Hawaii plans to relocate homeless back to the mainland with their families

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well State leaders are proposing a bold plan to try and reduce the homeless population here on our Islands kitv 4's Kristen concilio explains their latest strategy to solve the growing crisis on the streets Hawaii is no Paradise for Michael McCannon Michael French who landed here about a month ago with nowhere to go no one wants to be homeless or without a job without a place to go every day without a future I mean that's not Paradise that's torture the men both from Boston met at the punavai rest stop homeless hygiene Center and have been Inseparable ever since but at least one of them can't wait to go back home everybody needs to have help absolutely if you can help anybody here get back home people are suffering here Hawaii leaders are trying to get more homeless people back to where they came from proposing to spend a hundred thousand dollars over the next year to send them back to the mainland it saves the state millions of dollars in a finite amount and resources we have for our local homeless we're getting them back to their family their support group where the homeless can get back on their feet since 2015 The Institute for Human Services has sent more than 600 homeless people to the mainland with about four percent ending up returning to the islands the agency currently sends about a hundred people home each year but not everyone wants to go this is going to be my home I'm going to stay in Hawaii I have no wants to go back to Boston I don't like the cold weather in the winter can't push a wheelchair around in the snow too good I'll be here until the day I die but for those who do my goal is to get out of here and get my life back yeah Christine concilio kitv 4 Island news
Channel: Island News
Views: 489,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HADmou1coPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 50sec (110 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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