here on the Notre Dame four yard line [Music] Anthony Davis asked for three touchdowns in less than seven minutes in the third quarter all right here comes Southern California now for the extra point try leading 25 to 24 and they're going to go for two Aidan pitches the ball to Anthony Davis on the three to the right side well I'll tell you that Anthony Davis is a nightmare for Notre Dame two years ago he just four of a park last year they controlled him but in this ball game today he scored 26 points the third quarter touchdown for Southern Cal as they kick off given the Trojans the lead and now it is Mark McLean returning it for the Fighting Irish and he gets off to a pop the 23 yard line Wayne bullets is back in at fullback he has the ball crazy think'll in the first half back in for the first time in the second half his counterpart Tom Clements now on second down and 8 yards to go from the 25 [Applause] on third down and three Notre Dame fine to get it moving again as Clemens goes to throw in hollow Vectren delivers football all right friendly will cut now for Notre Dame gets it off it's a fine dick back at the 26-yard line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Southern California with a football first down at the hood of a 19 yard line trojan blowing it open here in the third quarter an incredible comeback 27 2014 they get the ball the big play here to stop this Notre Dame Martin Southern California just literally on fire here in the third quarter Hayden back to pass he's under pressure and they've cut it 5:45 to go in the third quarter third down and nine now if Hayden rolls to the left gets it off mahalo kitchen Justin I'd had counteractions in there and everything sold off the corner and he beats bahasa leave a halo for the point absolutely astounding football game let's watch John McCain ow number 25 or Notre Dame as Lima hey Lu kicks it out of bounds that will cost the Trojans 5 and he'll redo it Thank You Jimmy in here's Lee mihaylo kickin it again gets a little more to put into it mark mcclain take to the fat end or Notre Dame pick return come back to the 32 in motion there's a brawl play but Blaine scored off of it a little while so in the first half Samuel notre-dame second down and six limits gives the ball to furry C and Tom in the FASTA forty here's your pipe defense now they're gonna stop no more eight man they say I'm very bad when it come this way the full-back he may have it or he may not I don't know but here's the stretch out of the chain he's got his first down first down Notre Dame first down at their own 43 yard line and come from exacta Pro he's under heat he's going to have to run it he's felt it it's second down and six from the 47 for Notre Dame [Applause] [Music] they averaged seven six on her yard but here in a second half it's been 2.7 they go to Felicia the full-back he's got a couple yards and give you an idea what kind of a third quarter Anthony Davis has had just had a lot of experience just inside a 45 second down 8 yards to go Boresha carrying the ball here's the ball given the number 20 for Samuel come around he is at the 35 it's Vinick in motion limits back to flow delivers intended [Music] and it is second down and ten one over Thames at the SD 35 Finnegan motion limits back to flow again we have five Eko [Applause] not cut about by Sylvester second interception of the day all right here comes up in California now with dick going in motion Belden digs to the right answer the name is born the same way Davis the tailback Southern California has just absolutely exploded to score 28 points in the third quarter with a minute 17 seconds remaining here is Hayden giving the ball the ball back Ricky Bell and Bell fix it Mosu toufool is now in at fullback a freshman out of Honolulu eight goes for the first down it could happen since a six-man front up rubinettes Kia quarterback comes up here's Hayden dropping back to throw [Applause] [Music] [Applause] maybe swings it out the Vedas give stock right there its third down and 15 for Southern California [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on there force the queen with he'll back out this way to make it afloat area command was it good I hate to mention it Oh two years ago they did the same thing to us in the third quarter 41:24 after three between Notre Dame in Southern California uric 40 and MacLean 22 Lima halo kicks off for Southern California it goes to mcclain at the 4 yard line [Applause] all right here's Notre Dame with Tom Clements now get the Law Clinic fumble fumble fumble can't find a handle SP jumps on it for poisons have it Notre Dame 15 yards as in D : till the full-back Davis the tailback baton the quarterback obrenovic is the tight end and Hayden goes left for the large size put it up it's big this big number 26 seven big makes the catch and it's one of the most incredible turnaround I have ever seen at a football game I don't think you need to qualify I think it is FIFA put that I've ever seen in a phone Jet Li mihaylo for the point it's good so the Southern California passing attack as you look at era Parseghian era beleaguered at the moment where we suspected that 35 points by Southern California in the third quarter Viva halo knocks it down in a two yard line McClane gets it back to the 20 McClane goes in motion he has the ball with speed we gets about four yard second down and six for Notre Dame for the 24 wins its court and McClain gets to first down it follow the outside linebacker comes up on the line of scrimmage gets away from one gets his pass off the fastest hook at midfield working in that secondary that Waller's FFA 49 second down and 12 for Notre Dame [Applause] [Music] [Applause] interception of the day and he finally got himself the point [Applause] ever scored against a Notre Dame football team we're harming 55 right now [Applause] sounding football game we'll be right back Los Angeles at sunset the Sun set some time ago for the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame in this ball game is Franco la Cole comes in number 12 second down and eight yards to go from around the 11 yard line bus horn minh carries up to a 16 here's the handoff to mcclain crying for the first down alright Notre Dame on fourth down who'll get a big block it's Thurmond another freshman at the 45 yard line for Southern California he can fly he brings it back to the Notre Dame 38 yard line fumbles it and Notre Dame has recovered the football Anthony Davis he's the man that took the Trojans for the bootstraps if the star for the second half trickle away 102 yard touchdown he scored four touchdowns the ball game rushed for 65 yards for baskets worth 37 yards returns 447 yards Notre Dame now at Frankl Akko in at quarterback less than a minute to go in the ballgame as Notre Dame will run out the time of plane number 22 Gary get pitches the ball back and Southern California's got it the videotape the slow-motion offer at his John de Lisa victims are less John Valentine married roster and Tom white Southern California substituting free dinner Jim Lampley Don Tollefson bill Fleming Chris Schenkel Roger doesn't a lot of people running wide to the right the system for these resorts Bernal at Papa Roach first I don't want to get Terry Justin row [Music] [Applause] secondary Mindi Harrison getting onto the field this ball game is about over Southern California [Applause] 20 haze and a great pleasure to have you with us and wish you in the Ohio State Buckeyes the best against the program we're going to need to do our best against the filter so john mckay comes across the field six hands for there at forsaken for era a long walk to the clubhouse for john mckay a day to remember as the southern california trojans defeat the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame 55 to 24 one of the most remarkable turnarounds of a football game ever seen [Music]
Channel: SteelBuck 6
Views: 10,667
Rating: 4.8446603 out of 5
Id: HZGTnFmjQac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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