Extreme Apartment Makeover *a series of unfortunate events*

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i'm gonna put some art on it so i look a bit more cultured so many fluffy things well this is gonna be fun to clean up there's a crack on the window which is pretty bad actually what a time when we used to like travel and see the world and leave a house i can't oh hello oh this is a bit wonky and that's gonna annoy me isn't it you know what it really bugs me when it's not straight why is it doing that okay let's start this video hello my beautiful humans my neighbor's dancers are gonna complain love that for me let's start this video too many cushions hun welcome to my flat redecorating video this has been 10 months in the making not because i've been working on it for 10 months but because i've been procrastinating i'm finally going to be redecorating my flat 10 months into moving in i myself don't understand why i am the way that i am i moved into this flat back in march back when things were normal and i basically moved in and we went straight into lockdown cue pandemic honestly i have no excuse as to why i've left this so long i literally had a whole year to do nothing but decorate this flat and this is the best i could do but you know we're here we're here now and um i'm excited all right let's do this let's start decorating ten months ago this is what the flat looked like when taz first moved in i mean just look at those crusty walls they need to go asap so i decided to paint the whole flat white because that was the only color i was allowed to do to give it a fresh start i'll make everything look bright and clean [Music] and now the flat feels so much brighter like a blank slate and let's not forget the kitchen talking of i like to call this segment of the video a series of unfortunate events within the first few weeks of moving in i had a blocked sink and the cooker broke i needed replacing i officially have a new working pub okay now to sanitize [Music] everything um still no update on this little did i know i would be waiting two months on getting that sorted in the meantime a list of other things that needed fixing see how rusty and old this screw is it's so tight that i'm unable to unscrew it and put a new toilet seat in there's like so many random things that have been left behind again can i get rid of these can i not i would quite like to utilize this storage space but i currently can't because it's filled up with other people's things there's a crack on the window which is pretty bad actually the biggest problem of them all the broken kitchen sink situation thank you for holding your call is important to us a member of our team will be moving shortly today engineers are going to come and measure the wick space and then hopefully in soon i will get a new worktop good news the engineer is going to come tomorrow morning to fix the wick top so the whole thing situation i've been waiting for this for like three months finally it's the day well this is gonna be fun to clean up this is gonna be great oh look at all the dust but yeah these are my new wick tops just when i thought it couldn't get any worse oh so wet bridge is just broken the fridge is actually broken oh my god look how much water is in that that's right people i now no longer had a fridge my fridge is broken and i am also broken i'm sorry there is no one available to take your call at the moment so please leave a message after the tone and we will return your call weeks later today's the day today's the day i get rid of this thing and get a new one [Music] i barely slept so i look like this but um i don't care because i'm so happy right now i've got a new fridge you don't realize how much you appreciate a fridge until you don't have any more living in this flat has taught me the art of appreciation because i've been denied so many basic things that i've just learned to really appreciate them when i have them by the way this fridge is a lot smaller than the previous one it does expose my really bad paint job so i'm gonna have to fix that somehow but look at this sexy little thing oh so nice so fresh and working and we also have a wicked freezer people we are back in business i have massive trust issues when it comes to kitchen appliances first it was the hob then it was the wig top then it was the fridge i don't think there's anything left to break in the three months i've been here we've had such a massive glow up in this kitchen this is the fridge i've been using oh that's all i have in it and it turns out all i have is butter i've got a new fridge it's not even my fridge like it's not mine i'm just renting it but somehow i'm like really proud um and emotionally attached to the thing i shall hug it every morning we are making progress people we are living that good adult independent life don't we love to see it oh god it's happened she's officially lost the plot now we can finally move on to the living room so this is my pinterest vision board for my living room it's probably gonna look nothing like this but a girl can dream and finally the shops were back open so what was the first place i went to ikea and yes i built all the furniture by myself if that's not the definition of a strong independent woman i don't know what is and i got myself a tv truly a game changer now on to the next stage reorganizing the furniture so this is a current layout we have the dining area next to the window the sofas on two corners of the room with the rug in the center which takes up most of the room and is so far from the tv that i have to wear glasses every time i want to watch something and the table kind of cuts off the view a bit and then my storage cabinet is blocking the bookshelf so it's just not a great layout i don't know why i've been settling on this for so long but it needs to go so i'd like to introduce you to the new layout the room now has three different sections we have the dining area with a photo wall the living room area is now much closer to tv and feels like its own separate cozy area and the storage is close to the door which is much more convenient for storage shoes so much better it's time to say goodbye to all this space and hello to the new layout [Music] so much natural light you love it i cannot find it in my heart to get rid of these balloons like i just i've had these balloons for months now since my birthday and i just cannot for the life of me get rid of them they make me too happy so this is now the living room area kind of done an l-shape the bookshelf it's a lot more cozy actually and still quite a decent amount of space i can now see the bookshelf so that's nice so this whole space is like free got this cute section here i want to put like a frame here i want to put lots of pictures here like a photo wall and there's still lots of space so much room for activities i love it i'm obsessed i got rid of the brown covers to reveal the beautiful red sofas i love color and i finally laid my dining table [Music] i'm really happy with how it turned out and i put a mirror on the fireplace i have printed a bunch of pictures all in different sizes and i've also bought a bunch of frames in different sizes now it's all about personalizing it and making it look like it's my flat and the best way to do that is through pictures [Music] this is me at graduation do not be fooled by my smile i was dying inside i'm on a hunt to find prince to put on this white wall here give it a bit of spice a bit of flavor i'm going to put some art on it so i look a bit more cultured my vision if you will for this war is to do like a picture frame wall i want to have like a mixture of prints and photos i already have and hopefully i collate it all in a aesthetically pleasing way basically i saw this on pinterest and i want to recreate it gonna go to the website called descenia which is a print website and the only reason i know that is because other youtubers talk about it ooh 25 discount prints it's almost like they knew i was coming oh i should measure these actually 30 centimeters oh that's tiny do i really want that big of a naked abstract body on my wall that's a question this is how big it's gonna be and yes i am in pajamas i just exposed myself so that settles it you shall be going for the small option oh it's a lot lighter than i thought so that's good my prints and frames have arrived okay i've been waiting for this this is like the final piece to the puzzle we're nearly done guys we're really done so many fluffy things oh figure out how you're supposed to open it that's how you open it it's a lot easier that way and here are the prints shall we look at them okay get rid of that oh they smell nice oh pretty pretty oh i'm a sucker for hands i like hands i'm really into hands at the moment something you should know about me i like hands i actually wrote some of my poetry out and put them in frames and i'm super happy with how it turned out this is one of my personal favorite quotes it says am i scared absolutely terrified but not as scared as living and not feeling alive i wrote this one a few years ago and it has a lot of personal meaning to me because i wrote a time in my life where i was basically down one path which i had been working towards like my whole life right and it was very stable it was very you know the right thing to do and i was doing well at it but my heart was in the more creative world and just wanted to just see what will happen but it was a path that wasn't as stable and there was no certainty and i could have failed and so many things could have gone wrong but i just couldn't help it in my heart i just knew that the person i was wasn't really who i wanted to be and i wanted to at least just try and see what can happen but that's quite a big decision and it was quite scary at the time luckily now things have worked out and thankfully i did it whenever i make a big decision in my life or want to pursue something that is kind of risky and i don't know if it's going gonna work out i kind of say this to myself this one is another personal favorite of mine is it weird that i'm talking about my own poetry this way maybe but i'm just really proud you know we spend too much time wanting to be someone else we should focus our energy into being our own friend once we learn to appreciate ourselves we'll realize we're all we needed in the end this very much captures last year because last year i was basically forced to be by myself for the whole year and i just had to get used to my own company turns out i quite like my own company so it all worked out i think last year was the year that i learned to be my own friend and enjoy my own company and like myself i love myself so this is a nice friendly reminder and i posted these on instagram on my insta story for those who if you don't follow me on my instagram it's clickvitaz go follow i'd love it a lot on my tick tock because i've been posting a lot on tik tok lately go follow me on them i posted these on my insta story and a lot of people were asking me if i'm going to do prints to be honest i would quite like that prints for myself as well a lot of people are interested so i'm thinking of doing prints for my poetry if you would be interested let me know the thought of having these thoughts in my brain and then putting it onto paper and then having prints of it that will go into people's homes is so wild to me but also so like cool like what a cool thing to have it's like a little bit of me that people will have you know i think it's cool once i had arranged the prints in an aesthetically pleasing way it was time to put it on the wall and honestly it was a much smoother process than i was expecting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i've just brought out all my magnets and snow globes i collected um from my travels remember that when we used to that time when we used to like travel and see the world and leave a house i can't these are all the magnets i collected i think these are mostly 2019 i did a lot of traveling in 2019 so i've got alicante new york warsaw a little snow globe magna norway malta lisbon sweden and barcelona and i also got a snow globe from barcelona oh this is one that my cousins got me from rome i bought a massive snow globe when i went to new york okay oh i can't believe i haven't brought this out so this is the big oh my god this could make me cry they could literally make me [Music] cry [Music] hmm oh that actually made me kind of emotional you forget how much life has stopped recently like i feel like in 2019 my life was so go go and i was just like doing the most and experiencing so many things for the first time i was like a kid that got let out into the world and just got to like feel and experience so much and then 2020 was like all about just being a massive homebody and staying home and internally healing and doing all that internal work and i think you need both in life right but hopefully 2021 can bring both we shall see but for now i'm just very grateful to have these little cute memories one detail i really like is on the fireplace i put a disposable camera and my polaroid camera and then i have my polaroid films just like there there's like 60 there so there's enough so the idea behind it is that it's really quick and accessible so if anyone wanted to take like a quick picture um they have access to everything and they can do you see how it moves i just love it so much it makes me really happy so pop that on it as well oh i want to show you how cool this candle is by the way slowly but surely it is changing color i think this kind of might be broken oh it's multicolored now you very quickly realize i'm very into fairy lights candles lighting mood lighting is my thing for me i think lighting is more important than physical decorations i like pictures and memories and all that sentimental stuff you can see that in little ways throughout the flat also i do like having greenery everywhere so i do have plants when i buy plants they're always fake because as much as i love greenery i'm not very good at maintaining them so i like this vibe a lot like just like vines falling everywhere very big fan and then i have the massive fake plant there i've never really gotten my youtube plugs out but it is something i'm really proud of so i thought it would be nice to display them in my flat and the final piece put in the mirror upon the fireplace and we are officially done now time for the big reveal the flat feels so different it just feels like a home now there's so much color art and bits of my personality sprinkled everywhere it's a much more efficient use of the space so that's that side of the flat now moving on to my favorite section the living room this is where i spend 90 of my time it's so cozy i'm obsessed with it and i can now access the shelves which is great and we made it this is the finale i am obsessed i love it so much i love it so so much i hope you guys like what i've done with the place i'm really happy because like i feel like it feels like my place you know when i finished decorating it was really weird i had this moment where it's suddenly i don't know why it's taking me this long to realize but it suddenly hit me that this is like my first place by myself like this is my first hope uh that i have created for myself and i'm really happy with it i hope you guys like my flat as much as i do i hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching i love you lots please know that you matter and i shall see you guys next time
Channel: ClickForTaz
Views: 389,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redecorating living room
Id: syo5R990iNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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