Moving to San Francisco from Hawaii

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I'll be here in SF for the next like two and a half days my main purpose for this trip is to find a place to live for the next year I'm going to be officially moving in July fingers crossed I leave here with a lease signed or an application accepted or something just left my hotel that I was staying at last night and um luckily it was close enough to my hotel that I'm going to be working at next month oh my God so excited one of my fears that I had written down and acknowledged before I came here was that I would enter the hotel and not feel excited or not feel welcomed but I am so relieved that that fear has passed and as soon as I entered I felt very welcomed and I felt very excited so it's a really big relief I hadn't even been inside of this Hotel prior to signing like my employment contract so it was a really big jump into the unknown for me I feel like I'm going to cry soon so relieved I'm so happy I'm so excited I'm so nervous I'm so everything then it's so pretty [Music] hello I did go to that viewing today and it was horrible so scary the difference as soon as I walked like one block over yeah it was very scary and also very necessary I feel like um it was kind of like a good experience in a way but made me realize how much safety is like such a priority and that I really need to look out for my safety in these areas yeah that one didn't work out and I I was I walked there from here the hotel and I was like I am not walking back so I caught an Uber back and I I felt so much better when I got back here to the hotel I have a few appointments for tomorrow for some showings any place that I view tomorrow one of them has to work out I'm on a very very steep roller coaster of emotions right now I'm going from like oh my God I just graduated like I'm so excited this is so cool new job new new area new environment new everything to what the am I doing why am I moving into an entirely different state where I don't really know anybody and I'm leaving all of my loved ones and it's so expensive here and everybody keeps telling me that it's dangerous and to not move here and all of these things to oh wait it's actually okay like it'll be fine it's it's not forever it's only temporary I got this this is what this is what I should be doing and this is like the best way for me to grow and this is so good for my career um and just back and forth and back and forth in this moment right now after being here after seeing the property for the first time after meeting some of the people that work here in person I feel so excited and so proud of myself the thing about not knowing is that yes it's so scary not knowing but it's also very like exciting and thrilling and like I feel like that's kind of what life is all about if we knew exactly how everything was going to turn out it wouldn't be as exciting right and we'd probably take it for granted and we wouldn't be able to be as present but that feeling of not knowing I feel like you can learn so much through throughout the Journey of not knowing for me my goals are to learn how to trust myself um build a strong relationship with myself just put myself in a different environment where I am constantly growing and becoming hopefully a better version of myself both personally and also professionally that was kind of a lot um I don't have much planned for the rest of the day it's like 5:15 right now so I'm just going to go down and get something to eat and then I'm just going to walk around um for a little while and then just come back up and and chill here for the rest of the evening good morning today is Thursday the 13th just had breakfast at the hotel today I have quite the day actually have four viewings my first one at 11:00 one at 12:00 one at 3:00 and one at 8:00 in between I'm going to be meeting up with one of my friends which I'm really excited for I have been on my phone like so much looking on Facebook Marketplace constantly looking at all the viewings and the listings making sure everything is confirmed and correct checking my emails and everything just made sure that nothing was cancelled I'm like so eager and anxious and like just like really want to make sure that I leave this trip with a place that I really like now that I've triple checked all of my appointments and my things that are scheduled for today I am going to try not be on my phone I have an alarm set for when I need to leave and in the meantime I'm going to start a new book [Music] look who's picking me up in my car see if he comes out hey hello I got back from SF actually a few days ago I just wanted to add to this video and say that my mission was [Music] accomplished I'm so happy I'm so much more relieved leaved I literally just signed the lease like today is Wednesday so I signed the lease on Monday so it's crazy because the Monday before that on June 10th I was so stressed out and so scared and like so confused and I just didn't know how it was going to work out for me to find a place before going up there and then literally a week later I feel so much better I've signed a lease I have a place secured mission accomplished it's like getting more more real that this is actually happening I've started to pack I'm trying to sell all of my furniture and get everything squared away here leaving Hawaii it's so crazy like how much can change in like an instant even just like in a week because like I think about myself last week Monday and how scared I was I had gotten off the phone with my relocation manager and I felt so lonely it was like 6:00 in the morning here in Hawaii and I had gotten off the phone and I was like oh my God how am I going to do this I have no idea what I'm doing I don't know who I can even ask for help and all this stuff and I was like should I even go to California and I was having a lot of doubts and just like so much fear was coming up for me that same night I booked the ticket to SF I left the Tuesday I left on Tuesday night and I had a whole journey from Tuesday to Friday in San Francisco like it was such a good trip for me to have to get like a tiny little glimpse of what my life would be like up there and then and obviously viewing places too it's crazy because like before I was focusing on things that I couldn't control and things that I was scared of instead I kind of flipped it and I switched it to focusing on things that I can control through booking the ticket scheduling the viewings going to the places and like planning my whole little trip up there try to take control of my fear and turn it into turn it into confidence somehow or like turn it into something other than fear a week later I feel so much better the short and sweet little video for my own documentation just to keep track of this journey that is very independent and scary for me but also very necessary and very exciting thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Rhema
Views: 71
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hawaii, moving, san francisco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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