Getting closer to race day… *a realistic week of half marathon training*

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my friend sent me a meme the other day that  said if you were born in the 1990s you're   either getting married having a baby or training  for a marathon and of course there are exceptions   but like yeah that real pretty much sums it up  I'm getting dangerously close to running this   half marathon in a couple of weeks I can't  believe it's already here it just feels like   yesterday I filmed my first week of training  I'm running the RBC Brooklyn half marathon on   May 18th starting in Prospect Park for the first  half and then it goes all the way down south to   Coney Island finishing there which I'm really  excited about so I thought it would be fun to   have a whole video just focused on running and  taking you through my peak week of training have   this be a time to go over my favorite running  gear running products my training programs and   like what goes through my mind during all of  this just kidding I have a lot of thoughts   about this topic in fact I've been using the Hal  Higden intermediate 2 training program this time   around it's my first time using the program it's  free online and I've modified it a little bit to   cater to what my body needs more of or what my  body needs less of and also I've heard that that   training program can be very intense for people  and that they've endured injuries because of how   intense it was and how it how soon it R ramps  up the mileage I've taken it a bit easier it's   typically like six days of training one rest  day one cross training day and the rest are runs   and so I've eliminated One of Those runs to be a  strength training day so I have extra so today's   Tuesday I have an easy run on Deck today's easy  run is 5 miles at a really slow pace I'm trying   to stay within zone two for my heart rate I've  never really done a lot of heart rate tracking   I learned that I have a naturally very high heart  rate so I'm really never in zone two but I try and   just run as slow as I can so that uh it's at least  conversational and that's how I'm kind of tracking   my zone two because my heart rate's still super  high disclaimer though I am not a professional   Runner I don't ever really even know what I'm  doing I am strictly a hobbyist so take what I   say with a grain of salt but like I always try  to be real and never sugarcoat anything [Music] I can't say that I recommend this sunscreen  in particular it does kind of like dry up and   peel off a little bit by the time I'm back from my  runs but it's what we have for now and I'm going   to use it [Music] up for my face I oscillate  between three different sunscreens depends   on the weather depends my personal preference  right now I'm kind of addicted to the naturium   SPF 50 this is really heavy it makes my face look  pretty greasy but I also use the super GOP unseen   sunscreen SPF 40 sometimes this is water and sweat  resistant prevents you from getting oily it has   like a dimethicone finish and then Elta MD SPF  46 actually this one is not the one I normally   get the one I normally gets SPF 46 but this one's  SPF 40 and it's tinted and I don't normally get   the tinted one this is left over from last year  yeah those are the three that I use I want the   spf50 today cuz I think it's going to be pretty  sunny out sunscreen is super important when you're   running it's so covered in lint but this is my  running hat my favorite running hat love this   one from Amazon this fanny pack it was a little  more expensive in like the $40 range you can put   so much in it the brand is Nathan there's two  different compartments with a divider in here   it's actually quite compact and it doesn't bounce  around then I also make sure to use a sunscreen   lip balm not a blint roller no this feels like  running Show and Tell I have these running socks   these are nice and thick I got these on Amazon  in a six-pack and I have two of those I have   12 pairs of these and then I have these These are  the running shoes that I I broke in last week this   is only the second run they're they're going to  have been on they're the A6 women Nova blast 4 I'm   enjoying them so far I'm excited to see if I have  more opinions on them now that I've broken them in   a little bit more but I took them out for 10 miles  on Friday and if you watch my last video you know   that it went pretty well so this is something  that I have let me explain I cut up a washcloth   into fourths because when I run my nose just  consistently does not stop running I've gotten   very good at the snot rocket and like gauging  when the right time to blow the snot rocket is but   sometimes there's a little residue leftover which  if you're running for a while then it's gets kind   of hard to breathe through your nose last time  I used toilet paper and it just didn't really   go well it disintegrated really quick for today's  easy run I probably don't need a gel but I'm going   to test out another brand cuz I listened to Gracie  Norton's podcast on her running the half marathon   and she recommended these go gels I've never used  them before I'm not really a fan of apple cinnamon   flavors and gels I'm more of a fan of like citrusy  stuff but they worked for her but I've been using   science and Sport gels for the entirety of my  training and they're really easy to go down I   change shirts it's too hot for a long sleeve  don't want to overheat 70° out [Music] today   one mile in I live minutes 30 seconds so I  can actually slow down a little bit and the   fact that I'm able to even talk to you right now  shows that I found like a good easy pace [Music]   oh I feel like that went really well I definitely  could have kept going there was a few times I   was just like feeling good and had to pull myself  back from going too fast cuz that's one thing I've   really learned in this process and from watching  I follow like several pages on Instagram that   have been really helpful and they say like  one of the biggest tips is making sure the   easy runs stay easy so that way you don't weigh  yourself out throughout the week before your long   run and then the gel itself um I don't I  didn't really like it that much it feels   too heavy for me just the flavor of it it's  the consistency was nice but the flavor of   it wasn't for me but I'm going to try them  again I'm not just going to write them off   cuz it I do feel great it gave me energy so if  it works it works but I was feeling a little   bit weird in the stomach um in the second half  but it could not have anything to do with the   gel and maybe it was just me and that avocado to  his dat this morning with the updates otherwise so my period started this morning so I'm  not sure how I feel just wearing a tank   top cuz I'm just a little bloated you know if  you're someone who menstruates you understand   you get like one good week a month and  then good luck so I might wear a bigger   shirt today it's kind of ugly but but I'm  not trying to impress nobody at the gym I guess yeah whatever do I need to like steam this  it's a bit wrinkly but like again I'm going to   the gym why would I steam it today I have to  do laundry laundry is a huge part of training   I probably should do like a load every day so  today's run is a 45 minute tempo run my plan   says that it's like 15 to 20 minute warm-up Jog  and then it's 20 minutes running at Tempo pace   and then another like 10 minute jog cool down  I'm a little not sure if I should actually do   this today because my period just started today  and I'm I kind of just don't want to push it but   I don't feel that fatigued cuz I slept pretty  well last night I'm just going to kind of give   it a shot and if it doesn't feel like it's in my  body today then I'll let it go so my Tempo Pace   when I started training it was 850 a mile was my  my race Pace U my goal race Pace but uh I'm slowly   just kind of letting that one go and I think it'll  be more around like the 9:30 10 minute mile area   just even as I'm talking I'm starting to sweat  more like I feel like my cramps are getting worse   I don't know if I'm going to be able to do this  I'm definitely going to take a gel on my way to   the gym I'm going to try these again and see how  they work with my stomach I'm going to bring my   water bottle I forgot to show you this yesterday  it's a little bit on the the price your side but I   hold it like this and it's just perfect and it  has a little pouch here okay we should get up [Music]   listen I had oh a great run I had a great time  so overall really glad I went I was was kind of   fighting cramps throughout but that's okay I  was also fighting my shorts these shorts kept   riding up and now I'm about to take a shower and  it's going to burn all right so this is fun good   job guys high five see you tomorrow it's strength  training day I get to go to the gym today and I'm   actually excited about it here's the fit you  can kind of see let's go I am really proud of   myself for prioritizing intentional strength  training in my training block which has been   critical in the Improvement that I've seen in  my running I genuin genely believe that without   co-pilot Fitness who is sponsoring today's  video I would not my running would not be   where it is today and I truly believe that if you  didn't know co-pilot Fitness is a fitness Made   Easy app that combines the personalization  and accountability of a human expert with   the flexibility of technology so your assigned  virtual coach customizes your guided workouts to   your schedule and to your specific goals I have  been using co-pilot for about 6 months now back   when I started in November 2023 I believe I was  just finishing running the New York Marathon and   I didn't really know where to take my fitness  goals from there I was assigned coach Megan I   love her she created a plan with me to help me  stay conditioned in between training blocks and   she was really there for me through the ups  and downs as my fitness goals were evolving   I initially was like adamant about doing at home  workouts with body weight only because I was low   key afraid of everything at the gym outside of  the treadmill can anyone relate to that but look   can me now now that I've been training my coach  has curated a whole strength session with weights   tailored to my body and the specific muscle groups  I needed to strengthen for running and where I   felt my weak points were specifically for me it's  the shoulders the core the quads the hamstrings   and the glutes those are the muscle groups that  I found I really rely on to power me through the   long runs and so the pressure doesn't end up going  into my hips so if I think about if I wasn't using   copilot Fitness and I was like trying to create  a whole strength training session on my own   with the knowledge that I have I think it would  just have taken me a really really long time and I   can't say that I would have the knowledge to know  exactly like what level of weights to even start   out or when to up the weights or when to decrease  the weights or like if I feel something strange   in my back or my knees like I wouldn't know how  to adjust that for example last week during these   Romanian dead lifts I mentioned to coach how my  lower back was sore after doing them and so she   adjusted the weight and the rep amount so I could  still get the benefit of the exercise and I had no   is this time which was great I feel like if I  didn't have Coach to refer to in that moment I   would have just cut out the whole set and probably  ended up missing out on strengthening those muscle   groups so like being able to rely on my coach  Megan that's been just one less thing to worry   about all I've had to do now is just focus on  showing up communicating with my coach and showing   up that is it I felt so strong during that workout  and I can definitely feel like I've made progress   and it's really encouraging I messaged coach Megan  to let her know how it went she's like the nicest   cheerleader ever so if this sounds like something  you'd be interested in trying make sure to click   the co-pilot Fitness link to get 14 days  free with your very own expert personal   trainer and I want to give one giant thank  you again to copilot Fitness for sponsoring   my video today I think I want to pull out  the juicer let's make a fun juice [Music] [Music] so much better than the other juice that's  a really good recipe the ginger is great today was a definite success with strength  training I really do enjoy doing strength   training now and something I'll continue  after the marathon too it's just great to   like finish all that off with the green juice  Chelsea's in her Wellness era everybody woohoo okay so I didn't fill you in I'm heading  on my Lake to pick up my running BD for   a 5k that I have on Saturday so I'm kind  of in Central Park South area right now   it's really beautiful weather on I wish  the 5K was today the 5K in Cam and it's   my first qualifying race for the 9 plus1 to get  guaranteed entry into the marathon for next year   I'm I'm not sure if I'm going to be running  it honestly but I want the option to run it   so now I'm picking up my bib which is like my  little race number tomorrow is going to be 12   miles so I don't know how I'm actually  going to perform with a 5k but we'll see   we'll [Music] see I never felt kind love like  this before you took all the worries from my mind darl please forg me if I SC a little more  I can't look away from those brown eyes and if   we settle down we don't have to settle down  please don't be afraid of all the things that   could go wrong and we can take our time and  we may change our mind I can tell a good thing   when a good thing comes along I am heading down  to the lowy side Film Festival tonight so that's   separate from this video but I brought my water  bottle full of element my electrolytes so that way   I could get at least a liter of electrolytes  in before I go to sleep so that when I wake   up tomorrow I'll have another and then I'll be  like really good to go ready for the 12 mile run [Music]   I'm going to take the train to Prospect Park going   to start running there I've never ran  through Prospect Park the last time I   was there I got stood up for a date to  go skateboarding I skateboarded anyways   cuz he didn't show up and then I fell off  the skateboard and I ended up in the ER let's make some new memories today we're just  going to run 12 miles the longest run crazy   let me know your thoughts on this I want to have  my friends and family be as hyped for my races   as they would be if I was having a bridal or a  baby shower I wish to have my running Milestones   no matter how small they are be celebrated  pillars in my life just as much as getting   married and having kids would be marriag and  kids will probably happen one day years from   now but it's crazy that those are the biggest  Milestones with the biggest amount of pressure   they can make you feel so rushed in life and for  what as president and CEO of my YouTube channel I   demand that we celebrate the wins of the people  closest to us making progress doing things that   bring them Joy or even celebrate them for no  reason at all just you know getting through   the day I want to know though if you're a runner  no matter what level what is the biggest lesson   the sport has taught you leave it in the  comments below feeling good mile and a half   Prospect Park is beautiful so far the hills  aren't killing me yet but we'll see it's only   it's only a mile and a half in so it's [Music]  gorgeous Park dead like 4 miles andge [Music]   so proud of me 12 miles done can't wait to tell  you about I'm just so grateful I had had today's   run it gave me so much confidence my legs were  just on fire it felt like and I really believe   it's the the shoes for some of it um switching  to A6 Nova blast uh was a really good move the   hills were like I was feeling great I didn't  feel like I ever had to stop the entire time   except until the end when I really pushed  it once I left prer Park and I started   going toward Manhattan Bridge I got stopped at  a few stop lights and I was kind of annoyed by   that then I got a little lost trying to find the  pedestrian entrance to the Manhattan Bridge but   once I was on the bridge I like flew up it like  it was no big deal total elapse time was 2 hours   and 1 minute I feel like almost it's possible  like the goal I had was in reach and all I had   to do was just let let go of wanting it so bad  that it started to happen but I'm very tired I   think it's around 11:30 and I have an early wakeup  call tomorrow to do a 5k it's in Flushing Meadow   Corona Park the incline doesn't look too intense  so I'm hoping that it just goes really fast and   and then I can go home it's like 7:00 a.m. I start  running at 8: I have to go to Flushing I took the   subway both ways yesterday for the 12 mile so that  I didn't feel so bad about ubering this morning   and I worked I don't feel bad about it I don't  have time for coffee just going to grab a banana   we go bring me one gel oh the  bananas don't look that good [Music] damn there you go I can hear start announcement people a lot of forgot to turn my straa on so I have no idea what   pace I did but I feel like I did  less than 10 minute miles we'll see that 5K after those 12 miles completely  wrecked me my body was totally shot that was   a long week of training training this is the most  effort that I put into a training block ever and   this is the most progress that I've seen from  a training block ever so it's all going to come   down to race day which is in just a couple weeks  and I'm going to bring you along with me for that   and then the running content will conclude for a  moment so the results finally came out for the 5K   and I ran it in 31 minutes and 31 seconds exactly  that's the fastest 5K I've ran with New York Road   Runners I think it was like 10 minutes 6 or 7  seconds per mile that's pretty fast considering   my legs were just jell if there's one thing that  running has taught me it's that no process is   seamless there's going to be new surprises every  single training block but like you learn how to   navigate that almost with the trust that you know  everything's going to work out in the end even if   you don't hear your goal there's still value to  take from the experience and you really can see   what your body is capable of and that's like my  part of it is that's what you know running has   taught me that I my body is way more capable of  doing things that I never even imagined anyways   I'm sure this video is way too long so as a  reminder make sure to click the link in my   description box below to sign up for 14 days free  with your very own co-pilot fitness trainer thank   you again to copilot for sponsoring my video  today if you like this video make sure to give   it a thumbs up before you go the engagement really  helps YouTube recognize my channel and push it out   to a wider audience so we can continue to grow  this lovely Community leave a comment to say hi   and make sure to consider subscribing if you've  seen a few videos of mine and you're like hm   this this gal is okay make sure to just hit that  button before you go and then so I can make sure   to see you next time let's go crush this half  marathon are you ready I'm ready I love you bye
Channel: Chelsea Callahan
Views: 58,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living alone in new york city, rbc brooklyn half marathon 2024, rbc brooklyn half, 30 something vlogger, nyc running vlog 2024, nyc running vlog, slow runners, half marathon training beginner
Id: -VjRaxNgt-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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