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what's up YouTube that's what beats back with another video If this your first time to the channel is always welcome please don't forget to like share subscribe hit that notification button to get notified whenever I drop some heat all right I'm gonna show you how to make two samples match with each other it's not going to be the the perfect chop it's just a tutorial video but when you're doing it make sure you do your perfect chops all right so that's what we're doing today we're going to show you how to make two sample match the same BPM and match the BPM of your song All right so let's go let's get it let's go all right so our tempo for the original song the whole track is going to be 120. the first Loop is this one that 75 uh BPM this one [Music] s135 BPM so we're going to go to the um sample edit and we're going to go to the first one and we're just going to get a quick just a quick uh eight bar Loop all right [Music] all right I like that all right so that's it right there we're going to take this sample right here and bring it over into our um what's the name so what we can do is just um either you can discard it and it'll take whatever is not highlighted it would discard and take it off the end or we can do extract and it will just take what we have selected so let's do the extract and do it so this is it right here this one right here and what we could do is just bring it into our this one right here bring it into our uh bring it into our session okay so let's hear what it sounds like remember this bpmo this track was 75 our Tempo up here is 120. so right here we need to make sure it's on 75 whatever the original Tempo was at so that's 75. all right so it gave us half so let's hear what that sounds like [Music] too fast right so what you can do is hold Ctrl and drag it to the eight bars now listen [Music] alright so that's the first that's the first um the first sample now the second sample we want to make it Loop and have the same BPM same tempo as the first one and matches our 120. so you got to remember for you to do this you you have to have your warp on if your warp is off you see that when it happens so make sure the warp is on and they'll line up perfectly right as long as you put whatever the BPM is of the original track if you put 75 and it only gave you half then all you have to do is double the 75 right or you can hold a control and drag it over like I showed you so now let's go to the second sample or the sample edit and we're going to the second sample which was the guitar and that was uh 135 rbpm so let's check that out we're going to just create a get a loop from that so three two four [Music] all right so that right there what we could do again just extract it all right do it and that's this one right here okay so now let's bring this into our track two let's go to audio that's where is that right here let's drag it in remember what our BPM was it was 135 the original was 135 so you won 35 so let's do let's take the warp off first take the warp off hold Ctrl right there all right so let's hear what that sounds like let's mute track the first one [Music] thank you [Music] all right so it lines up with our 120 this lines up with our 120 so let's hear them both together [Music] thank you foreign [Music] they're not in the same key so you see the the C major in the E minor they're not in the same key so what you have to do is come here sample edit I normally do it on here so you'll go to pitch shift right and let's cancel first so which one do we want to pitch where do we want it you got to decide what you want your song to be in so if you want your son to be in E Minor or C major that's the one whichever one you want to switch that's what you do so we'll put the song into E minor right into e because um the C we know where we have the C on the key if we want to get to e we'll have to go here so we have to go one two three four right to get to the E we have to go up four to get to the E all right so let's see we're going to change this one and we're going to go up four right let's go into sample edit this one right here pitch shift and let's go up for do it all right so once you have that now you can speed up your Tempo you can do whatever you want you can go to let's say 160 it's going to sound real fast but it's still going to be in the same BPM everything is now is locked together [Music] foreign [Music] thank you or you can go all the way down to 80. hold on [Music] all right so that's just it that's basically how you do it you'll take your time and and and what's the name and um make sure your chops is perfect or whatever when you're doing it but that's basically how you do it that's how you match both two different samples to match the same BPM and how to um change the key of it so they both can be in the same key all right so to recap always make sure when you're doing it yes um your sample and you're you're at home always make sure when you're at the house right here not at your actual house make sure your warp is on if you can't see if it won't push it off you just take the warp off hold control make sure you have that little arrow not not this one you got a whole control once you hold control it shifts see let control go hold control and you drag it there then it turns the warp on and it's set to that BPM but you got to make sure that your chops is good all right the chops is a little bit off on this one but that wasn't a plan it was just to show you how to do it all right so let's go let's get it catch you in the next one man let's go let's get it
Channel: Doswell Beats
Views: 7,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO TEMPO SYNC TWO SAMPLE, how to tempo sync, how to match sample with tempo mpc SOFTWRE, how to sync bpm in MPC, tutorial, how to, how to sample, sampling, rap, sample, tempo sync, changing loop tempo, how to make any sample fit, tutorials, HOW TO SYNC 2 SAMPLE, HOW TO SAMPLE SYNC ANY SAMPEL, BPM SYNC, HOW TO SYNC BPM OF TWO SAMPLE, akai mpc, akai mpc software, tempo, music production, tutorial music, sample beats, sampled songs
Id: pi0T2d48CTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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