MPC 2.9 Drum Synth Full Tutorial and Overview
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Tubedigga
Views: 12,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc 2.9, mpc drum synth, mpc, akai mpc, mpc live, mpc one, mpc x, mpc live drumsynth, mpc one drum synth, mpc x drum synth, mpc one drumsynth, mpcx drumsynth, mpc live drum synth, drumsynth tutorial, mpc drum synth tutorial, mpc drumsynth tutorial, MPC 2 9 Drum Synth Full Tutorial and Overview, MPC 2 9 Drum Synth, akai mpc drumsynth, akai mpc drum synth, air instruments, air drum synth, air drumsynth, air instruments drumsynth, drum synth, drumsynth
Id: gc1pDiZxSBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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