M&P Shield EZ Comparison: .30 Super Carry, 9mm, and .380.

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hickok 45 here you know things are just feeling pretty easy today thank you oh no more ammo oh what a great mover that would have been that's why you want a lot of capacity i guess right and that's kind of a theme for today so look at all these uh she oh look at them all wet oh i'm gonna cry shield easy got all wet probably won't fire so we have uh a little bit of a comparison today we have the uh 30 super carry we have the nine millimeter and we have the 380 shield same firearm how's that for pretty cool little clones of each other and uh thanks to budsgunshop.com call them up order them up we've got a pile of shields coming well this one borrowed from uh uh well yeah the 30th super from uh our nerdy well neighbor 22 plankster yeah we live in a rough neighborhood and uh so anyway i've got three shields and we really appreciate buds helping us out with that and of course federal sending us some ammo so we can uh shoot this new cartridge and uh see how we like it compared with nine millimeter 380 and then just do a little of that okay we we're supported by federal so we can't review ammo but but we can shoot these three different firearms and and personally i'm interested and have been for a week or two how it feels the difference and all that kind of thing because i like this class of firearm as you know in fact i have one in my pocket it's sig another brand and so these smaller firearms that hold a lot of ammo they've just taken the world as we all know right and so it's kind of nice to be able to compare them in different cartridges we we've all shot probably three eighties and nine millimeters uh not many of us have fired the the new 30 super carry yet uh we fired them in 40. many of you have a shield in 40 caliber and i didn't have that i'd overdo it and get one in 40 and 45 uh so uh we're talking about kind of you know i thought this was a better better approach these three at least and so that's what we're doing and again we appreciate buds sitting those along federal sitting the ammo and nine and 380 and all the calibers and then of course the sonoran desert institute for supporting a channel a longtime supporter distance learning is something you might want to consider become a gunsmith it's a really great way to get going with that if you gi bill whatever and then before i get started also i want to thank silencercentral.com for their support of the channel if you're interested in suppressor silencer they make it really easy and provided you are not a felon and you're not a serial killer okay so we appreciate all those folks that help us out so i'm so sorry i got what were you what was i i don't know what flavor that was it uh it was should i taste it thing i dare do it was all faded from being out in the sun it could be that all the corn syrup fructose is out of it you reckon might be more healthy now anyway so we got three shields here uh lots of protection lots of shields now but of course are you know look at the tape on there what is that all about the shield as you've heard me before we have videos on the nine and the 380 and the shield and this is the ez version you know the shield ez okay and it has that uh safety on the back grip safety all right now i have a problem this is a big hand problem small brain big hand problem this one i didn't put tape on i figured i might not shoot it as much the 380 but my size of my hand uh i i so often and you all saw this in a sunday uh shooting uh shoot around video recently where i was having trouble i know it was wrong with a gun it's me it just is not always depressed because my hand is so large so personally i would never buy uh an ez to carry because it would get me killed you know it's dangerous for me to carry it because it's not gonna i'm gonna get surprised and it's not gonna fire because i don't have the right grip on it so i don't like that at all but for most people you normal-sized people it's not a problem as you know it's very popular easier to rack we've got we're not going to rehash all that but on the ez you know if you're new and you're not familiar with it i'll link to our videos on the ez shields we've got two of them at least and it is it's easier to rack you know because of the the mechanism and the safety and everything uh that's the reason it's on it not on the other shields but it is uh if you have weak hands you have arthritis uh you just want something not so hard to wrap the slide on the mags are pretty easy to reload and everything else so it is a nice pistol okay it's just that it's not meant for me yeah big old me big old dumb meat so what i did in the interest of uh just about the comparison because i want to get a really good feel done a little of it and i'm i need to do more okay for you and me uh shooting the 30 super carry and the nine millimeter uh and i like to do it this way just load them both shoot one shoot the other and kind of let you know what what it feels like to me and how they shoot and if i'm having trouble with that i it's no fun okay so i taped them down you wouldn't want to maybe do that if it was your carry gun or you might i won't argue with that but as far as on the range i'm doing it okay so uh yeah here we go so i should have been loading this mac back up so the 30 super carry you may know more about than i do i'm an expert i'm not an ammo tester a ballistician like ten outdoors nine or anything like that but uh it's a i think it's uh what a nominal three one two it's like a 31 caliber basically i guess and then uh so it's smaller than a nine millimeter which is what three point three five five three five six like that when you get down to the exact size and uh and uh you you've seen all the hype and uh some of the infomercials and just everything probably on it and federal as they say has set out to to kind of bridge the gap between the 380 and the nine millimeter that there's a space in there they thought there was a place for another cartridge and that's what they did basically but then they were pleased as they stayed to discover i'm sure was a total surprise but that the cartridge performs more like the nine in terms of uh muzzle energy the ballistics the effectiveness the expansion of the hollow points and everything so it's much closer to a nine in fact there's just not a lot of difference based on their research and testing and everything and i did this uh when i first got these i came out and i shot a mag or two from the nine and the 380 or the uh not the 380 the 30 super carries no let me speak now and my initial impression was i was expecting this to be more like a 380 and feel more like that but uh for whatever reason but i i really couldn't tell any difference uh just it was cold and i was shooting on both eyes i don't know they feel the same to me i have to shoot them some more and so i'm still not sure but so i can believe that in the way they're hitting the steel you can judge today uh what you think it felt felt kind of similar you know in terms of how hard it was hitting you a little lighter bullet 100 grains but you have uh a 100 about 100 feet per second more velocity i think is the way it goes so anyway let's shoot them some all right that's what i want to do mainly is just compare give you my impressions of them and uh be careful and think here make sure i don't put the wrong ammo in the right gun the right ammo and the wrong gun so nine millimeter okay so what i'll do is as i often do uh when we're doing this i'll go ahead and put one in the chamber lay it there safely pointed down range okay so this is the 30 super carry yep all right this is uh for me as much as you all right three of the super carry three with the uh knife okay let's shoot three more with the nine try and get a feel for how the sight jumps and okay how about that little disc down there okay without ammo but uh yeah i don't know i have to do it again all right let's do that again while it's all fresh on my mind i think this time i'm going to 30 super carry use the right ammo we have a video on that use the right ammo nine millimeter going into a nine millimeter all right i think this time i'm just going to empty them get a feel i might even come out of the holster 30 super carry all right i've got a zombie that doesn't want to go down okay well that's fresh on my mind let's put this one in there got another zombie doesn't want to go down yeah okay all right here's my conclusion it's very distinctive it's a without a doubt one of them is way different now i tell you what i'm not seeing a lot of difference i'm not feeling a lot of difference just recoil impulse and jumpiness or that kind of thing uh so i'm gonna have to do a little more of that before i do though let me uh remind you we uh are uh really appreciative everybody helps us i think i mentioned i didn't battle stall talon grips silencercentral.com uh really appreciate your all support of the people that support us let me shoot the 380. now there's a little there's a caveat here with the 380 because why you already know many of you right why it's going to feel different let me come out of the holster again while i do all holster all right there's a third zombie how many darn what the heck okay less recoil impulse why well it's a 380 for one thing okay not as much power not as much velocity uh even though it's what a 95 yeah grain bullet it's almost the same weight as the super carry and uh that tells you it tells you a lot that uh you know that this is a has more power it's a high pressure cartridge there is more power in it because this 380 felt a lot lighter to shoot a lot less recoil and impulse and guess what the firearm is three ounces lighter than these two now this is a different farm so in a way we're comparing apples to oranges see it's a thinner slide if you look them up they're about three ounces less the the shields the other bigger shields are like 21.6 ounces or something and this is like 18.5 or something so we're talking three ounces difference and uh i would not have been surprised those were the first shots i fired in this gun let's fire some more the first shots i have no it's not yet uh i had not fired it yet uh fresh from buds and i really expected maybe to be kind of similar lighter round lighter power but uh it's got a fairly you know a lighter slide in that uh you know it might equal it out cancel that out but no it's it's less recoil okay less recoil these two babies here not a lot of difference uh so really comes down to capacity that's that's one of the big differences is if you're not familiar at all you've not seen any of the uh literature on this thing as a since it came out uh you got you know basically the same magazine right but you get two extra rounds with the super carry all right and that's part of the claim to fame i mean maybe the main claim to fame because uh ballistically they're apparently uh you know based on federal's research on all their ballistics research and everything there's not much difference the foot pounds of energy at the muzzle uh and everything uh there's a little more velocity with this it's a little bit lighter bullet but it's more velocity so you're talking almost the same energy just a little bit less i think they compare really favorably with uh say this hundred grain bullet with a nine millimeter 115 grain unless it's plus p if it's not plus p i think i read that they're getting like the same you know numbers basically so we had kind of a non plus p a nine millimeter in terms of you know power factor and all that and then the expansion you know based on what i saw was like almost the same very very close to the nine and you got to have expansion with this of course because it's a smaller bullet so anyway high pressure faster uh again this is 1250 feet per second basically with that one i think the 115 grain which is the other weight in uh the 30 supercarrier i believe it's uh like 1150 something like that and muzzle velocity and and one thing i read i thought was interesting i wish all ammo was like that uh the american eagle range ammo in the 30 super carry is the same velocity as the hst you know the carry ammo i don't have any of that but same velocity so you get the same impact and muzzle feel and all the stuff i'm kind of experimenting with here so i always like that that's one of my goals is to uh whenever i do my own hand loading for like packages to load a lot of 45 acp i wanted that round to feel just like whatever it was i was carrying in that 45 acp which i used to carry over decades all that no my name is not jeff cooper so let's do a little more of that anything else about you can look up any the the facts on on this i i just thought it'd be cool to com do a little comparison and not just come out and throw some uh 30 super carry range downrange and uh because uh you know i'm not sure what i would learn from that necessarily it uh i i am surprised it feels very much like the nine let's see now i'm shooting 124 grain nine not 115 grain i couldn't you know i could do is but uh this is 100 this is some punch uh carry ammo let's load one off of that this might be a little different i might uh because this is yeah probably i didn't say plus p but it's carry ammo okay i'll load one with that nine millimeter we'll compare and maybe i'll see a little uh more obvious difference or more perceptible in terms of the uh recall impulse but anyway uh sports fans i you know that the bottom line is there's just not a lot of difference in in the field uh to me at least uh others may uh oh yeah nine millimeter wrong mad you saw what happened there there you go just free information if you're loading into the wrong magazine nine millimeter meter magazine with 30 super carriers i'm gonna stay so you're not gonna make that mistake really for very long or you unless you're even denser than i am you're gonna realize this is the wrong magazine and that tells you what else come on yeah these mags are not interchangeable that's why it says 30 super carry on this mag and nine millimeter on the other all right so let's get them in the correct firearm okay yeah there's so much better taping that down it's not even a concern i don't have to think about it i don't like to think about things too much so that's that's great okay not recommending you do that with yours it is a safety okay so 30 super carry let's uh let's do a little uh let's uh let's do i don't know three four rounds with each one here okay 30 super carry put a round in the chamber okay nine [Music] millimeter okay super carry nine millimeter okay i can tell a little difference there not enough to to write home about or to i don't know it's got a lot of kick you know i think i'll stick with the super carrier about one over the other but i could tell a little difference there okay with the carry ammo because the nine millimeter range ammo is is is great and we shoot a lot of it with the federal american eagle but it's not quite as warm as that i don't know what it says on the box uh but it seems a little warmer 50. oh i still wonder 1250 uh let's see where's the nine millimeter box there's one uh sure what we're talking about well which was 11 50 on both of them so i don't know but my perception was the that this felt a little a little warmer okay it really did to me okay so uh what else about it i'll shoot a little bit more and let you i know what let's do let's let's uh we'll shoot a uh 380. cause some of you you might be thinking well i love my 380 you know doesn't have a lot of recoil and uh and maybe i i do want to look at this super carriage a little more power it is an easy you know uh shield uh easy to manipulate and everything and i get a couple extra rounds in so maybe i want to at least consider it so again the 30 super carry shield is full size basically it's like the nine heavier but uh you know you got these two extra rounds holds uh what 12 yeah 12 rounds whereas a nine holds ten nine millimeter version or am i telling you writers at eight and ten or no it's it's eight and ten and not ten and twelve yeah i'm thinking of a 1911 yeah so the uh i misspoke there i lied to you the nine millimeter shield holds in nine millimeter eight rounds okay with a flush mag the 30 super carry holds ten all right so let's see the difference here all right so all right we're back john had a little coughing fit uh too much smoking actually no that's not okay so uh we also take the opportunity to load some magazines here as we wrap it up i want to uh i was gonna i was about to show the difference between 30 super carry at least to myself as well as to you all maybe okay 30 super carry and the the 380. let's find it there's a 380 there's some 380 ammo all right boys is really easy to mix up okay all right now i've got these like we're gonna shoot a little bit before i let you go a little more comparison okay so this is the uh super carry remember it's a little bigger heavier gun than the 380 but we'll see what the difference is here uh i got targets i haven't plowed into we haven't shot the gong let's hit it with a 30 super carry they got my ears in yeah [Music] until it gets there faster can't you all right mr 2 leader kentucky 2 leader and uh just got i'm messing around here and missing okay 380. we got hot so what's going out to the gong the same field and everything yeah nice definitely softer shooting easier to shoot okay if you have a 380 uh shield ez you don't want any more recoil than that uh yeah stick with it recommendation okay you get a little bit more with the 30 super carry again it's more like the nine so uh right that is a sweet shooting little gun feels very very soft so loaded up some uh oh nine here get the right mags nine and we got the super carry mag in here i'll load that one and we'll shoot these four mags and i'm sorry that's all i can i can tell you okay my impressions so uh you know the i don't know what is uh your impression yet of this my impression is i'm always up for a little more capacity you know that's why we all get excited about the uh sig p365 when it came out the the hellcat and all those micro nines that have come out uh i mean what else is it it's the capacity is what we find so impressive they're all nice little guns but we had the glock 43 we had other single stack nines and uh those things have taken the world and the biggest difference really between those and and their single stack brethren are our capacity so we can't act like capacity doesn't matter to us uh even though we do you know get pretty macho about it if you can't handle things with five or six rounds you need to stay at home you know but capacity is comforting so again i think that's probably uh it's one of the most obvious uh differences and advantages if you see that as an advantage you know through the 30 super carry where you're not giving up much if anything in effectiveness apparently so the capacity to me is a big factor as i go forward and i'm thinking about it and i'm not like i said am i going to be getting a shield ez because of my hand size but if the p365 came out next week and in it or some other farm especially i don't have yet it's a really cool uh attractive micro nine that wouldn't be a micro knife would be a micro 30. uh then you know i might think about it because of the the capacity two more bullets i don't know i don't know i like i've always liked as many rounds i can get in a gun and not have big extended magazines and carrying extra mags and all that kind of thing anyway it's always been attractive to me so i don't know that's just me so let's shoot them both again and see if i've changed my mind that's the 30 super carry right says right on it that's the 30 80. this is the 9 millimeter let's find a 9 millimeter magazine here they are good thing i can read i keep all this straight there's another super carry mag there's a nine mag so let's take a few more shots get last impressions here let's shoot this paper with a couple all right that was a nine millimeter let's do a little plinking with this one let's shoot the paper a couple times you see it knocks those arms around pretty well yeah not a 45 but have to hit them unfortunately cowboy i okay the more i'm shooting i'm i'm feeling uh this a little snappier but not interpreted it's not like comparing a 40 caliber to a nine millimeter because those are really there's a big difference in how snappy they are yeah the slide is a little quicker and makes sense just a tad but uh not a problem let me do that again maybe that was the order was better let's shoot the nine first do we have nine millimeter we do now super carrie yeah uh maybe a little faster slide maybe it doesn't come up as much i know the nine is a little bit more of a push kind of the difference between a like a 40 and a 45 you gotta get a push on a 45 uh it's a a little quicker reaction on it but just not much to matter not enough to matter that i can see so just a matter of uh you know what you would prefer so interesting uh to me uh i got a better feel for it should i need to buy another firearm uh one of these lower capacity firearms that you're talking about in the eight or ten ten round vicinity maybe glock will come out with a glock 17 in it and you'd have what maybe instead of 17 rounds and a mag flush mag you'd have 20 or 21 that would be interesting i don't know who all will come out with rounds or guns chambered forward or not but anyway that's that's just an initial look from us on it and i'm sure more firearms will be chambered in it um and i just wanted to show you uh you know give you our impressions of it nine mil i don't think it's something people are going to be running to trade in their nine millimeters necessarily unless the extra capacity is just really of utmost importance to you and maybe that's the case but new shooters especially new gun owners who haven't bought any all these guns that maybe you and i have uh you know they will have more of a an open season on starting fresh with whatever caliber they want i guess so uh 30 super carry 380 nine millimeter all nice calibers nice chambering we all uh obsessed too much really over ballistics and over the size of the bullet i think you've heard me talk about that a lot there's so many more factors uh keep you alive with a defensive firearm and uh awareness and about 90 other things that we could all mention that will keep you protected and safe more so than one millimeter in a bullet or 100 feet per second in a bullet and those kinds of things or even having one extra bullet maybe you know but still uh it's kind of a why not you know if you're going to be carrying a a pistol or you have one around for defensive purposes uh you know just like more nothing wrong with having more ammo especially the same size firearm if you can get a good bullet so anyway i don't know that's kind of my take on it for for now not a lot of difference in terms of the feel if you shoot a nine well if you shoot a shield a well you know nine millimeter you'll shoot this well and there's nothing to hate on either one or the 380 so i don't know that helped at all uh but anyway i had fun doing it got to shoot some some interesting ammo and firearms life is good fire it's a long walk from where i had to shoot that oh man oh hey didn't see you guys there since you're here i will let you know about our friends over at talon grips and ballistol talongunggrips.com check out everything they have over there you can get lots of different grips the stick on grip textures for your handguns and rifle grips so go check them out also ballistol they're a firearms lubricant or anything else you might need lubricating it's water soluble a non-toxic been using it on the compound and cleaning all of our guns it's a cleaner and a lube for over 10 years so ballistol talon grips definitely check both of those companies out and also while you're on the internet don't forget to go to hickok45.com you can also find us on facebook hiccup 45 twitter hickok45 instagram the real hiccup 45 and also i have an instagram page where i post behind the scenes stuff and different things like that john john underscore hick ok four five on instagram and uh the next thing you have to do is watch more videos
Channel: hickok45
Views: 207,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hickok45, shooting range, steel targets, gun safety, second amendment, Federal Premium, Budsgunshop, SDI, Ballistol, Talon Grips
Id: 83iOO2Z1_PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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