Mount Everest Expedition 2019 - What went wrong ? On summit climb | Life vs Death | Survival reality

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[Music] [Music] [Music] namaste it's me Ron I just got back from my Everest expedition two days ago you put aside my decent you know so many of my friends families and everyone was you know wishing me luck and having few programs and they were like they were like praising me so much [Music] good morning my Everest expedition starts now waited for five hours here in Kathmandu Airport and now it's time to fly to the plans but I started my trip from Kathmandu to Luca and track - everest base camp trek into aerospace camp is normally a tuna eight to nine days and I took nine days because I needed to be a cute eyes my body way and actually the MS expedition goes for two months a bit more but I didn't have enough time so I was planning to finish it in slightly you know tight schedule that's why I feel from Kathmandu on the 16th April by then actually the most of the climbers were already at the base camp hypnotizing yourself and doing other climes but for me you know running a company and handling other things that that you know that takes time and it's difficult to have two months I mean your head got except except that's the base camp where my camp is over a month and a half I would say it's my home for a month in half welcome to my Everest expedition 2019 this is 24th April 2099 here at the base camp climbing starts from tomorrow onwards and the timers are already you can see entire base camp it's all getting excited stay tuned man Cheers 24th and 25th April I stayed in base camp then actual crime started then you know under the next step we went from camp want you know best him to camp one and when from base camp - camp one is one of the most into the spot because we have to cross through Kumu I spot so many letters you know climbing on a rope it it was first time you know climbing a nice for me actually I planned few other peaks like you know a smaller Peaks around 6,000 meters but compared to those things that I've done it it's completely different because crossing to the glaciers and walking on those ladders seeing the crevasses like 300 meters for a minute how 2 meter deep crevasses and and lack of oxygen it was it was quite fun and but quite difficult anyway we went to camp on from base camp - camp one is really difficult but camp one to camp 2 is kind of easy I can say because we slept in camp 1 for one night and the next day we were going to camp - that was almost a flat almost a flat but still it's above 6000 meter camp one is 6,000 meter and camp 2 is 6,000 five millimeter and this is our first rotation so we have to go up to camp 2 that means next time we're going to camp 2 and still slept in camp to for a night you might wonder how we cook and eat we have the gas and the cooking things and dry food that I just put the hard water in it it have to keep it for 15 minutes and I can eat it it's a high altitude food a trifle whatever you say and for the hard water I have a you know thermos hi so hot guys outside so inside also it's even more harder I'm kind of having headache actually look at the view anyway left camp one around 20 minutes ago and now we are headed to camp 2 you can actually see the top of Everest and South Summit and South Col and let's say hey guys I'm almost to the camp it's another half an hour what and you can see it's another high mountain this is Bob and that face is the cam tree you can go to that that is careful I'm so close to the if you ever have imagined the paradise it is paradise cam 2 of Everest good afternoon mainly to em - hi took us two and a half hours from camp one staying two nights here and then I'll go back to can you know base camp again camp 3 and can you know come back so this process will be continuing first rotation finished we have to walk back to the base camp again with through the same Khumbu glacier Khumbu Icefall and same ladders same ropes and same way we got back to base camp then most of the people they go even lower and you know rest themself better but I stayed at the base camp for few other days like a week or something then again there is a another rotation that is called second rotation in second rotation you go from base camp - camp - directly because one leaf in the first rotation you wish to camp one otherwise you would have to directly from base camp base camp five thousand 365 meter camp - it's six thousand five the meter so we went from base camp - camp - in second to tourism and then next day we were supposed to go to camp three it is just to tots because nobody stayed most of the people don't stay at camp 3 even in their second rotation they just go hop to country and go back to camp - and again get back to base camp [Music] [Music] no it's the guys I just arrived with them - from base camp this is my second rotation this is normal that people do twice at least to country to acclimatize and then you know then they can proceed to the I'm kind of my guys is that I can't make it to the top I don't hire one more guide because my guide will carry my oxygen bottle and you will have only two I'll have four so me Helen fool does not actually matter because he told me that if I walk slow they'll finish his oxygen every tango if you can't go I can't go he won't let me go I have to get back what I add another 1520 thousand dollars extra to make this trip happen hire another quarter who will be carrying the audience and he says that I walked very slow I don't know what Chloe's you know this came to camp on six hours personal gym one two to three hours and when I did the second rotation now get base camp - camp - I made it era it in half hours and today I went to cam 3sat 7,000 something with it we made it four and a half all together and I know I didn't have to get here say to our six hours I don't know what is no I always say that I'm always faster than any other word I don't know what to do now yes we are heading back to base camp now and we'll wait for the final push and we need the best way that to do that anywhere else but my guide so listen I have added one more Sherpa who is going to carry our oxygen tanks and food so it will be much easier for us to submit Cheers you know yeah base camp - camp - I mean camp one it's crazy and can't want to come - it's okay but again can camp you two can't be is amazing like you have to go through this type of like flat you know lot surface which is which is crazy but so nice that you're actually climbing and then we want to come - it can be and can back to them - it stayed one night again that means still two nights in camp - again so in our second rotation we have already said in the higher altitude for four nights in base camp everyone is waiting for [Music] [Music] these ten we are trying to Solita ever standard 16th yeah did you get the 15 can't win sixteen morning let's see [Music] canta flowers and let's say [Music] - Sam - yeah Jim you know ladders same experience but it's easier turn rotation because we are we were much more acute iced and weather wasn't that good when we arrived at camp - under you know final push ah good afternoon it's 12:30 and we are here at the camp - we started nearly at 5 o'clock this morning and we are here at 2030 mins it took us little less than 8 hours the weather is not that that good so we don't know what's going to happen next if the weather clears up we'll go to camp 3 tomorrow and continue to the summit if not we'll happily stay here and wait for the clear weather see you later guys Cheers good morning it's 11 o clock and today we are headed to camp the over there it's quite hot now but it can be called very soon one night over there and noble knights next night will be walking towards the top of the world can see camp two over there look so close but it takes a lot of time the oxygen that makes it see she can't read a good evening it's six o'clock I I started at 11 o clock this morning took me seven hours to get here last time when I came to touch here it was five hours but this time I took a lot of time I took rest and I'm not that tired today it's very risky to go around so I'm not going anywhere around I'm just taking to start from here this is the veer and this is my tent I'm gonna go in and I'm not gonna come out again till tomorrow morning Cheers next day we all fix our oxygen tanks and everything and we started going to camp or 15th evening we arrived at Campo Campo is also called Death Zone because it's almost the top 8,000 meter it's actually seven thousand nine hundred thirty five meter I think and we arrived at around four o'clock in the afternoon waited and we fixed our tents the wind was still in strong but later on the wind wind was off so the weather got better as per our plan the weather was really nice on the fifteenth evening [Music] it's the evening of 15 and we are ready to climb this big Everest right there in a while we're gonna start then at about 9:30 we started our climb excess ascending and you know client from camp or to the blue eyes to a bit further I can say it would be about 8,000 300 meters or a thousand 250 meters or something that we were you know almost going another five six hours would be at the top of the world but suddenly my guide says that he is not feeling well when we are humans we we can't force ourselves when my guide says is not feeling well what can I do good evening it's a seven o'clock in the evening sixteen to me yesterday we were about to go to you know every stop but after some time Jiang would I got sick and we had to come down with this is his first time so we decided not to go so we came back but today the weather is freakin crazy it's windy it's just crazy I can't believe this I have no other afternoon running away now I think but let's see what happens now we are at the Campo and this wind is making us crazy it's it's faking see you tomorrow good morning guys water has to be freaky we are at Campo we are trying to run away from here look at outside I have got to show you something if possible everyone is trying to get ready and run away so bad weather so bad way in there let us go down the wind is blowing and the temperature is you know cooling you down like freezing you to depth so we were just trying to you know waiting for the better weather to drive away from there then anyway this is my experience politics you know every sixth reason please follow me on youtube follow me on Facebook see what happens next time I'm definitely doing it again hope you liked the video please if you liked the video don't forget to give a thumbs up and then subscribe the channel thank you again thanks for watching my adventure Cheers you
Channel: Ram Sharan Upreti
Views: 712,010
Rating: 4.7939944 out of 5
Keywords: Mount Everest Expedition, Everest expediton 2019, Climb Everest, Everest Climbing, Nepal climbing, Climbing tour, Mountain Climbing in Nepal, Mountain Ram Adventures, Everest climbing news, Trekking in Nepal, Trek in Nepal, Hike in Nepal, Nepal hiking adventure, Climbing adventure in Nepal, Nepal mountain climbing expedition, How to survive on the mountain, Everest movie, Nepal Mountaineering association, TAAN, NTB, Nepal Tourism Board, Nepal Mountain Climbing videos
Id: HVO-dCaxJ2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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