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hello everyone my name is tom and welcome to my channel uh what i'm going to do today is i'm going to test on two different um gas canister stoves and the stoves in question are an msr pocket rocket 2 and a solo win master and try and keep things as fair and even today as possible and give you as much information about what's going on and the test will be to measure how long each of the stoves takes to boil um about 300 ml of water 300 ml of water is just simply enough to fill this um this cup the room temperature at the moment is 19 degrees i'm actually going to do some testing outside as well today and for that the temperature is sitting at six degrees and the water temperature here that i'm going to use is 18 degrees and each of the gas canisters have 215 grams of gas okay so um first of all why these two stoves i mean they're just simply i don't get stoves or gear sent to me so and these stoves are just simply one of them this stove i have actually purchased myself and i've just borrowed this you know from a friend and they obviously have some similarities but a few differences as well and this i think the the windmaster weighs about 87 grams this one here is 73. um so the pocket rocker 2 is definitely a little bit lighter and you can certainly see you know a little bit more compact as well this this one has a a tri pot support system very very easy to work i mean it just simply rotates around and then kind of flicks flicks out and does give you quite good support from that system this one here is slightly different in that it has four pot supports so again fraction more more heavy but a little bit more um secure i suppose um this just squeezes together and it just means that you can transport the burner and the pot stand separately you know just give you a little bit more space if that's an issue for you um this just somebody clips on um fairly straightforward and then the feet of the pot actually fold in um the burner size is a bit different as well um this should theoretically perform better in wind and we'll have a look at that outside and this burner is a little bit you know smaller um and we'll burn hotter over smaller surface areas of slightly more tendency to scorch pots you know with with this one first up we'll we'll use a solo so um so i have measured just the amount of of water that goes into this cup and i said it is 300 mils and i'm just using that [Music] and just to give each stove as good a chance as possible i'm going to stick the the lid on top of it there that's this underway so there's a few other things about the sort of the burner is actually designed to sit very very close you know to the pot you know which again should sort of shield it a little bit in the wind and the burner itself is a sort of a concave design again give it a little bit of wind protection so it's turned up and cranked up absolutely full at the moment and we're running for 28 seconds now um the solo also has a micro micro regulator which will help it sort of run whenever the gas pressure is a little bit lower so um i think i measured 215 odd grams in this at the moment so it is sort of you know a little bit lower gas pressure but exactly the same menu for for the for the pocket rocker 2. so 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 yeah we're are we have a boil so 59 seconds so well done to the sorrow and being first up but hot there okay so next up will be the pocket rocker too so i'm just swapping over the well i'm not swapping over the gas i'm using separate gas just so that no stove has an advantage over another um actually find this a little bit easier to take on and off and the gas canister just because with the shape of this there's something actually you know to grip rather than the sorrow you kind of can but the this actually incidentally has a pistol igniter which they say in all the reviews it works well first time so yeah not too bad there that just did exactly that and this is just a little bit harder to grip the take on and off whereas this is is great um now when i tested this earlier just with this particular pot that i'm using you do have to be quite careful with selling it all because the pot stands are not just as as broad as quite a broad part and it doesn't have the piezo so what i'll have to do is is uh get it let you know with it with a lighter so we'll get leather and everything on we will crank it up that's her running stopwatch going give it plenty of juice and you will already notice you know this is a lot noisier personally for me noise is not an issue at all it really really doesn't bother me but it certainly is burning pretty hot and i can see here there's a bit more of a distance between the actual burner head and the bottom of the pot so time wise we're on 27 seconds at the moment i'll let this run to like 59 and then what i'll do is i'll actually just take the lid off the pot and we'll see then if it's burning um so 40 seconds you have to be careful with these i know some people will do them with the lid off so you can see exactly what it boils but this is looking pretty good at the moment quick check it's actually nearly there 55 56 57 58 59 one minute and again a boil in a minute so well done to the pocket rocker too [Music] all right so this is a pocket rocket too first stop outside so and the temperature outside as i said earlier was six degrees i've measured water temperature at 11 degrees it's not an incredibly windy day but it is drafty um and a little bit you know a little bit blustery so we'll see what difference this makes so let's get it up and going that's lit stopwatch away so all good to go now so we'll see if it makes much of a difference i was saying before the pocket rocket 2 does have a smaller burner and it is a little bit further away from the pot here just the way the pot supports are designed but i'm saying that you know the burner is lighter and it is more compact um there's not necessarily a right piece of equipment for every single individual if you're looking to use a stove in conditions that are not too extreme and you want something light compact and reliable then this actually is is your stove whereas if you're wanting to use another stove under harsher conditions where it's colder you like the idea of having the paisa igniter and also the micro regulator then that actually will make a difference um and in the outside uh when the conditions are a bit harsher so we're running on 57 seconds at the moment 59 59 seconds okay so we're definitely a good bit to go now and this is certainly going to take a little bit longer um both canisters i've been using them for sort of filming as you'll see with some of the other shots um so both canisters are now down to about 200 grams of gas so they start off with about 215 i did measure the use i think one used three grams of gas on the boil and the other one used four that's not really that relevant to me but if you were for example want them to go on a longer on a longer hike or maybe doing a couple of overnights then the stove that is the most efficient then will make a little bit of a difference you know in the long run because you'll have to carry less less fuel so we're on 145 at the moment so this is making a big difference uh 150 i mean certainly no signs here of of the burner blowing out um i mean in reality you're always going to shelter you're burning anyway um but sometimes it's difficult to get shelter and sometimes even when it is sheltered you're still getting um little blasts of wind so we're on 214 i mean i can't show this to the camera but you'll not really see it um 221 222 [Applause] i'm not gonna keep lifting the lid off i want to give the burner a chance so i mean this is really interesting it lets you see how the environmental conditions make a big big difference the main factor here really being wind but also the fact that the the gas canisters have now used a substantial amount of gas and you'll always lose pressure in your gas canister whenever that happens and that then affects performance so we're coming up now to three minutes um quickly look yeah we're actually pretty close now to be fair so three minutes you'll just have to take my word for it i mean it's really really really close um 307 308 you'll probably see a bit of steam coming off at night yep i'm going to call out a boil at 3 14. so 3 14 for the pocket rocket 2 quite a good performance actually in these conditions all right so next up the wind master so a timed beat is three minutes um three minutes 15 seconds let's roll it stopwatch away so this stove has a few features that should actually help it in faster boil times it has a micro regulator which i mentioned earlier uh with a stove of the micro regulator it's just set up actually to work with at lower pressures um so that should actually help it because the gas is substantially reduced now in the canister um the burner itself you know we've said is closer in actually on on the pot um other features you know it has a larger burner head itself and the burner is a concave design to try and protect it from the wind so let's see if that really makes much difference so we're on 45 seconds at the moment and again you're just going to have to take my word for them and i will tell you when it's boiling and then you will actually obviously see you know the steam coming out of the top of the stove um so we're on the go one minute in reality if one stove boils something 10 seconds quicker or 15 seconds quicker or 30 seconds quicker it doesn't really matter you know what's up to you as i was saying you know earlier on uh as to if you want a stove that is lighter and more compact you know go for it and i tip it cheaper you know go for the pocket rocker two if you want something with a wee bit more featured you know with the micro leg regulator and the piezo igniter uh you know better theoretically better performance in the wind which we'll soon hopefully find out you can go for the um for the win master obviously a little bit more expensive so we're on 139 140 at the moment and i think we are yeah we're definitely good to go so 140. so for a difference there now you know and it's really just up to you as to whether that difference would actually matter um but that was a great boil time for the sodo windmaster so that's really about it for the testing today uh thank you what for watching i hope you find this relatively interesting um i really just picked the 300 ml i think i said did that stay earlier on and it's just a couple so if if some night you know or some day you're right about and you just want one hot drink 300 ml is just you know enough for for this actual cup um so that's why i picked 300 ml i'd also done a few tests before and i knew that both the stoves could probably boil that amount of water in under a minute so that's why i set this up as an actual challenge um so thanks for watching i'll be doing a few more tests i think maybe next time what i'll do is i'll just show you the difference that a different pot will make so if you're wanting to run a system that's a little bit maybe a little bit lighter we could use a titanium pot without a heat exchanger and that then will uh lighten your weight down but obviously it will affect boil times and performance so thank you very much for watching until next time you
Channel: Tom Heaney Adventure
Views: 12,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Bfp4EeXlkAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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