MSFS 2020 | VATSIM | Graz to Kristiansand | Citation CJ4 Full Flight

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[Music] oh [Music] um [Music] so [Music] hello everybody and welcome to filbert flies welcome back to gratz in austria which i mispronounced last time and i'm determined not to do this time and so we're picking up where we left off we are flying the working title modded cessna citation cj4 once again and we're taking it all the way to christian sand in norway which has a brand new scenery from gaia simulations which i haven't actually had a chance to have a good look at yet um but as you can see we've got a few other aircraft around us we're flying on vatsim model matching is working incredibly well as always hence rather strange dark yellow plane crisscross you're from norway hello was it you who was asking me to fly to norway recently i know someone did i can't remember who though um car you've got to go and land in lisbon why do you feel like you're in heaven well because you're watching filbert flies and i imagine this is very much what heaven's like maybe the music as well um good evening ldr hello matt how do you fix the avionics screens in the a320 i don't know uh best thing to do would be to go onto the fly-by-wire discord assuming you're using the mod and asking their help channel good hello good good afternoon good evening good evening i think for you ludwig welcome uh good well i'm glad i was able to uh to do it uh crisscross and uh some fast fantastic new sceneries give me the push i need so i guess we should probably uh start setting up it's quite a long time since i've flown the cj4 um but we'll see how we get on hopefully i've remembered how to do it and i'm also going to show you the new navigraph uh um oh interesting i was having a little play with it and it's still got the chart window up there so battery master to on avionics to dispatch um so yes we'll begin setting up the uh fmc posing it done i'm going to import my flight plan from navigraph i've pre-planned this so we'll go to the index page and then next route menu flight plan recall sim brief oh you asked me to fly to scandinavia a few days ago well there you are i'd say both of you have asked and it's taken me a while but uh but here we go hello zannis ah you're the yellow uh generic you thing are you yellow a320 nice and we've got swiss radar online as well i believe which is rather exciting right we'll execute that i'm going to try and get rid of this chart page that's interesting okay don't know what's going on there we may have a problem let's turn the avionics to on see what that does bear with me a second uh i can't clear it i can't clear it what am i gonna do about this then nothing's working there is it should we try turning it off and back on again i don't imagine that'll work but you never know no oh yes thank you jenny yes do do all of that how do you update the fly by why they've got a very simple um program that does it for you uh if you go to as i say if you go to their discord um then you'll find a link to it there's also a link to the main fly-by-wire page in the video description and you can you can head there and and update it hopefully thank you careful cheers oh yes yeah the github github page is a great idea as well hmm yeah but i did i restarted the sim and um this is what i ended up with okay that's what we'll do that's what we'll do um i'm going to go back to the starting soon page i'll keep talking to you and i'll i'll quit the sim and spawn back in again i wonder if i need to re you don't think i need to reinstall the old mod do you i might do that to be on the safe side because i only downloaded the latest version uh this afternoon so that should be relatively quick to just delete it and drag everything back across then we've got a clean install less to worry about where have i put aircraft mods there we are getting rid of that one in fact let's put it straight in the community folder to be on the safe side i use msfs add-ons linker which uh normally works very well i don't think that's to blame but uh okay it won't let me drag it across probably because i've still got the sim link in there i'll get rid of that as well okay that's copying back into the uh community folder that's done we'll restart the sim old-fashioned style turn it off and on again exactly it's all you can do the airplane is fixable i'm guaranteed i'm guaranteeing it uh because it worked perfectly a few hours ago i i think that i mean obviously that's some kind of bug and i think what i'll do from now on is just make sure i don't have the charts page open when i exit the sim and hopefully hopefully that'll do it oops hello i didn't mean to do that this is going beautifully isn't it here we are sim's starting again give your heaven music okay we'll have we'll have the grig again we'll just pretend the last six minutes never happened might be interrupted rudely by the uh flights in startup tunes but anyway [Music] maybe you have an idea but for put the sim brief user you have to put the number yes you do you put the the uh sim brief user id you're talking about the cj4 right the cj4 you put the number and for the fly-by-wire a320 you put your username cruising along at 499 knots on your way from baltimore to arkansas nice you're in the cj4 jenny oh really peekaboo so it's more likely to be a sobo update than the actual mod do you think oh you're right mark yep you're right you can use the number there as well ah thanks dennis good i don't think i've flown the a320 since the sim update actually re i didn't i mean as you know i know nothing about the tbm i'm amazed it can do uh those kind of speeds right right nice i must give it a go one of these days no we're heading to norway zephyr i normally try and find a little something to play from the destination country so we're taking off from grads in austria and this is just to get you in the mood for what christians and i'm sure makes you feel like i have seen that there are contrails yeah i have which is pretty nice right it's loading it does take a very very long time on my system but uh we should be back on the move shortly we're not back on the move back in the cockpit at least see what other norwegian music i can play um original this is by someone called lena niesgaard it's not by greek but i guess it's uh in honor of him perhaps you're right it is it is the small bits in the sim that make a difference [Music] although i sort of wish they'd um fix the rather bigger things personally this is rather nice as well [Music] so for those of you who have joined since it all went wrong uh it all went a bit wrong so i'm just restarting the sim and we should be underway again surely [Music] all right i'm back to the main menu grass [Music] and i wanted to depart around about 10 i think i said of 10 30 was it definitely up for a daylight flight put it that way uh there we are [Music] lovely start indeed to be fair i've not once had a single issue with uh with the cj4 but these things happen [Music] and you get to listen to some nice music which is a sort of i think of it as a bonus rather than a full start [Music] not unless this goes on for another three hours or so ldr [Music] so [Music] okay ready to fly turn the live weather back on fade out the music because i i totally failed to catch it in time there we are um and i guess i guess you can come back into the sim with me now let me switch it over there we are okay good let's try again let's try again so set the time 10 30 that's about right see what happens when we stick the battery on that's looking better isn't it excellent okey dokey back down here and we'll go to the position init page copy that across index i bet i have to put my uh details back in again oh no it stayed there that's good uh back root menu plan recall sim brief hello bailey how are you hello tom hello steve gosh it was worth pinging you all in the discord wasn't it i forgot and then the uh the delay technical delay um made it mate gave me the chance good so we'll execute that i'll just set up my displays so um really we want this in uh plan mode i guess for now and we'll set up our departure and arrivals well we'll set up our departure anyway let's just check the meta oh i better reconnect to that sim hadn't i wind variable at two knots okay so we don't know what runway we're going to get until we contact atc do you know what so that we don't have to rush this i'm going to connect external power i think which is very rarely done in the real world as matt advised me but i don't want to be starting engines without clearance and i also don't want to be faffing for so long that the battery runs out so we'll do that you will be inclined before i take off yeah has he gone i think he's gone oh maybe that's him he must have just pushed back and he's now uh he's in a sobo or he's not his neighbor bustling for the airbus instead uh i have to enter vancouver thank you yeah i'm very well thank you i'm very well bit of a bit of a hitch but um uh yeah we seem to be we seem to be sorted again now right let's go to the tuning page and get what do they call themselves swiss radar on frequency oh this is all changed as well that's because we're in there dispatch made probably isn't it we don't need to be into dispatch made we can turn all the avionics on and now we've got everything lit up and ready to go so swiss radar one two eight point zero five i don't suppose we have any eighties for here do we no this is true so far i had it all saved but since updating the mod um i've lost all of my presets unfortunately but what i tend to do is save the present position uh display on here rather than bothering with the with the plan but you know what why not i could put that on memory too let me just check my audio settings because i'm not hearing anything on swiss radar right oh hang on we're not in switzerland are we there in cover here [Laughter] i always think glass is in switzerland rather than austria i don't think they cover here anyway silly no no no they don't cover austria unsurprisingly if you didn't hear me it means you aren't on unicorn no i'm not i'm on swiss radar zenith which one way are you taking off from i guess from the way you're pointing you're going for uh three three i'll do the same because the wind doesn't really give preference to either okay so let's go back to departure and arrival oh sorry not three three three five three five center yep and we want to follow i know i don't know why i don't know why i always think that glass is in switzerland it's all mountainous in there you think the main problem this fly hasn't started what do you mean you think it's gonna get even worse than me uh not knowing which country i'm in i hope not ah ben hello how are you uh right so we want the milk for uniform departure i believe i'll go for uniform yes we do pretty straightforward take off turn left a bit go to milgo i have to transport 47 passengers i think i think that might be a stretch so how many are watching already good grief uh welcome to all of you yeah i'm all right thank you it's all going terribly well i had to restart the sim had to reinstall the mod then i didn't know i was in austria i thought i was in switzerland and was about to contact swiss radar so i'm very glad i realized just in time um and now i'm getting now we're gonna have a look at the chart because why not we can do this now um if we go to the chart menu and then we press lower menu then it should it has it's got out it's got an airport chart we can have a look at so let's select that for now sometime one three six i imagine uh so we can pan around the chart like that which is pretty cool pretty cool transition altitude on the way up is ten thousand feet zenis and we can zoom in and out so no longer do we need to rely on switching windows or me bringing up the uh the charts on a separate thing for you to have a look at we can do it all in the sim which i find very exciting yes i'm sure you're right i'm sure you're right can we see today uh contrast i hope so i hope so uh we'll certainly look for them uh so right if we want to get rid of the chart we just press chart again um and if we want to change the chart then we can go to the lower menu and we can have a look at our departure route which would be more useful and again we have to use this slightly fiddly knob thing to pan around but there you have it so we can see our altitude constraints or the only altitude constraint we have is that we have to be above 10th at or above 10 000 feet by milgo um it is cool in there it is cool you want the chance to pop up in your tbr well you'll have to petition working title to uh do a tbm mod right milgo it's not in there so that's just just as well we looked isn't it so we'll just type 10 000 and above or above oh it's in there twice as well so we can get rid of one of those clear or delete bosch done we'll step through the flight plan while we're here to make sure there's nothing crazy going on no all looks pretty good um and for now i don't think we need any more from the chart yes we do 3500 but that's already there although it's coming out at 3500 or above so we'll put that as 3500 exactly instead and we can put in the speed of course we'll have to manage that ourselves and it will go horribly wrong because i'm hopeless at managing the speeds in this thing um but we'll put it in as a little reminder and i think that'll do us for now so we'll close this oh no there's something else i want to show you with the charts working title are incredible i know no he's getting lost on taxes absolutely [Laughter] yeah that's going to be the best bit how's the weather grim um so i'll tell you i'll have a look at the meta again because i've forgotten the wind variable at two knots and it's showing no significant clouds uh so the meta and the live weather disagree quite a lot but as we discovered on the last stream sometimes the live weather can be more accurate than the matter vacaris all right okay well i hope i hope that fixes it um what's next someone remind me what's next no i know it's fine uh we've done our flight plan page we'll go to our perth page uh we'll go to our perf in it oh and what i haven't done since restarting the sim is uh set the fuel so let me just check the flight plan one five seven six have a good flight zanis yeah one five nine four close enough um we are creating at flight level four three zero so we'll go to our takeoff page we'll put in the wind we'll do it as zero zero zero at two knots because there's virtually none apparently although it does sound quite windy outside it must be said outside air temperatures four qnh is one zero one zero uh runway is dry we'll go to the next page check out these speeds which look sensible to me we're going to turn anti-ice on though because of all the cloud and the low temperatures below 10 degrees send that and you can get the meta in the mcdu can you i didn't know that he's totally sorry you're talking about the um the airbus i guess you if it's mcde what do you mean in here tell me is it under index data link weather so we just put in the airport do we i guess l-a-w-g see this is one of the things that matt will hopefully be teaching me about on our next lesson uh and then and then where do i see it where do i see it i guess it'll come up under receive messages right good evening ribbon how are you welcome to the stream why are you flying all the time with full payload uh i'm not in short but i tend to i tend to have in terms of so if you look at my um if you look at my weights and balance um we we only on 50 payload and i tend to leave that be because it gives us two fairly light passengers and and six fairly light uh sorry two fairly light pilots six fairly light passengers and a bit of baggage seems fairly typical for um you know a business jet trip but nothing's coming up here i don't need it i don't need it oh marcus thank you thank you very much to weather and then view you think okay data link weather and then view ah okay nothing's come up ah i'm gonna i'll i'll i'll work this out i'll work well i'll be shown i won't work it out myself i will be shown how to do this and we'll hopefully incorporate it in a future video i don't need it for now because i've got my weather in v pilot so it's not all that uh that important just check the v nav setup uh so we're going to be cruising at 0.6 for well climbing at 240 knots then 0.64 transition altitude is not 6 000 it's 10 000. we've done our perf in it been i've set up perfinate done cruise 0.74300 but obviously we will be flying as close to the overspeed mark as possible and i think we're pretty much good to go aren't we i think so i think we are so we'll close the chart switch over to um present position and the range looks pretty good and we'll do our checklist so before start checklist battery switch on emergency light switch we'll check that's armed should be yes it is avionics switch is on standby flight display switch is on and the standby flight displays on parking brake is set yes it is wheel chocks are removed cabin doors closed passenger briefings done seats belts and pedals adjusted and secure thank you again marcus thank you very much it's a little bit slow isn't it to pop up at the moment i don't know why that is wasted your week off outside walking around finally get back to me good that's where you show us what you should be doing jason i didn't even see you arrive nice to have you here obviously uh speedbird 2037 good evening yeah i probably will do the return flight actually um i don't know when exactly um probably not for at least or a week and a half something like that but yeah it was a good flight and i'd like to do the return um right so we need to sort our lights out don't we uh so we'll turn on the nav light we'll turn on the beacon light because we're almost ready to go safety light and seat belt light on and we'll assume the uh passengers have boarded so we'll play the take-off brief please fasten your seatbelt and shoulder harness at this time may i have your attention please welcome aboard the citation cj4 aircraft okay exterior lights as required icast checked everything's green fms checked climate control selector should be off and it is and now we'll do the start checklist so throttles should be idle and they are engine starter button we'll start engine one first today at all times aviation regulations require passenger compliance with lighted no smoking and we'll watch the engine start carefully as well as flight crew instructions another test it's way it's working it's working please ensure that your lap belt and shoulder harness are fastened are you trying to get the pound euro exchange rate out of it marcus articles must be stolen do you know i haven't checked lately i haven't checked lately in the meantime do i have any plans for any other easyjet flights before then um i don't i've got to be honest this is probably going to be my last stream until the crj is released so and then that will probably take precedence from tuesday onwards um but then after that yes i'll certainly be back in the a320 before too long because of the possibility of unexpected turkey sorry i missed quite a lot of chat that is complaining on a high level you have to agree in your real life experience that is only in five percent oh okay all right well i'll bear that in mind peter i'll do um i'll light the load on a flight in the future which one's a brilliant aircraft ben what have i missed what was that replied and breathe normally [Applause] we started the engine that's what we're doing yeah yeah that's all that's started nicely we'll start the other engine why not i enjoyed starting the first one let's do it again and we'll monitor the engine start this time properly so n2 is rising the crj should be released on tuesday lj open the main vlogs door first push in on the inner panel located above the inner handle nearly jenny nearly approximately 90 degrees to exit the aircraft how late are you working jason locations are placarded near your seat to don the life vest tear open the storage bag and remove the vest place the life vest over your head marvelous right everything's in the green everything's looking good we'll close the uh button guards so that we don't inadvertently uh mess them up we'll disconnect external power now i always forget to do that and that's what checklists are for next modset ground power unit off as well taxi checklist avionics switch on climate control selector normal passenger light safety button is on has been for a while now trims will uh we'll check and set after we cycle the autopilot autopilot turn the your damper off and we want to be in the green band oh right right right yeah yeah so do you do you fly do you fly the cj for peter oh thank you that's that's a high praise indeed whether you whatever your experience with the aircraft um it's largely thanks to matt i have to say who gave who did my uh initial training on it and uh we recorded a lesson together and before that i would say i flew it fairly uh fairly averagely put it that way i'm going to set an altitude of 3500 feet or should we use v nav to climb it's very rarely done in the real world i understand so we won't we won't ben wouldn't know about the 152 journey he's uh he's always in asda when it's time to fly that one right uh so that's that done flight controls are fine i know they're fine spree bait and ground spoilers retracted flaps will set um whatever the first stage of flaps is caught in this aircraft um 15 isn't it i think yep flaps 15 set um hydraulic pressure will be fine engine only anti-nice yeah we'll put that on for sure because uh it's cloudy up there oh you've taken many rides in it okay cool um avionics checked and set well we'll set the uh i've set the altitude and uh we'll set the speed as well we'll set 240. now we went we'll set 210. right taxi checklist exterior lights will turn on the taxi light release the parking brake and uh away we go oh dear we're gonna have to uh we're going to have to slice through another pushback guy always the way manchester to puff us or lanaka is another summertime flight you could i could do yeah yeah i'll be up for either of those if they're scenery i don't think there is a decent paphos or lana casino at the moment but i do i do love flying to uh greek turkish islands will you mind that to be in the corner i don't know what you mean uh you have nine gigs to go nice getting there all sat at the pc waiting for the beluga release was that is when was that was that this saturday or the one before get the old track ir up and running and uh away we go god's ground crowds traffic citation gold foxtrot lima bravo tango taxing to hold short of runway 3-5 center tree you're not making any sense i'm sorry you're going to have to go hahaha you should you should steve how are you finding it now i know you had a few problems with the old with the old piper saturday just gone wow feels like you've been at it for ages i guess that's the thing with a good plane i don't know where i'm going i'm so glad there's no control online i've spent too long in front of this computer today okay yeah that's where we're going so we do have to backtrack from here i i did doesn't surprise me castle thank you you're very good at this this moderation lark right we'll stick the strobe lights on because we're about to enter the runway i'm just gonna have a quick check of uh that spy i don't suppose there'll be anyone in the vicinity but you never know no just zannis in the distance having departed clouds traffic citation gold foxtrot lima bravo tango uh backtrack and lineup runway three five center class maybe maybe and working title provided with taxi maps yeah what do you mean the never graph ones yeah but i do have it i've got it on my ipad i still find that slightly more convenient to be honest have it on a separate screen no i can't i can't see timers i don't think i can see bands in rings free stream chat either unless i do them myself i'm not certain now you know i'm jealous of the beluga kevin has his dolphin bash roommates yes it's true it's true i look out for that if i ever need to uh go on a recruitment drive i'll test that out in the interview probably need caffel to help me with the interview but still is that a taxi way up a steep hill or the one we were on or oh in the distance no i can't i remember looking at that i don't think it's a taxiway i can't remember what it was off the top of my head okay so we're done with it i'm almost done with the taxi before takeoff checklist marcus you're donating an awful lot in very in relatively small amounts today thank you very much oh jason sorry you have to go and work see you soon i hope do you want info do you want in ben you are you are very welcome to be a mod obviously um yeah do you want to i can make that i can make that dream come true [Music] yes streamlabs is being even slower than usual today but uh thank you again marcus in the sync mode you're able having the radio page one screen on the other your legs page for instance you sure i might i would assume that okay nothing's working on this mcu i i'm not convinced i mean maybe you're right maybe that has been implemented but um i'm quite used to working with just the one fmc okay uh before takeoff checklist then ice protection systems check rudder buyer system check seats upright and outboard flaps checked brilliant when we're in the air when we're in the airbend i will do it that's very kind of you i appreciate it uh crew briefing complete t-cass t-a-r-a i'm gonna do that and so i didn't i don't know if you know this but uh this is something that people might be interested in the uh two or five holdings charlie um all right better get going i didn't notice anyone else about mo charlie a button push battery amps check to ice protection systems photostatic on grass traffic citation gold foxtrot lima bravo tango taking off runway 35 charlie departure to the north let's go let's get out of this guy's way definitely wants to pull to the left even though there's virtually no wind positive rate gear up keep that pitch at 10 degrees nose up if possible flaps retracted we're going to arm flight level change mode and we're going to reduce power because we want to stay at or below 3500 until we've made this turn and i believe we wanted to be at 210 knots grass traffic wizard 205 backtracking runway 3 2 and this down below us is is class itself which has been update well it's included in the orbex uh airport now whereas it wasn't before it's a recent update oh look at this i'm doing more hand flying than i usually do have i got both engines on yes i have why so we can climb we should be able to climb now we've gone around this corner so alarm flight level change mode we'll put on nav and we'll go up to 10 000 feet autopilot on and we want to climb at 240 knots so we'll move the throttles up to the climb detent and off we go let's have a look outside altitude what altitude oh yeah i never finished setting my altitude a little bit of overspeed who was it who was saying how good my cj4 streams are [Laughter] [Music] as i said it's been a little while it's been a little while back into flight level change mode i think thank you scroll back down to 240 knots got ahead of myself wanting to look outside and see the pretty stuff throttles back up to climb and we'll go straight up to four three zero good now we can have a look at the pretty views i was a bit disappointed by how dark it was last time we arrived here because it is stunning and you just don't get to appreciate it by night and what i'll do after a little bit of admiring the outside i'll give you some wing views and i'll catch up on the chat do i find to color it hard to calibrate my throttle for the cj for um i do a little bit yeah so i do i don't have a proper throttle i just use the cider on my joystick so it's kind of a little bit tricky to to use it with anything that has notches basically and and whenever you switch between planes obviously it's that little bit harder to to get used to it again but i get there it's mostly all right right what did i make oh yes wing views you want wing views don't you press the wrong button i'll just customize this one a little bit for you so you get a slightly better view there we are right what have i missed is there an independent operation of the mcd planned oh yeah in the real aircraft you can run them separately or sync i'm not sure i'm not sure um i'll find out for you though oh yeah so i missed the first part of your message it makes more sense there are three runways yeah the other two are grass runways though yeah i prefer the word volunteering thank you steve no complaints from you jenny thank you very much oh dear yeah i nearly did have a jason moment flaps what about flaps flaps are up aren't they i know this was a long time ago i'm rubbish at keeping up with the chat while i'm taking off yeah flaps are up i am just making sure all the warnings are working that's brilliant peter letting the overspeed beeping too long might see the guy paying the bills i if only that was the worst thing to happen to pilots if they left it over speeding too long you're welcome castle uh sync means the two talk yes yes yeah i'm aware there is there is a desync option now we're in the air let's let's just have a look see if it works i'm sure that's one of the settings um so if we go to index but i think this one just doesn't do anything which is why i'd be surprised if it's implemented but we'll have a look mod set is it fp it can't be fp sync can it no no i don't i don't really know what fpsync is i've got to be honest flight plan sync sync the flight plan between i don't know let's see if there's any options on page two yeah i i've never i've never seen it done where you can have them working independently so i'm i'm gonna say it's probably not possible but i'm not certain oh thank you spartan defense i'm glad you found it useful i i am not a cj4 master despite having made the tutorial tutorial tutorial video i really need to watch it again to be honest with you to you in aruba edward welcome to the stream sync flight plan to microsoft flight simulator atc right thank you that makes sense a non-beginner yeah i describe myself as a non-beginner as well i think the trouble is when you when you get used to flying so i tend to fly this in the a320 and sometimes the odd other thing but once you get used to flying a particular aircraft and you go back and fly the other one or another one it's just really it's really hard to remember what you're doing i find and i guess that's why pilots are only type rated on one aircraft at a time right let me sort out your um your mod status ben hang on see if i can remember you might have to instruct me on this no it's fine it's fine i'm sure i can do it first of all i need to get your channel url i think or something which is not i found you now i go on to youtube studio and oh it's a bit bumpy in there good job we didn't turn the seat belt sign off i thought that might be the case you see uh and then yeah settings i think community or permissions there it is no that's not it community paste there you are should be done should be done if you remember alien it's under index and there must be an lsk called fms control so i've got to ask peter how come you spend your life flying around in cj4s this sounds like a very glamorous existence sorry scott sorry right let's have a look index oh yeah it's grayed out though so it's so it's there but it's not active very interesting you learn something every day so although it's grayed out you can click on it but then the actual option doesn't work never mind you're very welcome i'd have offered you the moderator ship ages ago if i knew you had any interest in it at all it's uh it's very good to have you aboard good yeah don't let it go to your head even if even if jenny does bow down before you ground ops and incentive rides ah okay cool nice i'll sort it out on there on the discord server as well two for the price of one you do there is a third mod but he's lost interest jenny there was supposed to be two all along but i never see kevin anymore he's busy with school and stuff such i think i trust you i trust all contrails let's have a look let's have a little look yes yes contrails honestly i've been so busy since this sim update came out that i haven't even looked for them but there they are this upper layer of clouds looks a bit rubbish i must say i mean normally i mean everything below us looks beautiful but these are a little bit well dare i say it dare i say it x planey chris cross um i i i've got to say no i i've known ben for a very long time and the same with caffel and with um kevin they've been there more or less since i started my channel and had no subs so i i i'm a little bit wary about adding people i don't know very well basically and i don't think i need more than three anyway but thank you for the offer my top bar is frozen yes it is i tell you why that is because when you shut down the sim it automatically shuts down fsu ipc uh which is required for the top bar to work that should have fixed it yes it seems to have doesn't it yeah i think it is i've always assumed that's the wind yeah that would make sense so we've got a a 90 knot wind from sort of 10 o'clock something like that so yeah that sort of makes sense to me all right let's get a bit more a bit more range on the old mfd that's what it's called trails should be affected the same way but they're quite a lot yeah maybe all right maybe you're right i don't i saw my assumption was that because the contrails are much lighter than the aircraft and because the aircraft is at an angle to the wind so you'll notice that our nose is is not pointing towards our waypoint to counteract the wind that yeah the contrails would be blown and they would appear to be at a different angle to the aircraft but i'm no physicist so i might be totally wrong that's what 320 sim pilots said yeah um you'd say x-plane looks better alum well i'll have another look at one of your streams rodrigo hello i've spotted you this time welcome to the stream no i right so here's what i think i'm gonna i'm gonna try and explain it better so our plane is pointing slightly to the left of our course and but we're flying we're moving in the same in the opposite direction to the to the contrails not that the contrails are moving behind us but we're moving away from the contrails following their line so i don't think that is inaccurate but perhaps someone uh perhaps someone yeah maybe maybe i'm just wrong maybe i'm just wrong roland hello you just joined and scrolled a bit back to the charts question does it automatically load the correct chart based on the airport and the departure in the fms yes it does not only does it load the correct chart based on the airport but it also loads the correct chart based on the sids and stars that you selected so if we go to the back to the chart page and go to the lower menu again then you'll notice that the charts it's pre-selected are the departure chart that i've chosen the departure routing that we've chosen in the um cdu so that was the milgo 4 uniform if we want to look at a different chart all right so also while we're here the destination airport we haven't chosen an arrival and approach yet but we have we do know the airport so it's automatically picked the right one for us there uh encn if we want to look at the full list of departure charts then we compress and hold this button here and then we can choose any one we want so you've got it's got the best of all worlds really it'll automatically pick the right ones for you if you change your mind or you just want to have a nose at other charts you can do that so there you have it good question scott very good test i'm all right rodrigo thank you how are you why are you sad yeah so so this plane well we're not climbing that fast anymore to be honest we're only doing 1100 feet per minute but it can easily climb depending on its weight at three and a half thousand four thousand feet per minute uh when it's when it's lower down because it's very powerful basically uh it's a welcome it's a place for well cultured people to get together drink wine and talk about the finer matters of life that's a pretty good description but also ben based on your um your advice on the last stream i've actually done i haven't tried it yet but i've done this now it doesn't work it doesn't work oh what about the other ones that i did altitude no nothing's working oh yes it is it's just not coming up in restream chat awesome so yeah so it's also that oh it's a bit long sorry uh i'm spamming my own chat now i'll stop i thought it hadn't worked but i'd forgotten about the delay so we're coming up to our cruising altitude now flight level four three zero yeah the restream chat i like because it allows me to put it on this on the video and i like it because i can it's quite big and i can read it better than the youtube window but it doesn't have lag do i know anyone that is doing nice coats as your airport there there is a developer who has done nice coach xero airport by the name of deimos inc uh but also also thanks to castle i know this it's what gonna be one of the handcrafted airports i think made by um gaia simulation in the next world update so my advice would be to hold up hold off for that [Laughter] i will i'll watch myself i'll watch myself you can also do exclamation marks specs and exclamation mark donate donate yeah so as i say hopefully hopefully it'll be in the next world update although i also imagine that justin will be doing it to be honest am i a real world party no i'm not i'm afraid no no i have a little bit of real world experience i did 15 hours in a cessna 152 many moons ago and i would like to get my private license after after the pandemic's over but no i'm not i'm purely a sim pilot do i know what other handcrafted will be in the update let me let me look it up let me look it up hold on what channel did you post it in castle it's in general chat everybody yes uh megev lfhm rotterdam the hague airport ehrd and and nice and in addition orbex has been involved to help fix over a hundred other airports but those are the three three handcrafted ones oh he's off again you must be uh you must be missing your piper a bit on you steve oh thank you you'd be surprised i've seen i've seen real pilots on telly taxiing the wrong way and having to go back on themselves so i really i feel i would fit in quite nicely no nothing in belgium i'd really like a good brussels although i'm pretty sure um um aerosoft are going to bring out brussels pretty sure it's uh another joe erlin jobby which means it will be amazing hello darren how are you welcome to the stream maybe a more scenic view maybe maybe how's that i've got to keep an eye on the speed there because otherwise we'll get another uh overspeed warning yeah that's right yeah it was that uh i quite liked her that female captain yeah it got muddled up made me feel a lot better about myself yes i'm pretty sure yeah i'm sure aerosoft are making buses but they don't seem to be moving particularly quickly brandenburg's been in the works for six months oh did you do nice i had a version in p3d i can't remember who did it i think it was so so in p3d but it was one of the better add-on airports for fs2004 now those were the days yeah exactly exactly she had she had interpersonal skills which is not necessarily that common i think in their airline problems yeah i'm good thank you i'm all right darren do i know which is the mda of cologne no but i can look it up for you which runway yeah i guess so but you'd have thought there'd be totally different people working on it shouldn't you okay so for the ils runway 24 for a cat c it's 539 feet you don't have to get navigraft chartfox is pretty good um some of the charts are a little bit out of date but if it's just charts you want and you're not that fussed about having a fancy easy to use interface as you're on that sim anyway it's it's easy to access and it works much the same i think it's just the question is what is after the crj i think oh sorry i've missed yours exit do i think never graph is worth getting um yeah i do i do i think so it used to be a lot better value when you as well as the nav data you also got all of the fms updates for um sorry as well as the charts you got nav data updates for all of the various add-on aircraft that were available whereas now everything uses the in sim nav data well you can use the instant nav data it's slightly worse value but i certainly wouldn't be without it it just makes life much simpler after the crj aircraft wise i don't know i really hope it's the 787 that's what i'm hoping for how does the aircraft determine how long it will take to descend to a particular altitude well it looks at how far it has to go to that altitude i guess you're talking about v-nav in a plane like this it looks at how far it has to go to that particular altitude it knows that it wants to descend on a three-degree path um it looks at your speed and and it works it out from that basically you just crashed a plane and glitched oh no i'm sorry to hear it what were you flying right as soon as my speed is pretty pretty stable it's a little bit slow at the moment i'm going to try and get it a little bit higher we'll go back some more scenic views but for now actually we can do a bit of that at least you can see the nose ah not an easy plane to fly so i can't see myself on that spot hmm oh there i am okay so in terms of upcoming control we've got bremen online and at the moment we got a bit of euro control north and then we also have polaris control online so with a bit of luck although they'll probably go to bed before we get there we might have atc for the arrival so that'll be nice did you crash it i know i only made it for your second arrival but i presume you survived the first i haven't seen any crashes lately i've had a string of really dreadful landings in the a32 nx really dreadful landings but i think i've broken the curse with the last one i hope anyway where are you fly from and where to i'm flying from graz to uh christian sand in christian sand in norway yeah do do check out my vid for the charts it took me like a very very long time and hardly anyone's watched it it's the video i spent longest on out of everything i've done and it's the least popular so yeah any any views are greatly appreciated but even if you don't watch it you there are links underneath it for where you can get charts for free it was it a full-on crash gosh i didn't know that yeah yeah because we saw that someone else arrived and it was like there were carrier arrester strips on the runway wasn't it oh good good i'm glad you're getting into it oh thank you scott i appreciate that right i think the airspeed's pretty stable at 204 205 knots it's going to bounce around a little bit because of the wind but we'll see a little bit more scenery hey den welcome to the stream how are you you're on your way down already nice has that sim audio improved i haven't been using that sim for all that long to be honest with you it hasn't changed in the time i've been using it but i i guess i've only been on there for three months maybe something like that i always used offline atc add-ons in the past and to be honest i only went on there because all of you lot wanted me to and i'm glad i'm glad i listened because it is much more immersive yeah it's a beautiful place do you want to see our route i bet you do i bet you do i'll bring up navigraft so we can have a good look i'll reload the flight so it's got our chart somewhere oh now it's the wrong flight that's the flop so we took off like this you may remember the beautifully executed and hand flown left turn we flew north west up and up all the way over austria we're currently over the czech republic or czechia we'll be crossing into germany flying a bit of a wiggly route so uh southwest of berlin uh up to wittenberger then turning northeast and coasting out near vostok we'll have a little look at rochester if i remember sorry for the pronunciations i know we have at least two germans on this evening i i can't say anything at all about that steve i'm sorry i'm sorry much as i would like to anyway what was i saying yeah totally put me off my stride that question i pay for rushed out and then what's this this is uh denmark few danish islands not going anywhere near copenhagen today i don't think but um not too far and then up again and christian sand is on the southeast coast of norway and this is our rivalry it's pretty much another little wiggle and it should set us up for an arrival onto runway 2-1 there you have it who's arrow limp i don't even know where him oh i do i know what you mean eric yeah sorry why'd you call them oh because of soft i've just got it don't worry oh dear tell you what we could do uh we're well above the clouds at the moment we no longer need the anti-ice on and it's finally smoothed out so i think we'll let the passengers get off get off and off they're not getting off in the middle of 43 000 feet but we can let them get out of their seats at least yeah they didn't say who had it though i'm still a little bit i'm you know a little bit um i don't know what the i don't know what the rules are i know i've been explicitly banned from talking about the product um anyway we'll leave it there we'll leave it there i don't know if i've got that setting on or off to be honest i've got realistic atc audio effects on i'm looking forward to the uh higher resolution cabin that they're working on in the meantime we'll do that glorious and i think it's probably time for a little bit of in-cruise music and i don't know about you but i'm in the mood for a little bit of coral [Music] so [Music] it's true it's true it comes to something when as a native english speaker you find it easier to find in countries where non-native english speakers are speaking english but it is [Music] yeah do you know what i haven't done at any point during this flight i haven't asked people to subscribe and uh i should have done because that's how you get subscribers if you're enjoying the stream click the subscribe button click the notifications bell and then you'll be the first to hear about uh about upcoming streams upcoming videos all that sort of thing which just improves your life immeasurably take it from me and all the other things you can do if you want to be really really supportive of the channel are you can join club filbert which we talked about a little bit earlier that's a youtube membership program which allows you to for a small monthly donation access certain perks so i have two tiers club filbert bronze gives you very very nice and fetching member badges as you will see the likes of steve uh flightzilla morton and various others displaying proudly next to their names it gives you custom emojis which you can use in the chat and in video comments and you and it gives you what else what else does it give you oh yeah access to two exclusive channels on my discord server um which are really where where the really good chat happens and uh additionally if you if you want more than that and why wouldn't you can't have too much of a good thing uh club filbert silver is a tear above it and that gets you in addition a private members only live stream once a month so if you want to know more about that click the join button down below or you can just make a one-off donation by going to fillbookflies and whichever of those options you choose i will love you considerably more than i do at the moment [Music] all nice have a good uh have a good arrival there jenny and i hadn't oh dear see the trouble is the trouble is i wouldn't need to do any of that if people knew about the exclamation mark club philbert command but it's probably it's not something you would instantly think of trying is it really so so excellent thank you flightzilla thank you ben [Music] it's quite long isn't it i should i should do um yeah i should look at thinning that out i think i've just been disconnected from that sim [Music] mod did i do something wrong if i've been banned no i'm back on it's fine oh i think i must have had a little blip in my connectivity because restream chat isn't working either [Music] oh no it is it's just a bit delayed i [Music] think [Music] oh oh peekaboo five pounds more love is good thank you thank you absolutely and and and i can feel it growing in my heart right now it's much appreciated [Music] [Music] perfect yeah i don't know what's going on with the old chat because it didn't it didn't pop up jenny's message about getting bounced around like crazy it didn't pop up flightzilla's wahoo it's very odd and it didn't show any of the um bot stuff i guess it's not meant to show any of the boss stuff you have to have a look at the settings bot filtering i haven't even got anything set it's got options to hide common chatbots and hide commands starting with exclamation mark but it's not on weird oh well i'll just have to keep an eye on that and the main youtube window where's the where's the champagne well i can't even remember why we why would we be having champagne remind me it has reminded me that it might be time for a beer though so if that's any consolation you can you can picture me drinking a beer it's not quite the same as you drinking champagne [Music] it's all right i'm back on i'm back on he tried his best but they know who i am up there they'd never let that happen we're about to enter bremen radar's area of control so we better get ready oh there's two there's two covering airspace east of hamburg and covering airspace west of hamburg illness three ah christ i better wait for a contact me i don't know how this works dice desector maybe velanta can give us a clue it tends to be more specific than that's why doesn't it yes indeed it is edw h center awesome point eight five get that ready no one two five one eight five stupid two five point and we may as well squawk 2 000 i guess so they don't get the wrong idea oh hello bailey you're back you're back welcome back and you're back demetrius hello you like the old fsx livery's ken kenmore don't remember them i don't remember them he is yeah he is decided he'd proven himself [Music] i did i didn't fly fsx for that long to be honest i flew fs 2004 tried fsx found it too buggy stopped simming for several years yeah so far [Music] okay right i'm just going to turn the music down a little bit indicated thank you speed 2 tango at flight level four three zero uh inbound mosaics uh space and calling uh actually i can't see on my radar screen here what's your extra position we are entering your sector from the south in between waypoint bolbo and waypoint mosaics golf roster lima bravo tango unfortunately i'm not responsible for this sector i guess the controller isn't available at the time so continue in unicorn for now oh roger apologies over to unicom citation bill fox for lumber tango thank you bye-bye don't trust velanta the rich vote in the right sorry the rich folk in the cavity coughing shams and eating beluga and bling is and the pilot cracks out in the tinny oh nice that's a good it's a good bit of profit for a relatively short flight no no i wasn't in trouble i wasn't in trouble it was very understanding very understanding i'm going to show i'm going to show you velanta to prove why why i thought i was doing the right thing stand by stand by all right so here we are with this purple plane here and this is edw h center allegedly uh on one two five decimal eight five so uh what else can you do well you can wait for a contact me i suppose yeah yeah as molten said ben no no you're not allowed to give me money oh but thank you very much thank you very much indeed and sue you gave me money as well thank you very very much indeed i'll spend it wisely ben i'll spend it wisely yeah they came through in the wrong order for some reason anyway thank you both i appreciate it thank you i didn't know you were here welcome to the stream thank you very much indeed and darren thank you as well gosh you're all being very very generous tonight it's it's very much appreciated and i will put it all to good use which could be beer could be could be um ishan oh did it oh thank you very very much indeed i don't even know what currency that is that's an exotic symbol oh yeah so everything's coming through oh blimey and another two pound sue have thank you oh i'm very touched by all of this it it's uh it's it's absolutely not necessary but really it's it's really nice to get so thank you oh who's that is this just is it hang on hang on there's too much going on darren you donated again have a sausage roll on you i will ah wow nasa thank you very much indeed for the 10 10 danish kroner is that has there just been some kind of lag did you all donate ages ago or is it just replaying i don't know what's going on everyone just keeps giving me money which is nice thank you thank you again marcus wow this is amazing i've had like don't know 10 15 donations last test thank you i see i can't even go and get a beer because of the uh the pace of of donations i am getting closer to a million oh is everything coming through from the past but i still haven't noticed it i think you're right hang on so so marcus don't i've got like three donations four donations from mars marcus hour ago then peekaboo 11 minutes ago some of the oh yeah i think you're right but i wasn't aware of cements i wasn't aware of darren's i wasn't aware of ishan's so anyway i just hope you're all here still to um to be to be thanked it has morphed into a fruit machine right i'm gonna i'm gonna go and get a beer i'm gonna go and get a beer now i feel i deserve it you obviously think i do so right i have my beer i'll catch up with the chat now oh no where is bed now where is send your mum my love that's weird dave she doesn't know who i am ludwig you're back after a decent landing into vienna with a non-working ios awesome well done well done so is there a tablet here as well yes there is oh no there isn't no i forgot what plane doesn't no no tablet here maybe i'm above that radar control doesn't when you when you check their atis information it doesn't mention her an upper altitude or anything you haven't done oh right so the hang on hang on i've just seen your message you haven't actually donated so is this all just coming through from previous streams then oh this that's rubbish if this is all coming if this is all just repeating messages notifications from previous streams then it's very broken isn't it anyway anyway any of you who are here who donated on a previous stream and didn't get a notification at least you've got one now you've found a heath eleven slash three two one just to be sure and even more love 20 oh that's definitely now thank you speaker but yeah and you do definitely get more love for that oh you're very generous thank you uh my donation ticker in the corner doesn't work it doesn't deal with super chats it only deals with um streamlabs donations so i'll keep an eye on it you must suppress the wrong bot yeah you found a heathrow plane spotter that is every day in the morning he's like a hero it's the best thing to do during online classes oh nice nice lots of eyelashes haven't been working for you oh really is that since the sim update better late than never yeah true true yeah if anyone else donates put the date on it like peekaboo did and then yeah i have to say i think a lot of these people aren't actually here i remember nasa donating i think i remember nishan donating marcus definitely donated today but it came through twice i think anyway whatevs whatevs do you mean that it just doesn't pick up any signal or are they like misplaced like i had on the approach to cause the other day misaligned sort of thing well zenith was saying that the christian sound is uh really poor visibility at the moment so i hope this ils works i mean the meta says that there's no clowns but you can't trust it also steve i never um i never thanked you for the nice message you said about as you sent about my uh streams i appreciate that thank you it came through in the middle of when i was realizing that not everything was coming through on uh on restream but yeah it was very nice in the a3208 when you turn less on no purple dots appear okay okay so just totally not working at all that's rubbish oh bailey welcome back welcome back so yes everything's going pretty pretty swimmingly you haven't missed much bailly other than a few notifications popping up from days ago which is odd uh i'll bring i'll bring the map up so you can see where we are oh wrong button wrong button about halfway now as you can see from the bar at the top i've got too many windows in there we are that's the one i want so we're flying up over northern germany at the moment and we'll shortly be heading out over the sea overhead denmark and then into christian center maybe it's just weird how it works for example gothenburg yeah yeah that is odd this sim is a strange beast i've got navigraph uh beat enough data installed just wanted to say that me and ben are very good streamers oh thank you that's really nice to hear thank you buddy little hello i'm doing very well how are you are you a fan of germany baby gotta say i don't i haven't been to much of it i i've been to berlin and munich and where else i've been to frankfurt and i have to say i enjoyed all of those cities it's a big country i'd like to see more it's marcus still here i might come to stuttgart one day and have an in-person tour i haven't flown the a3 to nx since the world update so it's not the world update the sim update so i'm not too sure another graph fixes a lot of issues like that yeah i have to say in the early days i found it created almost as many problems as it solved and i haven't really kept up with the development but i just left it alone for a few months and since reinstalling it does seem to be a lot better you do like jeremy you haven't been there before but you like watching the german football ah okay cool i was before i know i knew you morton if i was there now i would totally say hi navigraph itself doesn't change the sim um but there's they're doing a beta of of a nav data add-on for the sim which is a sort of separate thing to their charts and everything else uh which you can install and basically replaces the nav blue nav data with their own jefferson based nav data oh hang on trying to customize a wing view for you it's not going very well oh yes yes yes i love i love a bit of wheat there also well because you're a street oh that's nice thank you do i like norway i've only been to oslo and i did like oslo a lot but we went for new year so it was it was very very cold and icy and my friend broke her wrist but we were very impressed with the with the hospital we went to i've got to be honest literally i'm not gonna have time to fly the a320nx for a little while i've just got a lot on i'm afraid um and then of course on tuesday is the crj release so i think i'll be doing quite a lot of streaming of that for a little while um but i certainly i'll go back to the a32 and x probably yeah probably next week sometime no i didn't know the lj blogs no that's exciting i think hopefully hopefully not too exciting the only non-greece countries you've been to are the uk bulgarian romania all right cool i've never been to bulgaria i've been to romania but only very briefly finally past the mountains and things have smoother great great yeah it is a lovely aircraft do you have any plans to get to get a pc or anything really i have been to sweden yeah i've been to stockholm loved it oh yeah yeah i've played x-plane right well it's good fun now it's good fun yeah the crj release is the big day big day i am planning on doing a giveaway stream but i i don't yet know at what time it's going to be released so i don't want to sort of set something up and uh i don't need to have to postpone it but yeah i'll say i made it on the wednesday i'm not sure yet i'm not sure that's true but join the discord if you haven't already and i'll announce it there first once i've got everything in place munich to birmingham yeah that would be a good flight is that is that a real world flight i'm trying to find a um trying to find sort of a list of of either current or historic flights and it's quite hard i've got a few planned mostly in uh air france hop colors um but i have heard that that crjs do go to bed and i just can't find any actual live data about it uh do i know what christian sound is known for no no i don't tell me have i ever thought about doing a stream with somebody i have i have i did one with kevin a little while back and we'll probably do probably do another one i've been talking to ben about doing this as well but we've both done a lot of talking about it but we haven't uh haven't got our act together yet to actually sort it out but yeah we'll certainly do more yo thank you algebra so i appreciate it oh you oh right yeah you're waiting for it to be released on xbox cool where in sweden did i go just stockholm just stop him oh no do you know i went to arad in romania which is sort of right on the western edge when i was 18 and i was doing an interrail trip with my friend and it was one of those places things where you just look at a map look at the timetable or where should we go next and we thought we'd go to romania ourad i'll tell you now is not really worth a visit we really did want to go to see castle dracula and um and go into the mountains and all the rest of it but it's just a very very long way in and it didn't make sense on our trip to do it you did demetrius yeah hello easy easyjet sim pilot original welcome to the stream are you allowed to suggest flight yeah anyone can suggest flights but i have to be honest um i've got a very very long list of them somewhere on a sticky note so suggest away um but i can't make promises and also my thing is that i only i only do flights to airports that have decent add-on scenery whether that's freeware or paywear so i'm a bit fussy but yeah what are you thinking stockholm to bill under operated an sas clj yes sas have loads of crj 900 routes and i'm trying to think about whether i can i am i'm going to fly them in the 700. i was sort of having an airing about whether i want to be super realistic and only do currently operated crj 700 reasons there are hardly any of them frankfurt to dublin crj is that a real route seems quite long but uh i'd like to do it i'll um i'll add it to my list if it is a real room i can't even find my list now right notes list ah here we are i'm gonna start a separate crj list okay awesome uh frankfurt frankfurt to dublin and you were saying [Music] munich was it yeah munich to birmingham bristol to alicante i think someone is bringing out an alicante scenery aren't they uh it's not out yet but i'll make a note bristol to alicante um for when the scenery is out done on the list lufthansa two five zero eight where did you find that i think i'm looking in the wrong places yeah i see it it's in a 900 i think i think i may have only been looking for 700 ruse but yeah i'll yeah done on the list dlh2508 eddm2 what's birmingham e g egbb isn't it on the list you're already at cologne cool was it a good flight it's a good power balance here so they have three hubs and lots of routes in each country so sweden and norway has lots of small airports yes uh sorry i've missed a lot you've been in romania for around a week but you don't remember the name of the city okay did you have a good time there anyway christian sand is known for captain sabretooth interesting definitely not googling who captain sabretooth is tom good grief man 50 pounds oh tom i i'm really i'm really touched that's so kind of it thank you very very much indeed thank you one of our favorite oh is gdm doing it tdm awesome awesome kai you're off to bed no problem at all you sleep well i do know the rules yeah i've eaten don't you worry mom palliative orally and then back to to line up ludwig that is exactly what i'm planning to do for my first stream so my plan is as long as i can get this giveaway sorted out um what i want to do is give away two copies of the crj because tom's very kindly agreed to contribute one for me to give away on the channel which is immense um and uh yeah and i'm gonna buy one and uh so we'll we'll do one per leg a bit like i did with the orbex with the orbex jobby can't wait for mfs fs to be released on xbox hope it runs smoothly yeah i'm well i'm sure it will you may have to i don't know you might have to turn your settings down a little bit or something but they're not going to release it if it's not able to run properly do munich in a wednesday evening so you'll have some traffic on that's it that's not a bad idea uh it depends how competent i feel with the crj by the time i do it i might pick a very quiet time if you google munich to birmingham for example and then add fly terror yeah that yeah yeah but how did you find out that there was that route that that route existed in the first place like because you could just type in any combination of airports and hope for the best couldn't you that's why i don't know so i tend to use random flight finder or worldwide virtuals route finder or you know or i look at sort of booking sites like the one that uh sukhoi recommended whose name i've forgotten and that's how i find future flight so flight connections but it's very hard to just find out where all of the european crj routes are sam hello and dusty fox hello hello to you in kansas welcome to the stream am i joining ben stream on sunday uh i i will try to pop in i've got quite a lot else on on sunday i i always love popping into bed streams and um i i would recommend them to anyone uh but it depends where is he flying i said more than captain kennedy but he got a thousand dollars good grief that's been honest sounds like i can't remember if i said hello to you if not hello nice to see you how are things well sorry what time of the year was i in sweden it was spring or summer it was quite warm it was nice i i i'm not on twitch sam i'm not on there you use flight flight out and on the route section on an airline or airport for any flights you fly hmm yeah so yeah so you like choose an airport and then look at the routes from it you mean that's what i did in like the pre-covered times but now there's virtually nothing flying you want a nice route that hop operates with the crj well i recommend um i recommend parasoli to too long which is what i'm going to be doing for uh my second flight can't wait to show another shake nice good good bit of is that long or is it medium i don't know but good long flight i'm sure alright hello welcome to the stream how are you short one would be ibiza to barcelona iberia yeah this is the thing i have been focusing specifically on routes that are flown by the 700 but the reality is that in europe that there just aren't any more or less it's only now air france hop that's operating that aircraft um so i may have to diversify and just accept that i'm going to be flying some 900 routes in the 700. um yeah in fact i think i will but there's there are loads of them in the us so i'll probably do a bit more u.s flying as well anyway i'll add that to my crj 900 roots list i think the sad fact is that once the um once the 901 000 expansion pack comes out i'll probably barely fly the 700. yay it's doing well isn't it it's good to see careful you're back there was a 50 there was a 50 yes there was a 50 pound donation from tom there was unbelievable oh yeah i yeah yeah i didn't know what to say then don't know what to say now but i'm yeah it's great little broken in the legs what happened a friend of yours is live with apex he's live with april oh right okay i see sorry i thought you're talking about this stream threw me for a minute five hours yeah where except air france hot tom you've done it again you're such a generous generous man oh that's uh thank you thank you very very very very much indeed i i'm speechless again are we close to the top of descent yeah it's probably worth checking actually leonardo i've got a bit distracted by all the chat and and donations um um we should turn on v nav and then we'll be able to see i don't think we're that close if we go to our progress page we'd expect to start descending about 100 miles out so we've still got 600 oh no sorry we've got 216 215 nautical miles so we're not we're not too far from the top of descent um if we zoom out should be able to see that little green circle i would have thought so yeah slightly less than 100 nautical miles to go i hope it i hope there isn't a big gap between them i hope not yeah we did go out in the archipelago we did we did absolutely stunning place the route you wanted to tell me was barcelona to paris do they do they is is that air front top sorry i thought you were asking me furu i didn't know you were offering one i'll add that for sure uh out of all the big international pay was which ones do i recommend the most las vegas or cologne bomb las vegas or cologne i actually think people would buy earlier if they released it first yeah but i i think hardly anyone would buy the 700 if they got the 900 1000 first because i think it's on its way out as an aircraft and uh the 900 has a bit more life in it yet atc has decided to be streaming stop giving you instructions oh yeah built-in atc is easy to ignore that is a hundred pounds the face reveal is gonna happen soon well we're certainly a little closer to the million a little closer oh thank you bailey i'm glad i'm glad yeah i'm taking a little bit of a break from the reviews um but i've got a couple planned for i don't like to put a date on it whenever i next have time which will probably be the week after next keen to have a look at hobart and vancouver hobart's not out yet but um we'll do a stream there and there's the possibility of another giveaway possibility as i say travellographer my favorites are las vegas by flight hamper and cologne born by aerosoft oh the best for money so you want something a bit cheap and cheerful but still quite good bailey's right macco sims manchester's only only 10 pounds and it's pretty good right i suppose i should start thinking about the descent especially as i haven't flown this plane for a long while uh we'll set up the set up the um arrival in here just get the latest weather 260 at 10 knots so departure arrival we're going to be doing an ils into runway 2-1 and we'll be arriving via i've forgotten the amsev 7 mike i think there it is f7 mic and which transition will that lead us to insap execute that go over to the legs page so from amsterdam we do want to go to agdes so we'll move that up and then after insap we just check the approach chart i'll show you this on the uh mfd why have i not got my charts ready because i'm looking at cologne right encn approach ils 2-1 so yeah our initial in approach fix is going to be insat and then nellip exec and what we can do is step through that flight plan to make sure it makes sense so we'll go to the mfd advanced page switch it into plan mode zoom in a little and close the layer menu and then we can step through it using next waypoint not to the next button it does take you back to the beginning for some reason that's why you'll initially see black there we are that's us zooming a little more and that's basically our approach routing pretty straightforward round here up here left and left again nice uh we'll go back to the present position mode zoom out a little bit and now we'll go over to the perf page approach i will catch up in the chat after i've done this sorry i'm not well i am ignoring you but only short term um right put in the wind and that 260 at 10 knots outside air temperature is 5 degrees at the moment qnh is 979 next page it's calculated our v reference approach press the send button and they should come up over here once we're uh once we're in descent so that's good that's that done and now all we need to do bearing in mind there's no atc on i don't think i'll double check we're not about to enter someone's airspace oh polaris is still online but we'll be starting our descent before we get to them uh so we can what we can do we're in uh oh i thought i thought i'd selected v-nev right v-alt s so v-nev armed and i'll select mode and we'll wind our altitude down and it'll just descend us through on our profile we won't go below well we'll stick to flight level two zero zero because we'll probably be getting clearance from control by the time we get there right go back to the wing view and i will catch up on your chat sorry i've been there away for a while cologne is amazing do i like china um i the bits i've seen yes i do i should give away for x-play mobile so automatically that's a good idea we've just bought tron time and it's really good yes yeah i mean tron time is is right right up there it's at least i would say it is at least as good as cologne bomb it's just not quite as useful in airport in terms of route network if i get a million quid in donations will i flee to brazil to escape the tax man face pick from capricor beach no i won't stephen because i believe in paying my taxes i hope the a220 is good when it comes out as well yeah i'd love that play it's a beautiful machine and perfect for flying in and out of zurich which i love that's a very valid point morton that's true a friend of yours who flies for an hour in this is helping the development of the 737 oh really that's encouraging this is the freeway 737 that's being done right i'm not sure lj plugs about which variant it is oh morten is good but what about um who's the other guys who are working on it tap what about tap are they doing the other one you're going to gibraltar nice very nice it should be a fun flight and a nice holiday i'm sure well according to the meta it's improved a lot but i'm suspicious of how accurate the live weather will be because of what you said zenith waiting for the a340 from toeless for x-plane yeah that's another one i'll be jealous of hello hugo hello how are you a new thing is on the fs text in the pfd it shows you the miles to the top of descent as well as the waypoints oh okay let's have a look at that the fs text on top of the pfd so i guess we go to pfd menu and overlays right is that what you mean terrain and weather config how do you add text to the pfd i don't think i've ever seen that ben yeah we should we should we should i think i think we should have a little practice flight once crj mania's died down and then just do it i think i think that's that's what we should do because i haven't used your controls for ages so i i need a little bit of a refresher on how you make it behave also if you heard shed cockpit in your name are you actually 20 minutes behind i bet you've paused it ah excellent welcome to the discord day lj books fs text what is it i don't even know what oh you you were you were up today well done a practice play or a few or a few the other the mfd the mfd okay okay right um it has been so blooming long um miles to the top of descent it's not there's only showing me my next waypoint is there is there a secondary option to that is it on the lower menu good i i you youtube you'll get there you'll get there it takes a bit of practice but you're doing well your name is do you know is that so odd i was thinking shall i keep calling lj vlogs or shall i ask him what his name is louis i'll remember that i remember i probably wouldn't i'll forget but i'll try i'll try my very best do i think the pay wear is worth getting for four what travelographer well i can't make it show the top of descent but it's all right i'm i'm um i'm hopefully doing some filming with matt tomorrow and uh we're going to try basically the plan is it's a very vague plan we're going to try and do some short little snippets that i'll edit together when i have time of of things that we didn't cover in the initial lesson so different types of approaches are nav vordemi approaches okay ah thank you when did you become such a cj for experts you were showing me up open airports and sceneries in general um personally yeah it for me i won't fly anywhere without having a peyote airport or scenery because you know the default blocky airports ruin the immersion for me i want to feel like i've actually arrived somewhere different um but at the same time it's a slippery slope and all of a sudden you're uh um spending loads and loads of money and you get used to it and you don't want to fly anywhere else and you end up like me but um yeah if it depends if you're satisfied with the default airports then don't spend your money we're we're very nearly there steve it's not happening where did you see this so you'll notice v path is flashing because it's just captured that's true that's true quality is variable travelographer immersion addiction that is a very good way of putting it right yeah i've got to be honest i'm fortunate now i do get quite a lot of the add-ons i review for free as press copies but back in the day i spent far far more money than was sensible on scenery i've been using flight sim for about 20 years something like that about 20 years off and on i've had breaks in fact i've had some very long breaks but that's when i first first flew in a flight scene well polaris control is still on on one two one decimal five five so i guess we better tune them in holidays and booze martin that's what i need your money for it's in the notes on the latest build uh okay okay upload 261 runway two three cleared to question two want jet lag win the 2601-0 oh we got someone english doing polaris control upsetting thanks jamie i'm glad the v8 pen adds to the experience i'm never sure i could held okay then cook us well before we pass through this cloud layer i'm going to stick on the um well i can't even read it it's too bright the uh we'll stick on the wing and ng anti-ice i think be on the safe side this is msfs after all you have to enable it in the mfs [Music] sorry you forgot you have to enable it in the mfs added v-nav window to fms test can be added by selecting vnav window in the display i see oh it's a bit yeah yeah i have yeah i have some experience with that awesome thank you we have the next altitude constraint the glide path that's very trendy that's very handy thank you steve sagar finally flavor you're becoming quite quite the cj4 guru steve i'm impressed cj4 bit bit motor do i have any big plans when lockdown ends oh god i just i want to do everything i haven't got anything planned because um i'm quite cautious so i don't want to do anything until i've had both my jabs i don't want to go anywhere or mix with large volumes of people indoors um what i really want to do though is go back to japan that's that's my biggest dream for when it's all over ah good journey i'm glad you're back full time do i recommend getting a portable ssd um yeah i think an ssd of some sort is probably a good idea ben no worries thank you for popping by and well not just popping by staying for a while um you're very welcome [Music] yeah good good any interesting routes for with the crj from eliseo not that i've been able to foul find not that i've been able to find i haven't been able to find a single room from like arena yeah beer gardens i mean beer gardens pubs in general see just seeing people like even if it's just in my own flat i don't care where just just having it that's the most schools in manchester have started seeing rising covered really what time will giveaway stream be i don't know i don't know ludwig it really this is why i haven't advertised anything yet because we don't yet what time the crj will be so it'll probably be a fairly last minute decision oh you must go jared i went i think it was two summers ago was it or two springs ago i went yeah spring i went for cherry blossom season and i wasn't do you know it was a friend's idea and i thought it'd be quite good fun but i absolutely loved the place much much more than i thought i would so i want to go back and see more basically we went to the cinema wow oh yeah you're in bulgaria how do you manage that what did you see all right so it's good to have these uh chats good night chris glad you enjoyed the flight of one and oh nine there we are something to look at nostrum yeah i think if we want to fly in europe we're going to have to um um just making a note accurate uh i think we're going to have to accept that we're not always going to be able to fly the correct variant okay good well there we are i'll aim for the even evening how's about that we might be on the same flight you guys sure yeah yeah yeah you will jenny now do i wait for a contact me or do i give them a shout now that's the question probably wait for a contact me oh interesting it's gone off nav mode we're a bit off course don't know how that happened no biggie i haven't seen that one yeah i bet you were i bet you it must have been really nice give them a shout give her a shout i haven't flown it for ages sega so i can't help but they're pretty responsive on their discord server that's that's where i'd recommend finding help for it um gonna need a few more of the larger airports released yeah my scenery collection for the us is pitiful but they there is a there is um there are a couple of routes to aspen which i really want to do like once i once i feel like i can fly the thing how could you how is he just disconnected oh they always do they see me coming rubbish okay never mind well in that case we can just keep our descent going all the way down to 3 000 feet which is where we should be intercepting the glideslow he was only online for about 50 minutes oh where are you off to ludwig i'll i'll try that jared next i'd come with another account yeah yeah the weather's looking not at all like the meta that was still a little ways off it might get better thank you zanis thank you your collection's growing but you're trying to keep it a slow grow so you buy ones that end up not being very good so you don't buy ones that end up not being very good i take it a320 neo to nice from stockholm nice nice nice nice i've never been to nice actually i've been near into uh marseille and exxon provence and a few other places around there but not nice itself yeah i got it i got it luke will be tuned let's see if it works should do right i think we'll stick the seat belt sign on we'll set the minimums which are 252 for the ils i suppose you'd better call it 260 to be on the safe side now let's live dangerously and call it 250. yeah i mean i've flown it in the sim a number of times it is a stunning approach just letting the speed bleed off now so we're uh below 250 knots below 10 000. best airports jared my top well i do know i did i did a list um of the top 10 add-on airport so far just before last christmas and it honestly hasn't changed since then um i'll post a link but actually no it has changed that's not true i'd add las vegas very near the top spot um if i can find it yeah there it is so yeah las vegas and cologne those are the top two for me seems the way i don't know it's clearing up a little bit ahead i i'm feeling cautiously optimistic so the airport's somewhere over here and we're expecting a few clouds at flight level 150 which is sort of what we've got to be fair ksdf might take a look at that oh yeah if you want ga airfields orcas island is lovely it is if it's as nice as it is in the sim then yeah stick the landing lights on before we pass below 10 000 feet hmm we were going to take a look at this chart won't we so charts button lower menu zoom in a little bit so we can see what we're doing look at the arrival chart first i think that's interesting our position isn't showing up on there oh is it because we're outside have we done the star no so we're somewhere up here i think yeah so between cn 710 and cn oh sorry between cn08 and cn710 anyway that's what our star looks like and if we go back to the menu we'll take a look at the ils approach so insat was the last waypoint on the star i'm going to be heading 304 making a left and intercepting uh the ils there oh you can click and drag it i didn't know that that's much easier and we want to be at 3000 feet when we intercept so there you have it i haven't asked for tjsj actually say this but i might do you did some k-sun is san diego is it yes i didn't say yeah i loved i loved san san diego's well orbecks is san diego i know there's another one out i'm pleased it's good it's interesting the uh descent smoothing was not particularly smooth though this is beautiful though isn't and it have a look at that spicy if anyone else is inbound no just us we'll start slowing down a little further i will nail this landing beauty i hope you're right jamie i hope you're right it's been a long time since i've flown this plane you're from england but you're flying in america a lot and you do some flying there yeah i i do a few flights in america but not so much is it see this yeah i was tempted when that came out but i thought i wouldn't fly there because there just aren't many airports around it but now we've got now we've got two versions of vancouver it might be worth looking at lots of routes up oh i know and dash eights i know i've got to be honest i would rather we had an ombre than a crj coming out for that reason they're just a lot more common in europe i'm just gonna use a little bit of speed break to slow us down i want to be below 200 before we take that next turn uh no i'm probably not going to go on holiday this year oh hello k2 scroll the data knob and it'll cycle between ah i didn't know that thank you let's try that out matt's going to teach me some of this tomorrow hopefully but i had already planned this cj4 stream and everyone wanted to see the charts so i figured i'd yeah there it is just scroll back and forth thank you that's well worth knowing uh yeah i wanted to do this cj4 stream and people wanted to see the chart so i thought i'd wing it but i did give the disclaimer that i not an expert and i haven't flown it for ages flying in norway is awesome just have to take the wrong aircraft then maybe maybe but i don't like doing that i'll just fly the cj for more someone who doesn't live in europe here's a question is ryanair's landing really that atrocious i think they've got a reputation that probably isn't that deserved sanho yes i i am i saw the release note it looks good v enough smoothing issue there was the 90 degree turn and veena didn't account for the aircraft cutting the corner as i was high ah okay interesting thank you thank you uh some great contrasting scenery bumping over the mountains into las vegas nice oh yeah i remember seeing the pictures of my uh everything some uh filbert flies evangelism dc3 be good on fly around alaska yeah it would it would right let's get let's get 15 degrees of flaps i guess because we are a little fast we're a little fast let's get rid of the chart for now and oh gosh i'm way behind we want to arm approach mode oh it has it not auto tuned check lock tuning i didn't check the load tuning um making a meal of this 110.9 too busy chatting not paying attention to the aircraft it's all right we got away with it christian sons hopefully going to be getting a flight to south inn really might visit oh it's a bit bumpy isn't it okey-dokey approach checklist landing data we've checked crew briefings complete avionics flight instruments are checked minimums have been set field transfer selectors off exterior lights we have landing light on beacon 11 strobe ice protection systems we've got wing and engine anti-ice on oh it's blowing isn't it 41 not wind it's truth flaps 15 passenger briefing we have not done let's do that now quickly again better late than never please turn off all portable electronic devices snow tables secure luggage and loose articles uh seats operating outboard seat belts adjusted and secure passenger light safety button is on pressurization's fine i'm sure before landing checklists well they're not there yet we'll bung our gear down now though i think got about eight mile final something like that christian sand traffic citation golf foxtrot lima bravo tango on final for runway 2-1 no no no major dramas i forgot to i forgot to monitor the um um cdu and i didn't notice that it hadn't auto tuned our ios but that's you know that's a simulator problem not my fault it's ever sebum oh i haven't got flight recorder running we should do that in case it's a good landing if it's not i'll just say that fly recorder packed up [Music] okay it hasn't captured the uh glideslay i don't know why so we'll hand flight flaps full it is beautiful isn't it it's the first time i've done an approach to this airport i only downloaded it a couple of days back and we'll keep the speed coming down oh yes suddenly getting quite foggy okay we're sort of back on the glideslope now i'd say oh and a bit of rain well it's mucky weather but it's very atmospheric 500. not my most stable approach sorry k2 if you're still watching i haven't flown this for ages i just think if you fly the aircraft for real and you put all the hours into developing this mod you really don't want to watch someone mess it up a bit fast aren't i still not a bad touchdown considering i feel well welcome to christian sand yeah the weather really suddenly went downhill didn't it it was smooth it was it was floaty but smooth see you another day zenis thanks for popping by right so this is really my first taste of christian sunday airport what i'm going to do is uh seeing as there's no one around i'm going to stop here turn off the strobe and landing light turn on the taxi light and i'm gonna have a quick look at the taxi charts and i'm going to look at it on my ipad just because it's a bit easier interesting i can't find any ga parking marked oh well we'll have a nose around we'll have a nose around see what's what turn off the uh ketostatic heat before it burns through uh everything i'll success out of the jaws of defeat yeah oh yes thank you ludwig yeah thanks smooth like rich creamy butter spamming those breaks like that hopefully they were wearing belts well it's my because i use a trigger my brakes are either on or off and uh on is better than off thank you jamie thank you senate thank you douglas hold on so really i guess i guess we don't want to park oh what about these is this the sort of place you might park a beast jet i think it is we'll pop down here maybe they're a little small should have done my research really no i think these will these will be perfect there we are parking brake set and before we turn everything off i guess we should watch the replay right and slightly slightly in two minds but yeah i think we i think we will i'll just catch up with your chat before we do you're off to bed if you're still here darren thank you for coming and see you again jason hello hello still a damn good landing phil thank you thank you fizzy don't worry uh i can't do another flight it's nearly bedtime no legal point five meters too quiet dear there's an atr where's the atr parked up over there oh yes yeah uh right [Music] yeah let's do the replay let's do the replay i'll disconnect from that sim not that there's anyone around but don't want to get in trouble stop the recording and do replay it's the first time i've tried it in the cj4 i think the scenery does look good we'll we'll have um we'll have a proper look round after we land what do you want wing view yeah a bit of wing view not this one though [Music] i think that one's good and what i'll do is i'll just stick my head a bit closer to the window i will i will do a review of this scenery yeah yeah but it won't be for a little while probably when i after the crj comes out and i'm bored of flying it basically yeah the rich faker's gone i love the dash a i used to love flying that many years ago in there when was it was it fest 2004 might even have been earlier very keen to get one in the sim yeah i think i would have been gripping the armrests at this point as a passenger i will i will mom i love this sim though just look at it just look how good it is oh that was butter though eh i didn't even know we weren't down there we are down now a bit of pulling to the right when i landed no i'm resting the cj4 i think there's one on this there's one arm rest there's not enough armrests but there are some cling on to the one arm rest with both hands oh really yeah yeah it was it was a much much windier approach than the meta suggested it should be a pack commercial yeah do a short extra i will i will i'll just wait till we uh pull off the runway and then i'll rewind again and we'll have a look from outside maybe from the runway threshold right now sometimes when i pause it and try to go back it won't let me start it again but oh no no no i think are we all right yeah we're all right good right let's get this set up i tell you what we'll watch it from this house i'm just outside this house seems like a plausible place to watch an approach from doesn't it where's me playing i can't see it let's be camouflaged in the trees or something uh turn off drone follow mode i mean it'll turn up eventually right oh there it is i was looking in the wrong direction pretty good pretty good nice right let's reset the drone view and follow it in i've got a feeling i didn't retract my i spoilers know i did in my flaps see thin air course karate r72 for msfs or dashi what would you choose or suspend don't know haven't flown either i think are you talking about the majestic dash oh hang on for this thing i think i'd rather have a dash a it's a bit more i don't know i just used to love it i've never flown on one in real life spiffing thank you sorry did you say your name was lewis i think you did i said i'd forget but i didn't think i'd forget this early oh sorry do i think the uh new f's in vancouver will be better than the fsgt since this is more of a port i don't know i've never owned one of their airports either i really have no idea i think that both are ports aren't they so i don't know [Music] you have sent any money what do you mean darren lewis right i'm joe i'm gonna write that now i'll lose a bit of paper now but i'm gonna write it down and hopefully it'll help me remember there we are noted i remember you saying mark on the uh on the bimble you were talking about that i think [Music] so [Music] yeah they are both cheap and this one comes with like two other airports as well as the main vancouver international doesn't it a bit of pilot indecision there yeah i mean if you'd never fly here don't buy it it is a bit of a niche airport but i do love flying in scandinavia i just i love the scenery and with the cj4 i think i will you know i will be back so it would be worth it for me that's right yeah oh i was gonna say could have done with nudging it forward if it could still have done with nudging it forward of it yeah it is a little bit too wide you were right anyway what we'll do is uh shut down the aircraft uh have a little look around the scenery and then we can all go to bed except jenny it's too early for you right parking brakes set we'll kill the engines turn off the anti-ice turn off all the lights and the belt and the safety light climate control selector to off avionics switch off close the stupid logbook thing throttles are at idle exterior lights are all off battery switch off and there we have it oh i don't need to write that down ludwig i'll be doing that and then probably brom at london city right let's have a little nose around shall we we won't be going to bed for another four hours fair enough where are you where are you base lewis you would fly but only once from south yeah yeah i know i know what you mean i know what you mean that is that is the biggest factor isn't it in whether you should buy an airport or how often you'll fly there thank you uh why i missed that thank you stream compete logbook statement complete well i want to stop saying it but everyone seems to like it jason and it does seem to still come naturally even though you know uh right well here we are here we are some nice uh nice hanger slash fire station type places oh nice nice guy are getting better at the transparent glass aren't they don't know who these two are they're very casually dressed to be up on an air traffic control tower this is nice tinted windows i think they tinted yeah tinted inside and out cool oh i didn't know it's on vancouver on orbex no no no no no comments at all on static aircraft anymore just facts facts no opinions far too controversial though harrison isn't here so i could risk it no way very nice very very nice very nice thank you sega thank you thanks yeah i'll see you on the next one i hope there and i've discovered since it's been pointed out to me repeatedly in various discord servers that i refer to everything as crisp crisp textures that's something i really do want to stop saying but you know it's kind of applicable here i'm gonna say sharp me neither yeah i'm very excited about munich and stansted that is a dash hey yes all right uh what was the in future could we watch a replay from the tower in future yeah yeah for sure that's a good idea and you're yeah you're a little late demetrious but we're having a look around the airport no sir then it's not free it's it's a new release from gaia which you can get via roblex direct there's a whole nother little building here what's going on in here boarding control nice would be nice if they were if i say they could add some occlusion to the building so it doesn't rain and snow inside but you can't have everything yeah i'll definitely i will do a review of this and it will be pretty positive i think from what i've seen good ludwig textures look like them good walkers glam yeah glam textures as a teenager you keep basically saying basically so basically it's just a habit oh yeah that's quite a common one i think and like a lot of people say like incessantly and that's like amazing well there we are there we are we could nose around this airport for hours but i think we'll call it a day there there is going to oh any recommendations for a home airport oh gosh well it depends depends what where you want to fly from really copenhagen copenhagen is pretty nice yeah anyway i so there will be a little bit of a gap before the next stream i'm not certain but i think that my next one now probably won't be until crj has been released and it will probably be well it will be a crj stream it'll hopefully also be a crj giveaway stream so that's something to look forward to but there is going to be a little bit of a wait in the meantime i'm hoping to do a couple of videos in the meantime um but if i don't see you before thank you very much for joining me thank you in particular to tom for your the hundred pounds of donations i still can't get over it and thank you to all the rest of you who have donated and subscribed and joined club filbert and i'll see you fairly soon thanks for joining bye you
Channel: FilbertFlies
Views: 2,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lpkkIQ7tTRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 55sec (11695 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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