MSC Meraviglia - Honest Review of MSC - Is it worth trying? / Aurea Suite Room #12007

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hello appreciative traveler here just back from our cruise to the Bahamas on the beautiful MSC maravillia after this intro I did put together a montage of some short videos to give you an idea of the ship as well as Ocean Key hopefully without ruining the bit of element of surprise which is always nice on a vacation and hopefully it will help you out a little bit in your decision making because I was very leery of going on MSC because of the complaints I saw online and I want to cover a few of them now for one the food I really don't get where the complaints are coming from we have been on four different Cruise Lines my husband and I and on none of them the general dining I'm not talking specialty dining it's not really Gourmet I mean let's face it they are feeding thousands of people at one time so I do expect the food to be good don't get me wrong but it was we had a good variety we had chicken parm mussels seafood pasta I even had a swordfish which I've never had before and it was delicious really enjoyed it for breakfast especially the buffet has anything you could possibly want my husband even likes the bagel with the salmon and the cream cheese they even had that so for us personally I really don't see where the complaints are coming from that's we really enjoyed it probably gained a couple of pounds when we were on the ship so I that's what I will say about that um and let's see the next thing I've heard complaints about were the staff that one I definitely can't understand unless someone just had a really bad experience everyone we met was smiling uh very helpful very professional no complaints at all about the staff I mean these people are hard-working people they are working 11 hour days and some of them with not a day off for quite a bit of time and so for me personally I appreciate that the staff and everything that they did for us have not one complaint about one member of the staff at all I also wanted to cover the Oreo a little bit because I saw a lot of videos You'll see this in my video montage of the yacht club and not too much about the Oreo suite and it was fantastic I mean the actual room uh I hope I videoed it well enough you can see it it's just beautiful for the price that you pay for it and for the benefits that you get on the Oreo I personally for Budget wise would not be able to afford that type of room on any other cruise ship Cruise Line so with the Oreo you get the thermal Spa which I personally didn't even think we would use we loved it we went back twice on a four night cruise and it was wonderful they have different types of saunas a Salt Room an ice room different types of jacuzzis I'm not really how to explain them um really cool and heated lounges that you can sit on loved it so unbelievably relaxing and from what I've seen I have seen videos on the yacht club thermal spa and it looks like the same identical things in the Oreo thermal Spa I did not bring my camera in there mine is not waterproof and it was safely tucked away in the locker due to all of the water but yeah looks exactly the same as the yacht club so uh yeah club spot so loved it highly recommend it okay the next thing was the my choice dining that the Oreo comes with you can eat anytime between I believe it was 6 p.m and 9 p.m in the Panorama dining room which is absolutely gorgeous and it was nice not to have to rush there we never waited to sit down we just check in and got seated right away so and again the food was great so really like the my choice dining idea it was really nice not to have to have an exact set time so the next thing that I wanted to talk about was the so I referred to this a little bit in the videos as well with the Oreo you also get preferred check-in and so there's a general boarding line there of course is yacht club which you are escorted onto the ship by a butler or an officer I believe I can't remember which sorry but with the orea you do go past the general check-in line and you go to what is their Diamond Club line so it's also for Oria and it does not say that so you'll have to ask somebody when you get there and that we were directed to the diamond line we only had two people in front of us once you get checked in then you get your boarding pass and you have a seat which I really didn't think I would like because on other crows lines once you check in at the desk you go right onto the ship but I actually really did like it because we sat there and relaxed waited for our number to call about 20 minutes probably and once you got on the ship there was no congestion there was no bottleneck at the elevators actually really liked that boarding process I would much rather be sitting in a chair in my own space than scrunched up with a bunch of people waiting for an elevator that experience on on other cruise ships when you first get on it's just a little bit frustrating so actually enjoyed the boarding process wasn't bad at all okay so the next thing I wanted to talk about was entertainment we did not do any of the free shows so I apologize I can't comment on them because we did these Cirque shows I am a big fan of anything surf acrobatic anything like that so when I saw a Circ we booked both shows Houdini and The Rock Show we personally like The Rock Show better but they were both excellent enjoyed them both very much we before the ship before we got on the ship I booked them for twelve dollars a person think about what you would pay for a Cirque show off of the ship and you'll realize it is a fantastic deal really you do get a cocktail with it which if you have the drink package isn't really that big of a deal but it was good and uh thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed and loved loved the show very much so I definitely think that that's worth worth it talking about the drink package I also do feel that it was definitely worth it so monetarily you can kind of decide for yourself the easy plus package I think it's pretty well known is nine dollars you know a drink that you can get um actually when I went on board there were actually some the 10 lists that they actually also let us choose from so and compare that to what you have to pay for depending on the length of the cruise that you're on and see if monetarily it's worth it for you for me it was more the fact of the ease of it when I'm gonna cruise I don't want to have to worry about anything and that's one reason I love cruising I want everything booked ahead of time and just relax and enjoy and then you can just go with the flow with what whatever happens in whatever entertainment there is so it was just nice to go up present my card you order your drink they give you your drink and they're on to the next person you walk away they're not even they don't even wait for a tip because all that's included in your package so I mean I saw other guests that didn't have it and they're fumbling around to get you know dollars out to give them you know their tips and everything which there's nothing wrong if you want to give an extra tip a couple suggestions I saw was if you have a bartender you're going to keep going back to maybe at the beginning of the cruise give them you know maybe a little substantial tip nothing wrong with tipping these hard-working people but on an ongoing basis as you're getting your drinks it's just quick easy you don't even have to to worry about it and think about it so we really loved the drink package okay so the next thing I wanted to go for was the Island Ocean Key that's how they pronounced it and so that's how I'm going to say it so it was beautiful but it really is just a chill Beach day unless you're going to do like the excursions of maybe a jet ski or a kayak do some snorkeling it really is a beautiful island just to walk around and sightsee and we just absolutely loved it so the light show on ours anyways but was nine o'clock and at 10 o'clock and then a beach party to follow both of them and so what we did is we got on and off the island at least three times I think during the day it's very easy to get on and off the ship so we went out chilled a little bit walked around got back on the ship cooled off a little bit you know went in the pool jacuzzi because there are no pools on the island yet I'm really hoping that that's going to change because I think that that would fun be fun to have like a swim up bar or something but anyway so we just got on and off the ship like I said it wasn't wasn't a big problem so we really enjoyed the light show on the lighthouse it was really beautiful and the beach party dancing in the sand was pretty fun afterwards so that just gives you kind of an overview of the island and I didn't really mind that it didn't have a ton of things for the kids to do because there's so much stuff on the ship that hopefully will give you an idea of so again go back and forth they want to go on water slides go back on the ship and it's all included so why wouldn't you [Music] so that's it for my overview that I could think of my bottom line is for the price that we paid for the ship for the room that we had for everything that we got I really don't think it can be beat and we are actually going on another MSC cruise in March we liked it so much this time we are bringing the kids back and because there's so much to do for them so I will be doing a quick video then because we are going to have a deluxe balcony adjoining that's all that was left by the time I decided to book for the particular weekend that we needed and so I wanted to show kind of how the adjoining works because I haven't been able to really find anything online about that so I'll have a quick video on that as well if you have any questions you can leave it in the comments I'll do my best to answer them if there's any videos that you would like to see when we get back on the Maravilla in March you can also post that as well and I will do my best to get maybe a little short little clip for you okay for now I'm going to send you over to my Montage of videos hope you enjoy them and hope they're helpful in making your decision on the MSC maravillia here we are at MSC Oreo Suite 12007. you have to put your card in for it to work this is the Oreo Suite wow okay so here is the bathroom thank you quite spacious showers actually pretty good for a cruise ship we have somebody shelving up here and I believe yes there is some storage down here very nice okay as you step in there's a little Corridor here with a beautiful huge full-length mirror it's amazing you know they don't talk about the Oreo Suite much on the videos that I've seen and this is incredible look at this walk-in closet this would be fantastic for a family look at all the space I mean there's a true walk-in closet you have the separate bedroom with another closet while this this is incredible and then we have our own entrance to the balcony which I'll show you in a little bit closet which I think you can see a little bit of has a safe which is pretty normal for the Aureus wheat we have our robes another song of course you have your TV there's the seating area separate room again really absolutely perfect for a family another TV little bar area now let's check out why we got this room was the balcony wow this is incredible you almost wouldn't even need to leave your room check this out your own little Whirlpool I am pinching myself as to how beautiful this is it's incredible highly recommend it I think the Oreo Suite is definitely overlooked because of Yacht Club so far I am loving it we did get a priority check-in probably not as much as Yacht Club but um still got us past the general check-in that was quite lined up at the Oria lineup we were only I think two people behind two people so fantastic I would do it again in a heartbeat I have to mention this one last thing it's just a cute little touch with the Oreo complementary champagne and nothing but good things to say about the Oreo Suite so far stumbled upon this area when we bring the kids on the ship they will absolutely love this huge basketball soccer play area awesome I just have to share this real quick because we've been on another cruise line which was fantastic but you actually have real channels this is HGTV there's a Cartoon Network for the kids um you know I know you don't come on the cruise to watch TV but for the kids I think at night I I'm pretty impressed all right let's see what else I find I should just share the so you can actually see Cartoon Network for the kids fabulous okay I know everyone's not a fan of football I am and how cool is this I'm on a cruise watching on a huge screen football game I know you can't really see it the game but so far I am having such a great time MSC maravillia had to give you a little glimpse of this how gorgeous this is and then as you look down absolutely beautiful thank you [Music] I think I want to go closer foreign [Music] [Music] how the staff pronounces it so that's what that's what really looks beautiful we can't wait to go out there and explore [Music] hopefully I'll give you an idea of what the island has to offer I'll see you soon so for the kids at heart there is an arcade actually pretty good the air hockey down there what would an arcade be without the obligatory fog machine [Music] okay so just so that you're aware with the entertainment package that they have which I'll go over later each game is two dollars so you can do some calculating see much how much you need okay so here are some of the prices for the other things that you can get with the entertainment package emulator [Music] check these cool games out some kind of battle pods and then we have the bowling alley it's closed right now so I'm just giving you a quick peek here and you can look out over the water while you're playing bowling how awesome is that the outside of the flight simulator so as you can see I mean there's a 4D Cinema really looking forward to taking the kids there seems like there's really a lot for them to do again another shot of the bowling so here's a quick video of the gym large not for me because there's enough going up and down the stairs I feel I got a good workout here we are at Ocean Key for palm trees Island music playing in the background beautiful start to the day okay as we walked on the ship you can see the ship because it's right there this is the first bar you come across and your drink packages do work here on the island with umbrellas you come across right after that bar the coffee bar and ice cream a nice shaded area and just to give some perspective right across I'm standing right across from that coffee bar you just saw and there's the lighthouse in the distance so here we have the fair area and then right across from that okay is an area of where you can use right like the pool float okay so this is a really beautiful Beach area you can see there's a lot of the Cabana guys are over here there's lifeguards and it does seem very protective it's an extremely windy day today but um it definitely does help the only thing is I was wondering when I was watching other videos these Cabanas you cannot even see the White House so this would not be a good area so here's an idea of the island and how it's laid out okay so we are at the Lighthouse Beach you got a little snack shop here and of course the bar the Lighthouse bar so I just wanted to confirm because this again was one of my questions before we came here there are no Cabanas to rent here on the Lighthouse Beach and this is where your beach party is going to be your Lighthouse show and so this is kind of where I want to be set up and our ship is only about I think they said a third full and there are very few seats left out on the beach it's so with a full ship it might be difficult to find spots so maybe get here early we got here a little late we got here around so you might want to get here early and get your spot okay this is actually the lighthouse car I had the wrong bar before it is right out at the edge you can see everybody [Music] [Music] live reggae in the background nice couches love it okay ocean korky sorry at night starting to light up a few more hours until the lighthouse show so I'll give you guys a little glimpse of I don't want to ruin it for you look at this isn't that beautiful all right we'll be back so have you ever been in the Caribbean this late at night I have not on a cruise this is an overnight stay in their private island and we are waiting for the light show doesn't get much better than that [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Appreciative Traveler
Views: 6,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qfodTUd8UZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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