MPC X SE vs MPC 2500 Ultimate Audio Test...Which One Sounds Better??

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all right so today is the day where I compare my MPC special edition to my MPC 2500 and I'm gonna tell you guys right now I noticed something let's get to it [Music] all right so before we get started make sure you guys go ahead and get my drum kits I actually use my X Factor kit in this demonstration all of my drum kits sound good and they're cheap as hell so you might as well go ahead and get them if you'd already have some go ahead and get all of them if you don't have them go ahead and click that link in description and get my drum kits also in this demonstration I actually use some Hardware that I have I'm going to be using the Tascam model uh 12. that's what it is yeah the Model 12 and I am using the MPC special edition okay that just came out the mpcx special edition if you guys want to get this go ahead and click my link in the description and go to and you can go ahead and get it and then on if you're trying to find some other stuff like some other equipment they have a ton of stuff that you can get with no credit or background check and you just pay it off over time so go ahead and click that link in the description right now if you're trying to get some equipment all right so today I just came back from my neighbor's house brother said man and he actually did a demonstration comparing the NPC special edition to the MPC 3000 limited edition which or special edition I think it's a limited edition um which that thing sounds amazing it sounds really good has its own sound and uh he actually made a video for it I'm going to link that in the description so you guys can go ahead and see it so after that I decided to go ahead and do my own comparison with the MPC X special edition to my MPC 2500 okay I want you guys to hang tight with me through this video so you guys won't be going underneath the comment section saying oh you didn't level match you didn't do this you didn't do that I did everything okay I did it all and I made sure I got it as accurate as possible so this is what I did first things first I went ahead and ran both the mpcx special edition and the NPC 2500 into my Tascam model 12. from there I level matched everything and one thing I can say is that both of the units when you set it at like 12 o'clock on the master knob they both sound pretty much close to volume wise so they're pretty close had to do a little bit of adjusting but I got them close I ran everything using the uh universal audio X4 so I used uh that audio interface pre-sound great got everything in there sounds really good and the signal was completely dry but I did notice something the MPC 2500 was more Dynamic it felt like the signal didn't have anything interfering with it okay so you can actually look at the waveform and see how the kick in the snare looks on the actual waveform so it was more Dynamic meaning that it's going to have a little bit more punch to the actual track now the mpcx special edition is a little bit different this actually looks like there's some type of normalization some type of limiter some type of compression or something is something on that output that is giving it volume because the signal actually came out even though they looked kind of like the same on the Tascam on the metering the volume was like it was pushed a little bit louder but that could be due to maybe a maximizer or something like that before it exits out the machine and you can see that on the waveforms you can see it and it's definitely there so that could be one of the factors that could be contributing to the actual sound of this machine now depending on how you like it some people might like it more Dynamic some people might like it sounding more pushed it's all just depends on how you feel music is subjective everybody has a different opinion but I can definitely tell that there is something on that output on the mpcx special edition doesn't sound bad doesn't mean I'm not going to use it I'm still going to use it pretty much all the time and I'm gonna use all my other newer NPCs pretty much all the time but this is just a comparison video however I wanted to take it a step further for you guys and I was gonna do this in another video but I'm just going to use this one device so I actually went in and I actually hooked up my Tascam Model 12 via USB and use that as my output for the mpcx special edition since you can use class compliant audio interfaces as your output for the NPCs the new NPCs so I actually uh use that and one thing I can say is the audio did sound a bit different it actually sounded not bad but it had its own characteristics but um the signal was actually a Little Bit Stronger coming in so the Tascam did do a little bit better when it came to adding a stronger signal going into the universal audio uh X4 and I went ahead and recorded that in dry as well and we're gonna go ahead and play all of this stuff back now what I did was I did a dry take and I also did a take where I added a limiter and I matched everything to have the same luffs output reading so I tried to set that output around about 11 negative 11.1 somewhere around that range for the luft's output range so that's where I got all of these sitting at so they're pretty much level matched you know I'm saying and I use the Lux meter in so I can get it pretty accurate so I went ahead and did that and uh I'm going to show you guys the results now I'm going to make another video using uh audio interfaces like I'm going to use my SSL interface and I'm going to use my audience interface along with the mpcx special edition to see if there's any difference in that and to see how those sound with the mpcx special edition but today I just used the Tascam because I think the Tascam is just dope it is a very clean mixer it's a digital mixer but it has some analog stuff in it and it is very dope like it doesn't color your sound it just does what you tell it to do and I really enjoy using it with my MPC and my keyboards okay it's very dope so yeah let's go ahead and go to the test and uh you guys tell me how they sound [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] you guys tell me what you think do you think the MPC 2500 sounded that much better than the mpcx special edition or did you think the mpcx special edition sounded better than the 2500 or do you think that running the mpcx special edition through the Tascam made a huge difference so I want you guys to tell me in the comment section all right so I hope this video was informative hope you guys learned something from it and like I always say peace out
Channel: Bolo Da Producer
Views: 15,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bolo Da Producer, mpc x se, mpc, mpc 2500, audio, audio test
Id: I57bmTDWzKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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