mpc one sequence / mpc one workflow / mpc one plugins

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[Music] so [Music] welcome back and thank you guys for tuning in for today's video today i'm going to dive in a little more into sequences and try to create variation with the songs that you're building i know this is something that happens to us it happens to me where we're working in standalone mode with a sampler or any actual standalone machine and usually we're working with loops which is sequences versus something like a daw we are actually in a linear timeline uh adding our intro our verse and that's a little different from this so right now i'm going to dive into this track that i started working on the other day and try to build some variations some separate sequences so we can start making it come together like a song but before we jump into it if you guys find value in this video do not forget to give it a thumbs up for it's a very big support for the video and also if you're not subscribed to the channel make sure you guys subscribe to the channel for more content like this so let's jump right into it so we're right here in the mpc one and just keep in mind this is going to work with any other mpc the main focus of this video is just building sequences and having variations so we could not just have one loop but something that sounds a little more put together more of a song so i'm going to show you guys what i had built the other day this is just a loop this is actually an a bar loop and it sounded very good to me so i want to continue this beat so far all i have is just two sequences i have an intro and then i have the drop or the verse that's all i have at the moment i'll let you guys hear what i have so far [Music] so what i want to do is i want to show you guys how i'm able to get an okay sounding sequence or how can i kind of give it a little more punch a little more kick as you guys heard the drums those things are smacking they're just pretty much they're almost distorting but it's a good distortion it's not a nasty distortion so you guys already know i love sampling live drums i have something about live drums that just feel very good let's start off with the drums this is the original drums with no effects this is the way i sample them and you know they sound okay but nothing too spontaneous or you know nothing that stands out too much so they sound okay but after i did all my uh editing or my plugins that i've added then now they sound like this and i'm going to go through real quick what i have on the drums and one thing i do have to mention is i have these plugins engaged on the program not on individual pads this is plugins that i'm putting on the program i'm gonna just go through real quick i have the i'm gonna turn these off i have the lo-fi plug-in this thing is awesome man uh this is just a good way to crush up your drums and make them sound a little more grittier and the way i have them is at the bit depth i have them at 21 bit or i'm sorry a 12.1 bit uh sample rate at 45 and it's mixed at 100 the clip you guys can play around with this clip and this is actually a good way to like i said distort your drums a bit in a very pleasing way so that's with this lo-fi plug-in i'm gonna turn it off that's width i don't know if you guys can hear that but it's it adds a little bit of distortion to the drums and then after that i followed it with this eq this eq is awesome don't sleep on this eq it works really good uh this section right here is your frequencies this is your q and this is your gain for that frequency uh right now without this eq this is how they sound they sound okay but a little muffled i wanted them to stick out a little more have a little more grits more in your face type of sound so i go to 10 000 i went to 10 000 kilohertz and i boosted that about 4 db and then i go to 3 000 kilohertz and i boost at about 2 db now don't get too mixed up on these numbers i'm just kind of going if it feels right to me with the sample i'm going to go ahead and engage that so so we're going to hear it without it and then with it again subtle changes we're not trying to make a drastic change because we're going to mix this after an ableton so we're not trying to mix 100 here we're just trying to add a feel to the track and then lastly i have this compressor this compressor again is an amazing compressor this is my favorite compressor in the mpc one uh it just makes the the drum smack like it makes it feel good so we're gonna hear it without it and then i'm gonna play it with now this compressor just makes these drums pump and as you guys can see i have my threshold low i have my ratios at a four to one uh my output at about 15 db my mix is at a 43 db the mix so it's kind of like a parallel compression i don't want to have the mix fully at 100 because if i do it's gonna sound horrible it's a little too much i'll show you guys how that would sound i mean it still don't sound bad but at about 32 sounds uh pretty good to me and uh you're attacking your release if you guys have your attack all the way you know your attack is too soon it's just gonna kill your whole drums there's not gonna be no kick there's not gonna be no smack i think where the smack comes in is when you let the initial transients of your audio waves cut through before the signal gets compressed so i like i don't like a quick attack when i'm compressing these drums to get them sounding like that i like to go for a slow attack the reason why is because if you got go for a slow attack the kick is the kick and the the snare is going to hit first without being compressed and then a few milliseconds after then it's going to compress the decay sound of that audio wave hopefully it's making sense but don't get too mixed up on what i just said just listen to your audio and see what feels better to you see there's no punch there's no smack but if i slower or i lower down this attack you're you're gonna see that the kick and the scenario cutting through a little bit more all right hopefully you guys can hear that through the speakers they're minor changes but they are there and they make a big difference at the end after that uh that's pretty much it so that this is without any plugins and then this is width that right there is gritty and i love that sound that's just to kind of get it a little more in your face now real quick i'm going to touch up on this is the the drums these are live drums let's hear the live drums this is uh with with a crash snare and then this is no crash uh this is why i like live uh uh drum brakes because they have life here i mean i can recreate this with you know finger drumming but i just feel like it sounds weak live drums have so much balls in them it sounds so good so you have a tom roll and then you have a crash with a kick and then up here there's just the kick and a snare with no crash so what i'm doing to make this uh vary so it's not just the looping like this so it's just two bars and i don't want the two bars to be looping and it just gets too monotonous and it's like oh here comes the crash again no let's save the crash for a specific moment i i i want this crash to be a build up and not give it away too easy or too soon so what i'm doing is um you know on on the first bar is with the crash [Music] second bar boom uh and then it goes back to the third bar which was gonna be again the crash but i don't wanna give that crash away just yet i wanna save that for a specific moment and have a drop right there so what i'm doing instead of going back to the first pad i'm going back to this pad which it was just the kick with no crash so the way i'm kind of doing it is i will start off with this right here i didn't start off with a bars i started off with just this loop it's a two bar loop this is what i started [Music] with that's it it's repeating and it gets boring it's like oh all right cool i'm kind of tired of it after hearing it like three or four times so what i do after i have this two bars loops uh i i will duplicate this uh uh the the loop and i made it into eight bars and now the way i'm working is i'm going section by section so the way i'm going section by section is i'm on the q link on the fourth q link and with these two knobs this is my loop selector so now i can select uh you know i'm going to select the third bar and the fourth bar so i can focus on that i already have my first two bars now i want to focus on the next two bars which they're right here and if i have to get in here and fix some of these up like i don't want this you know i didn't want this to loop and and to be uh where were we yeah it was going to be originally right here you see it's the crash it's the same thing over and over no so the way we can uh have fun with this loop section is it's work with small little sections small little loops and on this loop maybe on the third bar i can just transpose this note and go up and go into pad five because pad five it doesn't have that crash so it's not just crash crash crash it gets very boring so it doesn't have a crash right here and now as you guys hear the toms this is a very important part because it's like the toms is like it's ready to give you something so you don't want to just do toms and there's nothing there so maybe right here where there's toms as you guys can hear like nothing is happening right here watch [Music] maybe right there where the toms are kind of coming at you we can go now to our sample track where we have our our chops and we can do something right there to you know give some emphasis on this uh build up so let's see what we can do right there just right here so what i did is i cut off the sample i added a muted sample or a note right there with nothing and it just cuts it off so it can have like a little pause where is just the tom speaking [Music] boom there you go so it kind of like leaves a little gap and the the toms take the the show right there now you know that's the third and the fourth bar now what i would do if i feel cool with that i move over to the fifth in the sixth bar so the way we do that make sure that that's selected over here and this bottom one this will select your your loop the end of the loop and this one will select the the beginning of the loop [Music] now right here on the fifth bar i do have the crash with the with my drums hopefully this is making sense i hope you guys are picking some up from this it might sound confusing but the the main thing here is i'm working with small sections and i love that the mpc workflow allows you to work with small sections and focus on little pieces so you could build a song and and make it have drops and and build ups and you can perform that and focus on little sections [Music] maybe right here on the fifth bar where the crash comes in i want to take off the sample i don't want no sample i want it to be muted for just one beat right there so what i will do is i'm now i'm back on my chops uh i will take this chop off i will delete it i would just select it hit shift cut and now there's nothing right there but i'm sure the the remaining sound or the tail of this uh pad right here is going to come over i don't want that i want it to be muted so as you guys can see there's nothing on these pads oh like there's nothing on this pad so what i'll do is i'm gonna put this pad since there's nothing there i'm gonna put that right here on the first uh uh on the downbeat so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just zoom in get the pencil tool put that empty pad right there get back out now it should cut off i hope it does let's hear it [Music] yes okay so so i'm gonna go from the ending of bar four and i'm gonna drop in to bar five so we can hear that little break that we just did there you go [Music] cool so as you guys can see i'm i'm i'm continuing the track maybe on track seven on the loop seven uh i'm gonna add some pretty different right there i can do note repeat put it on yeah sixteenth on no repeat and i'm gonna just rehearse this [Music] okay cool so on on bar seven i'm going to just do some note repeats on pads one and and four just kind of play with it so we can switch it up a bit have a little bit of variation so it's not the same thing looping over and over so let's go ahead and do that so i'm gonna hit over dub and play start [Music] there you go [Music] now obviously just that bar alone it gets very boring because it's just looping but again this is an a bar loop and if we hear now this whole entire a bar bars uh there's few little changes very subtle subliminal changes that nobody's really going to point out but it's just changing up the routine is changing up your your sequence so again it's not just the same four bar loops and it gets very boring and repetitive after a while so let's hear what we have so far [Music] cool so as you guys can see there's some variation there it's not the same thing in every bar there's something different going on so that's pretty much it right there guys as you guys can kind of get the main idea of the video um kind of building on a four bar loop or two bars or four bar whatever makes it easier for you to lay down your idea use it as scratch paper once you have the vision and you're like wow i really like how this is coming along then you can start to copy and paste it and create like an a bar loop or whatever you guys want and start working with little small bars sections how i'm using this loop method right here that i showed you guys on the grid and when you guys are working like that if you guys want you guys can start dropping stuff out putting stuff in and just building the track and tailoring it the way you want it to so it's not just a repetitive loop so i hope you guys got some value out of this video don't forget to hit the thumbs up if you guys did and also subscribe to the youtube channel uh thank you guys once again make sure you guys check out the other videos that touch up on some of these topics and you guys have a great week i'll catch y'all on our next video peace [Music] you
Views: 9,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc one, mpc one workflow, mpc one plugins, mpc one sequence, mpc one arrangement, akai mpc one, akai mpc, akai mpc live, mpc live, akai force, mpc one akai, mpc one kick mix, update mpc live firmware, mpc one expansion, mpc one beat workflow, mpc one hip hop beat, mpc one tutorial, mpc update, beat making mpc one, mpc one song mode, mpc one beat, lofi plugins free, mpc one sampler, mpc one beat making, mpc live tutorial, mpc one standalone, akai mpc one standalone
Id: QKOa2n5th6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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