Moving vlog *the struggle is real*

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okay oh that was so easy but this right here is my beans collection oh no i hope that wasn't the fragile box welcome to the moving vlog i have exactly one week to pack up everything i move out i am not organized i have no idea what i'm doing and it's gonna be a fun stressful time and i'm gonna make sure to document the whole thing for your view and pleasure aren't you guys lucky i love how this was only up for like what a month and now i'm putting it down again great just love that for me okay we're going to need some context so quick life update i have to move out of this flat really soon you're probably thinking taz didn't you just transform this entire flat recently ah yes yes i did okay so the plan initially was to renew my tendency for another year that's why i didn't think too much about leaving the decorations so last minute because like i'm just gonna renew my tendency anyway so i'll be fine turns out slight change of plan my landlord is thinking about selling this flat so that kind of put a spot in the works and it was kind of stressful but uh it basically meant that i had like a couple of weeks to find a new home i've called this flat my pandemic flat because it's just like it's where i spent the pandemic it's time to say goodbye to taz's first flat a place where we saw her grow into a somewhat improved adult this place holds so many memories and mostly breakdowns i honestly don't know why she likes the place so much it's a mess i'm actually quite happy with this flag because at the time i didn't realize how much time i would spend in it but you know it's not a bad place to spend your time [Music] is this girl for real this is my first flight i move out in like a week now we're gonna go to being queue and get moving stuff it's a really nice day today and i feel like it's my first proper outing in like months but we're in bnq it's a glorious day spring is here we haven't blizzard i feel like i'm having a proper day out i don't know why i'm so happy can you tell i literally have not been out the house in months like nothing like this nothing normal you know i didn't even know green q was open that's how i just assumed all stores of shirt but turns out it's open so i need to get like moving boxes and then probably spend money on lots of other random pointless stuff which is very mean today's mission is decluttering the wardrobe all i did last year was just buy clothes apparently and i have accumulated so much and i just don't have space for in the new flat so i pretty much have to get rid of at least half of my wardrobe i don't know how i'm gonna do that i don't even think that's possible because i like to keep clothes that i had from 10 years ago but um i have to do it because i physically have no space for it i do own a lot of clothes and a lot of the clothes i know i'm not gonna wear but i like to keep just to have the option which makes no sense but to me it kind of makes sense i'm one of those people that i can't just stick to one aesthetic so i have so many different types of clothes and even though i won't wear a lot of them all the time on the one off day that i want to dress like an ego i would like to have the option i just have such a hard time letting go of clothes why why am i like this i don't know like we all know all i wear is t-shirts and pajama bombs so why is it so hard for me it's not like i wear a huge variety of clothing i just like to collect them and store them i never wear them i have a problem okay i don't know how i'm gonna do this is gonna be hard i ended up donating a whole box of clothing to charity and i was a lot more ruthless than i thought um so i just woke up from a nap and it's currently midnight so packing is going well oh look how tired i look not even the camera i want to focus on my face i look hanging i really do i'm gonna have to get rid of so much stuff i just owned too much stuff i realized that i just shoved so many random things into every part of this um flat like i just have a random balloon pump foot pump under my bed i'm someone who really struggles processing with things like speech no i really struggle like i know things are happening like i understand like i'm moving out but it doesn't process like i haven't truly comprehended it i feel like i've only been living in this fat for a week and so the midnight packing session continues it was going to be a long long night today's task is taking down the led lights oh no oh no i'm in trouble oh no okay i may be in trouble okay let's just just pray for me guys just pray for me this is taz desperately attempting to get her deposit back i can't say it's going well this is the task that i've been avoiding the most today's fun task is calling all the like utility suppliers and changing from this flat to the next flat like my internet which i have a feeling i've left it too late and i'm not gonna get internet in the new flat for like a couple of weeks which is gonna be fun energy water supply council tax all that fun adult stuff today's basically dedicated to being on my phone on hold for hours but apparently it takes a month for this process to go through and i've only got like a week so that went swimmingly well um okay so i am so bad at this sort of stuff because they were asking me questions about my account and i didn't even know my account number and then they asked about the landline and i was like i don't know about either i don't know this either and then i recently last year changed my phone number but i didn't tell them that i changed my phone number so they didn't have that information like i was just not helpful whatsoever but the guy was like super lovely but i thought i'd have to wait like three weeks for the internet to come through because when i moved into this flat i didn't have internet for like two three weeks which was so just not great um but they managed to get me internet by the second of march so i move into the new place on the first of march and i'll get hopefully internet the next day i would say the most stressful part of moving is sorting out the bills and transferring everything to the new address i hate this task so much so this is what i mean by i have a problem because this is just an empty box and i just kept that like why am i keeping empty boxes i need to get rid of things okay so i found a use for this box i am gonna use it for my hard drives and yes this is all the hard drives i own it goes back to like 2013. i might have something older than that i don't know but yeah these are all the hard drives i've accumulated over the years i like to save and back up every memory ever if there was ever a fire this is the thing that i would keep because it has all my memories and stuff on it it's basically my life in hard drives so it went from a completely useless empty box to quite possibly the most important box of all so i'm currently at that stage where things have to get bad before it gets better i'm the type person that if i'm gonna clean i'm gonna do a proper deep clean and for me to clean i don't like just you know putting things into neat piles like i need to get everything out sort through it all get rid of like 50 of it and for me having things be empty is clean i'm currently at that stage where things have to look a mess before i can start sorting through a role and making it make sense i'm currently in the midst of the mess totally thriving right now as you can imagine and i'm realizing that i have so much unnecessary stuff typical in quarantine i think the first lockdown is when i discovered skin care and then i just went crazy and bought so much skincare and then my skin started breaking out like crazy i used to have clear skin and i took that for granted i really did before a year ago people would always ask me hey taz how'd you get clear skin what's your skincare routine and i didn't have one i just used one of my face and that was it and i had clear skin and then i got into skincare and started experimenting trying all the different products that were suggested to me my skin just broke out like crazy and i never clocked on and i never thought to like hey maybe you shouldn't use the skincare products because it's clearly not doing you any good i had to wait till people told me in the comments to maybe not stick to the skincare routine for me to stop and now i've stopped and to be fair my skin isn't breaking out anymore so clearly the problem were the products uh but i still have like all the hyperpigmentation and stuff and that's gonna last we don't know how long it's gonna last which is sad times so now i've gone back to just not having a skincare routine pretty much i just like cleanse every now and again obviously i haven't been using skincare products for the longest time right and i just discovered there's so much i can't carry them and there's more all of these products completely unnecessary [Music] okay so i just got an email from the estate agent saying that someone wants to view the property tomorrow like the next new tenant so today's task is just to clear up this mess i've made once the first viewing comes in it's like a roll-on effect so it's actually quite good that i started the packing so early because um yeah i just need to get it sorted now this is the moment that makes me feel like i'm actually taking everything down and moving out it is time to take down the photo wall okay oh okay you know this is a pretty [Music] that was so easy starting to question how it stayed up on the wall that was um a lot smoother than i thought it was gonna go oh it's fine i don't know what i was worried about [Music] i ordered chinese takeaway last night and i have leftovers i can't believe i've been in this flat for a year like that is so wild to me where did the time go do you feel like 2020 went really quick or really slow i think it went really quick i feel like i moved into this flat like a week ago isn't it crazy i spent like 99 of my time in this flat for a whole year right and i still feel like it wasn't enough i still feel like oh i've barely spent any time in this like i've done so many more things like i had a whole year to do it i just i guess i didn't i feel like i did a lot of self growth in this flat i think that's probably why i'm so attached to it because i literally spent every day by myself in this flat with my thoughts and um i genuinely feel like i've grown so much in the past year and a lot of that happened in this flat this is like one point in my life where i just like life stopped and i just spent it all in this one flap and i just wicked on myself and now i feel much more prepared and ready for the next stage of my life right but i needed to go through this little period of like because i feel like before moving into this flat my life was like go go i was traveling i was doing lots of things it was all really hectic i was definitely burnt out then the pandemic then i moved into this flat pandemic happened everything slowed down and i did a lot of internal work and now i feel much more happier more confident more self-assured much more accepting of myself so i'm like better mentally for the next stage so i guess this flat was kind of like my little safe space for this past year that just like really i was gonna say it kept me going but so many things broke down so did it i don't know okay do need to empty the fridge i just realized i'm gonna have to clean the kitchen at some point like i'm gonna have to like empty it that's gonna be fun that's my last job my last job is actually the kitchen i wish i had a rational explanation for this i do not but this right here is my beans collection i have way too many beans i do one person does not need this amount of beans but yeah i have a whole cup of dedicated beans what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put all the canned products on things that haven't been opened yet in like a big box and just donate them to the food bank [Music] and the most important one of all gotta get that protein oh he's bright today ah it feels like summer i made sure to wear an extra layer of sun cream today it really feels like so wow okay but it was itchy i remember when i first moved into this flat and the weather was just like this so it's a bit weird i remember feeling so like scared and alone and just thinking about like how bad my timing was that i literally chose to move out away from my family and everything that i knew be by myself and then we literally were in like lockdown and in a pandemic i was like completely by myself oh there's an airplane you see the earth i'm just really scared but like i didn't want to show it so i carried on making like really happy positive videos because honestly that helped me get through it to be honest and like i always wanted my channel to be like a happy place especially during such a like tough time for people you will never know how much you're capable of until you're put in a situation that really tests you and although it was really scary at times and isolating and anxious and you know all of those feelings um it made me the person i am today and i'm really happy with the person i am today but yeah it's now come to an end i feel like this place did his job it protected me for a whole year it was my safe space it's actually crazy how much you can change in a year like i feel like my mindset is it did like 180. i wonder when the next time will be when i'll be on a plane [Music] so i did my final bit packing and it is insane how much stuff i have accumulated over a year i mean just look at all of this i got it i got it i got it i got it i don't know i got it i don't got it i don't got it i hope that wasn't the fragile box yay um and that's it this is like last night was my last night here i'm not sleeping anymore that's the end of this flat it's the universe oh the final look up well it's not i couldn't get it we're all strong independent women aren't we see this is women can't do anything bro look at these gains you know what this hoodie has got me through so much i feel i literally can't get rid of city now oh all right let's do this [Music] and it was time to put in the final piece the it's fine mug which means i have blessed this flat and officially moved in yay your first night in the new flat i slept with the hoodie on last night because i don't know how to turn the heating onto this place um oh no my head empty this is all i brought with me a suitcase i'm joking you want to see all the stuff i got look at all the things that brought with me i have to unpack that at some point i've also brought along my broken tv love that for me adulting for the win i say wearing this rocket blanket we're doing adulting test style guys guys i have exciting news the engineers came for the third time and i have a working tv now and that is the end of the moving vlog apartment tour video coming this wednesday moving especially by yourself in a panoramic is quite the experience i'm not exactly the most adult human in the world i'm very much figuring things out as i go along just figuring out how to do like bills and change of address and going through all that like it's so like no one teaches you any of that i just wanted to give you guys a very honest real insight of like i am just a human that is just winging it i have been winging it my whole life and i made it this far that was me attempting adulting it's been a fun fab fresh time but yeah thank you for always being your lovely kind supportive encouraging self it means more to me than you know thank you so much for watching i love you lots please know that you mata and i shall see you guys next time thanks for watching you know i do like it i do like it this might be the one okay maybe not that way okay so i don't have to wake it but that's fine my offer got accepted it's nice okay now that i'm here i'm really happy this bedroom
Channel: ClickForTaz
Views: 327,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moving, London, flat, life, vlog, apartment, challenge, move
Id: oisgF6HMbN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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