MPLS L2VPN | VPLS | EVC | iBGP RR Autodiscovery

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hey how's it going everyone Victor here and for tonight I have something real fun we'll try to set up a service provider scenario and so we'll have two different customers and will be providing layer 2 services for this customer up here called a Dae IMG Corp will be doing a point of point and for this other customer here with these three different sites will be doing a VPLS or a full mesh setup and I'm still so these are the pretty much the steps that we're gonna take we do the core addressing followed by the IGP MPLS setup ibgp it's on router flexure they're point-to-point customer and then we'll take it from there so before we go any further I would like to actually go and recommend some readings that I have here this is a configuration guy for MPLS and Rob reservation protocol not really necessary but this is an introduction on flexible VLAN matching or an EVC infrastructure so as you can see here with one physical interface we can provide different services so we can have we can have router services we can have different VLANs and putting it into a VPS with the different neighbors mmm I can also match for specific biglan and put that in a point-to-point service we can do local breaching and think he also goes on yeah the VLAN tag rewriting or EVC platform that allows you to manipulate the tax coming in and going out EB sees a little more this is a layer two services troubleshooting guy and I was particularly looking at this side here where it's telling it's showing you how you recognize the virtual circuit type mismatch between type 4 inch high five or Ethernet mode versus Ethernet VLAN mode or poor versus VI mode the troubleshooting guide and finally this is the IFC for bingston is called encapsulation methods for transport for either MPLS okay so I'm and this is an interesting part here what it talks about the raw mode versus tag mode or type for Wi-Fi from the sewer wires so another interesting reading and I'll be posting all these links right under the video so in case you wanna study distantly further but now let's move on to the actual configuration and what I'm thinking is what I'll be doing is go ahead and set up the first core outer and I'm more likely I'll just gonna fast-forward on that part while set up the whole thing just to save some time but of course I'll be using I'm using my notepad here and okay so alright so let's get on to it rather one I'm gonna set the hostname as we go okay so interface live backs here we're gonna use the name I mean the number of the box for the back so what am I thinking 1/32 no Sean voter ID will be using OSPF as our IGP and let me go ahead and enable LDP sync and mpls LDP auto-config right away before we forget and on the loop bag let's go ahead an appetizer right now arias here move on to the action link will you never you seen 10.0 and then the number of two routers or 12.1 being the last octet the number of the router - oops sorry we'll be using you / wait for for the core and IP ospf one area 0 IP at one MPLS IP exit 2p dressed and that's here that one six that one MPLS IP and let's go to router ID it's gonna be look back zero MPLS LDP label or label holy peeps I'm sorry I'm in the wrong MPLS and I'm looking for LD be label protocol is LDP that's not what I'm looking for in pls OPP they will range and so we'll be using just in case we need to when we're looking later at the l5 and maybe doing that some MPs tracer will it will be had handy to have the labels for the specific links or I should say the routers being the same number as the as the box so we'll use 1000 through 109 oops and MPLS IP and mpls that's all we do let's see there's the name look-back benefit being advertised or the config sync and that's all we need for now alright so I'll go ahead and copy all this and I apologize and paste it and notepad get rid of the unnecessary stuff okay so let's move on to router 2 and 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 gig 1 this would be 1 2 . to get to it's gonna be to 3.2 these course - that to the - and that's it I want to router three gig wanna be 3/4 that 3 2 3 2 3 that 3 this is already that rather for and now that I remember I don't think I need in abling the interfaces my pad hmm you wanna know shot your face get to know show your face get one shot in 52 no shot okay and for now let's go ahead and add that - okay we're on router for so gig one is 34.4 and let me go ahead and squeeze in there not shut raaah get to fortify top four and no shut down here okay Mabel topic-based good move on outer thigh Mabel compte router five get one is 56.5 get two it's 45 laughs I sit router six last one see sorry six labels look back get one five six that's six and geek too is one six by six okay all right so going back to router one and let's do a show in pillar sylvie be neighbors there we are and we should be able to paint all the way to say rather for the back unsuccessful so what's happening so IP ospf neighbor's brother two's up maybe router six as in so rather for to show IP ospf interface brief and yes rather look back for is being advertised but never she's gang up came up so yesterday I went again okay maybe seeking a little longer that's good that should be good or to show IP ospf face brief tripe your neighbors to way so still loading or now there should be yeah that should be full so let's give it a couple minutes here around there's the four that's good and that's there's the adjacency that should be working what about now okay all right so we're all set and ready to ready to start setting up the first customer because we are not gonna need the ibgp peering at least not for now because the customer here it's gonna be a pointer point so we're gonna statically set the pseudo wire for this and the attachment circuits and everything so the IB GPO discovery we're gonna use it to set up the dynamic fears for the bridges of mail or vfi so let's go ahead and first just for the sake of it wait do a no shot on the attachment stick it in your face and do this thing four out of four mm-hmm and now let's go ahead and configure that to the wire between router one router 4 so we'll do under the attachments again your face or I should say ata capsulation dot1q ata and so we're gonna match our we're gonna match incoming frames with veal and a da for this and we're gonna place them into the or all this little wire so that's a X connect and the IP is gonna be photo 404 for the neighbor and we're gonna say a da for the suit wire ID or the VC ID and gonna be encapsulation MPLS we're not gonna here's where you would set up for a backup to the wire or change the empty you are not gonna do any of that right now so that looks good and go to router for basically three-point 80 a capsule ation dot1q 88 so we're gonna match whatever currency with beeline 88 and we're gonna play said into the X Connect capsulation MPLS alright so there's the sewer wire coming up and if you want to confirm that you can do show MPLS Oh to transport VC and then the number of the virtual circuit and there is and it sets up and we do a detail you're gonna be able to see that this is a to the to where you said not don't see it okay right here Ethernet VLAN a DA up and the I'm sorry the bridge Masuka ID is a da destination of the pier is 4.4.4 for says the signaling protocol is LDP as we know and see the empty CNT you here and control word song not really sure why will be on but these are default the regular iOS so just gonna leave that as it is for now and move on to let's see switch seven and I will not be doing any Q and Q at least for now and that's due to that this switches right here the V iOS layer to image doesn't support Q and Q I like it will let you actually put the commands and everything but is not going to work so let's create VLAN and do the same for switch 9 back to switch 7 interface oops serious 303 for multi sport Shona capsulation that one cues reform Ultron assured and your face is here one on this one will do it saying it's gonna be a trunk because we can't again we can't do and Q and Q so let's just do and we want to we need traffic to have the V Lang a DA has come saying in to the provider edge so we're gonna do the trunk one more time switch for external calculation that one Q which bought another trunk shot exit do the same on router for I mean switch nine face excuse you one just want your tongue capsulation that one qq4 note wrong exit okay alright so we should be ready there and let's double check here show showing a face trunk and we're allowing 88 on both boards so that's what we need do this thing here still going through the ice panic tree gives you one should take about a minute more okay leave it for now okay there is um so and then we'll do just test this real quick fa fa 0 0 no show exit interface interface here 0.88 capsulation that one cue oops a da and we gonna do IP address 100 to 160 8810 to apply to a fetcher advice zero no shot exit do the same for CR 11 you know face f800 no shot Xu Fei Fei 0.80 yeah encapsulation dot1q a da you dressed like me to 160 8811 to a five to a fight to a 5-0 no shot exit and that should work sorry 8810 was it yes and sure enough it's successful and if we do a trace of course gonna be on the same subnet and I think I should say no IP domain lookup but little too late for that now all right so um let me see what else we can see here um show MAC address VLAN a da sure enough we see we les going both ways so that's pretty much what a pointer point looks like now and when we if you're working on like a Cisco IOS XR I give me a little more the configuration differ slightly like the pseudo wires you're not gonna do it you know you're not gonna build them from the actual interface but from the point of point group so you need to say group and then the pseudo wire type and the pointer point customers or multi point so but it's pretty much the same so now let's go ahead and set up the v GP or ibgp peers and we'll use let's go ahead and use router 6 as the route reflector so let's go ahead and set that up first on router 6 and come T cos T and we can do router bgp and let's use 666 and remoter yeah 666 neither one one that reflect your client router sets of firing okay and that's all we need section V B so this little faster tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu okay the same yeah be honest I'm not even sure whether we actually need that exclamation mark there but whatever so that's for two that's before or that's four four two three so we got one two three four and five okay see if that works where my neighbor okay so on they're here see answers family hmm just so we'll check on that that doesn't look right I think show around section will you be alright so there we have all the all the neighbors one two three four five remote is is sick sick sick so its internal BGP and we're activating and address family IP before so later we're gonna have to or you know what let's go ahead and do it right now so for address I mean VP 666 and Idris family BPO to VPN BPOs and activating then I started flipped or clients under this address family even allows to actually roll out V GPO discovery so leverage this to set up the dynamic peers for the full mesh so they were 101 activate or I should say route reflector okay just asking me to do to activate it first 92 to act okay so I should do it now let's go under each night you've done a decision obsession time out bud okay um router bgp 666 excuse me neighbor 666 and just go ahead and okay remoter yes is 666 neighbor update source look back zero and family right before me so we don't really need this is 666 activate okay alright so let's do a change okay do show room 5 section BP and take this take the whole thing the same no no session timeout No okay okay all right so where were we take it okay oops oh I I run commands on there the same under the router flexure let me just make sure that I didn't miss anything out let's see nope looks good okay alright so um show show IP BUP neighbors can we do a nope all right the huge output no worries so as you can see our only neighbors gonna be BGP I mean router six and on router six we should have show IP VDP neighbors one to three four five okay all right so um let's go ahead and set up the V GPO discovery and pretty much this is a way to leverage the route distinguishers or route targets and dynamically set up the peers are gonna make up the bridge domain or the vfi the virtual for instance for this v4 mesh customers so let's do from here and because we have a router flector going on here we don't really need to have a full ibgp mesh so as you can see we all we're doing is setting up periods between all the other routers and router 6 so we don't need a full ibgp mesh um let's do actually we only need the VPLS um I mean the auto-discovery is set up on csr 1 4 & 5 because those are gonna be our piece for this customer so let's go on the router bgp 666 and or I should say layer two router ID not sure we already said this I think we did and layer 2 vfi and we're gonna call it 1050 VPLS FirePro and it's gonna be a discovery all right so hit question mark see what we have here and again before the other other stuff gets enable we need to say the VPN ID and we're gonna say 1050 keep it simple doing no shot so next we're gonna bind a bridge domain to this BFI or to these VPS setup so we're gonna keep it simple I'll remember we could use any number for this this is in no way related to the actual be P&ID but let's just say 1050 again keep things simple and not gonna move I'm not gonna play with the empty you or anything let's do the route distinguisher and we're gonna use the SA and then format Asin and format so I'm gonna keep it 6 6 6 1080 and the route target again it's gonna be for both and 666 in 1080 or 1050 I should say I'm sorry did I say okay RAL distinguisher or no rabbits English or 610 ad rather sing with sure 666 1050 and what else we have here we peel this ID to be honest I'm not really sure whether we're gonna need this or not but I'll go ahead and do it anyways ten fifty and that should do it let's do it do so wrong by section layer two and got all this oops right here okay do the same or yeah we don't even need that here so let's do it on router for excellor - there - rudder D + 4 4 4 likes it and ratify and ex-player - router ID that's good alright so now bgp or discoveries in place let's take a look at the promoter one let's do show hmm even if we do a bridge to me it should show us the whatever we have attached to it so which to me and it's 10:50 so there is we have three neighbors or actually two neighbors three or make three of the three routers make up for this BFI so let's do a shoulder to VPN I think be if I and the name and we have it here yes all right so there is everything shows up and if we do a detail or I'm sorry maybe 50 nope okay no worries so now we have the PGP or discovery in place we have the BFI up working and the all the customers I mean all the neighbors are in there now let's get some actual attachment circuits to this vfi now there will be it there will be an easier way instead of using evcs we could do we could do a the same with it for the point customer doing a sub interface and matching incoming traffic with that one queue and put it into the v5 Rashmi and forward it that way but for whatever reason the CSRs or this image that I'm using it doesn't allow you to do that it's not gonna work like regularly or usually you would say from router for let's do normally you do X connect alright so if a 350 regular normally you do extra neck capsulation thank you X connect and you say BFI and the BFI 1050 but it's not gonna let you at least not here so instead of that we'll use who use EDC's or service instances match traffic incoming from the customer and place it into a bridge to Maine 1050 and have it forwarded that way to the corresponding destination so let's go on there and if it is get three and do a service instance Ethernet yes okay I'm sorry 1050 keep it simple Internet encapsulation with that one key we're gonna match whatever comes in with this tag so that one q10 1050 and no shot and place this into the breach domain called 1050 and that's all we need now I'm sorry I apologize before that we're gonna do a rewrite ingress tag pop once metric and basically what we're saying here is alright so send me whatever you got with 1050 and I'll go ahead and pop pop the tag off and or at least the first time in this scenario and that's the only tag that there's it's gonna have and we'll place it into the breach domain and on the other end because of the symmetric tag we're gonna push whatever tag is on the other attachment circuit so it's gonna be also 1050 so we're not gonna have an issue with that alright so that looks like all we need let's go on their outer v and do a interface get three and did we say no shot yes ratify get three no shot service instance 1050 Ethernet capsulation down q10 50 and rewrite ingress tagged pop was symmetric wish the main 1050 it was doing no shot okay router for your face get three service instance 1050 Ethernet capsulation 1050 rewrite ingress tag pop was symmetric and rich domain 1050 alright so that looks good let's do again do show bridge domain 1050 and to be honest I'm not quite sure whether this is gonna work cause of the well because if you look at show run your face get 3 and then remember we also have a sub your face configure therefore put the point appoint customer so I never tried these like at the same time so I'm not sure whether it's just gonna work or not but I guess we'll see mm-hmm ok ok all right so let's try and go on the provider 3 7 deal and 1050 and so yeah fun of it EPS FirePro and interface get Oh - they're allowing everything right now so showing your face around just give it some time and switch a and it's just Joe Ranft I Section villain there is this one should be ready now okay switch a oops oh this one I do need to zero zero or actually you know interface range zero zero two and switch for trunk encapsulation dot1q switch remote wrong exhale exhale show VLAN nope showing your face trunk let's get some time and this one should vary yes 10:52 access universe turn yes Wow join our face trunk give you some time and so we're pretty much at the end of it if this doesn't work I will do is remove the sub your faces so forces to make it work but let's see okay so that's good now let's go under the different switches switch 14 because we need to have traffic when you have 10:50 tag traffic so let's do B 1950 I'm not gonna bother with name interface big on 1050 IP address 22 168th at 150 that 14 shot I said we need to do it this a trunk show switchboard trunk capsulation that one queues before no trunk okay and on router 12 we'll do a sorry ah your face f800 no shot exhale face a face zero zero ten fifty encapsulation dot1q 1050 IP dressed and I'm 182 and 68 at 150 da 12 2 Phi 2 Phi 2 Phi 0 no shot exit and get this all the way through 13 right here naval config VLAN 10 50 exit in face serious serious reporter encapsulation dot1q before Mort wrong exhale okay interface VLAN 10 50 AP dress 100 to 160 a that 150 that 13 to Phi 2 Phi 2 Phi 0 no shot exit and this should be working now as long as we have everything up to show IP interface brief ok and let's give it a try I was like pinging for whatever reason my own IP first and then off to these 14 so let's try 12 and that's working and now let's try 13 nice working perfect alright so when we first looked at the bridge domain over router 1 we were only seeing one MAC address so let's see we are seeing at least three MAC addresses now so show bridge the main 1050 and indeed we are so that's pretty much how VPS would be would be set up and this remember this is a actual emulation of a layer 2 service so we will be running we will be allowing BP to use if we want we will be allowing any layer 2 traffic or I should say any layer 2 protocols so I guess this is it not really not really sure what else I can show you at the moment but let me see what I have here okay so um we're gonna leave it at this point for now and I've been trying to work on some stuff with Alcatel I got ahold of this image is a is our OS and they call it team OS but it's not letting me build the e type services or point of point services I've been running into issues mostly because of the encapsulation for the signaling it's not letting me set up with MPLS it's like be falling back to GRE but that's some other topic for another day so I hope you've enjoyed and please you have any questions make sure make sure to leave me a comment alright whatever you need to ask and I hope this isn't be informative for you and I like to thank you for viewing
Channel: Victor
Views: 19,752
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Id: iQ-0m2fWlJA
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Length: 49min 9sec (2949 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2016
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