MS Teams Direct Routing E911 with Verizon VOIP

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hi anthony garcia with verizon today we're going to be taking a look at can you adhere to current 911 regulations in the u.s carries ray bonds with just simply microsoft teams direct routing sbc and verizon voip verizon sip trunking the answer is yes and no and maybe and it all depends on a little feature called elin gateway so let's figure out what that is okay let me go through a visual demo first before we look at all the components needed and a real demo with traces so let's talk through this first on the side over here we have our customer here he is that's this gray box here he's got a building here at 1333 west cherry stone and he's decided to do break that up into two erls each of those erls are going to have elims and then we're going to be dealing with lin's phone and her number is 6691 and she's going to be registering from elin number one that's identified by subnet in the microsoft list services okay so what does the customer do first the customer orders voip service from us right when they order voip service no matter how many phones here he has he's going to order two extra dids for elins right now this is a demo you would probably have more elins in this in the case of this i just want to show you how everything works okay so we have two dids two extra dids and we're going to put an address when we submit the voip order right we can also change this designator via that mac but we have two entries here two extra dids and we're also filling out the designator in our voip service now the customer is going to go configure microsoft list services now you may be saying well hold on a minute that sounds strange we just gave the designated in the the addresses right over here to verizon when we order a voip service yes i know but you still have to do it over here is this address actually going to make it over to verizon no it's not but this is important the subnet that's attached to that emergency address and the e-lin that we're going to configure in our list services is important as well so you can see that this customer or the partner configured to emergency addresses they're identified by subnet or they're going to do dynamic routing dynamic emergency routing by subnet and then there's elins that are configured in the microsoft list service as well okay what's next the phone or client here is going to come up that's going to ask the list service where am i it's registering from 172 16 1.0 so obviously it's going to get some information related to this emergency address right here so it's going to get the the phone is actually going to get this information right here all right what's next we're going to dial 911. this 911 call is going to come into microsoft teams this is all rest stuff over here microsoft teams is going to translate that to sip and send it to the dr sbc in our cases audio codex sbc you can see here that the elin information is actually sent in pitiflow all right so we have the sip invite the from header 6691 that is right that's the caller id and then we have pitiflow information with an elin buried into it the 6284 right that number right there is buried into it now we're going to do some switcheroo in here with this elin gateway feature and what's going to go to verizon in the from header is the 6284 bingo so this elan gateway basically does the old pulls to switcheroo pulls from the elin field in the pitaflow information and then sends it and changes the from header that goes in the invite to verizon that's going to obviously then go to entrado who we've contracted with to handle our 911 calls the customer ordered this stuff right here and they they had these dids associated with address and designators so what eventually is going to grout to the right selective router and the right psat is going to be based on this address and these things are going to pop up at the psat 1333 west cherry stone floor one and that telephone number right there okay now let's quickly go over the callback feature okay so let's say lynn gets disconnected now there needs to be a callback we're going to call back obviously the 6284 number that's the number that showed up at the psap that's going to get to verizon verizon is going to forward that to the microsoft dr router over its sip trunk and then the elin gateway feature inside this sbc is going to do the old switchroo again it's going to change 6284 to 66.91 and then that is going to obviously get back to lynn and that's how it works okay how do we make this work from an spc standpoint the one thing that we need is the elin capability all right now you'll find that in the list of session border controllers certified for direct routing if you look on this page and you go down you're going to see several columns there this s this 911 service provider capable that's the pitaflow stuff this elin capability that's the capability to turn pitiflow into elin and send it on down the line to a sip trunk that's connected to a provider that doesn't support pitfall so be very careful when you're talking to a customer about uh traditional elin erl elin capabilities from microsoft teams because the spc that you use needs to be able to do that switcheroo i was talking about so you can see here the sbc sui from ribbon does not support that but the sbc suite light does support it you can also see that audio codes just about all the audio codes sbcs do support that how do we make this work in microsoft teams well if you know anything about list services you will be able to configure this with no problems the one thing that's kind of odd i will point out okay let's go over to locations let's go over to emergency addresses and you can see here i have two addresses just like i did in the slide all right i have two emergency addresses okay let's go take a look at those now i want you to know that i do not have any places under there all right my places are these particular locations what do i mean by that well i mean that this particular location is a place in itself because i identified it as a place or a designator inside verizon voip so if i edit this location you can see i do my regular stuff with microsoft list services however i'm going to put in this extra guy right here now you can't change things once you've already put them in in your emergency location or emergency address but you can see i added an elin right there and if i go look at my other address as well you can see this address i have in elin also there's my elin okay that uh 9576 traditionally if you've been paying attention to emergency dynamic emergency routing and things like that in microsoft teams you usually want to or most literature will kind of take you down this path where you have a emergency location and then you have places inside the emergency location like this one right here you can see i do not have an elin for this location however i have two places simply i'm just telling you you can't do lists places when you're doing this elim thing okay so kind of throw that at the door i couldn't figure out how to do it anyway once you once you put an elin on an address you can't put it in places so hopefully that's understandable let's just go back and let me show you again we have two emergency addresses and those emergency addresses then have subnets associated with them okay you see there there's a subnet there's a description and remember i said the emergency location the address here means nothing what's meaningful here i could put anything here really what's meaningful here is that elin right there that's what's meaningful okay now i won't go through emergency calling policies or anything like that hopefully you know all that stuff but okay so we have e-lens now okay what makes this work in an sbc so for usbc guys this is going to be interesting let's log into our spc this is an audio codes ve and the first thing i want to go to i want to go check out my licenses and what i'm looking for is i want to make sure i have this license right there that elin license that is the elin gateway feature okay so you need that you'll need the other platforms also if they have the elin capability next let's go over to our signaling media and i want to look at my ip groups here and uh pay no attention to this centrato group don't be fooled i'm not connected to entrada to do this remember we're testing stuff that would go to a sip provider that does not ingest pitaflow let's go look at the advanced features here in my ip group and if i look down here this right here okay that's the thing i need enabled all right and if i go up and pick the right group i will see that it is enabled so the spc psat mode needs to be enabled all right so those are the things that you need now one more thing for call back and that's in i think we'll find it over here in sip definitions and uh right here priority emergency this right here that's the cash for cashing the elin number in the original from header right remember we do the switcheroo we have to cache that number because if psap does a callback we need to do the switcheroo and make sure we ring the right phone internally right so that's it that is it on the sbc audio codes side now let's make this test call using lynn's phone and i want to show you the ip phone here there it is right there and you can see its address right now is 172 16 1.30 now this doesn't update very fast so i do want to show you if i go into that switch right here and i want to show you that here's the device i just did this so here's the device there's the ip address let's go to the phone let's make the 911 call we're going to do some captures and some traces i'm going to show you how that elin gateway or the svc does the old switcheroo okay i'm going to start up my trace here let me connect with my syslog viewer okay we're connected up now all right there looks like some option pings there so we're good to go i'm watching everything let me step over here and go ahead and make that 911 call okay here we go there goes the 911 call i get the address right there four one thirteen thirty three west cherry stone corpse christy texas seven eight four one two and so on and so forth so i'm okay there um your number it says that nine one number right let's go back and take a look at what happened all right let me uh stop this let's take a look at a ladder diagram here where is this sip invite there it is right there is that a 911 call it is so we can see um over here this is microsoft all right this is my um audio code providing a direct routing and then here i've just got going the the sip invite passing on to the ether because i don't want to send it to the vsap so let's take a look at the invite here's the invite right here we can see that the from is the 6691 that is if you remember that is lynn's number 6691 that's a real number all right let's go take a look at what this is all rest stuff here i think i said earlier it's sip it's not sip but this is all rest but this is sip over here going to the dr router and then we should have 6691 from header and then also some pitfall information going over to the gateway so let's take a look at that let's go down and there's our sdp and you can see here we got some xml stuff okay let's go take a look at the trace from wireshark and i did that already okay let's just take a look at sip and there it is right there so there's microsoft teams uh to the sbc okay and let's go down in here and let's go ahead and expand all this stuff here if we go down we're gonna find it's way down here here we go okay here's the xml right here all right starts up here and if we go down we're gonna see the location right there's the uh let long right and then we got the address right here remember that corpus christi 1333 should be there somewhere all right and let's keep on going down there's my elin right there six two eight four remember that was the elin that's not len's number that's the elin six two eight four okay so we got the elin in the pitiflow body okay remember we need to send it over so we need to run it through this elaine gateway and what does that look like well let's look on the other side i have that over here in monkey if we go look this is going to make more sense to you if we go look here's the invite to i got this going off in the ether here you know just so we don't do too many uh calls over to the psat but if you go look at this guy look right there 6284 so from microsoft to the sbc we have the regular originating from header but going beyond that to the voip provider that does not support pitiflow we're doing elin so that is how you do traditional elin with a voip service like verizon that doesn't support psat so if you think about this for a second you can migrate if someone already has an inline strategy or is worried about adhering to the current regulations you could absolutely do it because remember you can provide movement with subnets around your company now be cautious because i'm talking about right now when we're talking i'm not talking about nomadic users or anything like that so anyway hopefully this has been helpful and um i've gotten some questions on you know i've seen some things coming across the wire you know customer wants to do this now they're not worried about nomadic users that are coming in in february 2022 we're worried about stuff right now can we meet regulations now we'll worry about that later alright and this will definitely do it thanks for watching i hope this has been helpful
Channel: Anson Garcia
Views: 159
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: nyydMeCXjag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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