Mrs. GREEN APPLE - インフェルノ(Inferno)
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Channel: Mrs. GREEN APPLE
Views: 120,919,071
Rating: 4.953867 out of 5
Keywords: Mrs. GREEN APPLE, インフェルノ, Inferno, ミセス, MGA, Fire Force, 炎炎, 炎炎ノ消防隊, 大森元貴, 青と夏, ロマンチシズム, 僕のこと
Id: wfCcs0vLysk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 41sec (221 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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Isn't this fire force?
Excellent album. Not this song, but Attitude it Cheers got me into the whole thing though Folktale is my favorite track. The vocals on this album are amazing.
I used it wrong.
From now on, I'll try not to use the title incorrectly.
I'm sorry. I'll do my best to get used to it.
They’re so good!
AHHHHHHH INFERNO!! I've been obsessed with this song! It's so freaking good
woah this is a good song
Very nice!
Oh I love Mrs. GREEN APPLE! Really want to see them live one day.