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hi guys welcome and welcome back to my channel so today's video I'm super excited guys like I'm so happy guys we are 1,000 subscribers this is a lot guys we did it thank you for the support you're not only getting information from this channel but you're also supporting me I'm so grateful and I hope and pray that we will keep getting higher and higher yes so today's video we going to be talking about moving to Finland to work in my previous video I spoke about different ways in which you can move to Finland and in that video I spoke about the easiest and fastest way to move to Finland which is true studies so if you were interested in moving to Finland as fast as possible you can look out for that video yes it is very informative and very detailed but today's video is going to be centered around moving to Finland to work yes in my previous video I mentioned how difficult it is to move to Finland through work but I also stated that it is not impossible it is not impossible guys a lot of people quite a lot of people are moving to Finland to work recently yes just in the last month I got information of people moving to Finland and if you check my comment section sometimes you're going to see some comments there about how they moved to Finland through work so um I'll be giving out information on this yes if you're interested in moving to Finland to work join me in this video guys and please don't forget to subscribe to my channel like like like so without wasting your time let's dive right into the video [Music] yes so guys I'm going to be giving out different um websites where you can search for work in Finland yes based on your profession based on your qualification and also your experience guys in order for you to get a employment in Finland you need to have an experience if you want to make it easier for yourself so it is very important I know of some people that moved to Finland through this websites that I'll be giving out in moving to Finland through work during application you don't just make one application you need to continuously like apply continuously to different websites in order for you to be successful it is not something that you just make one application and wait for a positive reply remember I said it is difficult the people that I know they mentioned how many times that they have tried to get employed and Finland different applications so it's not something that you just make one application and wait you need to work hard for it because you're not the only one that is applying to work in Finland yes and my husband also moved to Finland through work yes and he secured he was able to secure a job contract through one of these websites that I've been giv out so it's important that you watch if you're interested and remember that in moving to Finland through walk route you don't need proof of fund no unlike moving through studies you know moving through studies you need proof of fund you need to show that you can take care of yourself yes but you don't need this wi moving to Finland through the walk route so that's very important to note and also you can move with your family yes one very important thing about moving to Finland through the work rout is securing a valid job contract like it's very important once you have this job contract getting a residance permit will not be difficult and every other thing will not be difficult and you will just move to Finland but it is very important that you secure a valid job contract with your employer's signature on it yes when you're signing this job contract it is very important that you check the information on the job contract yes you need to be aware of what you're signing for mhm because in Finland um maybe you get employed to work for a particular company some give you one year but some companies give you two years 3 years and this period of time like you have to work for this same company for the number of years that is mentioned on the contract so you need you need to be sure of what you're signing that this is what you can do yes for instance you're moving through cleaning and the company that gave you employment requires you to work for them for 3 years just know that you're going to be working for this particular company for this period of time before you able to move to any other um working sector so um let's see um the job websites guys the first website I'll be sharing with you is called dotor fi on this website you can be able to get jobs reging from nursing assistant IT jobs wether cook and Wess job engineering and even cleaning jobs I know some people who were able to get job contracts on each of the mentioned areas some of them are already in Finland while some others are preparing to come to Finland so just take note of the website this is something something that you need to keep on applying don't just apply once and be waiting once you open the website the information here is usually written in finish so you have to change it to a language that you can understand you might think that because it is written in Finnish that the jobs here are only meant for finished people but that is not the case guys my husband was able to secure a job contract through this website so it doesn't really matter whether it's written and finished just apply guys so let's search for the jobs by industry so in order to do that just click on dor when you do that it brings you here here there are industries that are offering jobs you have installation service and maintenance customer service and so on so you just know your area of specialization and click on it let's check out cleaning sanitation and waste management industry here they have about 1,081 Job vacancies this includes recruitment training cleaning that's cleaning worker truck driver for delet Finland okay here you have restaurant worker P control cleaner and also um caretaker and cleaner in U so let's see this so you first of all change to English in order to understand so here we have the job description what is your job like what we expect from you what we offer you so you just read this and check whether you fit in or there something that you can do or you have experience in and then apply for the job that's basically it if you're interested in working in the cleaning sector you just check this out there are a lot of works for cleaners here so you can just pick anyone and look at it so let's check out the health sector here we are guys as you can see in the healthc care industry there's over 5,000 jobs guys like so it's very important that you make use of Google Chrome while doing this so that it will be easy for you to translate to English language so um there are a lot of jobs here guys so you just scroll down just the same thing that we did before so guys here we have caregivers NE Rito let's just check it out let's see what is here so I changed it to the English language using the Google Chrome so it's better you open it with go Chrome so this is job description nurses for permanent Employments are needed guys so um it's very good that you read the content very well so you understand and you know whether you meet up with the requirements and here is the space for you to apply for the job once you have the necessary requirement guys you should just apply like apply to as many jobs as possible even some of those jobs that you are needed to speak Finnish you can also apply there guys because let's say for instance they need 20 people for the job and they might just get um about 16 people that are native speakers finish native speakers and then the remaining four places they out sour it yes and you might just be the lucky one so it's very important that you apply guys if you really want to get this job you need to be serious about it send in your application guys and make sure that you CV is well detailed like with activities that you have done before in relation to this field that you want to apply like for instance your experiences yes what you know like all the information that will get you this job guys just putting everything on your CV so now we are done with doing it tury so if if you're looking for employment just check out this site guys now let's check out work in Finland so here we are guys um this is work in Finland this is the second site I've been given out for employment in Finland so here it says explore open jobs for English speaking professionals so it's for English speaking yes so let's see what is here guys as you can see there are 472 open jobs right now at the time I opened this so let's just click on get started and move further so here you have information on the type of residence permit that you've been needing yes so if you continue down you're going to see more information about how to apply for your residence permit from outside Finland so here you have the fast track for Resident permits you can be granted a residence permit in two weeks with the fast track service click here to learn more from migri site so so let's go back to open jobs in Finland here um you can see the number of jobs open right now at the time I open this site so it could be a different number now if you go there so just scroll down look for something you can do a job that you have a certificate on or you have experience so in order to make it easier for yourself let's use the search box yes here we are going to search for cleaning there are 28 open jobs right now for cleaning at the time I opened it so it might have changed by now let's pick one out of these and check it out so here you have um floor cleaners in Versa when you get here the information here is written in both Finnish and in English so let's go through it here you have chob description finish language and here we have English so here it is written we are looking for hotel cleaners and housekeepers to Vera four to five persons the work consists of various housekeeping task cleaning rooms as well as public spaces so the contract of employment is permanent and parttime starting from you give you the time the work shifts are from Monday to Sunday and here to spoke about the salary and here you see if your English language skills are good your finish language skills can be basic so you don't really need to be a good Finnish speaker if you speak English it is good so um just read everything here you should send them application however no later than you can see the last date so this is the time that I made this video so um you can go look for other jobs and find out the time range and apply guys so this is basically it when you apply here it takes you straight to their page yes there you fit in your details and submit your CV and every other thing so um you don't just make one application guys just apply to different Works guys so um here in this particular one was a the time I made this video but if you go there just the same process is involved yes so after this let's go into another website so guys the third website I'll be sharing with you guys is called baruna baruna Fe so this website is one of the leading um job search website in Finland so you just change it to English when you get here and do website is like very easy to navigate so let's go through it and see what they have to offer let's let's go through it so here you have relocating to Finland open jobs working in Finland now let's see show open positions yeah it is WR that there are 15 jobs found is open positions in English yes 15 jobs found now let's check out this jobs guys so we just scroll down just scroll down look for something that you can do here we are I I actually know of someone who got a job through this website like people are getting jobs through this website so take it seriously and keep on applying guys so let's check out this chfs to La Land click on read more and apply and it brings us here the last day for submission is on the 10th of December 2023 so just read through this this job description and you see working places the length of contracts depending on the collective agreements yes okay why to work with us and other information just make sure to read it carefully understand it and when you're ready you apply yes or you can as well send a message to them through the email there you can see so baruna is also a good site for seeking employment here in Finland so you can as well check it out to see what it entails so um the final website I'm going to be sharing with you guys today is going to be Silk Road guys silk road. fi so this website is kind of a a recruiting agency they are basically for health people those that are in the health sector they require assistant nurses and caregivers mostly so they are recruiting hundreds if not thousands of people from abroad to come and work here in Finland as assistant nurses and caregivers I know of some people who are already here in Finland through these websites and they are already working as nurses here so if you have the certificate and experience in this field I would ad that you check this out yes so at first it says take your first step towards working in Finland sign up for your free online orientation now so it says sign up as assistant nurse or as a caregiver let's check out for assistant nurse so it brings us here here it says application form for assistant nurse positions in Finland is an application form to to receive your link to one of our free online orientation participating in one of these orientation is mandatory to move onward in the recruitment program okay please note that this form is meant for people who have a Bachelor of Science in nursing that's BSN so just note this is for people who have Bachelors of Science in nursing so here it also says if you do not have BSN please fill in this form so if you don't have BSN this form here is for you so just check it out if you don't have BSN but for those that have BSN just F the this form that is given here it says name email um current country you are in um I have bachelor degree okay yes this one uh Facebook Messenger number nationality country of B when could you start your work in Finland so you just need to feel all this do you intend to fly straight to Finland from the country you living in okay so just feeling this if you have um BSA in nursing but if you don't so the other form is for you you check it out so after everything you submit yes so that's it so now let's check out the sign up caregivers let's see what it's about so um this form here is just like the other one but it's specifically for caregivers here you just check it out fill in the form your first name middle name and last name email just give out the information that you have and make sure that every information that you're giving out is up to date it's very important so um just filling this um when could you start your work in Finland do you intend to fly just the same question as before but this is meant for caregivers so after everything you just submit here submit the form here now um when we come here let's check out this am I eligible if you come to this page you're going to see this if you're confused used if you just want to know whether you're eligible you just click here there are some questions here that you just answer to and it's going to tell you whether you're legible or not do you have a Bachelor of Science in nursing um let's say no do you have a me with free diploma no okay do you have a healthc care related certificate such as a caregiver assistant nurse Elderly Care special needs care or health care in general okay yes so if you say yes it brings this out did your certificate include more than 700 hours of studies yes is your certificate older than 5 years no okay here it says submit and it's saying that you're eligible okay so um just make use of this if you're confused if you don't know whether you're eligible or not so here let's see whether we can find any other information about them yes so here you click on um recruitment process yes yeah this is their video there is a lot of information in this video so just watch it and there are a lot of information here as well have consent form interview like and the recruitment process so you see the stages of recruitment so this will help you understand a lot more about them so just go through this carefully and um it is very important for you to note that you have to keep on applying I've said this before make your applications not just once do it over and over the more applications you make the more opportunity you have to secure an employment so guys don't don't just pick one job and be waiting for a reply check out different websites apply apply apply try it guys and hopefully it works for you so this is it for today thank you for watching my video thank you for the constant support guys and um I have been um busy like recently because of my school and other things but I always try to show up here so please don't forget to subscribe to my channel if if you've not subscribed like my video and comment if you have any question to ask I will always reply so thank you guys [Music] bye
Channel: Uchechi Blessing
Views: 18,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HbgYAU7FtSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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