Mr.Ratan Tata enters AUTOBEST HALL of FAME

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[Music] this is really a unique moment in the life of autobus this is really unique for me and for my colleagues and as you will see this is very emotional first of all for us the jury members mr. Ratan Tata is truly an icon of the automotive and the business world who has devoted his life to the advancement of Technology in the service of the people currently emeritus chairman of the Tata Sons for over 20 years he led the transformation of the Tata into one of the world's biggest and most respected enterprises it's 30 plus companies each of them sector leaders operating over 100 countries with 110 billion dollars revenue employing over 700 thousand people in industries from tea and steel through information technology energy current tracked manufacturing into consultancy and the world's most prestigious hotels he is embodiment of the Tata mission to improve the quality of life of the communities we serve globally I just caught it Ratan Tata and is renown for his high business ethics and major philanthropic acts two-thirds of the Tata Sons share capital is held by philanthropic trusts which are transforming lives through education health livelihood generation and art and culture under his long term chairmanship the Trust's have metamorphosed into India premier philanthropic foundations transforming millions of lives and I'm in it Ratan and Tata was educated at Cornell University College of Architecture reinforcing his design vision which he has transferred to all of his companies he joined data industries by the way in 1962 training at Tata engineering and locomotive company for the ones who doesn't know this is now Tata Motors then rising until he became the ranks until he became the chairman of Tata Sons and data Trust's in 1991 with a lifelong passion for innovation technology and cars as chairman of Tata Motors he led the major innovations from the first Indian car the legendary indica in 1998 to the also legendary Tata Nano in 2008 which put cars at a price point within reach of the average Indian consumer that same year and is not a coincidence here in spite of the reluctance of many people around him in the board mr. Tata decided to purchase Jaguar and Land Rover combining them into a single business which over the last decade has trebled sales and driven innovation in a very successful journey proven by the way by the company best the word 2017 of last year mr. Tata has chaired numerous trade and competitiveness councils and corporate academic and humanitarian advisory boards his achievements have been recognized globally including the Indian Padma Vibhushan British Knight brand French legend owner italian grand officer and honorary citizenship of singapore he has been bestowed business innovation academic and humanitarian awards from across the globe as one of the greatest advocates of the automotive sector and an individual that has made a major global contribution to the public good on behalf of the jury members of the largest independent jury motoring jury in Europe and in the world I have the tremendous honor to invite mr. Ratan Tata to become a member of the worldwide eunuch Auto best Hall of Fame [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Thank You mr. chairman and thank you members of the jury I can't say enough to express my appreciation for having this great honor bestowed on me and I honestly will never forget this evening thank you all through my career there is one company that took most of my attention that was data Engineering which became Tata Motors I spent much of my spare time to the annoyance of some of my colleagues on that company because the automotive industry to me was one of the most exciting industries I've been involved in it involved design style technology speed it was just a life of its own so today to share this platform with icons of the industry is something that I'm just very humbled by before I sit down I just thought I'd share with you the experience I had with Jaguar Land Rover when we bought it we bought it that's too long a story when Ford decided to sell and my friends sort of distance themselves from me by saying what are you going to do with this quite frankly I didn't know and that refrain changed from what are you going to do with this to how stupid could you be to buy this so eventually my first meeting with the workers at at Coventry and jlr was the horrible question what are you going to do with this plan are we going to close down some of the plants that we have in hardly using the capacity and I just had no way to say that I knew what we were going to do so finally I I stood up and said why don't we do this why don't we shoulder-to-shoulder recreate the image that these two brands had and reignite the the power of those two brands I'm pleased to say that I did nothing more the team at JL are led by Ralph who who has been the leader that I think deserves this award more than me and the team at Yale are just made a huge difference in this in this company and today if I'm here to receive this award I would like to say that I receive it with humility on behalf of Ralph and the team at jlr who had truly the deservers of this award but as the award has can't be given to 20,000 people I accept this on you on their behalf and thank you sir for making this possible it's a great great honor for me thank you [Applause] [Music]
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Keywords: ratantata, tatamotors, autobest2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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