Mounting a Sony 75inch Tv above the fireplace with all the wires HIDDEN by Dreamedia

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hey guys this is Zach doing media home theater and today we're gonna be mounting a 75 inch Sony TV up over this fireplace here which you can see is not pre-wired so we're gonna be doing a few things we're gonna be installing electrical as well as running all the low voltage wiring behind the wall so everything looks nice and clean we're gonna be using a tilt mount the 37 80s as well as a power bridge kit this is exactly what we're gonna be using this is the tilt 37 ATS and then we're gonna be using the data column power outlet extension which is basically just allowing us to plug in to the existing home's electrical system so what we're gonna be doing is mounting into the studs here and then cutting a hole on the sheetrock here and cutting a hole down here below which then all the wires will pass through to the devices we're gonna be running two HDMI sedae one for the cable and one is a spare for future devices we are gonna go ahead and get the work started and we'll update you as we complete the work thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] okay guys so this is an extremely popular thing to do nowadays everybody's wanting the TVs up over the fireplace they start off over here to the side and on any home especially in Texas past the 80s like in the 90s and present everything behind the sheetrock is actually dead space so what we're able to do is just shoot the wiring back behind here down to the bottom you can see we got our moving blankets laid out on the floor which will collect most of the dust and then we'll sweep everything out when we're finished we move the TV over here to the side and we're gonna go ahead and get our mount attached to the bolting positions on the back of the TV it's bracket up on the wall and then cut our sheetrock in okay so here's a few key things that we need to do to start you can see we have a mark here and a mark here which is where studs are inside of the wall and this is the center mark which is the center of the mantle and then right here is where the mount is gonna go the top of the mount you can see up there are marked where the top of the TV is going to be so we measured from the top of the TV down to the mount we're gonna get this bolted in studs okay so now I have our bracket mounted into the studs with half-inch lags right here and now we can get our hole cut for our pass-through box which I'll probably do it off here to the side just so that when the arms are sitting on the wall it doesn't hit the pass box Plus this TV's wide enough to completely cover it so we'll do it right here and then we're gonna cut our other hole down here to the side you guys can see Grayson is using a pencil to mark out where it's going to go and then we're gonna use a drywall saw to cut that hole these come in automatic and manual this is just a little inexpensive one you can pick up from Home Depot here's the boxes that come in the kit you have the wall plate receptacle it has the pass-through on the left hand side and the power on the right four up here above the fireplace and then you have the bottom piece which you can see this is a male adapter and this is essentially just an extension cord that is going to plug from here into the wall over here and then these are back boxes for high-voltage electricity and we're gonna use romex which is what the home was built with to run from here down to here Grayson's checking the studs in the wall so that whenever we go to cut our hole in we don't cut into the stud and we're gonna make that at the same exact height as the rest of the outlets in the home so that it's uniform where's our cutout for the bottom of the wall [Music] alright guys up here we have a hole down here we have a hole we have a fish rod which is being shot between the two holes all you have to do is attach your Rome axe and the two HDMIs to it and pull it down the wall [Music] okay so once you have your wire up through the wall you're gonna get your Rome axe really tight it's important that you keep the romance away from the tube the exhaust tube on the fireplace right here in the center the tube that goes up to the roof and exhaust the heat if this is in action being used and that ro max is on the tube you can potentially start a fire so this is a pretty important step and you can see I did tighten down that one and one side and then pull the other side tight so that it's just being shocked right between the HDMI you also want to keep them tight but it's not as important as the RO max because they're low voltage okay guys so we got our outlet in you can see it fits like a glove with the cutout and then right here the wires are passing through for the HDMI we did put in full 18 gigabit per second 4 by 4 by 4 4k HDMI and they're passing through down here we're gonna go ahead and get our extension cord plugged in to the wall here and then we get the TV mounted up on the wall and everything connected without this be pushed right off strangle important good luck here the TV is level with earth the mantle is a little bit off you can see there's like a little bit more Mordor over here but overall a customer's happy he's gonna put some decorations up there [Music]
Channel: Dreamedia Installs
Views: 193,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to mount a tv on the wall, how to mount a tv on the wall without studs, wall mounted tv hide wires, wall mounted tv ideas, mount tv above fireplace, mount tv above fireplace hide wires, mount tv above gas fireplace, fireplace tv mount, fireplace tv mount pull down, tv installation on wall, tv installation above fireplace, dreamedia, 75 inch sony bravia 4k, 75 inch sony 4k, 75 inch sony tv, dreamedia installs
Id: L_XLL-6U8Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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