MPC Live 2 Sampling Vinyl and Beatmaking workflow

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey welcome and thank you for tuning in to today's video I'm really excited because we're gonna be making a beat in the NPC live Mark too I'm actually going to be going over sampling some advantages at the MPC Life 2 has when it comes down to sampling I'm actually not going to be sampling off of my phone or my SD card I'm actually going to be using this 45 record these are actually really challenging because I do not know what's in here I have not heard it my little sister actually got this for me and uh there's only two tracks right here so if there's something good awesome and if there isn't there's not a lot to choose from if you're new to this channel welcome but if you've already been here you know I choose a topic but the main idea behind this video or my channel is to share inspiration and my goal is by the end of this video you want to pick up your sampler and start making music that's what really matters to me all right so quick rundown of what we have uh today we just have the MPC live Mark II and then I have my Audio Technica this is the the atlp60 this is an awesome record player if you guys want to start sampling from Vinyl then you know you don't know too much about this whole vinyl setup and all that pick up one of these a um Audio Technica record players they're very easy to use you get it right out of the box and you start using it you don't need any other accessories which is awesome and if you have not sampled from Vinyl I highly highly recommend you experience that if you don't have any record stores around you go on eBay buy some crates from people that sell for like 10 20 dollars it's worth it it's fun to go through records I highly recommend it if you've not sampled from Vinyl So today we're going to be jumping into this having some fun and uh let's see what we have with this record right here now before I drop the needle I'm actually going to go into my sampler this is actually a blank session uh this isn't stereo so my inputs is you know coming into inputs one and two and I make sure it's in Stereo and I'm gonna turn on my monitor this is my input signal so I can listen to what I'm going to play back from the the record as you see my input signal is really low I'm probably going to crank up the gain from the MPC [Music] now this is a 45 record and right now we're hearing it it sounds very low but if I put the speed to 45 that's the actual original uh pitch of this record [Music] um all right so I don't know if you heard what I heard but this is uh really awesome when it comes down to sampling is uh everybody has a different way of hearing music like me right now I'm gravitating towards the melody of how he's singing his Melody is is really appealing to me and not only his malady but I don't know if it's a flute uh there's some type of flute playing in the background that I can already kind of uh hear of how I can organize that all right so I got a good amount that I recorded into the MPC I did record it kind of pitched down because I notice I'm always pitching down my samples I kind of want to try something different right now and if I want to pitch it up then I'll go ahead and Pitch up a few semitones but right now we're gonna rock with this I'm just gonna set the start point of where I want to start making my slices foreign I'm listening to that bass I don't know if there's like a synthesizer base but that's gonna that's going to be my downbeat and I'm gonna go ahead and process discard anything I had before that and then I'm going to go in from trim to chop mode and start selecting my slices [Music] go ahead and convert this into its own program all right so right here we're in track one I have my sample program loaded up already [Music] now this thing is loaded uh I got a bank a all the way through bank D loaded up with sample chops we don't know what we're going to select uh we're gonna go ahead and play with this but before I start playing around with these chops and see what I come up with I'm actually going to go to track number two load up a drum break I'm gonna go into sample pack volume one there's a folder right here where I have a few drum breaks these drum brakes are actually very helpful because they help me just build inspiration I don't want to create a perfect groove right now with my drums I know I'm going to want to use one shots with this beat foreign [Music] beats per minute hit load most likely I'm going to delete this drum break once I start adding my one shots but let's go ahead and rock with this [Music] so we got some drums right there now I can go back into my sample and again now that we have those drums right there I go ahead and start playing with something right here see what clicks see what works for me again I have all these Banks filled up and if something clicks with me I'm gonna go ahead and stick with that [Music] okay all right so we have a situation right here uh the tempo is really off the drums are at 80 beats per minute but my chops are either like not really finding myself with the drums uh even though I know I'm going to replace those drums with one shots I actually want to stay at 80 beats per minute what I can do there's two there's actually so many different directions you can tackle this uh problem you know you could either warp your sample to catch up or slow down without losing any pitch or you could either a time stretch it or my favorite is use the semitone in the global which is going to affect the pitch of your sample some people don't want to go that route but I enjoy using semitone I feel like the you know pitching up and down in the NPCs sounds so good that that can go very drastic and it still maintains good quality so in this case I'm actually going to pitch up let's go up two semitones if I hit play almost [Music] uh actually like a five I'm gonna stay at plus five semitones I actually like how that sounds how that feels hopefully I can match this up with the drums and a rock with this again I'm gonna hit play and see how it sounds so let's go ahead and listen to this right here [Music] may all right I'm I'm having a great time I hope you guys are having fun I'm sorry when I do these videos sometimes this thing just clicks and I already know what's gonna happen um let's actually I already found my first Loop that I'm gonna stick with it's in Bank D I'm gonna mess with these pads right here uh really filling this before I forget this I'm gonna go ahead and record that right now [Music] um yeah okay [Music] so I'm just looping this right here on that third bar now I'm going into the fourth bar boom this fourth bar I wanna switch it up so it's not just so repetitive I'm gonna Loop that fourth bar Q Link for setting these two are your Loop settings now I'm just looping that fourth bar I'm gonna stop right here I'm gonna delete this fourth bar again I'm just recording this because I don't want to forget the sequence that I had that I just clicked with but now on this fourth bar let's look for something else let's look for a different Groove maybe in Bank C we have different options [Music] okay before I already kind of found something but let's go to bank a because I don't know what if something better is here [Music] right here this is where the gold is we found it so let's go ahead and lock this in [Music] bar put you down [Music] all right all right so I'm I'm feeling that right there and by the way guys uh if anybody has subscribed and is a member of this channel if you are in the sample sharing program right here I'll leave a link down in the description I'm actually going to be sharing this is a I already created into a sample program I already done the chops I will be sharing this with you so you could go ahead and download this sample program load it up into your MPC follow along with me if you guys are just getting started a little confused go ahead and walk through with this and you know see how you've connected with these chops or just build your own beat with these chops that we have for you make sure you guys are looking into that whoever is already subscribed to it because I'll be dropping these programs very soon right after I upload this video alright so now that we have our sample logged in I have my drums I'm gonna scrap these drums out and I'll want to actually load up some one shots because I don't like how these drum brakes sound it was just my inspiration so I'm gonna go right here and I'm going to go into my browser I'm actually going to be jumping into my new sample pack volume three it's not out yet but it's gonna be out very soon I'm still tweaking a few one shots perfecting the sound set I would really use so we're going to go ahead and audition some of these kicks and snares and see what we come up with give you [Music] now so I'm go ahead and hit play and just start putting some on top of that drum break before we take that drum break off I'm actually going to lay down the hi-hat turn off quantize [Music] okay so right there I have a drum Groove I have my one shots and notice that I'm going in right here I'm adjusting and nudging forward backward some of these kicks said I'm a little too off you know I'm not a perfectionist when it comes down to finger drumming I don't have this crazy Natural Groove guys learn the the grid editor and just the basics on how to grab a note and nudge it forward or backward that will make a huge difference so I'm feeling this right here I'm gonna stick with this right now and move forward I'm actually gonna jump into track number three and start adding some bass on top of this uh this actually sounding really good but before I add a baseline uh again I've said this before on many other videos is uh let's listen to or let's see what key this sample is in and it's so simple you go to your sample program or your sample track go to program editor and jump into samples right here right here is showing me DM right here so if I go over here to track number three I actually jump into my plug-in instruments guys I've been having so much fun using these uh plug-in instruments from Akai I made a video I'll leave a link somewhere up here I'm exploring the sound of these uh plug-in instruments from Makai and they've been sounding awesome I'm really really just loving if going into what is this a mini D this thing sounds awesome the bass synthesizer here is very good I'm actually my favorite one is this 90s bass load that in and once I have that loaded in here I go to pad perform and it's on the key is on a I'm going to go to D and I'm going to pitch it up so I'm going to go to the stupid high octave which I'm not going to use that but I want to hear it with the sample to make sure that isn't key [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] so that's what I'm talking about it sounds in key I'm gonna rock with this I'm gonna go down a few octaves somebody had asked me how am I going up octaves and lower octaves you can use your pad bank right here I'm on Bank D if I want to go to a lower octave go to C [Music] so it's kind of like your octaves right here and you also have this option right here this you know this octave plus and minus I'll go ahead and stick with with this right here and I'm gonna go ahead and record this [Music] [Music] that's awesome just a last bar could use a little bit of work again I'm coming in here [Music] so I'm kind of like using the end or edit end to showing up those bass notes [Music] oh man I'm really having fun uh this is sounding really good again I'm very simple I feel like my favorite beats are the most simple beats like I really analyze the music that I really like and I'm like man there's only like three elements right there or four of the most so I think uh it's it's actually a talent to know when to stop that's actually really hard for us because we want to keep going um I'm really liking the sound of this I'ma stop right here I hope you had fun I actually had a great time making this video and and thank you everybody that subscribed to this Channel and if you're not make sure you do so I have so much fun just growing this community and getting to know you and just sharing ideas back and forth thank you so much I really appreciate you guys I hope you guys have a blessed day I'll catch y'all on our next video peace [Music] you know before we go I forgot we could probably do a quick intro to this beat uh man I'll probably add this to the intro of the video so maybe we can go to bank a and just drop in a quick uh what is it like one bar intro and then let's drop the beat so there's at least something that we can introduce the beat with [Music] find out yeah that's good [Music]
Views: 19,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc live 2, mpc one, mpc one tutorial, mpc live 2 tutorial, mpc one sampling, MPC Live 2 Sampling Vinyl, mpc live 2 beatmaking workflow, mpc live 2 sampling tutorial, sampling mpc live 2, mpc live 2 sampling from phone, sampling on mpc live 2 phone, mpc live 2 sampling vinyl and trimming, mpc live 2 sampling chops, akai mpc live 2 sampling, mpc live 2 sampling boombap, mpc live ii tutorial
Id: V8VOzJLw6p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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