MSP Processes & Procedures - Pricing Guidelines & Strategy

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all right I think we are live on YouTube now so I will start off by saying welcome thanks for coming to another why can't I think of words today thanks for coming to another installment of MSP webinars today I know we were supposed to have mark Shaw come in and blow our minds with the the always interesting kassay attack chat however mark picked up a sweet new client and he had to reschedule so for those of you here for that I apologize this is not what you're expecting but we're still going to have a good one so today we're going to talk about managed services pricing I've brought on three managed services providers along with me to discuss all of that fun stuff and we'll be able to answer questions and we'll also be able to just you know provide insight in general so from with that let's see here from beginning share screen BAM so I'll just start by peddling my own wares this is an MSP leaveners video the webinars are always free to attend I do have bonus content that I put up into a patreon page for anyone that subscribes you can subscribe for as little as $1 and that helps keep these webinars going so that way I'm not going to vendors and taking their money and then giving out lists of people that subscribe I keep all of your data private and anytime I have a vendor on here they do not get your contact information unless you check a box that says give them my contact information so with that I'm going to go through and introduce some people we have three panelists with me today we have Andy Ben and Ernest Andy can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself okay my name is Andy Loya I've been in the IT business for approximately ten years now I opened my own IT company about five-and-a-half almost six years now and I've just been working alone independent I have not had any employees other than an accountant and currently I manage about 250 endpoints so there we go fantastic Ben how are you sir well sort of my business but ten years ago under a different name I decided to rebrand myself as tech washburn for seven we go on 10 years now which is awesome providing MSP and break fixed services to homes and small businesses just love what I do let me see any familiar sounds good cool last but not least Ernest my name is Ernest and I own a managed service provider in the Portland Oregon area we registered the company name about ten years ago spent the first five years putting together processes and documentation and then we brought on our first client they've been growing pretty steadily ever since we've got four techs and quite a few clients awesome so I just want to say he he won't he won't do it but I'll do it for him/her Ernest has this fantastic documentation bundle which he launched when when did it officially launch this week in two days ago yeah okay so the the documentation bundle just launched you can purchase it now and the normal price is 249 for anyone that that purchases it that saw it through the webinars you can use a coupon code think it's M no Steve's webinars ste VES webinars and so you can go to that link and you can copy that code punch it in and I could see was that 10% off earnest its 10% off yeah so you get some awesome documentation and he's already got tons of updates that he's planning and if you buy it now you get lifetime updates that'll sound accurate mm-hmm it's true so so they're made some other participate surprises included with that coming out here soon - we'll see I love I'm I'm actually a third of the way through working on a surprise for your documentation that's because they awesome so yes so I guess I didn't really introduce myself so I'm Steve I own an IT company and we do manage services we are in the Akron Ohio area I started my company about eight years ago I have 85 endpoints right now so not as many as some others but enough for me so let's let's just kind of dive into it if anyone has questions there's a Q&A button I think it's in the top left of our camera area so feel free to ask questions as we're going through this any any time so so we're going to talk about pricing today so so let's just kind of dive right in let's get to the the answer that everyone's looking for what do you charge for fully managed services all all all you can eat all the tools are included you know we just want your your diamond plan okay how about Andy all right it's okay diamond plan basically they they want everything they want the office 365 they want all of computer management whatnot typically I've been I've been charging on a per device basis because basically all of my billing is like that if I just makes sense it's easy to account for and in my previous work I worked for an MSP and we got roughly this pricing as well after some finagling and generally again this pricing is also based on your area you can't just say oh I'm gonna say charge $150 flat rate no matter what no matter the area in the US unless you're large and you have the ability to do so me and small it's not it's not the same so for me I mean basically if they're going with email per user it's roughly around $75 per endpoint so that may be more that may be less depending on how many other very aiding factors they have but typically somewhere around $75 in that now when I say that that's with that I mean I've implemented a lot of automation I mean I'm one guy managing 250 things doing most of the billing most everything else so automation is T there so while I may I mean I probably spend twenty five hours a day or twenty five hours a week actually talking with people the other 15 or either leisurely doing nothing or doing business work so it's kind of it's kind of a mixed bag it depends on how they'll Gator you are for me I wanted a lifestyle of ease and whatnot so I kind of built automation around my platform to do that so it's kind of a mixed bag I guess fair enough fair enough it's all good how about you Ben what what do you do for pricing for the the top awesomest plan that you offer well in the way there's actually two because I have presidential and business and they are a little different on the residential side it is $67 and that's pretty much everything there of the office reason being is that most folk musicians don't even care about that or just too much for them so I'll just put a free OpenOffice or something on there but they get most supports their backup is their protections there all of it on the business side it starts it's custom quoted that starts at $99 per device just like Andy where they get office and every bottom hmm yeah I agree it's very custom I mean they're going continue sorry okay so I'm a one-man shop as well the missions before I'm based out of National New Hampshire and there are other MSP providers in the area and roughly we don't see them out they do so it's more of how we stand out versus the pricing but that's basically what we got it's pretty awesome actually especially with the the back of the that actually just launched this this past week not everyone knows about it yet that's what we got excellent and earnest how's your pricing look today we are doing a per-user pricing instead of per endpoint and so our our base package that we bring on clients is $1.99 per end user per month or per full-time employee per month let me be specific on that we don't charge for part-time employees we don't charge for volunteers that sort of thing and that includes everything it's it's your full workstation office 365 we've got a network attached storage device that's included with that there's a firewall included with that network monitoring pretty much everything except for the servers and workstations okay so I know my pricing I do per user my my top tier one I would say my price is between 100 150 per user and the reason that it varies is it depends on if they have a server and if we need to get like a dado BDR or if we want to do a different type of backup solution I do include the backups with the per user price but I also try to be cognizant of my margin you know I don't want to charge everyone 150 and then have a 90 percent margin as much as I'd like to it doesn't seem fair to some clients so I guess that's kind of why I charged the way I charge with with my services I include as much as I possibly can office 365 business premium spam filtering through mail protector Open DNS umbrella web root antivirus backups so I saw Edie there posted an interesting question there to the chat so since you guys are bundling 365 with your option how much do you lower it if they already have office and email I don't in which which is an interesting one because see the with the clean I I do have several clients that have their own email system or they already have email and they don't want to change or they just don't want to they just flat-out don't see the necessary I don't mean the good in 365 which I totally understand you know you're going from basically a dollar a month or two dollars a month for a basic email account to if you just have email it's four dollars through 365 and some people just don't want to pay that again that is kind of region you know developed in size a company and all that kind of stuff I mean I'm gonna share something here and I've sanitized this but basically one thing you should kind of be aware of is margins versus markup there's a big difference in that and hopefully that shares properly because this this is something I've kind of organically created based on the MSP exchange one and the MSP exchange one I think was overkill for what I needed and I mean basically I try to hit a 60% margin for the services provided outside of email because I charge 365 based on the standard retail rates of that because there's no sense and they'll say oh well you charge 360 you know well or say you already have a client and they want to upgrade to 365 or there's a few there's a lot of several issues that you can come into that where you were trying to bid yourself against Microsoft Office which just doesn't work I guess I should probably say a little bit of my background is that I was 100% break fix two years ago so my pricing model might have seem low for those that are direct MSPs already which is entirely understandable you know I I went with the route of okay I already have clients in the break fix world I already go and visit them monthly I already go and do a lot of these things already and charge them for it well how do I just turn that into just a monthly fee basically that I charge my end users and in client and how do I turn that into a more sustainable and basically protect myself from if somebody were to leave is basically and what it boils down to how do i how do I even out my cash flow every month and and that was my challenges okay I have these people in there and typically they don't want to pay nobody wants to pay more ever I mean let's just be honest here no in no smart sane business person ever wants to pay more and so you have to value add and value sell yourself and say look okay you pay me you know here's the service you're currently paying me for here's the labor every you know averaged every month that you're currently paying me for how do i how do i okay what am i getting more when i when i start paying you monthly and i'm paying you 20 or 30 percent more than what I'm paying you monthly currently no currently more than I'm paying you and that's kind of what it boiled down to is okay well now that you're fully managed now I can implement a lot of these automation things okay great you know now that they've fully managed I could do more basically effectively with automation with less of me being involved and so that's the approach that I took so that unfortunately I mean yes the area out here other similar msps they're roughly $100 per end point I mean I might I'm on the low inside yes but at the same time I also had to convert a lot of break fix clients to oh well we got it we can pay monthly and not have to worry about things or crazy overages or anything like that so so do you see yourself being able to increase your price per endpoint in the next 12 to 18 months because you've proven your value to your yes and and a lot of that has boiled down to I mean last year I gotta say my my overall profits did not change from two years ago to this current year however the amount of headaches and oh crap you got to come on site and deal do stuff and the amount of time that I have personally had to invest in each individual thing has significantly reduced so there's that thanks to the automation that is thanks largely to automation that's thanks largely to just guys there's better ways of doing things so so yes I mean I am this year you know rates are going up you know most most of the clients last year they're around 35 to 50 dollars per endpoint terribly low but again you know you gotta get clients you know from a great fixed standpoint you gotta say hey look you know we're changing the model of what we're doing things this is better this is the way things should be you know you shouldn't I'm a service I'm not you know a you know you shouldn't you shouldn't call the air conditioning companies we're probably the best example I use you know just because your air conditioner is broken you know it's an emergency the house is on fire come out and fix things well that's great but what if I can't come out things at that time you know what if there's no you know I'm already at somebody else's house fire what then you know and basically that's when you start settling into preventative maintenance recurring you know just standardized checks for things and that's that's that was kind of my you can very easily convert break fix clients that way so they make it something easy for them to understand guys that could freeze a little bit you thinking the residential side looks like which is not far off from what you were talking about anyway alcohol enter at those inside your essential when it comes to office there are two different versions one with and without email so you have one that has exchanged I mean elack will be there if you want to be on the business version but there is a whole version as well but oftentimes because they either don't use it or whatnot you can certainly purchase it if they want to but usually when it comes up to the price point especially around here people in the answer are oftentimes a harder sell than most so I'll try to promote some of the free stuff as long as it works well like OpenOffice or I I've looked briefly at Libre Office as well so that I usually have them go on OpenOffice with anything just because it looks like laying the have them cure come with like office cuz three back in the day and they're used to that appearance so it's usually what I go with on there for cost-effectiveness and really don't know more about maintaining it so just kind of sit there now did did you guys take a take a moment to look at the link that handy posted if not I am going to share my screen real quick and show that to you now this is this is how you determine your price Andy yeah that's kind of that's that's the new model for this coming 2018 year excellent so that I mean basically you got your internal I mean I wanted to attempt to account for all of my costs and figure out I mean again I'm a one-man show you know some I so I I don't have a lot of costs or overhead such as a you know earnest or someone that's a larger company so and that was that was derived from that margin calculator there it's just I felt that the margin calculator was very overkill for my needs so for those of you that have that I've never seen it there is this really cool tool available I'm gonna tell you the website here a moment but the tool is the MSP margin calculator and you'll see it says for discord there is a a live chat that we use discord it's kind of black and it's filled with tons of awesome information so this here is a margin calculator and it is like insane so you can come in here there and you can put you know these are all the things that we give on a user basis these are all the things that we do for a PC server mobile BD are so and so and so on and then it gets all that information from the costs page and then you go through here and you say how much labor you put into it good lord this is new to me how much do you pay your technicians on average and labor and then what margin do you want in your in your in your price so how much how much of your price do you want to be profit so with all of that you you put all that together and then it kind of gives you this amazing breakdown of your costs your margin your price and it'll give you the price I think that's per user now this is per user plus servers plus servers and sites so I really like it it's it's very similar to the one that Andy's using obviously you got to use what works for you but if you go to MSP don exchange you have the ability to find that pricing calculator and quite a few other things okay so let's see what other questions we had there's one in there that might answer yeah there are a couple in there the the one from Matthew there we'll start with that one in the sales phase do you always get a budget or something from the prospect and I do per user and some people who don't have a budget and you pop 125 use around them they explode it's it's all about perspective when you're providing pricing to a client it is all about perspective what are you comparing it to if you're comparing your number to the nothing that they're paying now then that yeah they're gonna blow up you have to compare it to something what what would it cost them if their systems go down what do they pay for their staff if their staffs not able to work how much is that costing them the those are the things that you have to compare your pricing to not not they don't care about what you do to be honest with you they they don't care what you do how you do it what software you use how awesome it is they don't care about any of that what they care about is what's in it for me what is the benefit what is it going to prevent what pain is it going to keep me from having to relive or what pain is it going to keep me from having to live in the first place depending on what their perspective is so I'm sorry Ernest which question were you answering the NASS question no that was the one from from Matthew about about pricing for users as forn as we've started this is fairly recent but we've started including morrow data mor ro datacom as an as that we're putting on site for all clients and I'll post a link for there as well not repla bit no okay I guess replicates back up not in the house huh mm-hmm all right so sales phase I would love to get Ben Ben's take on this how do you get a budget from your clients before you give them a price because of the house small most of my business clients are that hasn't actually been a factor it's more of I don't know of what features are available and we kind of go based off of that and if being on what they select I'll check with them on where they're thinking that would be an ideal price point per month for them and see how close I can get to it it's basically a case-by-case basis so for me anyway I've found that when I'm out on sales calls the the best way to get them okay with the price that I'm offering is when I remember when I when I tell them that it's not just you know me or you know service that they're getting you know the consulting that support I mean yeah that's that's included but I I think the most important thing when it comes to budget is reminding them that they're getting all of these expensive tools along with me so they're not just paying for IT services they're paying for antivirus office email spam infrastructure plus support it's and that's exactly it infrastructure is is it's a big factor and people don't people don't think about that when they're when they're thinking I need a new IT company so it's um it's one of those advantages that you need to remind them of is oh I'm providing you all the stuff that you need now let's see here Ian says BDR solutions have a cost of downtime or outage calculator is there anything that anyone has worked out there worked on for a cost of MSP versus downtime so I think this is related to what you were talking about earnest where you said you know how much how much does it cost you when you're not being productive you know how much to your employees cost how much you know yada yada does anyone have or has anyone seen some type of calculator that does that remember I've seen a lot of graphs like there but they're all generic they're not like custom for the company that's the only real thing there the other part of it is is like okay you can estimate employees cost you know but that's it's close I would say that that is probably something that's too difficult to me it's something that's so specific to the client because it's going to depend on who's impacted it's going to depend on so I know that when I know that when we do it we I try to say as generic as possible when I'm talking with the client I want them to feel the pain and feel the pressure and be running through those numbers in their heads I don't necessarily want to give them something concrete because I don't only want them thinking about the number I want them thinking about the paint I want them thinking about what it's going to cause they're their clients what that downstream effect is when their users can't work so it's not something that I would want to put together a calculator on because it's a feeling it's an emotion that I'm trying to get them to experience not something that's concrete or logical necessarily excellent so I I put a poll up just for giggles to see what people are doing today with with MSP pricing so so far of the 10 people that answered all of you do managed services which is fantastic I asked how how people charge you know per device per user is it some kind of hybrid model and I've got three people per device three people per user for people that are some type of hybrid and I even put per user plus per site per user plus server per user plus site plus server and it wasn't any of those so there's a different hybrid that they're using I would love to know what that hybrid is just out of my own curiosity nobody is charging below fifty dollars per user we've got a few people that are between 50 and 70 for a few people with that are between 75 and 99 we have one person that answered 200 and up who who answered 200 and up is that you Ernest nope it's Carlos in here Zach Johnson said me all right so Zach I would love to know what would you be willing to to be promoted to panelists and chat for a moment yeah and then while I'm while I'm doing that Ian said hybrid is an environment that runs 24/7 they have three times the number of staff two desktops so it's a hybrid price based on a pre desktop and a per user cost three times the staff equals 3 times the opportunity for users to do odd things that makes perfect sense yeah what I mean and I don't have any clients right now that have multiple shifts so I don't think like that but you're absolutely right that's why I charge per user though because it's it's not the computer that causes the problem it's the person using it all right so we have Zach with us now Zach I don't see it looks like zach is muted so I'm not sure if he's having audio there yes exact alright so like we we charge a ridiculous amount of money because we have a much more stronger stance on our security stuff like we're doing UTM like packet inspection we have anti exploit stuff in play as well as signature based antivirus and we're doing like automated bone scans like every day um which all feeds into you know the the patch management that goes on and then we have like hardening scripts that are updated pretty regularly that when you know new vulns come out and there's no patches for them like I have a dev that figures out how to mitigate those bones and is writing scripts for that and those get pushed by rrmm and so like it's a much much more involved and thus expensive security posture that's why we charge like a boatload of money like we be far exceed like PCI DSS HIPAA FINRA GLBA like it is a very very strong security stance I have never had a virus infection or a crypto infection ever fantastic that's awesome Zach yeah Mike Lee involved what that's deep I said I got one on my computer just last week so you need to talk to Zach I can't I can't that's that's phenomenal Zach I I appreciate that now how long have you been at that pricing like a year okay and what were you at before you were at 200 Oh like $40 an end point for like really basic stuff well the lowest here we had was 27 bucks an end point that was basically our monitoring and backup only plan and that didn't include anything like patching or any of that extra stuff and we didn't like it because it it it created a lot of churn in a sense that like okay the rmm went off the rmm went off and like now we got to go figure out what we need to do make a plan contact the customer get approval go back actually do it then bill for it and then you know go back again in like you know the rmm picks up stuff like you know every week and it's just like you go through this whole hour-and-a-half process of just figuring out what you're gonna do contacting the customer to get approval doing it and then billing for it like the vast majority of the time was spent just facilitating getting that billable and like it was twice the amount of time at the we actually built so we dropped that plan entirely and went to another base plan that includes the entire security stack backup and disaster recovery with an on-site you know recovery point like we have an ass on-site the just stores workstation and server images which I can spin up you know in my data center in Asia or AWS whatever and we included patch management and like vulnerability remediation in that we charge 48 bucks a workstation for that in a hundred and eighty-nine bucks a server we don't do any support we don't do anything that involves helping a user I mean will will tune and maintain our own products that we have installed on everything but like that is is basically ia security stack and a disaster recovery plan so I guess I should probably ask what what's your target market for this because that I mean because you're and what you're talking about that's mostly like like higher security higher you know basically companies with like 50 or 50 plus users that kind of thing the smallest I have this going on is seven seats holy cow they love it and they're they're paying big money for it and right um it helps to bundle it with all-you-can-eat on the smaller customers because then we just expand the scope like literally anything they want us to do we will do right I don't care what it is it's like oh you you want me to like design you know a new printer infrastructure sure done we'll do it no cost you just like you stack as much value on that like the the emotion we want them to feel is just like don't think about it like we handle the IT like just just pay us the money we'll handle everything and like we interface with you regularly it's it's just like we try and be as comprehensive as possible gotcha well well thank you for joining us for for a moment Zak do you have any other words of wisdom before I pick you up not really I mean like maybe Matthew Kelly asked the question why backup workstations and then just have users backup on Prem or a cloud file share uh and and I guess I guess I are you Matthew would you specify are you talking about just basic file backups are you talking about like imaging the entire workstation technically they're a hybrid backup of system state plus file level which I can build into a disk image yeah and we do the same thing and the reason that we do it is because users will install something weird on their workstation especially if it's a client that we've all boarded they'll have something weird on there and they'll have backups or they'll have something running to the local C Drive and it's just it's better to be able to have that full image of their entire system workstation servers etc you don't want to mess with it when something goes down you want to be able to get that backup for them the other thing is we deal with a lot of municipalities and small cities so the ability to take their in tie infrastructure including their desktop servers etc and and bring them up in our data center is a massive value at or bring them up in the EOC is a is a massive value add in the event of a disaster have you needed to mm-hmm we haven't we haven't had to yet but we do annual testing to make sure that it does in fact work so yes I have but not in a production environment excellent okay so I backup workstations but I also have many clients that don't have an on-premise server there might be five users are smaller and backup their workstations because you need to have all their stuff and a lot of my clients their work computer is a laptop and it's also their personal computer so even if they do have a server you know do you really want their iTunes music and the 18,000 pictures of their kids to doing the same stupid thing over and over taking up all that storage space on your server personally I say no I have some fault don't redirect and I just backed them up using fresh plan Pro II on on the worst that way I've got unlimited backups but I can also be cognizant of server storage usage data or whatever BDR storage usage that type of stuff Edie asks when you guys are backing workstations backing up workstations are you using free or built-in backup tools or are you purchasing something for each of these workstations well I'm using CrashPlan ProE II so I am purchasing something for each of the workstations now we're using SolarWinds so we're purchasing as well I just got on all bands and I also on the home side with the I'll use theme or the vine level quick thing works pretty well for yeah for workstations it's basically a file level backup I was using CrashPlan for a lot of the paid customers but currently it's kind of a little crash planes going away so I'm gonna need to migrate again I thought I thought correct no you say crash plans going away do you mean because they're no longer supporting servers well they're no longer doing a lot of their from what I understood it and I talked with Brandon a lot about it is they a lot of their works things like business reseller workstation stuff is going away I haven't received I have not received any information from them so I need to contact them but he sent me a link regarding that they're doing away with a lot of this cost stuff and they're saying you guys should go to what is it another company I can't remember yeah some other company but see I the Prem primarily all my servers there other on the pro II side of things so basically I pay per 10 dollars a month per site and then basically backup all their servers you know file level please for some things and then do images on site but I haven't for the workstations like that it's it's a matter of and I need to have value a to the market yet so okay so I see there are two people paying within the 125 to 174 range and I say kudos to you guys but it looks like half the people that work more than half the people that responded are in the 50 to $99 per user range so I'm I'm curious to those folks are are you are you not including as much infrastructure is this just for service or or you just are you in a market where it doesn't allow you to charge more you know what what's going on because I feel like that is and has been the most common trend in MSP is is just providing support and maybe antivirus maybe not some of the larger older MSPs out there especially that is how they built their business is at that I know there's one here locally that does it for 35 a work station and they include support but that's it they you know support rmm and and that's all they do so and then nickel and dime you for everything and then they nickel and dime you for everything else and that that just leaves a poor taste in my mouth like I I can't stand when when I ask someone hey how much is this and and then they tell me sometimes they tell me what seems like a high price already and then and then I say okay cool and I want to do this oh well that's that's actually extra and and you know you hear that's extra enough times and you're just like yeah I had an annual meeting with one of our clients yesterday and they're like so we want to do this we want to do that I wanna do it started laying out all of these these future projects and things that they want to do and he said how much is this gonna cost us to put all this together and what do we have to do software wise and hardware wise and as a it's all included you already have the infrastructure we just have to configure it for you mmm we can have that done for you next week it was amazing when when you can just say nothing do wreck it was give us ten days and it'll be done yeah right their minds are blown I hope that when it comes to nickel and diming so to speak I actually have not just the all unique package but I have actually technically four tiers that I usually show residential size because everything on the business side still in custom quoted but I have as little as during the free modern with kabuto to doing a protection pack which has basically the same Zak stop that everyone else is no support she got paid for support and for that minute is not even a discount there if supports provided but then they go one more level up they get some support but if the major project comes up where we have to reinstall work station then there's a discounted rate there for going beyond the typical scope of just general support so that's usually how we do it which has worked out pretty well I've had a few jump on just because they want to get protection because they all never call me so on ok it works so maybe idea and we've got a plan like that as well that that works out for small businesses that just want our endpoint protection services for example yeah or and we actually do that with a lots some companies who have their own either their own in-house IT staff or their IT guy that's on the corner down the street that they take their computer into occasionally but that IT guy doesn't provide endpoint security or backup or any of those sorts of things and so we're able to pick up some of those clients as well and they just don't call it's just buddy that rolls in the door even better [Music] danger I think had a question it seems between the four of you $99 a user or workstation seems to be about the average I'm assuming at that price point you're having the network I guess managing their network infrastructure ok ok you're not giving them network infrastructure you were just including all the maintenance and support for that equipment yeah you're having them by network infrastructure he did put some asterisks below that so ok yeah I like I like the approach that someone here on the panel can talk about more where I I do want the customer to kind of own things for two reasons I'm not a bank so so I don't want to buy things and then lease it to people I just I just want to sell people things and and to I don't want if if someone wants to leave I don't want it to take any longer than it has to [Laughter] I don't I don't know about you guys I know a lot of people are all about you know gone out and buying their sonic walls or muraki's or whatever and then just including it as part of like a per site price yeah I mean like this coming year 2018 I'm having a different methodology to that and partly because I have a lot of clients that do not care to make infrastructure purchases meaning they will just let the thing run until it's dead and then continue to unplug and plug it back in to keep it alive and that's to be fair I mean okay that's great you're you're you're nursing the nickel but at the same time you know from a IET management standpoint that's a headache and a half so what I've done and what I'm putting on doing is basically for over the next I make my money back after six months as part of the contract but basically I'm including a full-out Network refresh for all locations so what that means is you know I'm buying new switches I'm buying new firewall I'm buying all these things up front but it's all included with the price of my monthly and basically that that price never changes so they own the hardware after six months but that price never changes and it never gets removed from their contract so what that means is okay say two and a half three years from now something dies great well they've already prepaid for it and I just got to go swap it out but you basically for the most part make sure that you you included in there don't ever remove it and make sure it's paid off and relatively quick amount of time that way if they do decide to cut bait and run well you're not out a bunch of money and you know you yeah yeah and that's that's kind of a similar approach to what to what we take is well it's during the onboarding process we have the client do a essentially a complete network hardware refresh and they pay for that as part of the onboarding process but we warranty and guarantee that hardware for life as long as they're a client of ours we'll come in and replace it upgrade it maintain it if they decide to not maintain services with us they keep the hardware that's theirs they get to they get to keep it it's not something that we're leasing so it's a hybrid approach like that that works really well yeah a lot of my clients don't like the big upfront dollar figure so that's why I kind of built it in into the monthly and it's just over time it'll make sense most Network Hardware the last five years unless you get struck by lightening but right you know basically every five years I'm looking at a network refresh wellokay for four and a half of those years I've just been collecting dough mm-hmm and it's go ahead oh please finish your your that was it that was it so so I've here's here's a fun controversial question do you require a time frame on a contract for new managed service clients I will start I will start my contracts are month-to-month I don't want people to feel trapped if they want to leave they can leave it has happened but I I want you know I want my clients to to feel more like this as a relationship than a requirement and if they want to end the relationship at any time they can't just give me you know 30 to 60 days so we can make it a smooth transition to their next ite provider you know I'm flexible on the timeframe even I just want to make sure it's done right Ben sure I actually have a very similar approach I don't do any long-term contracts either its month-to-month I have lost a couple of small fines on this but only because well I'll think about dropping them anyway we weren't working as well together as we should have been they actually called me before I call them like oh thank you you can go away now but otherwise it's been very successful my biggest client has been with me on the month Monson's very beginning of the MSP era which is two years ago and it's it's been pretty awesome very good communication and yeah I don't want them to feel trapped either my main concern seeing all those that are ESPYs in the area saying one or two-year contracts and then I use them complaining about them like that's just not healthy he could be a good rapport going on in be open to different topics and different possibilities even if you have to see partnering with each other which I've actually been doing in my area I have a few strategic partners where if I need to put a firewall in that's not my area of expertise so I'll ring them in to take care of that for me and everything's worked out well next Andy everybody loves me I hate to say it me too man yeah so I mean when I approach them with a one-year option just say hey you know you just pay me these set things for one year you know it made sense to them primarily because I've been working for them break fix for three the past three years I took an average of their monthly for the prior year and then said hey look you're gonna pay me this over the course of one year and then that kind of set the tone and then this year it's all about just okay great the tone set everything set lets you know just go by one year at least and I do have a again to make my money back on the initial purchases there is a six month minimum but honestly if you manage to crash and burn something in under six months and you deserve you know what you get at that point so I mean it's not it's it's not you know it's not rocket science to keep somebody around for six I mean if you have an unhappy customer and already six months locked in he's and he's pissed and angry and want to leave well then you pick you picked the wrong client you know you did you didn't do your due diligence in picking your clients so I forgot about something on mine just throw this out there not only do I have months a month but some clients have actually gone with like her billing cycle and I've had some that are quarterly and I have a handful on semiannual and a couple of individual like were there just one person for a company where they're on the early it doesn't happen much but it's whatever the billing cycle is that's basically what the contract is so whenever they pay it renews how much you earnest month to month no contracts no commitments again it's it's about the relationship it's about it's about if we're doing our job well they're not going to want us to go away yeah around here our biggest challenge we're the biggest the biggest complaint we have coming from other providers when we're bringing on a new client is that they were locked into the old one they couldn't go anywhere they felt trapped they didn't like what they were getting but they couldn't go anywhere and so that is not that well that's that's a huge bonus for us when we're bringing on a new client and talking with a new potential client they hate lock-in what about onboarding charges earnest will just go right back in with you onboarding we figure out what our hardware costs are gonna be make sure that we've got a 50 percent margin on hardware and labor and that's our onboarding onboarding we will come in and work with a client to help them afford that so we'll spread it out for you know 0% financing for 3 months for example we also have a partner that we could work with who can actually do it true financing and finance it over several years if they need to like what does that want great great American and whatever yeah Ben do you have onboarding fees for managed service clients --is at the moment you know but I definitely thought about doing that just because there's often times where you have computers that I've been running for a while and a lot of junk and yet spend time cleaning them up and getting the better to actually manage properly before bringing them onto the plan that's it's been a certain thought but not yet Andy my man I'm basically as long as the computers meet the minimums you know under five years old and they using a current operating system good god you know there's there's still a couple XP and Vista machines out there that run very dedicated software which I can't get rid of but so long as the majority of things are are as they should be then no there is nothing or the hardware is built into the monthly for the first six months so I mean I guess you could say the onboarding fee is built into the contract and just so that's the way it is but yeah I mean I'd most of my clients I've kept up-to-date with so it's not really that big of a deal for me the types of clients were interested in our services are ones who don't want to be behind the times they're not trying to hold on to that old stuff they really want to be secure and up-to-date so it's not a challenge trying to make that happen usually I've got we've got one XP machine that's out there and it's because it's tied to a water plant system that can't it literally cannot be replaced it cannot be upgraded so we just I wasn't extra care and make sure that it's completely off network and everything else so and what's what's crazy is that that client was the same one I had the meeting with yesterday they want to move forward with a complete replacement of all of their water treatment facility systems and they want us to spearhead that for them so we're doing vendor reviews and that sort of thing to find a good data system form yeah I mean I got that's the same way with a lot of my XP machines they're just they run aluminum folding and machines and all that kind of stuff and just like unfortunately you just can't get rid of them I got Windows 2000 out there still doing that crap all my clients has a single XP machine because of some financial software but they're trying to get off of it so a little behind but we're getting there so here's a question from Zack how many of you are looking to bundle Dynamics 365 for financials business addition as a QuickBooks replacement I wouldn't and the main reason for that is because so many businesses are tied in to QuickBooks and a lot of our financial partners who are either CPAs or accountants rely on QuickBooks I wouldn't want to take that away from them because they were for a lot of business to us in fact in November probably not probably hopefully it's up to Intuit that will actually be a quickbooks hosting partner and be able to start hosting quickbooks on our on our server stack for clients so here's here's a comment on a different form of people that are watching it on youtube so i am i am trying to get everyone's comments this is when we were talking about contract length it would be better to have at least a yearly contract and include easy-out privileges when you get ready to sell your company those contracts are what will increase the multiplier in other words as long as you have a contract you can give it whatever out clause you want I mean that's that's very very true and very important I have no intention of selling my business at this point though no needed mine I mean that's that's kind of one of those things that I was I've been looking into because I'm very tempted to move cities and so like one of my largest clients well I don't even live they're the closest office that they have is two and a half hours away so you know my they're my biggest pain largest client and I know for a fact if I move cities I can get much higher paying clients so I mean for me that one-year contract makes a lot more sense in the sense that I can if I can build up the revenue that's generated by these contracts I can in turn sell the clients to a local another local MSP or something like that yeah just hire a tech to stay there while you move or do that yeah then I gotta get I gotta pay somebody man that's training them and then you've got first role problems and then you got first world problems I'm gonna share something here quickly this is the the pricing calculator that we use and the rmm and backup pricing that I've got in here is retail and the RM is from continuum including their 24/7 help desk so your prices are going to vary drastically depend on what you've got in here but this is something that we'll be putting into the document bundle in a week or two basically we're going through and listing out all of our stuff and it allows us to figure out and maintain our margins where we want to keep them regardless of how many users workstations and whatnot so as the salesman goes out he is able to fill in and answer these few questions up here at the top and it gives me the ability to verify that our margins are gonna be where I need them to be for that particular client interesting so you know the few walks in there and they've got five servers my margin drops to 46 I'm not going to do that there's there's got to be something we want to you know virtualized their servers or put them in the cloud or do something different with that I would have no servers our margins are much higher what do you want your margins to be at ideally somewhere between 60 and 70% I'm willing to drop as low as 50 depending on the client Andy margins 60% that's that's the goal so basically I mean I know last year was not that but her this year was not that but that this fear was also a major transition here for a lot of clients so next year at 60% or more better it's a bit lower at the moment but it's fluctuating actually I can only give a firm number but I'd say at least 30% on thing on what the service is 30% stop time well that's like for the protection pack and whatnot there's no service with that or anything but generally its culture 260 okay I'm in this 60 to 70 percent area yeah so I saw a question earlier variables in your pricing so what about like nonprofits do you guys just cut them a break you'll get them more because you know they've got grant money guaranteed yeah we give them a 10% discount across the board okay yeah even the discount to although I did a custom quote from the one that I had that's got about 20 workstations but thankfully the type that doesn't call much it is entirely usually I offer them just basic what do you call it basic workstation protection and that's about it and it's at a reduced rate but still making money obviously and the usually labor is heavily discounted but again I'm not making enough money off of them they usually only call me once or twice a year kind of thing most nonprofits don't have an operating budget for IT services so they're early smaller ones let's put it that way most smaller profits that do like community outreach things like that and they're not that large so it's pure it's per nonprofit exclusively can't in Edward had a question do you chart change how you change the client environment to meet your margins versus changing the price of the client and that's absolutely true that's exactly what we do the the our goal is to get servers off of clients locations so servers cost us money to manage and maintain we don't want to do that so whatever it takes to and it's it's more money for the client every several years they've got a you know three to five years they've got a huge outlay to replace the hardware and then the migration from the labor it's a massive project so yeah that that's we're definitely trying to change their environment so that it's something that gets more sustainable long term if you have about an 80% margin we try to add more features to your service well if I'm getting up to an 80% March and something's wrong because my calculator won't let me go that high but because we're variable between 50 and 70 it's because in our target 60 because we're variable between there that we act more like an insurance the clients that we get a higher margin on or help covering for the clients that we get lower margins on and that will vary and change from year to year as clients and their infrastructure and their needs change some years you know one year a client might be at 50 in the next year they're at they're at 80 just because new workstations new users new technology that they're utilizing so it works out and it averages out across the client base over time and have you looked into from Zack if you looked into nonprofit pricing for office 365 yes absolutely and that is for the nonprofit something that that we're doing I'm excited that they're going to be bringing that into the CSP fold because right now they have to sign a little early from us so in the next few months they're supposed to be bringing that into the CSP fold which will be nice well it's about time I mean I know academic was there but the nonprofit be awesome [Music] jeez took long enough yeah yes you can still edit your partner portal but the the nonprofit has to pay Microsoft directly if they're doing any of the paid options and that's that's why I'm excited about them bringing it under CSP so that we can manage that for them because that gets confusing sometimes earnest did you see the question about changing the environment versus price yes then I commented on that as well okay okay so do we have any other questions from the delightful attendees here and are there any other questions that my panelists can think of that I haven't asked don't all speak up at once guys thought I had when we were talking about office is that thankfully with the one nonprofit I work with they actually go through a separate thing as meant for nonprofits so they can get like dirt cheap and they're part of a chain so works out don't even worry about that yeah office office 365 they they have free options for 365 for nonprofits so maybe much on that I don't know yeah yeah we make I make use of that for one client almost incredibly much I mean it's like two dollars I think for the full what is it for like the folders and everything premium yeah or 54 III yeah it's frigging awesome yeah awesome comments in the chat there if I have a break fix that never ever wants a recurring bill should I just drop them managed services will cost them more than they spend now which is less than one thousand dollars for 35 clients and five servers Wow they're getting a hell of a deal yeah now or they have inside IT so so let's let's get Kurt to elaborate on this some all right so 35 clients I assume that means 35 workstations 5 servers of those devices how many hours are you spending doing any type of tech support and then I'm just gonna slowly ask more questions well and I'll just briefly that that it it depends on your business and it depends on your business model and it is entirely up to you we won't do anything for a client without some sort of recurring revenue without some sort of em are coming in the door it's just it's not worth it to us unless there's some form of MRI so it really depends on your business and it depends on your market that it depends on how good that client is to you if you're not making any money off the deal then yeah get rid of them if they're not listening to your suggestions then yeah questions all right so so you're making they're spending less than a thousand okay so how many hours are you providing them tech support I'm not asking them how how many oh okay he's gonna he's gonna be brought in as a panelist yeah easier hi Kurt oh you're muted unmute your guys this is terrible it's okay it's okay shutting out after your MS for your webinar there Steve I appreciate my my top 100 favorite patrons hey God top-1 yeah so why I have a doctor's office that one of my first clients ever yeah I've been doing this for 15 years recurring businesses is one of my first ones they've never had a raise in the rates ever they're break fix half the time if I do something it takes 10 20 minutes I don't even bother you know billing them because they give me such a fit over the fact that I build them that's that's a problem yeah right there is a big problem yeah I would say that if if you're spending if you're spending more than 30 seconds and you're actually doing something you're actually doing work and and and you're not just answering a phone and chatting you're you know remoting to a computer or you're going on site or whatever I mean that's that's billable man there's no doctors on they go into a room for three minutes and charge 150 dollars for that you need to do the same thing to them and if they don't respect that then I your question that you asked is is a good question should you drop them if they're not going to respect you enough to pay you when you're providing them work when you're doing work for them and fixing their problems then yeah you should drop them in now what I want to know is how how much time are are you actually spending on them a month not much because I know they're not gonna pay me so I don't bother so I don't do any patching I don't do any kind of preventative maintenance basically it's they don't call me I don't touch their stuff you do Bank services for other clients alright a couple I'm trying to branch out everything has always been exactly the other yeah so so Zak brought up a great point on it this client is is not being HIPAA compliant by having you do this and whether you've signed a or not you are on the link yeah get out of there yeah that's a boy run it out of there you you are on the hook for so much with HIPAA man you you have no idea I have no idea because I don't do HIPAA for anyone I don't have any any doctors offices or anything like that yeah I flat out tell doctors offices I I'm sorry I would love to work for you guys and get your stuff working and up stuff like that but I myself I'm not HIPAA compliant and therefore I cannot help you right because you as the provider have to be hundred percent HIPAA compliant in order to provide services to a doctor's office or any sort of medical field anything so be very careful and just make it tidy exit I I would say that a few things need to happen and I would say that you need is sit down with them and heck don't charge them for it because it's not like they'll pay for it anyway you know with them have a meeting and I would say in that meeting you need to say look guys and and and this is me not being an expert in HIPAA so I'm sure earnest could could shed some more light but this is this is my thought you just sit down with them and say look guys you know a lot of things have changed with all these new HIPAA laws you even have HIPAA compliance yourself Kurt no ok so that right there answers your question a lot of things have changed with the new HIPAA laws and I am NOT HIPAA compliant therefore I am not qualified to provide you guys with tech support any longer can I recommend you or refer you to somebody that is and have a couple companies lined up that way you can make it a smooth exit but but if if you're currently not even in in the the position to offer HIPAA tech support just get the hell out man I guess I would do that yeah it's you don't mess around with that kind of stuff and this is a great way to show a client especially one who's under HIPAA requirements this is the Department of Homeland Security's wallet shame this is any any health care provider that is had a breach is going to be listed in here and so then they can't get off once you're on this list you can't get off so you you do not want to be on this list you want to avoid being on this list at all costs no because not not only you get put on that list but that's that's almost like it's like being blacklisted man once you put on that list other doctors offices should hopefully be smart enough to check this list they probably are well but I would say they should be smart enough to check that list and make sure that their new providers are not on it and if their new provider is on it then you're gonna be a new provider I'd say get the hell out before you get into some trouble over some things that shouldn't be your responsibility but they inevitably are because you're the one that touched it and if you do want to provide services to healthcare and you do want to get HIPAA compliant compliancy group is a great group to work with to make that happen and they've got a good reseller program as well and I think there's another I think it's HIPAA secure now mmm-hmm are the breach secure now network yeah there's there's a lot of them out there I haven't I haven't specifically looked into that one security metrics is another one that has both have been PCI compliance but I've looked at and chatted with as well interesting so III hope that helps answer your question Kurt all right guys it's one that I've been worrying about and thinking about so you kind of put the nail in that coffin you got any other questions man what what else can we destroy you for ED because we're so mean we were hard on you that's all good we're trying to save your butt man yeah it's all good so I got it thanks guys appreciate it thanks Carol I'll drop you back down so don't leave or anything all right anyone else want to go in the hot seat all right Zack also remember that software vendors for practices will straight-up lie about what the practices should and should not have as far as technical safeguards mm-hmm yep that is true true and true now Zack said he would get a lawyer to draft a letter indicating that you're terminating the relationship because of liability and get them to sign it and then was that you Andy or a different Andy that posted the who knows me to check lists okay so I say there's a lot of stuff there and if you don't meet any one of those things you're not considered compliant and you are put yourself at risk well here's here's the thing to understand about about HIPAA compliance HIPAA compliance is about documentation you know compliance is not about the technical enforcement or the security rules or the things that you have to do it's about documenting so if you are not compliant in certain ways and you have it documented and you have a documented why you're not and why it's either unreasonable or when you're going to address it then you're fine you're never but you have to have that paperwork in place and you have to have that training in place I think that's part of the BA agreement - yeah well Andy you don't do HIPAA I believe you said correct no not at all I have I'm a one-man show I don't have the ability to just make sure I'm good all the time which is bad but well that's where compliance a group or one of those other folks can really help you out because they can do that for you which I might look into that I mean definitely because I know there's to business or to doctors offices I could do work for I just choose not to you know good thing working for you though Andy since if I remember I use lab tech that is between its auditing and everything else they few checkboxes and you're compliant for that client at least as far lab tech goes yeah okay what about I I know earnest I think you mentioned PCI do you yeah you probably have to do a lot of PCI compliance we have to do some of the technical side of it making sure that you know credit card machines and whatnot are on separate VLANs and not part of the regular Network but as far as the PCI most most credit card processors will provide the PCI compliance checklist and self-assessment and the scanning as part of their their process so we have that as an option but we don't have any clients to utilize it don't you oh yeah sorry I like it that one out does anyone here to any other type of compliance yes we also have CG is compliance for our Police Department's you know can you tell me what CG is stands for a criminal justice information system basically the handling and processing of data related to suspects and police related Seth interesting it's a whole new world [Laughter] um okay have you ever failed a CGI assualt it me no have you failed any audits no have you ever gotten any dings like you're not gonna fail but you should have this fixed next time yeah well there there was there are some things that we had to remediate but yes and that's that's fairly common as you go through the process every year something changes something new happens so yeah you've got to be prepared try changing things on the fly quite interesting common theories like in regards to Kurt and so why would he need a drafted a letter for an attorney if there a break fix client there is no officially dropping them yeah I think if I understood correctly he did have some form of remote desktop software installed on the user's machines so I'm not entirely sure if that was what he was charging $1,000 a month for or not but that's that's kind of a I don't know I think I'd rather cya versus just not talk to them anymore yeah get your software off and move on down the road yeah weird wasn't it Andrew Taylor and I'm guessing this also applies to multiple price levels that we have what is your security onion and what does that comprise of so I mean I don't know if that maybe I guess he's asking about because we're all different priced or whatever if there's a difference in what we're doing it's it's it's quite the onion on this side we pull up my list here [Laughter] we all know ochres hat like this I got layers lots of layers not layers by my opinion on on security and on on workstation endpoint and and client security is that you want multiple vendors to look at things in different ways and you want those multiple levels from different vendors there are some some software vendors out there like sophist who try to be all things to everybody what I've discovered is that they basically have the same the same thing at multiple levels so you're scanning the file at the firewall level with the same engine you're scanning it on the workstation and if one didn't catch it the other is not going to catch it so Webroot malwarebytes we've got Huntress Labs that's on there what else are we doing policy pack is on there when does defender usually kicks in on the firewall side we've got omni net which is the rebranded my digital shield so there's there's multiple levels and layers moving in from the workstation or moving in from from the outside in don't you you know that's interesting what spot is policy pack basically like group policy except you don't have to have a domain controller or my exactly well you sort of have the domain controller to create the policies but policy pack allows you to take those upload them to their cloud and they will push them to the end points so in centralized group policy management for all of our clients from single pane glass interesting that's cool huh yeah I guess my onion most like all my clients to have a UTM on-site primarily they're either untangle or I think the last ones I'm going to be getting rid of our the oldest ro / Sophos boxes and then on the end user agent you know on the end desktop computer that's all Webroot malwarebytes so hmm below chime in on that there's not much to really talk about just mostly for tuning provides with web room our bytes and with couple our clients or our firewalls in place on the network that's not just a home router and like that most of my clients are on there are literally in a home with maybe two or three people so they simply just have a pretty basic set up it's no confidential anything so nothing to worry about too much in the case just the basics up Weber who can all bytes and pretty basic router just get them online haven't ages so II's web root antivirus Cisco umbrella as part of my security stack Meraki UTM I have donking at I don't know if you guys have heard of Carver what's that it's called Sentinel one and the company that makes it is Carver carv IR is the company name and Carver dotnet but they've also got things never pay the ransom calm yeah and it just redirects you to Carver dotnet they've got a really really interesting tool so they've got a sock security operation center they've got all of the marketing and sales support with brandable grant material and everything and then their their software that they install it's it's not just antivirus like it does a complete audit on what's happen on the computer basically so if it sees some kind of malicious change it starts keeping track of the changes and it develops what they call an attack storyline and then you can say well let's just undo this so because they've they've got all of those changes tracked they've also got history of the file changes so then we can literally revert back yeah as I mentioned intercept X does that as well does it okay Webroot does not do that Chris and Brandon si it don't really claim to but it's not perfect and I also mentioned that continuum is coming out with a a security operation Center and they're going to be really upping their security game here in the next couple of months so for those who are continuing partners that's that's a really great thing very cool so that is what I've been looking at and the reason I've been looking at it is one it actually shows you the attack storyline so it shows you all of the files that got touched and in the process it needs to revert them back and then because they've got a staff sock they take you know 50 to 60 percent of virus related tickets off your plate so anytime a customer says I've got a virus you tell Carver to take care of it and it's part of the I don't know three or four dollars a month you paying them so it's it's interesting yeah per end point granted [Music] so Chris Tiffany we've had it roll back on its own for crypto in a sandbox you know I guess I'm not sure because I've never had to roll back but I have not seen anything in Webroot that would imply that it does that they claim that it does and and in some cases especially things that they're well familiar with it works really well but you know it's not it's not as detailed or or anything as what you're talking about or what intercept X does they take it to a whole new level Zak I I would love to check out Carver with a webinar so we can see it in kind of I don't know I just want to see it live I just want to see it work and I I would like to almost proves a crumb because I've yet to see an outsource anything that does a really good job you know if you if you have an outsourced jock or an outsourced help desk I have not I have not had the best success with them however I've also found that a lot of that comes down to how we do documentation outsource sock is probably going to be a little different alright guys we are at the 90 minute mark so I think now is a great time to wrap up does anyone have any final thoughts panelists for for anyone out there that you know maybe they're not charging enough or whatever you know what words of wisdom do you guys have and I'd probably say call your competitors sounds dumb but honestly call them and see if they'll give you a quote over the phone because and see what they offer some people will give you numbers some people won't but doesn't matter because if they will great then you know what your competitors are charging and you can get reasonably close to them mind you they may be doing more than maybe doing less but if you can figure out how to price yourself accordingly for your local market then do so that's kind of what I've had to do so it's kind of just gonna got to figure it out it's a growing process as it is always I'm gonna tell you the the three things the three words that I always use integrate automate simplify you know that's that's what you have to do within your business and that's what you have to do for your clients if you can do those things you will set yourself up for the ability to grow expand very rapidly when that when the time comes when the opportunity presents itself my thought on this is bullies and ease actually through networking I've met a lot of my so-called competitors and we really don't think each other as competitors at all and we've done a number of one-to-one means where they've been very upfront about what they're using what they're charging and we've actually formed incredible partnerships where we're referring business to each other you never know what could happen when you just pick up the phone or go to them in a networking meetings at 8:00 we have a chat and to see if how maybe we could help each other out or even improve our businesses definitely been worth it for me I did the same thing here yeah that's very helpful and beneficial now if you guys formed like a little oligopoly without making partnerships with all of the competitors that way you guys all just have the same price and it's a really high one yeah a thousand bucks an employee wouldn't that be nice no I know right well I would like to thank you guys for participating especially with such long notice that I gave you hey and for those of you that are still wondering weren't we supposed to talk about Casilla today we were I'm sorry mark had to reschedule I promise it is it is going to happen it's just not going to happen today with that said I I do want to thank you guys for joining us on an MSP webinars installment we have more coming up next week is actually virtualization we're going to talk about virtualization and I think it's going to be a lot of fun because we're going to talk about when to virtualize how to spec up the hardware for virtualization wind should it be on-premise versus in the cloud with like a jour or something like that so we're gonna we're gonna get into the nitty-gritty with virtualization as always if you liked today's webinar and you and you want to keep them coming please hop on MSP webinars comm subscribed and become a patron it gets you access to a ton of bonus content maybe I'll twist Andy or earnest arm and see if I can get those pricing calculators to put up there and yeah thanks so much you guys have a great week I will see you next week for virtualization find a find MSP webinars on Facebook to get all the registration links for upcoming webinars
Channel: RocketMSP
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Keywords: training, education, MSP Webinars, managed services, managed service provider, managed services provider, managed services providers, continuing education, the channel, MSP channel, IT channel, tech channel, keeping up with technology, RMM tools, PSA tools, RMM tool, PSA tool, antivirus, RMM, PSA, security, security stack
Id: 9u3AdeWLXHU
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Length: 95min 45sec (5745 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2017
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