How to Configure MPLS on Cisco Router - MPLS Configuration Step by Step - CCIE CCNP

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welcome to this video tutorial on MPLS configurations step-by-step my name is Roger Perkin I am CCIE number fifty thousand and thirty eight and in this video we're going to be going through from the very beginning of bringing rooters into gns3 to configuring an MPLS core to adding two sites and having a fully working MPLS lab that you can learn MPLS from so this is taken from my website there I there is a full written description of this process I will put a link in the description of the video on youtube if you're watching this video on the website then you're already there so that's great but what we're going to be doing is basically this so we're going to be creating this topology with a three root or MPLS core running OSPF in the middle will then setup multi-protocol bgp between root of one and root of three well then add two remote sites in here then with our SPF to root of one and three and then the final step will be to ping from root of 4 over 2 root of 6 using MPLS instead of direct layer 3 routing so this is what I need to build so we're gonna start off with the MPLS core and to do that we are using gns3 if you are not aware what gns3 years or I've never used it and I will be doing another tutorial on this very soon but if you are aware of this you know it's a fantastic tool to simulate networks and you just drag the router in and then join them up now the key to this tutorial is that you follow along and make sure that we have the correct interface connections here and then all the configurations will match so I need to create Fast Ethernet 0 to first Ethernet 0 and first Ethernet 1 to first Ethernet 0 0 ok so there are all the configuration for this in the blog post so you can follow along with this we just need to boot these three rooters so while they're starting that's good through and we're going to address the MPLS core like this so we're gonna use the 10000 subnet between 1 and 2 and the 1001 between 2 and 3 now root 2 1 is going to be addressed dot one on this interface 2 on the route 2 interfaces and dot 3 on the 3 interface we're going to create a loop back on 1 and 3 and we're going to create an OSPF area 0 between all of them I've got all the configurations that you can just copy and paste here so let's go into Rooter one first and bring this up see root of one is here I'm ready on root of one there I've got a script on my gns3 that root one comes up as root of one so this configuration is going to be redundant but we are just going to pop this on here so come fatigue to configure the router and we're going to paste on these three lines hostname root of one a loopback interface and IP ospf area one for the loopback one and then we've got interface f00 go on and then we've also got interface f00 and we're giving that the address of 10001 that's done so rooted - same process narrator - has a little bit more to do so you can see we've got two interfaces here so I need to address F 0 0 and F 0 1 and we've also got a loop back on routed to as well and that is addressed to two to two and then all the interfaces are in OSPF so we should have full reach ability from every router so let's jump into root of two now come 50 will paste that configuration in I've put on a loopback with 2 2 2 and the interface f00 which is facing back to root of 1 is going to be 1000 2 and you can already see that we have an OSPF adjacency come up between root of 2 and root of 1 that's great and then the final configuration is root of 3 where we give that one a loopback of 333 and we're just going to address this f00 interface let's console into root of 3 you which of three comes up now root of three should know here OSPF with root of one so I should be able to note you meet from root of three ping one dot one dot one dot one which I can and ping to do dot to which I can so what we've got now is the IP addressing configured on these three devices so let's just go through a note on here so we've got slash 24 and that subnet has been configured on this link we've done you and that one has been configured on this link root of one it's got a dot one on this interface root of two is got a dot two on both of its interfaces yeah and both of these and root of three we put a dot three this is you can address these whatever you like but now from the current state of this network I've got a loopback address on root of 1 which is 1 1 1 1 and I've got a loopback on 2 which is 2 2 2 2 and a loopback on 3 is 3 3 3 3 now this will become more useful as we progress but just as a test here we can now see if I go from root of 3 I have full reach ability between root of three Luke back and reaches one salute back and that's because I've got OSPF so I've got an OSPF neighbor I've routed to and then go into route a two and if we do Shamu IP ospf neighbor on root of two we've got two neighbors three and one so that is stage one complete we should have full IP connectivity between root two one two and three and there are some more verifications in the blog post there so the second step we need to enable MPLS so each interface that is facing into the network we need to enable MPLS now there are two ways of doing this and we're gonna do this and SPF so we're gonna say root or SPF one MPLS LDP Auto come fix and what this will do is for every OSPF enabled interface it will enable LDP so once we start enabling LDP you will start to see LDP neighbor ships forming between the routers let's go on to route a1 and just paste that command OSPF one MPLS LDP Auto config and the same on router - nothing happens at the moment but now when we put the Auto config on here we go so we've now got a neighbor and we've got a neighbor with one dot one dot one dot one and same on root of three so this is the first step to enable MPLS it's enabling the routing the LDP protocol on the interfaces so that's that done and you'll see this is all listed in the blog here the log must just come up showing LDP neighbors and then to verify the MP and as interfaces the command is very simple we just type on each route to show MPLS interface there this will tell me and I've got first Ethernet 0 0 enabled for emulous and on this one MPLS interface so we are in a good position and you can also verify the LDP neighbors with show MPLS LDP neighbor so let's do that ones show MPLS LDP neighbor and we should have to which is root 2 1 and root of 3 so we are progressing though little thing is we can confirm LDP is running by doing a trace now if we do a trace from root of 1 to root of 3 nice 3.3 dot three dot three you will see that the roots is now are not doing direct routing straight through they are actually adding labels on to this now this is a bit deep to go into this on the first step but just to be aware that we are now starting try to label information to the IP packets that are going across so next step is to configure multi-protocol bgp between reuters 1 and 3 so let's just have a look on the diagram and what we're going to do is we've now got full layer 3 routing between all of these devices and all of the interfaces what we need to do now is we're going to here Nabal multi-protocol bgp that's multi-protocol bgp between brutal one and root of three so this is in effect creating a tunnel which is what we're gonna be doing eventually between these two so your MPLS core could actually be multiple routers in our example we've just got one but this could be a service providers network it could be vast and what you're trying to do is create these BGP multi-protocol connections between the end devices now let's go into the config and see what we need to do so on the root of one we are going to say rooted BGP one neighbor 333 3 that's fine and then we're going to go into the address family of VPN v4 which is where the MPS is going to really kick in and we're going to say neighbor 333 activate let's just do that one on router one neighbor activate and we go over to root of three and I'll take the config here and once this one goes on root of three we should see this bgp neighbor come up this is not as quick as I was PF and if we go down to here you should see a log message and to verify the BGP session between 1:00 and 3:00 there it goes so we've now got a BGP adjacency between root of 1 & root of 3 and I've copied that verification commands show BGP bpn V for unicast or summary and this note tells me that we do indeed have a VPN v4 neighbor to 1.1.1 now the next step is to add two more routers to the topology root of four and root of six so we're going to drop them in and let's me what happens root of five Ruta for and will pop root of 6 over here and that's gonna be 5 I'm gonna put a 6 in this is gonna be the easiest way to do that this is just to keep things clear on the diagram and we're going to connect f 0 0 to F 0 1 and on this side F 0 1 again to F 0 0 right these are going to be our customer sites here start those devices as well let's go down through here so root of four is going to POS PF using process number two - Revere F configured on root of one so what we're gonna do on Rita one is configure a vrf which is a virtual routing or forwarding instance so like a separate routing table within root of one so this is how you can have this root of one be on a customer site and you can have multiple routing tables in here with the same IP routing but on the same subnets but for different customers and they're all separated in virtual routing tables so let's jump into Ruta for now all I'm doing here is just copying the config and if you're not sure of what's going on just go back through the blog post you can reference each step one at a time so we've just now given the route of for a 191 6 8 1.4 address we've given it a loopback and we've added it into OSPF process 2 into area - and then on route of one I'm just gonna give this one an IP address now at the moment I have not put the interface f01 into the vrf so from Ruta one I can ping directly so I can if we go back to diagram now we've now got that is configured over here and I've got six-eight one dot one and figure on this side so I can now ping between these two that's fine now at this point we have our war for and hearing - one but it's in the global routing table a root of one which is not what we want we're now going to start using V ahrefs so a quick introduction here of what a vrf is it's a virtual routing and forwarding technology and I just want to double check that so IP ospf interface brief that you can see we don't currently have a neighbor ship on if a01 on there so we haven't we're not peering yet or address that in a second now first of all we're going to create the vrf this is like this my PVR F and we're going to call this one red this is just a name this can be anything the root descriptor is 404 and the root target is for conforme these numbers are actually different they do different jobs but for the purposes of your first steps into MPLS let's keep them the same I do have another article which explains in depth the difference between the root target and the root distinguisher which I will also link in the description of this video which you can check out that is link there also in the blog post so now we've configured the vrf on route or one we need to move that interface into the vrf so to do that you go into [Music] interface f01 then you say IP vrf forwarding the name of the vrf when you do that it actually rips the IP address off so you no need to reapply the IP address back to the interface so that's something to be aware of and now if I ping which is ruta 4 I want me to ping it because I'm pinging it from the global routing table but if I say show IP route you can see here we don't have 192 but if I say show IP route vrf red that is where that route lives and if I ping 192.168.1 that for vrf red sorry ping vrf red now you can ping it you're pinging it from the virtual routing table you is all explained in the post there this is case sensitive we now need to enable OSPF on this interface so that it peers to rooting for though from the interface that's facing root of 4 interface F you know such one all the config I'm just taking it from each block here so you can do that if you want of SPF to area to so now we've got a neighbor ship on root of 1 but within the vrf so again I've got a loopback on root of 4 or 4 4 4 4 but if I say show IP route we do not see 4 4 4 4 in there but if you say show IP route BRF red this is where you will see that interface so that's fine and again the descriptions here are showing you to find the roots we need to repeat this process also on route 2 3 & 6 what I've done here let's just recap is we've put this interface f00 into vrf red we have peered OSPF on a different process between 4 and 1 and if we now check the routes on route or 1 in the vrf we can see the roots in here we have to do the same on this side so let's go to root of six that one hasn't got any addressing or anything at the moment so we can take all the address details here and place that on there going to root of three just address the interface that's facing out to root of six okay so remember we are now in the global routing table so ping comes back by that's currently in the global routing table we need to create the vrf now this needs to match on three as it did on one and then we add the interface on root of three into the vrf remember the IP address gets ripped off so we need to reapply it you put the IP address back on again now here's a little way you can show the interface so if we say show run interface F 0/1 it tells me that this interface is in the v RF forwarding of red and this is its IP address and then finally let's just enable OSPF on that interface and should then peer up to route a 6 if we say show IP route vrf read now we've got the neighbor ship we have got the oops coming in and we've got six six six six in the vrf routing table and if we say shall I P route we are looking in the global routing table whoops they do not exist okay so we've come a long way let's review so we've now got this situation root of 1 2 & 3 oh SPF between them all multi-protocol bgp between the two Reuters and then we've also got root of 4 and root of 1 . PF in AVR F on Rita 1 and root of 3 & 6 peering MSP f2a vrf on root of 3 No before we go let's do a few checks so on route 2 for these are the routes right now if I say so just in Ruta for show IP route we've got the local roots or we can see so far is the roots that we've got on this part of the network what we're trying to do is to get six six six six into the table of root of four all the way over here all the way over MPLS and if we check the roots on root of one you can see we don't have them either it's all explained in here remember we ever a vrf configured on this root of this command will show the roots in the global routing table will not show the roots that are on the external sites here but if we do show IP route vrf and you will see that now we need to do the following we - view SPF into multi-protocol BGP on root of 1 oh yeah village of Piedmont approach called PHP into OSPF on new - 1 and then the same on root of 3 and we're going to basically take the OSPF routes that we have here and put them into multi-protocol bgp and then we're going to take the routes that we get from our 2 protocol BGP and put them into SPF and the same on 3 sounds quite complicated but what we're doing is saying I want to put the OSPF routes into multi-protocol bgp and the multi-protocol routes into OSPF so root of 1 first Ruta bgp one address family ipv4 readership u k-- OSPF - same on route 2 3 root of BGP 1 let's put the OSPF roots into multi-protocol PGP and we can verify that with IP BGP VPN v4 v RF read so we've now got four four four four and we are seeing six six six six now we're getting that root over from root of six and then we need to go the other way so we'd now go into OSPF on route 1 and redistribute BGP in and then onto root of 3 and redistribute that one in oh if this is all worked we should be able to know pick six 666 from Ruta for but before we do let's just check the roots that we have on Rita for though this is just normal routing show IP route and you can see we know how six six six six in there and I should be at a ping 6.6 dot 6.6 and you see when you do a trace now it is using MPLS labels to get across this cloud or the MPLS core in the middle and we'll go back to root of six and check that's the other way around and now on route r6 show IP route I've got the four so I should be the pink four four four and if i trace two four four four four you should see it using those labels so that is it we have configured MPLS on to sites across a three route OSPF core and at the end of the post there are those two articles that I mentioned the most important one the differences between route distinguishing route target and also some tips on MPLS LDP troubleshooting I hope you've enjoyed this and I appreciate that we've just rushed through that it's quite a long process this took me a long time to actually get my head around and that's the reason I did write this in the first place it's just to clarify all these concepts in my head but I'll link this read this through again print it out draw on it do-over and then step through here and you will learn the concepts of MPLS very easily thank you for watching and if you've enjoyed this video please subscribe at the end and there will be more videos coming along very shortly thank you very much
Channel: Roger Perkin
Views: 39,418
Rating: 4.9219513 out of 5
Keywords: mpls configuration, mpls tutorial for beginners, mpls tutorial, mpls l3vpn configuration example cisco, roger perkin, ccie mpls, mpls, multiprotocol label switching, cisco, ccie certification, mpls vpn, ccie, ccnp, bgp, ccie routing and switching, ccnp training, cisco training, l3vpn, mpls configuration step by step, mpls lab, cisco mpls, mpls configuration cisco, mpls configuration example, how to configure mpls on cisco router
Id: V9ij7se6VDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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