Mountain Lion???? Plus, the Soto Amicus Stove and New River Pot Review

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hey everyone chuck here the trail dancer and i want to first start by saying happy new year to everybody this is my first video of 2021 and we all know 2021 is going to be an epic gear for everybody especially for us dancers and for us hikers today i'm going to go over a really cool piece of kit that i purchased for my wonderful girlfriend anika who lives in finland this is the soto amaku stove with pizza igniter new river pot combination spoiler alert i'm keeping this one on stay tuned [Music] welcome back everyone and like i said today we're going to be doing a brief overview of a really cool piece of kit that i purchased for annika in 2020 as a gift this is the soto amicus stove with pizza igniter and new river pot combination that you can purchase as a kid i want to take a few moments to acknowledge my beautiful and loving girlfriend aniko she's finnish and lives in finland she's from a small town called kangasala which is outside of a town called tampere which you might know but now she's going to school and finishing degree in ballet at a school in oulu which is up north it's really cold there right now was negative 22 a few days ago celsius not good so anyways i want to give a shout out to her because she started last year she started a new gear review channel called trails on relev she's really excited about doing this so please click the link below and go support her channel as well uh props to her anyways honey mina and with that let's move on man i'm telling you there's something out here and i can't figure out what's going on but i hear like something going on behind me now i'm not one to be panicky but the ranger told me there's a cougar around here that they've noticed i have not seen it but i keep hearing noises all over the place maybe the ranger like totally spooked me but i have come across a few cats over the past couple of years out here i just hope that there's nothing stalking me from behind seriously oh my goodness you know when you're in the outdoors you know as long as i've been doing this since i was a kid you get this sick sense or weird feeling of noises and smells i can't explain it to you but it's one of those days today that i'm like something's out here but i don't know where it is and if i'm attacked from behind don't worry i'll try to fend it off in my wonderful skog so padded feel raven jacket which is impermitable to like cougar claws hopefully anyways moving on as all my reviews i'm not going to get into every detail about this product i'll post a link in the description below for you guys to on your own time go research more information about this product to see if it meets all the needs for your backpacking gear setup what do you get when you purchase the kit well let's start by this you get this little head net case that everything stuffs into and cinches down with this toggle really light you get the pot itself comes with the lid and then you get this case that holds the stove the case is really nice and you get the stove and that's pretty much what you get let's start by talking about the pot itself the pot is 1 000 milliliters it's anodized aluminum it has a logo here it's got a plastic lid with a pour spout and a rubberized grab handle which i really really love really cool and it has two handles that fold out and these handles really have a nice stickiness to them so they don't really move around they're also coated with rubber to help you protect yourself from burning your fingers so that's pretty much it for the pot itself about onto the stove like i said you get this pouch and one thing i really like about the stove is the supports there's four of them which i really think is a advantage and they lock into place which is really really cool i'll pull this one out get this one first that one second i always do these because sometimes backwards and it's stupid but anyways yeah so they lock in place they don't really move and the way you uh take them down is you move them slightly to the left and pull them down and they they detach really cool and your rig the regulator comes out here and then you have the piece of igniter really easy the pot supports all have teeth on them and having four pot supports to me is really epic i really enjoy that about this piece of course you have this concave feature to the stove which really helps it its performance in wind and it really does work the soto windmaster which is a big brother to the amicus also has this technology i think it's a really really cool feature that soto has invented with this i think they have were the first to come out with this but it really does a good job when it's windy outside the other thing i really like about this is that when you put it together i'll put the the canister on real quick here for you one thing i really like about this is that the bottom has some kind of it seemed like a little bit of a texture to it and so what that does is when you put the pot on it kind of sticks on that on those teeth it really stops it from moving really well one of my biggest pet peeves for a lot of pots is that it's slippery or un is or really unstable when you put the pot on the supports that's why i believe that four supports are much better than three supports let me boil some water here it's really cold it's negative one right now it's supposed to snow any minute but let's let's put some water in here just to show you and i can use this for hot chocolate what have you because it is really cold there you go it's really cold out here and it really did a good job put this up here put this on here gotta have the logo facing the camera man it's all about all about presentation and now we wait well there you go pretty easy you put water in your pot you connect the stove to the canister you open the gas up you push the piezo igniter it makes flame you put the water in the pot on top of the burner and there you go you have a stove and now freshly boiled water for all your dehydrated meals and what have you hot chocolate or anything else you want to use it for pretty easy pretty reliable good job soto totemo edes for you japanese speaking people out there so now that we've gone over some brief details about what you get when you purchase the kit we boiled some water let me go over my pros and cons and sum up everything for this beautiful kit by soto let's start by talking about the pot itself i think this pot is perfect perfect size great grab handles rubberized coating so it doesn't burn you a plastic lid that has not cracked it's got a nice texture on the bottom so it doesn't slip but one thing i really love about this is that grab handle i know it's so stupidly simple but it's rubberized so it doesn't burn you and it sticks straight up so you can grab it with gloves so these are my wonderful hestra fault guide gloves which i think are the best gloves on the market hester always is the best gloves on the market but the fault i mean the fault guy gloves are amazing review coming soon anyways look i can pick this thing up with guide gloves on the only thing i don't like i only have one con so soto please listen to this put measurement units or marks inside the pot so we know how much we're putting in there i have a cup that i use from gsi that has those but without that i don't really know how much water i'm putting our liquids i'm putting into the into the pot so soto please do me a favor and add measurements to this pot and it's perfect let's talk about the stove now the stove is pretty much perfect i think this is the most underrated stove or at least one of them on the market today i think soto has knocked it out of the park i think this is highly underrated it's got a great piezo igniter which has not failed me it's got a nice handle here for the regulator you can use with gloves as well has four pot supports which is really stable with the teeth on there really nice they're pretty flexible here they're easy to put put up and put down it's got the concave feature for the burner which really helps in the wind it's a perfect stove this is all you need there you go come to this little pack closed up it's i've got water in here but this does uh fit in here with a small canister it will fit the the bigger canister but you won't be able to put the stove in there man i'm telling you my outdoor sense is driving me crazy today i have my wonderful benchmade knife here that i'm going to keep out just in case okay 55 us dollars is what this cost it's an amazing price for what you get soto is a japanese company and the quality control of japanese products is outstanding soto stands behind their products with their warranty for 55 dollars you get a top quality stove and pot combination i think it's the best combination on the market for this price let's go over my final thoughts on this cook system like i said the very beginning spoiler alert i'm going to keep this one for myself and rotate it into my cooking mix see now i have a couple of birds chirping anyways with that said everyone i want to say arigato gozaimasu for all of you for taking the time to watch this video and my review of the soto amicus stove with pizza igniter and new river pot combination one of my favorite pieces or combinations on the market today now where is that where's that cougar come on cougar mao mao mao mao do cougars meow they do right it's one of the largest cats that still meow if i remember right so maybe i shouldn't be calling a cougar to me i don't know so anyways that's it everyone until next time until my next review take care everyone i'll see everybody out there in the outdoors or hopefully soon on the dance floor chuck trail down sir peace [Music] you
Channel: TheTrailDancer
Views: 2,632
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: Soto Outdoors, soto amicus stove, soto amicus test, soto amicus combo, soto amicus new river pot, mountain lion encounter, ultralight backpacking, thru hiking, best backpacking stove, backpacking stove, pacific crest trail, pct 2021, canister stove vs alcohol stove, backpacking stove reviews, best backpacking stove for winter, 10 essentials for hiking, backpacking stove comparison, cougar, best backpacking stoves 2021, Mountain Lion, Trump, Biden, Best Backing Stove for 2021
Id: ssVmvG1eR9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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