MPC Stem VS Serato Stems - Which is Better?

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welcome to the channel aai has dropped MPC stems now I've used every stem separator out there except for FL Studio haven't used that one yet but all the software all the apps I've used all of them and out of all of them the one that works the best for me and cleans the stems the best is Sado stems so I knew when NPC announced when aai announced NPC stems that I wanted to do a comparison and see if the NPC works as well as Sado because that'll save me a step I won't have to go and take the the the sample out of Sado and transfer it to the NPC I could do it all here so I'm going to show you this list we're going to run through real quick now every song is different some are Messier some are cleaner so you're going to get artifacts no matter what so we're going to go through a very messy song I have loaded up in the NPC and I'm going compare it to Sado and we'll see which one is better then I'm going to take a clean one and do the same thing and as we're going we're going to compare performance whether it crashes how long it takes so here we have the song that I have up it's very messy um I'll let you hear it I am going to talk over it I do not want to get a copyright strike or anything but I'll let you hear enough to get the idea here's the melody [Music] and here come the vocals New York break [Music] down new yor okay so you hear what that sounds like we'll keep going back and forth to compare don't worry now you can just hit the stems button and stem out the whole track if you want I will do that as well but one of the benefits of the MPC is that you can actually chop this up first and then hit the stems button and every stem will have those chops and it saves time it's just another step you don't have to do so I'm going to do that I'll fast forward this so you don't have to sit here I'm just going to throw a bunch of chops here and yes I know this is a huge file but I kind of want to use a big file to see how it performs so now this is all chopped up and it's I'll hit stems and it'll stem out but you want to make sure you have it on the program you want the pad I'm going to put this on pad one and I'm not going to use trim sample and then once you hit that it'll start stemming it out and again it's probably taking a while because it's a huge file it's a huge song it's not the whole song I did trim it but it's it's a lot so that's okay okay so now here are all the chops so if you scroll over you'll see you have your stems and they are chopped up as well the same way and that's a super timesaver so you got your base and everything so let's listen to the melody one [Music] now we could hear already the drums are still kind of in there you can still hear that but to be fair that beginning part was just drums but it's not 100% let's listen again but right there the vocals too you hear the vocals a little bit the further in the drums are out extracted a bit better I still heard a little bit of vocal though let's check the drums and see how they [Music] sound you know what I'm showing you in chops too let me uh show the whole [Music] stem okay so that's the drums that's what it sounds like now I'm going to play the base for [Music] you [Music] I'm going to play the melody [Music] again [Music] so the melody didn't come out clean at all let's try the vocals break [Music] down New York it's a Sweet Sweet Sound I hear now the vocals actually sound pretty good they came out pretty good um if you want to save this into your MPC Standalone to use later without the computer all you got to do is go to save project as and pick your actual device the NPC so here this stems from PC folder is my uh MPC so I'm going to go in there and save it into that and then later on when I want to work on it I don't have to be hooked up to the computer I can just turn my NPC on and everything will still be in there the way it was and that's also pretty pretty cool cuz even though stems is not on Standalone right now this kind of makes it Standalone now we're going to switch into Sado and then I'm going to take everything off and start with the [Music] drums and this takes a second to process as well a lot quicker so performance we see that the Sado already did it [Music] quicker all right so that's how the drum sound in Sado now I'm going to switch back and go back to the NPC and we'll see how they they sound there and again now I'm going to switch to Sado so you can hear the [Music] difference MPC again all right so you guys could could hear the difference and judge for yourself mind you these are all at the same levels so you know I'm getting a little bit more umph from the uh NPC one but it seems to be maybe a little bit clearer in Sado now let's check out the [Music] base all right I'mma go to the NPC and play the base from there [Music] [Music] okay Sado one more [Music] time it sounds like the MPC one has more ump and is a little bit more more cleaner again okay so you can hear the difference for yourself let's do the melody in Sado now you see they took the drums out completely where the NPC one didn't those drums were still [Music] there down also we can hear some of the vocals like NPC did so it's fair to say both of them are not 100% again this is a very messy song so you're going to get those artifacts but let's hear this melody again and then I'll play it from the [Music] MPC break down okay [Music] MPC [Music] okay so neither one of these really was able to clean that Melody part out 100% however you know I come from the era where you you had to make things work so you find a workaround and so so if I get a song like that where the melody is not 100% I'm going to go in there tweak it mix it and try to clean it up the best that I can and there's little tricks of the trade you know sometimes you might get one section that's really bad so you just add something over it you know what I mean maybe the effect I put an effect a sound effect over that piece or a '90s horn you know what I mean you got to do what you got to do to make it work but anyway let's go through the vocals in Sado nowk [Music] it's [Music] a okay now let's switch to the NPC vocals [Music] York New York it's a Sweet Sweet Sound and one more time in Sado [Music] yor all right so clearly the NPC actually pulled the vocals better let's listen one more [Music] time it's a Sweet Sweet Sound yeah see the NPC actually did better on vocals it it it's clearer and it took the you know that one piece that was not playing in Sado it was very low and muffled the MPC has it perfectly and it seems like everything from the NPC has like that louder like ump it has that ump to it so vocals NPC one uh Melody both were kind of I would probably give it to Sado because it pulled more drums out so Sado got that for Melody and drums sounded pretty even no I'll let you guys decide from what you just heard you can go back and compare but now let's get a clean song up one of my songs that has vocals on it one of my Beats so I'm going to try this one we'll start in [Music] NPC [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everything [Music] all right so I'm going to trim this down but I'm going to actually make it a little bit larger than the last song we used so I'm going to hit stems and see what we get so yeah this is actually much longer but let's go for it anyway because I'm just I'm not going to play the whole thing over and over but certain parts e okay so now that stemmed that out let's take a look this is the [Music] melody now as we see it didn't take that little vocal off let's see how it sounds towards the mid [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] quality isn't 1,00% great um let's move over to where the vocals are more [Music] so it seems to take out the main vocals better than that little harmonizing part now let's check out the drums [Music] that's the beginning the the melody part so it didn't like take all of that out [Music] either okay um that was drums and vocals just fast forwarding now let's go to the main vocal [Music] part [Music] all right so now let's throw it in Sado and compare the two now I'm just saving this exact sample into the computer to just take it from the NPC to the Sado [Music] Melody only let's start with that and Sado is still processing very quickly more quickly than [Music] MPC [Music] h [Music] [Music] okay so it took the drums out but those vocals is still in there let's see what the drums alone sound like the drums start back there um so it will take the melody out completely where the NPC had that little piece remember like right around there but that's no big deal [Music] okay let's uh yeah I noticed the base didn't come out in the MPC or here that's weird had like a tiny little piece so it's very low and it didn't pull all of it out and I didn't see it at all on the NPC but let's go to [Music] vocals [Music] all right so it pulled that little piece out but it didn't really pull the melody off of that [Music] part right let's uh comes to the [Music] [Music] hook all right so um the NPC didn't pull base at all Sado pulled the base a little bit only in like two parts and it was very low now we're going to go back and forth between the MPC stems and the Sado and compare the sound [Music] difference [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] heart [Music] all [Music] [Music] wow so these are some pretty wild results that I honestly did not expect and it seems like the MPC stems is pulling vocals better than Sado I don't I wouldn't say the same for the Melody and I don't know I'm it drums it's weird because in Sado the drums sound very tiny and in NPC it's more of like a base boost on them so I don't know let me know in the comments what you guys think what sounds better to you and again it it it all depends on the song you're using you know not these stems are not going to be 100% clean I mean we came a long way in with technology when you think about it like I don't know about you guys but like I said before like I come from the era like I grew up poor in New York and I'm grown very grown so I come from the era of um making it work with whatever you have you know we didn't have the money to be able to create this art so we would use whatever we had to that that's like the the beauty in it from the cassette tapes and the play record and get ready to stop and you know what I mean to two turntables with two of the same records and fading back and forth to get that that perfect Loop to keep going so I'm pretty impressed with with stems now I wouldn't normally just go and use stems to chop up if I if I get a good song you know a good sample I'll just chop it up as it is but being able and never mind DJing DJing that's a whole different level because being able to pull vocals off to use them and put them somewhere else that's amazing and you know I wouldn't go and take drums off of anything and want to use it but I would take the drums off to be able to use the vocals and the sample itself the melody but um and bass for me I I just want to take Bass and vocals off of everything I could care less about everything else honestly like because some of these baselines are mean and then we also saw the problem both of these programs stems and Sado didn't even pick up the Basse on the second song so it all depends you know it's hard to compare one to the other like I said I've used all of them except for FL Studio koala has them the DJ Pro has it there's separate like rip X and there's a ton out there but s always seemed to work best for me and you know I've done this is not my first time doing a comparison I've done a lot of comparisons with the stems um is it perfect on NPC no but I think we got a long way to go and I I think it's usable though and if it doesn't work there then it'll work over here you know what I mean cuz that's just me I'm from that make it work so I'll make it work you know and if it doesn't come out as perfect as I like like I said before you know I could go in and and clean it up myself you know EQ it and whatever you got to do but for me personally I'm I'm pretty happy with stems period no matter where it's at I prefer it to be on the MPC because again it's going to save me a lot of time and a lot of steps I don't have to take it from Sado now and put it into the NPC and I that chopping thing I showed you before that's incredible that you could just take a song chop it then hit stems and all your stems will be chopped out with the same chops that's a time saer as well so yeah I think this is is pretty cool technology has brought us very far and you know I'm going to utilize every piece that I can cuz I never dreamed back in uh in the 90s to early 2000s that I would be able to do this so I'm enjoying it so far I hope you guys like this video I just wanted to do my own personal comparison because I am going to be a stem user for certain things and um hit that subscribe and notification and let me know in the comments what you guys think what which parts you preferred and which one you thought was better thank you guys for watching have a great day peace
Channel: WeSampleEverything.Com
Views: 11,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Akai, Mpc, Mpcstems, Serato, Seratosample, Mpcstemsvsseratostems, Seratostems, Mpclive, Mpcx, Stems, Hiphop, Beats, Producer, Production, Lofi, Boombap, Howto, Viral, Sp1200, Sampling, Howtosample, Samples, Kanyewest, Drums, Sp404a, Roland
Id: COlPOsbTut8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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