Moving to Japan won't fix your problems -it will likely make them worse

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don't move to Japan if you're unhappy and you think that being here is going to make things better for you cuz it probably isn't Japan is a wonderful place to live and there's all sorts of reasons to move here but it's just another country it's just one more country with good aspects and bad aspects to living here and it's not a magical fairy land and it's not going to fix your problems I've seen lots of people people move here for the wrong reasons and often that goes quite badly [Music] wrong there's a very common mistake that lots of people make uh and it's more common with younger people because they have less experience and the older you get the less likely you are to make this specific mistake but this mistake is basically believing in the success fallacy and that basically is when you think that getting something something or having something or doing something is going to make you happy you need to reach success and then you'll be happy and that pretty much is never the case so you might think you know if you only had that toy it would make you happy if you only could get that computer it would make you happy if you could buy that car it would make you happy if you could buy that house if you could move to Japan that would make you happy and basically it doesn't work like that because of honic adaptation which basically means that you get used to stuff so you get used to good stuff you get used to bad stuff and over time your happiness Baseline basically moves back towards normal so even if you get that amazing car after 3 or 4 weeks you won't really notice it anymore it'll just be normal you get that fantastic house and you love living there but you know after a couple of months it's just normal I used to work on the 16th floor of the kencho building in Sendai and when I first went there for interviews I was like oh my God the views are incredible I can see the mountains i' be so happy to work here all the time and after a couple of months you don't even see it anymore so very much the same thing if you move to Japan it might be fun for the first few weeks but after a while that wear off reality will set in and you'll go back to Baseline and there's a few other reasons why moving to Japan if you're unhappy is not a good idea one is that Japan is quite a stressful place to adapt to it's quite different from a lot of countries uh there's lots of unspoken rules there's lots of kind of unspoken standards that you have to adapt to and and get used to and it's very stressful for a lot of people a lot of people find you have the honeymoon period and then you have the culture shock period and the culture shock period is quite rough and it kicks in after a month or so another reason not to move to Japan if you're unhappy is that Japan has pretty poor Mental Health Care at least compared to some countries so if you have have mental health issues you're not really going to get as much support here as you might want as you might expect so be very very careful about that and in the same way employers are maybe not going to be as understanding as they might have been in other countries so moving here if you're unhappy getting used to a new environment can be pretty dangerous you're also leaving your support network behind so you're leaving behind your family and your friends and that's actually a huge deal so being away from that support network often has a big impact on people and it takes time to build up a new support network it can be very difficult to meet people and make friends in Japan and it takes time to do so so that gap between you know having your normal uh relationships and then coming to Japan and trying to find new relationships that can be pretty stressful as well so I've seen this a lot I used to be the alt supervisor for Mi so I I was in charge of hundreds of alts and their training their support and so on and generally speaking the people who really wanted to live in Japan they had this kind of shining ideal of Japan as a place that was perfect for them they often become disillusioned because the reality does not live up to their expectations and they're the people that end up leaving and on the other hand people that moved to Japan because you know they had a job or they wanted to spend some time here those are the people that end up staying because they don't have these unrealistic expectations they just get used to Japan as it is and they find that it suits them or they like living here and so on and that's the last thing so some people are going to love living in Japan it's going to suit them perfectly I think I'm one of those people I really like living here it's it's a very good fit for me in terms of my my likes and my personality but some people hate it some people absolutely hate living here and you don't really know which one you're going to be until you move here so if you are unhappy if you think coming here will make you happier I really recommend working on your health working on your relationships working on your skills first and then once you're in that position of strength where you know you're happy and and confident and and okay then coming to Japan and seeing if you like it that makes much more sense to me Japan at the moment is incredibly cheap the currency is very weak at the moment so visiting Japan is going to be a much better option for most people than moving to Japan very very different experiences visiting Japan is incredible almost everyone I know who visited Japan had a wonderful time loved it fantastic but you've got to remember you're just visiting you're just a guest temporarily you're getting all the good stuff you're getting treated really well and then you can go home uh and relive those memories but if you move here that's different moving here is more permanent you actually live here you earn in Yen you work here you have the Japanese working conditions and it's not quite as wonderful as visiting is so just be really really careful don't move here for the wrong reasons do make sure that you're going to be okay if you move here uh despite the challenges and you know if you once you do move here then come come to retire Japan check out our resources and we'll help you get set up financially as well thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: RetireJapan – Personal Finance in Japan
Views: 1,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Pekgq17OGYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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